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Full Moon, 1st day, at 28 min. past 3 afternoon.
Last Quar., 9th day, at 6 min. past 8 morning.
New Moon, 17th day, at 15 min. past 4 morning.
First Quar., 24th day, at 1 min. past I morning.

Full Moon, 31st day, at 11 min. past 2 morning.

Sun Moon High WATER D. D. OCCURRENCES. rises and rises & London Bridge.

sets. y sets. morn. / aftern.

h. m. d. h. m. b. m. h. m. 1 T Lord's-M.C.C.v.Oxford U.r 3 49 F RISES. 1 20 1 45 2 F

s 8 1815 9 20 3 S Paisley Reg. Dog Days begin. r 3 51 1610 1 45 Fourth Sunday after Trinity, s 8 171710 31 3 45 4 5 M Kent v. England, at Lord's. r 3 521810 55 6 T Newmarket Jaly M.

s 8 16 1911 14 5 5 5 25 7W

r 3 542011 32 5 8 T Oxford Lord'ss 8 15 21 11 49 6 30 6 50

9 F Odiham R. Cambridge Term ends.r 3 56 22 ordine. 7 15 7 35 10 S Oxford Term ends.

S 8 13 23 0 6 8 0 8 30 11 S Fifth Sunday after Trinity. 1 3 58.24 0 23 9 0 9 35 12 M Surrey v. Englanıl, at Lord's. is 8 12 25 0 4410 010 35 13 T

r4 026 1 711 511 35! 14 W Liverpool Races. Lewes Cat. Shows 8 1027 1 37 No tide 0 5 15 T M.C.C. v. Westm., at Vincent-sq.r 4 228 2 15 0 30 0 55 16 F

's 8 829 3 3 1 15 1 40 17 S

ir 4 5 N SETS. 2 0 2 25 18$ Sixth Sunday after Trinity. s 8 6 1 9 16 2 45 3 19 M Gentlemen v. Players, at Lord's. r 4 8 2 9 46 3 25 3 20 T Stamford R. Royal Irish Reg. s 8 3 3 10 10 4 5 4 21 W Knutsford Races. Margate Reg. r 4 10 4 10 33 4 45 5 22 TM.C.C.v.SurreyC.,at Kennington.s 8 1 510 53 5 35 5 23 F Guildford Races.

r 4 13 611 14 6 20 6 45 24 S M.C.C. v. Harrow, at Harrow. s 7 58 711 36 7 10 7 45 25 $ Sebenth Sunday after Trinity, r 4 16 8 Morniny. 8 10 8 40 26 M St. Anne.

s 7 55 9 0 3 9 2019 50 27 T Goodwood Races.

lr 4 1810 0 36 10 2511 5 28 W Public School Matches begin at's 7 52 11 i 1711 40 No tide 29 T Goodwood Cup Day. [Lord's. r 4 2112 2 8 0 15 0 45 30 F

s 7 50 13 3 11 1 15 1 45 31 S

fr 4 24 F RISES. 2 6 2 30

RACES IN JULY. Salisbury ..............1 & 2 1 Odiham

............ 9 | Nottingham ..........22 & 23 Heath (Ireland) .......... 5 Ilsley ................... 14 Abingdon ............92 & 23 Newmarket ........6, 7 &

........14, 15 & 16 Guildford................ 23 Worcester.............6 & 71 Ipswich ..............15 & 16 | Goodwood..... 27 Woodford and Lougliton 6 & 7 Stamford . ........20 & 21 | Downham Market .. . 28 Lancaster ............7 & 8 Knutsford........... 21 & 22 Wenlock .........

........ 28 Jersey .......

8 Bellewstown .............. 21 |

REGATTAS IN JULY. Paisley .................. 8 Leander Club, Coat & Badge 9 | Royal Irish, Dublin Bay 20 & 21 St. Mary-le-Strand........ 5 | Prince of Wales Y.C. ..... 12 Putney Watermnen........ 21 Lowestoft ............6 & 7 | Cork Harbour .......... 12 Margate .............21 & 22 Worcester.............8 & 9 | Thames Watermen .. 19 & 20 ) Royal Cork, evo,1.27 & 28 Royal Cornwall

........... 29

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“ Est modus in rebus : sunt certi denique fines

Ultra quos, citraque, nequit consistere rectum."


England is proud, and with reason, of the freedom of her press ; it is a privilege, the attributes of which, like those of charity, are “doubly bless'd." The commission is one of frank grace, both in its relation to those who confer and those who receive it. How fair and full of promise is occasion, when the guardians and censors of civil order feel that their office is a sinecure that society is so hale and wholesome that their occupations gone! How eloquent of the reign of right principle is the condition of that land whose charter ensures for opinion, and expression, liberty as free and fertilizing as the air which circulates within it! With a deep conviction of the value of this rich national inheritance

-earnest disciples of the commonwealth of mind-we are jealous and watchful sentinels of our prerogative. We can ill brook the chance of blow or discouragement to the gracious career of untrammelled thought. It is not the province of this work to take cognizance of what has recently occurred in connexion with the politics of other countries, and the fashion of comment on them in some of our periodicals and newspapers. It might, indeed, be more conducive to the general convenience, were the “ genus irritabile" to repudiate the habit that goes about begirt with Colt's revolvers, and to bear in mind that a mission commands more of the elements of success which accosts with courtesy, than that which opens its business by a box on the ear. Hector's vein is not that most becoming the professor of humanities ; it is not the advocate of a good cause that addresses himself to the issue and the jury, like one -as Mathews, père, used to sing—"tucking up his fingers for a fight.”

