4 Then praise ye the LORD! prepare a glad 1 song; And let all his saints in full concert join: With voices united the anthem prolong, And shew forth his praises with music divine. 325. Ρ.Μ. MRS. BARBAULD. Devout aspirations. GOD, our kind Master, merciful as just, Knowing our frame, remembers man is dust: His ear is open to the softest cry; His grace descends to meet the lifted eye. 2 He reads the language of the silent tear, And sighs are incense from a heart sincere: He marks the dawn of ev'ry virtuous aim, And fans the smoking flax into a flame. 3 Oh! set me from all earthly bondage free! Still ev'ry wish that centres not in thee: Bid my fond hopes, my vain disquiet cease, And point my path to everlasting peace. 1 I 326. P. M. MRS. BARBAULD. The same subject. F friendless in the vale of tears I stray, my way, Still let my steady soul thy goodness see, And with strong confidence lay hold on thee. 2. In ev'ry creature, Lord, I own thy pow'r; In each event thy providence adore: Thy promises shall cheer my drooping soul, Thy precepts guide me, and thy fear con trol. 3 Then, when at last I quit this transient 1 scene, Help me to leave it with a heart serene: Teach me to fix my ardent hopes on high, And, having liv'd to thee, in thee to die. 327. L.M. MRS. STEELE. Trust in the divine promises and perfections. THY promises are large and free, 2 My thoughts recal thy favours past, 328. P.M. MRS. MASTERS. 1 T The pleasures of religion. IS religion that can give live: 2 1 'Tis religion must supply After death its joys will be 329. P.M. MISS DAY. Attendance upon religious institutions. I'LL bless JEHOVAH's glorious name, Whose goodness heav'n and earth proclaim, With ev'ry morning light: Then in his temple to appear, 3 With grateful sorrow in my breast, 330. C.M. MRS. STEELE. COME Entreating the presence of GOD in bis churches. NOME, thou desire of all thy saints! Our humble strains attend, While with our praises and complaints Low at thy feet we bend. 2 How should our songs, like those above, 3 Dear Father! let thy glory shine, 1 331. L.M. MRS. STEELE. THOU Life and safety in GOD alone. HOU only sov'reign of my heart, My refuge, my almighty friend !And can my soul from thee depart, On whom alone my hopes depend? 2 Eternal life thy words impart, On these my fainting spirit lives: Here sweeter comforts cheer my heart, Than all the round of nature gives. Low at thy feet my soul would lie, 332. S. M. 1 332. S.M. MRS. STEELE. Imploring the presence of GOD. DEAR And solace of my care; 2 All envious clouds remove; 3 Then if my troubles rise, 1 333. L.M. MRS. STEELE. Trust in the divine merey. INDULGENT still to my request, 2 The hand that holds the rod, I see; 3 Thy hand sustains me lest I faint, x 2 334. С.М. |