Our daily bread thy bounty gives, The rich, the sure, the faithful friend. 1 163. C.M. FLEXMAN. GREA GOD our constant benefactor. REAT GOD! to thee my grateful tongue My fervent thanks shall raise : Inspire my heart to raise the song Which celebrates thy praise. 2 From thy almighty forming hand My time revolves at thy command, 3 Thy pow'r my ever-present guard, While numerous dangers hover round, 4 Beneath the shadow of thy wings, Thy morning light renews the spring 5 In celebration of thy praise, And, walking steadfast in thy ways, 164. L.M. TATE and BRADY. Ο Praise due from the righteous. RENDER thanks to GoD above, 2 Who can recount his wondrous deeds? 165. L.M. LIVERPOOL COLLECTION. The universal providence of GOD. He gives the sun his genial pow'r, 2 The 2 The ground with plenty blooms again, 3 Nor to the human race alone 4 Not ev❜n a sparrow yields its breath, 166. S.M. MRS. STEELE. Obligation to gratitude and praise. MY Maker, and my King! To thee my all I owe : Thy sov'reign bounty is the spring, My GOD! thy benefits demand More praise than tongue can give. O let thy grace inspire My soul with strength divine: Let all my pow'rs to thee aspire, And all my days be thine. 167. C. M. 167. C.M. Doddridge. The peculiar goodness of GOD to his people. WITH pleasing wonder, LORD! we view 3 But oh! what treasures, yet unknown, 40 how shall we our thanks express, But 'tis our comfort that to thee 5 Since time's too short, all-gracious GOD! To utter half thy praise, Loud to the honour of thy name, 168. C. M. ADDISON. GOD every where the refuge of his servants. 1 HOW [OW are thy servants blest, O LORD! How sure is their defence! N 2 Eternal Eternal wisdom is their guide, ' 2 In foreign realms, and lands remote, They pass unhurt, thro' burning climes, And breathe in tainted air. 3 Thy mercy sweetens ev'ry soil, Makes ev'ry region please; The hoary frozen hills it warms. And smooths the bost'rous seas. 4 Tho' by the dreadful tempest toss'd They know thou art not slow to hear, 5 The storm is laid, the winds retire, The sea, that roars at thy command, 6 From all my griefs and straits, O LORD! 7 In midst of dangers, fears, and death, And praise thee for thy mercies past, 8 My life, while thou preserv'st my life, And Ó may death, when death shall come, Unite my soul to thee! 169. C. M. |