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(Specially from Paris.)

FIRST FIGURE.-Evening toilet dress of mauve faye silk, with a round skirt, the widths of which are all gored. Body plain, buttoned with amethysts. Tight sleeves. Velvet Polonaise of a darker shade of mauve, cut as a basquine, with the seams on the slant. The corselet and widths of the skirt are cut together without any joining at the waist. Page sleeves in the mediaval style. All the edges of the Polonaise are bordered with swansdown.

SECOND FIGURE.-Ball toilet composed of a dress with a first skirt of white satin, trimmed with three flounces laid in fan-plaits, and having a head separated by a blond insertion, laid on blue satin ribbon. A second skirt of tulle, in the tunic shape, bordered by a flounce, matching those of the first skirt, but narrower; at the side a flood (how else can one translate fleuve?), in the sense of flowing satin ribbon, interrupted to follow the image, by a tuft of white narcissi, with Bismarck foliage. White satin body trimmed at top with a tulle plaiting, and accompanied by a Marie Antoinette fichu of tulle, bordered by narrow flounces, trimmed, like the skirt, with blue satin ribbon. Coiffure ornamented with narcissi, fastened by rolled blue satin cross-strips.

The Marie-Antoinette fichu continues in great favour for evening dress. They are pointed at the back like a small cape; the fronts, sometimes laid in plaits, cross over the breast, and fasten or tie at the back with long ends. Some are

formed of lace insertion and ribbon, or rows of lace. They are also made to wear with high silk dresses, in which case they are of a bright contrasting colour, made without folds, and trimmed on the edge with points of satin, velvet, lace, or fringe. Sashes have become very important items of dress, aud often very expensive ones. scarfs are frequently fastened on the shoulders and knotted over the skirt on a thin evening dress the effect is very airy and graceful.


Dresses for the street are worn (at will) either long or short, but are always very flat in appearance.

In dress materials we have a variety of poplins, reps, velours, and winseys; also a tissue of two shades of brown, blue, violet, and green on a darker shade, which gives a changeable effect to the material.

There are fabrics termed metallic, composed of woollen material woven with threads of gold or silver; but I doubt their popularity.

The dyes of the season are more brilliant than ever: in silks and satins this is especially evident. In purples we find shades of misty violet, descending to the deepest tones of the richest pansy. In greens we have the Azof, luminous, chemical, and golden-green, something like that of an Indian beetle's wing; while the yellows vary from the palest canary to flaming orange or brilliant gold colour; and the blues range from torquoize to rich dark Dagmar.



"The Light-"M. K., Cork."-We have not forgotten our proLines ;" The misc to this lady, but, not being able to consult a general index, we are compelled to postpone the fulfilment of it for a time.

POETRY accepted, with thanks.
Bearers;" "True and Fest;"
Sunny Face."
Declined, with thanks.--"The Vow;" "If I might
Tell Thee!" "To a Snow-drop;" "A Spring

PROSE accepted, with thanks.-"James Barry
Gratuitous Advice;" "Cottage Life in Scotland
The Enchanted Looking-glass;"
The Ship-

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wreck." SOCIETY OF FEMALE ARTISTS. We regret to be obliged to postpone our notice of this exhibition. "Auctions: my experience of them."-In answer to a correspondent, we beg to say that this amusing article in our January number was written by Mrs. Cupples, Gerard Bridge, Fifeshire, whose name was omitted by mistake.

Declined, with thanks. Communications from "L. N.,” “B. V. B.," "Norton," and "Newton Basset."-We are obliged for the offer of "Old Dobin," which is returned by post. "The Legend of the Round Tower."

- There is so much promise in this article, that we regret we are not able to accept it. A little more practice will, we have no doubt, enable the author to be of use to us.

Music, books for review, &c., &c., must be sent in by the 10th of each month to receive notice in the next number.

All MSS., letters, &c., may be addressed to the Editor (care of Mr. Alger), 265, Strand, W.C.


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