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4 Blest are the souls that find a place
Within the temples of thy grace:
Here they behold thy gentler rays,
Inquire thy will, and learn thy praise.

5 Blest are the men whose hearts are set
To find the way to Sion's gate :
GOD is their strength; and thro' the road
They lean upon their helper, GOD.

6 Cheerful they walk with growing strength,
Till all shall meet in heav'n at length,
Till all before thy face appear,
And join in nobler worship there.



2. C.M. WATTS.

Delight in public worship.

Y soul, how lovely is the place To which thy God resorts! "Tis heav'n to see his smiling face, 'Tho' in his earthly courts. 2 Here the great monarch of the skies His saving power displays; And light breaks in upon our eyes With kind and cheering rays. 3 Here, mighty GOD, thy works declare The secrets of thy will; And still we seek thy mercy here, And sing thy praises still.

4 To sit one day beneath thine eye, And hear thy gracious voice,

Exceeds a whole eternity

Employ'd in worldly joys.

5 Could

5 Could I command the spacious land,
And the unbounded sea,
For one blest hour at thy right hand
I'd give them both away.

3. P.M. WATTS.

The same subject.

1 LORD of the worlds above,
How pleasant and how fair

The dwellings of thy love,
Thine earthly temples are!
To thine abode
My heart aspires
With warm desires
To see my GOD.
2 O happy souls that pray,
Where GOD appoints to hear!
O happy men that pay
Their constant service there!
They praise thee still;
And happy they
Who love the way
To Sion's hill.

3 They go from strength to strength
Thro' this dark vale of tears,
Till each arrives at length,
Till each in heav'n appears :

O glorious seat,

When GOD Our King
Shall thither bring
Our willing feet!

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4 Blest are the souls that find a place
Within the temples of thy grace:
Here they behold thy gentler rays,
Inquire thy will, and learn thy praise.

5 Blest are the men whose hearts are set
To find the way to Sion's gate:

GOD is their strength; and thro' the road
They lean upon their helper, God.

6 Cheerful they walk with growing strength,
Till all shall meet in heav'n at length,
Till all before thy face appear,
And join in nobler worship there.

2. C. M. WATTS.

Delight in public worship.

1 MY soul, how lovely is the place
To which thy God resorts!

"Tis heav'n to see his smiling face,
'Tho' in his earthly courts.

2 Here the great monarch of the skies
His saving power displays;

And light breaks in upon our eyes
With kind and cheering rays.

3 Here, mighty GoD, thy works declare
The secrets of thy will;

And still we seek thy mercy here,
And sing thy praises still.

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4 To sit one day beneath thine eye, And hear thy gracious voice, Exceeds a whole eternity Employ'd in worldly joys.

2 While in thy house I now appear
Among thy saints, and seek thy face;
O may I see thy mercy here,
And taste the blessings of thy grace!

* Not all by worldly men possess'd,
Nor all the joys our senses know,
Could make me so divinely blest,
Or raise my cheerful passions so.
4 My life itself, without thy love,
No real pleasure could afford;
'Twould but a tiresome burden prove,
If I were banish'd from the LORD.

5 Amidst the wakeful hours of night,
When busy cares afflict my head,
One thought of thee gives new delight,
And adds refreshment to my bed.

6 I'll lift my hands, I'll raise my voice,
While I have breath to pray or praise;
This work shall make my heart rejoice,
And fill the remnant of my days.

6. C.M. WATTS.

Morning of the Lord's day.

1 FARLY, my Gon! without delay
I haste to seek thy face;
My thirsty spirit faints away,
Without thy cheering grace.
2 So pilgrims on the scorching sand,
Beneath a burning sky,
Long for a cooling stream at hand,
And they must drink or die.


3 Not

3 Not life itself, with all its joys,
Can my best passions move;
Or raise so high my grateful voice,
As thy forgiving love.
4 Thus, till my last expiring day,
I'll bless my God and king:
Thus will I lift my hands to pray,
And tune my lips to sing.


7. S. M. WATTS.
Morning of the Lord's day.

WITHIN thy churches, LORD,
I long to find a place;
Thy pow'r and glory to behold,
And seek thy promis'd grace.
2 My GOD! permit my tongue
This joy, to call thee mine:
And let my earnest pray'r prevail
To taste thy love divine.

3 For life, without thy love,
No relish can afford;
No joy can be compar'd with this,
To serve and please the LORD.
In wakeful hours of night,
I call my Gon to mind;
I think how wise thy counsels are,
And all thy dealings kind.



Since thou hast been my help,
To thee my spirit flies;
And on thy watchful providence
My cheerful hope relies.

8. C, M.

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