2 When foes without, and fears within, To GOD he makes his sorrows known, 3 When winds of strong temptation blow, Of his distressed soul. 462. C.M. MRS. STEELE. THE weary trav❜ller, lost in night, 2 Thus the sweet dawn of heav'nly day 3 To slaves opprest with cruel chains, Whose gen'rous hand relieves their pains, 4 Thus kind, thus dear, that friend divine, FF 2 5 My 5 My GOD! to thy revealed light Once, wand'ring in the shades of night, 6 'Twas thy blest hand redeem'd the slave, 1 463. C. M. MRS. STEELE. Consolation in the divine promises. HEN fainting in the sultry waste, 2 Should, sudden, to his hopeless eye How would th' enliv'ning sweet supply 3 So longs the weary fainting mind, 4 Thus sweet the consolations are Here flowing streams of life appear, 464. C. M. 464. C.M. WATTS. Benefit of afflictions. LORD, I have found 'tis good for me 2 Had not thy word been my delight, 3 Consider all my sorrows, LORD, 4 I know thy judgments, LORD, are right, 5 Before I knew thy chast'ning rod, LE 465. C. M. WATTS. Mercy to sufferers, ET ev'ry tongue thy goodness speak, Thy strength'ning hands uphold the weak, FF 3 2 When 2 When sorrows bow the spirit down, Or virtue lies distrest Beneath some proud oppressor's frown, 3 The LORD supports our tott'ring days, And all his words are truth. 4 He knows the pain his servants feel, He hears his children cry; And their best wishes to fulfil 5 His mercy never will remove From men of heart sincere : He saves the souls, whose humble love 6 My lips shall dwell upon his praise, Let all the sons of Adam raise 466. C.M. WATTS. Humility and submission. 1 TS there ambition in my heart? Search gracious GOD! and see: Or do I act a haughty part? LORD, I appeal to thee. 2 I charge my thoughts, be humble still, And all my carriage mild; Content, Content, my Father! with thy will, 3 The patient soul, the lowly mind, 1 Let saints in sorrow lie resign'd, 467. C.M. WATTS. Resignation in affliction. NAKED as from the earth we came, rose to life at first, We to the earth return again, 2 The dear delights we here enjoy, Are but short pleasures borrow'd now, 3 'Tis God who lifts our comforts high, 4 Peace, then, ye restless passions, peace! Be silent at his sov'reign will, And ev'ry murmur die. 468. C. M. 1 |