Suaviter in modo : fortiter in re,” is the philosophy of oratory, and the canon of good taste ; it would be well were it at all times the motto of journalism. Having then in account the social compact involved in the conventional animosity accorded to the public writer, the natural instinct of fair play is opposed to any pretence for abusing it. In this spirit we may profitably investigate the steps at present being pursued by propounders of opinion, in the direction towards which the especial interests of these pages point. The context will furnish both the premises and the purpose of this review. The crisis of a public scandal, such as that of unrestrained gambling in our streets, has reached its culmination. Upon what principle of social policy the dies ire was so long posponed, it is difficult to surmise ; a specimen of the logic may not be out of place or season. The chaplain of the Compter, in a letter to the editor of the Times, published in that paper on the 1st uit., after bearing witness to the “ inevitable terdency of Betting Houses to lead to an increase of crime and robbing employers,” goes on thus to philantropbise his denunciation......." But allow me to say that the remedy is to be looked for more from public opinion and private exertion than any act of the legislature. If my Lord this, and the Marquis of that, will carry on the same system of betting enormous sums upon horse racing, and public opinion will countenance them in it, no act of Parliament will ever prevent their example being imitated by a crowd of humble followers." The last place under the sun where one would have imagined twaddle might calculate upon making a lodgment, was the broad sheet of “ The Thunderer.” Here we read, and are required to learn, that he who has fifty thousand per annuin of income, is by no means to dispose of his money as he thinks fit, lest he who has nothing a year should see occasion to do the same by the property, cash, and chattles of other people. Company honoured by invitation to Buckingham palace will carefully refrain from touching blanc-mange or Burgundy, otherwise “no act of Parliament will ever prevent their example being imitated by a crowd of humble followers." Henceforth, and for ever, must turtle and iced punch be banished from the bills of fare at Guildhall and the Mansion House, unless the corporation of the city of London are prepared to provide similar items for the dietaries of all metropolitan and provincial unions.......

“Dum vitant stulti vitia, in contraria currunt.” Descending the scale of balderdash, we arrive at one of the regular betting-den robbery cases, lately presented to Sir Peter Laurie at the Justice Room. Upon this occasion a city constable, or in the refined phrase of modern vocabulary, “ officer” (a generic title of distinction of unlimited range, from the official par excellence, or Government officer- A flat in alt-down to the sheriff's officer, A sharp below the line) - upon this occasion a civic captivating functionary--in the course of his report, is made to assert that, to his knowledge, there was no betting carried on at the house of any licensed victualler in the city.”... Now here we have the member of a corps so eminent for preventive subtlety, that Mr. Dickens wrote a chapter of Household Words about them, in the style of Alexander Dumas and Eugene Sue-here, I say, we have this constable-officer of the capital of the universe, deliberately stating that which he knew, or was bound to know, had no truth in it. If Sir Peter Laurie will take the trouble to inquire of any costermonger, cabman, omnibus-conductor, street-" orderly," or other “ gentleman," miscellaneous in the thoroughfares between Tower Hill and Temple Bar, he will be informed the greatest betting establishment in London is that conducted on licensed premises by a licensed victualler of the city, within five hundred yards of the justice room (if it wasn't a libel, I would take odds the Lord Mayor could tell “the worthy alderman." the sign of the tap).

The bubbles which burst consequent on the issue of the Derby, of course begat strictures various in their character as the cases to which they related, in cause and effect. An eminent instance quoted was that of a certain Mr. Barnett, of somewhere in St. James's! by nomenclature apparently, a scion of that “wonderful people which from the days of Jacob, downwards, have believed and swindled.” This “indiwidual,” as Liston used to pronounce it, is a member of Tattersall's (who were his sponsors ?) Well, on the settling day, having drawn all the money he could from his debtors, it seems he drew all the cheques that he could

for his creditors, in short till they repudiated his flimsy, and according to his version of the catastrophe, hustled him out of sight. The cheques were not paid at the banks of course. Assuming this to be fact, it was a practice considerably in villanous advance of highway robbery. Bell's Life has a summary of this bit of rascality to the following effect ......" We learn with delight that a measure is in contemplation on the part of the government, for the purpose of immediately putting an end to these nuisances, which not only encourage a spirit among persons who have nothing of their own wherewith to gainble, and who, consequently, obtain the money to gratify their passion by dishonest means, but are also calculated materially to damage the speculations of the legitimate book-makers frequenting the subscription rooms, several of whom have been compelled, however unwillingly, to open lists in self-defence !...... Thus the lex talionis being recognised as sound statute law, is become competent for A, standing under arraign for having picked B's pocket, to plead in justification that he did so because he had been served in like manner by C.

