It scatters round a cheerful beam, 2 What though our mortal comforts fade, 3 My cares, I give you to the wind, 1 316. C.M. DODDRIDGE. HOW OW firm the saint's foundations stand! Sustain'd by GoD's almighty hand, 2 Fig-teees and olive-plants may fail, Famine through all his fields prevail, 3 God is the treasure of his soul, 1 317. C. M. Doddridge. GREAT REAT ruler of all nature's frame! We hear thy breath in ev'ry storm, Wide as they sweep their sounding way, 3 Thy mercy tempers ev'ry blast 1 318. L.M. DODDRIDGE. AWAKE, our noblest pow'rs! to bless The GOD of Abr'am, GOD of peace! Now by a dearer title known, Father, and GOD of Christ his son. 2 Through ev'ry age his gracious ear Is open to his servant's pray'r: Nor can the upright e'er complain, That he has sought his GoD in vain. 3 What unbelieving heart shall dare In whispers to suggest a fear? 1 While GOD still owns his ancient name, 319. C.M. DODDRIDGE. INQUIRE, ye pilgrims! for the way That leads to Sion's hill; And thither set your steady face 2 Invite the strangers all around, And spread the sentiments Of faith and love divine. you feel, 3 Come let us to his temple haste, 4 Come let us join our souls to GOD And seize the blessings he bestows, VAIN The knowledge of GOD. "AIN are the charms, and faint the rays And all their grandeur and their praise 2 To know the author of our frame, 3 For this I long, for this I pray ; 1 Till visions of eternal day 321. C. M. DODDRIDGE. The good man's prospect for time and eternity. MY And And march with holy vigour on, 2 Thro' all the winding maze of life, 3 His love thro' all the desart flows, 1 322. S.M. DODDRIDGE. GOD's care, a remedy for ours. HOW gentle GOD's commands ! Come cast your burdens on the LORD, His providence is kind: Let saints securely dwell: The hand which bears all nature up, 3 O why should anxious fears. 1 Haste to your heav'nly father's throne, 323. C.M. DODDRIDGE. Future glory the reward of present sufferings. HOW rich thy favours, gracious GOD! How various, how divine! Full Full as the ocean they are pour'd 2 GOD to eternal glory calls, And leads the wondrous way 3 The songs of everlasting years Which leads, thro' suff'rings of an hour, To joys that never end. 324. P. M. DODDRIDGE. Hymn of praise. PRAISE ye the LORD! prepare a new song; And let all his saints in full concert join: With voices united the anthem prolong, And shew forth his praises with music di vine. 2 Let praise to the LORD, who made us, ascend; Let each grateful heart be glad in its king: The God whom we worship, our songs will attend, And view with complacence the off'ring we bring. 3 Be joyful, ye saints, sustain'd by his might, And let your glad songs awake with each morn: For those who obey him are still his delight, |