2 When foes without, and fears within, Seek to disturb his peace,
To GOD he makes his sorrows known, And strait his sorrows cease.
3 When winds of strong temptation blow, And floods of trouble roll,
GOD is the help and refuge too, Of his distressed soul.
4 But when tremendous terrors seize,
Where will the sinner fly ? He feels a thousand agonies, And no deliv'rer nigh!
462. С.М. MRS. STEELE.
1 THE weary trav'ller, lost in night, Breathes many a longing sigh, And marks the welcome dawn of light, With rapture in his eye.
2 Thus the sweet dawn of heav'nly day Lost weary sinners find, When mercy with reviving ray Beams o'er the fainting mind. 3 To slaves opprest with cruel chains, How kind, how dear the friend, Whose gen'rous hand relieves their pains, And bids their sorrows end!
4 Thus kind, thus dear, that friend divinė, Who rescues captive souls; Unbinds the galling chains of sin, And all its pow'r controls.
5 My God! to thy revealed light My dawn of hope I owe; Once, wand'ring in the shades of night, And sunk in hopeless woe.
6 'Twas thy blest hand redeem'd the slave, And set the pris'ner free : Be all I am, and all I have,
463. С. М. MRS. STEELE.
Consolation in the divine promises.
WHEN fainting in the sultry waste,
And parch'd with thirst extreme,
The weary pilgrim longs to taste The cool refreshing stream.
2 Should, sudden, to his hopeless eye A crystal spring appear, How would th' enliv'ning sweet supply His drooping spirit cheer!
3 So longs the weary fainting mind, Opprest with sins and woes, Some soul-reviving spring to find, Whence heav'nly comfort flows.
4 Thus sweet the consolations are The promises impart; Here flowing streams of life appear, To cheer the fainting heart.
464. C.M. WATTS.
Benefit of afflictions.
LORD, I have found 'tis good for me
To bear my father's rod; Afflictions make me learn thy law, And live upon my GOD.
2 Had not thy word been my delight, When earthly joys were fled, My soul, opprest with sorrow's weight, Had sunk among the dead. 3 Consider all my sorrows, LORD, And thy deliv'rance send : My soul for thy salvation faintsy When will my troubles end? 4 I know thy judgments, Lord, are right, Though they may seem severe : The sharpest suff'rings I endure Flow from thy faithful care, Before I knew thy chast'ning rod, My feet were apt to stray; But now I learn to keep thy word, Nor wander from thy way.
465. C. M. WATTS.
Mercy to sufferers.
ET ev'ry tongue thy goodness speak, Thou sov'reign LORD of all! Thy strength'ning hands uphold the weak, And raise the poor that fall.
2 When sorrows bow the spirit down, Or virtue lies distrest
Beneath some proud oppressor's frown, Thou giv'st the mourners rest. 3 The LORD supports our tott'ring days, And guides our giddy youth: Holy and just are all his ways, And all his words are truth.
4 He knows the pain his servants feel, He hears his children cry; And their best wishes to fulfil His grace is ever nigh.
5 His mercy never will remove From men of heart sincere: He saves the souls, whose humble love Is join'd with holy fear.
6 My lips shall dwell upon his praise, And sound his name abroad: Let all the sons of Adam raise The honours of their GOD.
466. C.M. WATTS.
Humility and submission.
IS there ambition in my heart?
Search gracious GOD! and see:
Or do I act a haughty part? LORD, I appeal to thee.
2 I charge my thoughts, be humble still, And all my carriage mild;
Content, my Father! with thy will, And quiet as a child.
3 The patient soul, the lowly mind, Shall have a large reward : Let saints in sorrow lie resign'd, And trust a faithful LORD.
467. C.M. WATTS.
Resignation in affliction.
from the earth we came,
And rose to life at first,
We to the earth return again, And mingle with the dust.
2 The dear delights we here enjoy, And fondly call our own, Are but short pleasures borrow'd now, To be repaid anon.
3 'Tis GOD who lifts our comforts high, Or sinks them in the grave; He gives, and blessed be his name! He takes but what he gave.
4 Peace, then, ye restless passions, peace!
Let each repining sigh Be silent at his sov'reign will, And ev'ry murmur die.
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