THE TOILET. (Specially from Paris.) INTERMEDIATE SEASON TOILETS. merely a plaiting of blond under a small round or lozenge of tulle, on which a flower is adjusted before, and a knot of ribbon or velvet floats above or under the chignon, which, ugly as it was voted when it first appeared, still holds its ground, though creped and curled hair is worn again at the back, and the waterfall or flow of curls is in high favour. FIRST FIGURE.-Dress of gros-grain silk Our model is a slaty-grey, ornamented on the front breadth (which is cut en tablier, and edged at the sides with rounded scollops) with embroidery, colour on colour. Sleeves, closefitting, are cut with rounded points at the side. Basquine of black silk, close-fitting, and But, talking of bonnets, the milliners comtrimmed all round with a deep flounce of Chan-plain that the fanchon form admits of no origi tilly lace. Sleeves tight. Bonnet composed of several rows of black lace, long lace barbes tying behind. Pomegranate flowers. SECOND FIGURE.-(Costume for Confirmation, or first Communion.)- Dress of thin, white nuslin, trimmed with three Marie Antoinette flounces. Body gathered à la Vierge, and surmounted by a Marie Antoinette fichu. Sleeves tight, with a flounce at top and a cuff at the wrist. On the hair a white tulle net, bordered with a ruche of tulle. Muslin veil. THIRD FIGURE.-Dress of mauve pou de soie, scalloped, and trimmed at the sides with double bias strips of satin. Waistband with long ends, rolled with satin. Sleeves trimmed with satin bias-pieces to similate the trimming on the front of the skirt. White crape bonnet in the Trianon shape, somewhat convex at The fanchon, whether of straw, tulle, or lace, continues to be the favourite shape of bonnets, which are worn exceedingly small. The coiffure is no particular form-mere pretexts for ribbons and flowers: thus we sometimes see. nality in the style of ornament: it has also be come too common: all the world wears it, and therefore chaperon-dentelle is to be preferred to it. In lingerie there is likewise nothing new; always the fichu Marie Antoinette, with long ends-always the little Amazon collar, that have so long been in favour with thegrandes elegantes. Foulards and Cashmere continue to be the fabrics for robes interieur. Satin rouleaux and pipings are much used to trim dresses: they vary from half an inch to an inch-and-a-half in width. Walking dresses are often made available for dress purposes by the addition of a train, which is plaited on to a band at the waist and buttons down the side-seams. Another mode of economizing a dress is to have a deep flounce, which may either match the short petticoat, or be of some bright contrasted colour. This is buttoned on like the false flounce of a crinoline, I am glad to say that those very beautiful fabrics Irish poplins are much in favonr. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. above would make his paper as amusing as the subject is); "Mrs. Strangeway's Ghost Story" (not equal to the intention). The MSS. will be returned to the authors on the receipt of stamps for transmis sion. We can on no other terms undertake to return MSS. Music, books for review, &c., &c., must be sent in by the 10th of each month to receive notice in the next number. All MSS., letters, &c., may be addressed to the Editor (care of Mr. Alger), 265, Strand, W.C. PRINTED BY ROGERSON AND TUXFORD, 265, STRAND. |