Did the mal-adroitness of meddlers go no farther, it might be spared notice, inasmuch it could effect little either good or bad. But it wont keep within mischievousless bounds. It must mouthe like ancient Pistol. It must beard the legislature, and ask the executive to tamper, if it dare, with the liberty of the subject (to rob its master's till, and cut its own throat in the station-house). True, your Hectoring about the divinity of the people is now stale and carrion bait, wherewith to fish for your fool's gudgeon; but if it catch no flats it enlists foes against the cause of which it seems the parasite. All whose countenance is worth the canvassing, that are opposed, upon principle, to the great national sport of England, have imbibed their prejudice from a contemplation of its perversion...... Does “ going the whole hog,” supply an illustration of deductions from such premises? There is no time to submit the solution to the Conscript Fathers of Notes and Queries ; but may not the interpretation of that familiar mataphor imply that while a rasher of bacon is the glory of a breakfast table, to skvallow a fathom of black-pudding is not a feat for a gentleman ? I don't advise the sire of a city family to introduce his sons, as soon as they assume tails to their jackets, into the ring formed to inaugurate The Licensed Victual. lers' Stakes at Epsom Spring Meeting. But there are more unwholesome resorts than Newmarket Heath, for those who can afford to visit it ; and the cavalcade which marshals the royal advent to Ascot races is in better taste than anything as yet attempted by Mr. Batty......... 1500! bard of “English Bards,” that I had one note of thy golden gamut wherewith to sing of cant! to chaunt of the good old gentlewoman's vice which compounds for pet peccadilloes by raising a hue and cry against what " it's not inclined to !" to contrast in thy resistless recitative the sic itur ad astra of Exeter Hall with the facilis discensus at the corner of Grosvenor Place. Says Smellfungus-“ Never talk to me of sporting fellows-foul-phrased, ill-spoken churls, that pour forth invective as natural parts of speech : libels on the sweet meekness of Christian communication.”...... "Mr. Smells,' rejoins the Tulip (“him as rode the Brimstone mare for the Bullock-Smithy Handicap '') "Mr. Smells, for the matter of that I make bold to think as how there are some on your own sort pretty hard in the mouth too. There is that chap as they calls Harry of Exeter been and gone and had a flare up with wot used to be Lord Ashley--not Ashley's theatre, but a regular lord of the noo houses on the Middlesext side of the water. Well, they has a shindy, and what does the bishop do but he ups and rites to the pear of Parliament or leastwise so the papers says Your lordship’ (this is how Harry expresses his-self), 'your lordship must permit me to express my astonishment that, if not your feeling as a churchman, yet at least your courtesy as a gentlenian (what does he mean by a gentleman's courtsey ?) and even your sense of ordinary decency did not restrain

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" Thou fool, first cast out the beam that is in thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to remove the mote which is in thy brother's eye.”...... Assuming Smellfungus and the Tulip to be the persons in this morality, whose sight is affected by the mote, and whose by the beam?

The opening meeting of the month of June was that at Manchester. It appears to have been just the kind of rendezvous that might have been anticipated- full of fun, and thoroughly well furnished in the essential of finance. There were three days running, none of it first class, but all of a good average. The weather, it need not be premised, was better for the grain crops than what Messrs. Moses call “ garments." The first day had five events to amuse and interest the companychiefest of which was the Union Cup handicap (of course ?) There were 72 subscribers to it, and a field of a score ; of these Frantie was the favourite at 5 to 2 against him-observe him, as this animal is continually alluded to in the feminine gender. In a slashing set-to, he won on the post by a neck. He carried 6st. 6lbs. for his three-yearold form : Iris, 7st. 12lbs., was nowhere, unless she was last. According to the new average scale adopted for the royal plates, he carried but 3lbs. less at weight for age than the winner of the Oaks. The “ Coopday drew its million ; moreover the skiey influences were propitious. The great race had 66 nominations, and nine runners, as the result of the subtlety of a handicap. The favourite was the Black Doctor, with only 2 to 1 against him; his weight st. 3lbsHaving in account the loads to carry, the field contained nothing to beat him on paper ; and so it was on the ground-he won cleverly by a length. We are speaking of the Manchester Trades Cup. There were four other races, but they do not call for details. Friday, which wound up the meeting, had five issues on the card. The Salford Borough Cup, the event, failed to induce the Black Doctor again to reward his friends he did not go --and Little Fawn was the winner...... In addition to this sporting provincial tryst, there were some half-a-dozen rural races in the week ... here with four heats by way of variety, and there with the fields distanced, winners excepted. Everywhere the speculation on the approaching week was “stunning." Adopting the moral of Burns'-or rather Braham's—“ Scots wha' hae wi' Wallace bled ”-those who had been done, and undone, on the Derby, resolved to “ do or die.” Mr. Bentley, in his Miscellany, assures us that during the current summer one Betting-House Rothschild's ledger exhibited a lot of 8,000 wagers laid on, or rather against, one race ; whence we are told—" reckoning the average annount of each at £4, which is within the truth, it follows that £32,000 have been staked with him alone, on one race.”...... What say you to that, and its inevitable consequences, most gentle reader ?

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