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Our daily bread thy bounty gives,
And ev'ry rising want relieves.
3 To thee we cheerful homage bring;
In grateful hymns thy praises sing:
On thee we ever will depend,

The rich, the sure, the faithful friend.
4 And should thy measures seem severe,
Calmly may we thy chast'ning bear;
Without complaint to thee submit,
Th' unerring judge of what is fit.


163. C.M. FLEXMAN.


GOD our constant benefactor.

REAT GOD! to thee my grateful tongue

My fervent thanks shall raise : Inspire my heart to raise the song Which celebrates thy praise.

2 From thy almighty forming hand
I drew my vital pow'rs;

My time revolves at thy command,
In all its circling hours.

3 Thy pow'r my ever-present guard,
From ev'ry ill defends;

While numerous dangers hover round,
My help from thee descends.

4 Beneath the shadow of thy wings,
How sweet is my repose!

Thy morning light renews the spring
From whence thy comfort flows.

5 In celebration of thy praise,
I will employ my breath;

And, walking steadfast in thy ways,
Will triumph over death.

164. L.M. TATE and BRADY.


Praise due from the righteous.

RENDER thanks to GoD above,
The fountain of eternal love!
Whose mercy firm through
iges past
Hath stood, and shall for ever last.

2 Who can recount his wondrous deeds?
His greatness all our praise exceeds:
What mortal eloquence can raise
A tribute equal to his praise?
3 Happy are they, and only they,
Who from his precepts never stray;
Who know what's right, nor only so,
But always practise what they know.
4 Be this my happiness, to see
His saints in full prosperity!
That I the joyful choir may join,
And deem his people's triumph mine!


The universal providence of GOD.
THE earth, and all the heav'nly frame,
Their great Creator's love proclaim;

He gives the sun his genial pow'r,
And sends the soft refreshing show'r.

2 The

2 The ground with plenty blooms again,
And yields her various fruits to men;
To men, who from thy bounteous hand
Receive the gifts of evʼry land.

3 Nor to the human race alone
Is thy paternal goodness shown:
The tribes of earth and sea and air
Enjoy thy universal care.

4 Not ev❜n a sparrow yields its breath,
Till GoD permits the stroke of death :
He hears travens when they call,
The father and the friend of all!

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166. S.M. MRS. STEELE.

Obligation to gratitude and praise.

MY Maker, and my King!

To thee my all I owe :

Thy sov'reign bounty is the spring,
From whence my blessings flow.
Thou ever good and kind!
A thousand reasons move,
A thousand obligations bind
My heart to grateful love.
The creature of thy hand,
On thee alone I live :

My GOD! thy benefits demand

More praise than tongue can give.

O let thy grace inspire

My soul with strength divine: Let all my pow'rs to thee aspire, And all my days be thine.

167. C. M.

167. C.M. Doddridge.

The peculiar goodness of GOD to his people.

WITH pleasing wonder, LORD! we view
The bounties of thy grace:
How much bestow'd, how much reserv'd
For those who seek thy face!
2 Thy lib'ral hand with worldly good
Öft makes their cup run o'er ;
And in the cov'nant of thy love
They find a richer store.

3 But oh! what treasures, yet unknown,
Are lodg'd in worlds to come!
If these th enjoyments of the way,
How happy is their home!

40 how shall we our thanks express,
Or how thy goodness own?

But 'tis our comfort that to thee
Thy servants' hearts are known.

5 Since time's too short, all-gracious GOD! To utter half thy praise,

Loud to the honour of thy name,
Eternal hymns we'll raise.

168. C. M. ADDISON.

GOD every where the refuge of his servants.


[OW are thy servants blest, O LORD! How sure is their defence!

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Eternal wisdom is their guide, '
Their help omnipotence.

2 In foreign realms, and lands remote,
Supported by thy care,

They pass unhurt, thro' burning climes, And breathe in tainted air. 3 Thy mercy sweetens ev'ry soil, Makes ev'ry region please; The hoary frozen hills it warms. And smooths the bost'rous seas.

4 Tho' by the dreadful tempest toss'd
High on the broken wave,

They know thou art not slow to hear,
Nor impotent to save.

5 The storm is laid, the winds retire,
Obedient to thy will:

The sea, that roars at thy command,
At thy command is still.

6 From all my griefs and straits, O LORD!
Thy mercy sets me free,
Whilst in the confidence of pray'r
My heart takes hold on thee.

7 In midst of dangers, fears, and death,
Thy goodness I'll adore;

And praise thee for thy mercies past,
And humbly hope for more.

8 My life, while thou preserv'st my life,
Thy sacrifice shall be ;

And Ó may death, when death shall come, Unite my soul to thee!

169. C. M.

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