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35. C.M. WATTS.

The goodness of GOD.

1 GOD reigns on high, but not confines

His goodness to the skies;
Thro' the whole earth his bounty shines,
And ev'ry want supplies.

2 With longing eyes thy creatures wait
On thee for daily food;
Thy lib'ral hand provides their meat,
And fills their mouths with good.
3 How kind are thy compassions, LORD!
How slow thine anger moves!
But soon he sends his pard'ning word,
To cheer the souls he loves.

4 Creatures, with all their endless race,
Thy pow'r and praise proclaim;
But saints who taste thy richer grace,
Delight to bless thy name.

5 Sweet is the mem'ry of thy grace,
O GOD, my heav'nly king!
Let age to age thy righteousness
In sounds of glory sing.

36. L.M. WATTS.

The perfections and providence of GOD.

HIGH in the heav'ns, Eternal GOD!

Thy goodness in full glory shines; Thy truth shall break thro' ev'ry cloud That veils and darkens thy designs.


2 For


2 For ever firm thy justice stands,
As mountains their foundations keep;
Wise are the wonders of thy hands;
Thy judgments are a mighty deep.
3 Thy providence is kind and large;
Both man and beast thy bounty share :
The whole creation is thy charge,
But saints are thy peculiar care.
4 My GOD! how excellent thy grace,
Whence all our hope and comfort springs!
The sons of Adam in distress,
Fly to the shadow of thy wings.

5 From the provisions of thy house,
We shall be fed with sweet repast;
There mercy like a river flows,
And brings salvation to our taste.
6 Life, like a fountain rich and free,
Springs from the presence ace of the LORD:
And in his light our souls shall see
The glories promis'd in his word.


37. C.M. WATTS.
The benignity of providence.

THY justice, LORD, maintains its throne,
Tho' mountains melt away;
Thy judgments are a world unknown,
A deep unfathom'd sea.

2 Above the heav'ns' created rounds,
Thy mercies far extend :
Thy truth outlives the narrow bounds,
Where time and nature end.

3 Safety

3 Safety to man thy goodness brings,
Nor overlooks the beast:
Beneath the shadow of thy wings
Thy children love to rest.

4 Tho' all created light decay,
And death close up our eyes,
Thy presence makes eternal day.
Where clouds can never rise.


38. C. M. MRS. STEELE.


The power and providence of GOD.

REAT is the LORD! our souls adore;
We wonder while we praise:

His pow'r what creature can explore,
Or equal honours raise !

2 His praise shall be our awful theme,
The wonders of his pow'r ;

We'll speak the honours of his name,
And bid the world adore.

3 How large his tender mercies are !
How wide his pow'r extends!
On his beneficence and care

The universe depends.

4 Great GOD! while nature speaks thy praise; With all her num'rous tongues, Thy saints shall tune diviner lays,

And love inspire their songs.

5 Thy pow'r and grandeur they shall sing,
The glories of thy reign:

Thy wondrous deeds, Almighty King!
Shall fill th' enraptur'd strain.

D 3

39. C. M.


Providence kind and bountiful.

THY kingdom, LORD, for ever stands,
While earthly thrones decay;
And time submits to thy commands,
While ages roll away.

2 Thy sov'reign bounty freeły gives
Its unexhausted store :
And universal nature lives
On thy sustaining pow'r.
3 Holy and just in all its ways
Is Providence divine;
In all its works, immortal rays
Of pow'r and mercy shine.

4 The praise of GOD, delightful theme!
Shall fill my heart and tongue;
Let all creation bless his name,
In one eternal song.


40. L.M. WATTS.

The divine nature, providence, and grace.

PRAISE Ye the LORD! 'tis good to raise hearts and voices in his praise:

His nature and his works invite

To make this duty our delight. 2 Great is the LORD, and great his might, And all his glories infinite : His wisdom's vast, and knows no bound, A deep where all our thoughts are drown'd.

3 He loves the meek, rewards the just,
Humbles the wicked in the dust,
Melts and subdues the stubborn soul,
And makes the broken spirit whole.
4 His saints are precious in his sight;
He views his children with delight:
He sees their hope, he knows their fear,
Approves, and loves his image there.



41. C.M. WATTS.

The divine mercy and benignity.

OW many are thy thoughts of love!
Thy mercies, LORD, how great!
Life is too short, and words too few,
Their numbers to repeat.

2 In all thy works thy hand we see,
Thy footsteps, LORD, we trace:
Thy goodness how divinely free!
Ánd wondrous is thy grace.
3 Thy wonders to thy servants show:
O! make thy work complete :
Then shall our souls thy glory know,
And own thy love is great.

42. C. M. WATTS.

GOD holy, just, and powerful.

HOW should the sons of Adam's race pure before their GOD?



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