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4 Ten thousand diff'ring lips shall join To hail this welcome morn;


Which scatters blessings from its wings
To nations yet unborn.

126. L.M. MRS. STEELE.


Hymn for the Lord's day morning.

REAT GOD! this sacred day of thine
Demands our souls' collected pow'rs;

May we employ in work divine,

These solemn, these devoted hours!

2 Hence, ye vain cares and trifles! fly;
Where GOD resides appear no more ;
Omniscient GOD! thy piercing eye
Can ev'ry secret thought explore.

3 The word of life dispens'd to-day,
Invites us to a heav'nly feast;
May ev'ry ear the call obey,
Be ev'ry heart an humble guest!
4 Thy spirit's pow'rful aid impart;
O may thy word with life divine
Engage the ear and warm the heart !
Then shall the day indeed be thine.


127. L.M. MRS. STEELE.


The pleasure and advantage of divine worship. APPY the men, whom strength divine With ardent love and zeal inspires! Whose steps to thy blest way incline, With willing hearts and warm desires.

2 Still

2 Still they pursue the painful road;
Increasing strength surmounts their fear;
Till all, at length, before their GOD
In Sion's glorious courts appear.
3 One day within thy sacred gate
Affords more real joy to me,
Than thousands in the tents of state;
The meanest place is bliss with thee.
4 GOD is a sun; our brightest day
From his reviving presence flows;
GOD is a shield, thro' all the way
To guard us from surrounding foes.
5 He pours his kindest blessings down,
With bounteous hand on souls sincere;
And grace shall guide, and glory crown
The happy fav'rites of his care.

6 O LORD of hosts, thou Gon of grace!
How blest, divinely blest, is he,
Who trusts thy love, and seeks thy face,
And fixes all his hopes on thee!



128. S.M. WATTS.

The book of nature and scripture.

EHOLD the lofty sky Declares its maker GOD; And all its starry works on high Proclaim his pow'r abroad. 2 The darkness and the light Still keep their course the same ; While night to day, and day to night, Divinely teach his name.

3 In ev'ry diff'rent land



Their general voice is known:
They shew the wonders of his hand,
And orders of his throne.

Ye British isles rejoice:
Here he reveals his word:
We are not left to nature's voice
To bid us know the LORD.

His statutes and commands
Are set before our eyes :
He puts his gospel in our hands,
Where our salvation lies.

6 His laws are just and pure,
His truth without deceit;
His promises for ever sure,
And his rewards are great.



129. L.M. WATTS.

The works and word of GOD.

HE heav'ns declare thy glory, LORD;
In ev'ry star thy wisdom shines;
But when our eyes behold thy word,
We read thy name in fairer lines.

2 The rolling sun, the changing light,
And nights and days thy pow'r confess;
But the blest volume thou hast writ,
Reveals thy justice and thy grace.

3 Sun, moon, and stars convey thy praise
Round the whole earth, and never stand;
So when thy truth began its race,
It touch'd and glanc'd on ev'ry land.

4 Nor shall thy spreading gospel rest,
Till through the world thy truth has run:
Till Christ has all the nations blest
That see the light or feel the sun.
5 Father of lights! in glory rise;
Bless the dark world with heav'nly light;
Thy gospel makes the simple wise,
Thy laws are pure, thy judgments right.
6 Thy noblest wonders here we view,
In souls renew'd, and sins forgiv'n:
LORD, cleanse my sins, my soul renew,
And make thy word my guide to heav'n.


130. P.M. WATTS.

The same subject.

GREAT GOD! the heav'n's well-order'd


Declares the glories of thy name :
There thy rich works of wonder shine;
A thousand starry beauties there,
A thousand radiant marks appear,

Of boundless pow'r and skill divine. 2 From night to day, from day to night, The dawning and the dying light

Lectures of heav'nly wisdom read;
With silent eloquence they raise
Our thoughts to the creator's praise,
And neither sound nor language need.

3 Yet their divine instructions run
Far as the journies of the sun,
And distant nations know their voice:-


The sun, in robes of splendour drest, Breaks from the chambers of the east, Moves round, and bids the earth rejoice. 4 Where'er he spreads his beams abroad, He speaks the majesty of GOD:


All nature joins to shew thy praise. Thus Gop in ev'ry creature shines : Fair is the book of nature's lines, But fairer is the book of grace.

131. L.M. WATTS.

Praise to God for his goodness.


my soul! the living GOD. Call home thy thoughts that rove abroad;

Let all the pow'rs within me join

In work and worship so divine.

2 Bless, O my soul! the GOD of grace;
His favours claim thy highest praise:
Let not the wonders he hath wrought,
Be lost in silence and forgot.

3 His mercy crowns our growing years :
Our youth decay'd his pow'r repairs :
He satisfies our mouths with good,
And fills our hopes with heav'nly food.
4 The vices of the mind he heals,

And sooths the pains which nature feels: Redeems our souls from death, and saves Our wasting lives from threat'ning graves. 5 He sees th' oppressor and th' opprest, And often gives the suff 'rer rest;


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