from trust in God, 355. Integrity, and hope, 543. Vir- tuous, 567.
Frailty of man, and dominien of God, 49. Compassion of God to it, 296. Acknowledged and lamented, 576. And eternity of God, 606. And brevity of life, see Life. Friendship, blessings of 520. Picus, 521.
Funeral hymns, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 611, 612, 669 Thought, 665.
Gentiles and Jews united in the christian church, 12. Christ's kingdom among them, 4c8, 409.
Glory, of God, and majesty, 28, 47. In his works, 69. Above our reason, 389. Perfection of grace, 323. Ged, all in all, 395, 396. All-knowing, 342, 491. All- seeing. 339, 341. All sufficient, and creatures vain, 362. All-sufficient portion of good men, 315. His attention to man, 158. Constant benefactor, 163. His benignity and mercy, 41, 252. His blessing implored, 228. The only consolation, 262, 274, 486. The Creator of man, 60, 156, 157. The defence of his people, 355, Man's de- pendance upon him, 377. Eternal sovereign, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 59. Eternal and unchangeable, 55, 259, 260, 281, 388, 605, 606. Everlasting light of good men, 645. Ex- alted above all praise, 30. Existence declared by the voice of nature, 61; known by his works, 62. His goodness, see Goodness. Our guide and portion, 295. Hearer of prayer, 214. Our helper (proper for the close, or commencement, of the year), 653, 656. His holiness, see Holiness. His house, 222. Incomprehensible, 25, 43, 389, Intellectual light, 192. Invisible, 232, 505. Supreme judge, 175, 633. Leader of his people, 407. Light and comfort from him, 289. Life and safety in him, 331. His majesty, see Majesty. His mercy, see Mercy. His mercies in- numerable, 266. Omnipresent, 340, 341, 585. His perfections, see Perfections. Speaking peace to his peo- ple, 496. Our portion here and hereafter, 402. His pre- sence desired, 332. Assurance of his presence, 358. Worthy of perpetual praise, 33. Praise in his house, 16. Our preserver, 353, 613. Our preserver and deliverer, 133. His providence, see Providence. Our refuge, 357: Refuge in adversity, 316. Christian's refuge in time of terror, 461. Refuge of the righteous, 168, 173. Refuge and strength,
ritable, 515, 516, 517, 518. Of friendship, 520. Of the gospel. See Gospel. Of providence and redemption, 159. Book of nature and scripture. See Scripture. Britain, happy in climate and seasons, 93. Honour and safety of it, 680. Prosperity of it, 679. National thanksgiving, 684,685.
Brotherly love. See Charity and Love.
Care of God, an antidote to distressing anxiety, 322. Charity, essential to the christian character, 511. Excellent grace, 508. Inculcated by the doctrine and example of Christ, 522. Properties of it, 512, 513. And unity, 509. And zeal, 506. See Love
Children, a blessing, 325. Instructed. See Education. Choice, wise, 552. Of the christian, 638.
Christ, birth of, 409. Coming and kingdom of, 402. Desire of nations, 401. Example of, 417, 418, 419. Grace by him, 399, 409, 416. Invitations of mercy by him, 452. Light of the world, 298, 405. Light and deliverance by him, 462. Mission of, 399, 414. The prophet of God, 405. His resurrection, a ground of triumph over death, 420. His second appearance with the circumstances attending it, 632. His sufferings, 418. Triumph of his kingdom, 406, 408, 409. Truth and grace by him, 131, 132. Gospel of, see Gospel. Salvation of, see Salvation.
Redemption of, see Redemption.
Christion, character, 459, 528, 529,532,533,537. Charity, see Charity. Church, see Church. Race, see Race. Religion, the excellency of it, 250. Sabbath, sec Sabbath and Lord's Day. Temper, aspirations after it, 206. Led to heaven, 392, 393. His prospect, 534, 539. Watchful,
Church, Christian, Christ the foundation of it, 411. Garden of God, 15. God's presence in it, 17, 219, 330. Union of Jews and Gentiles in it, 12. Communion, hymns on occasion of it, 650, 651.652. Also, 411, 415,-421, 439, 590, 638. Compassion, to the afflicted, 515. And liberality, 516. Maternal, 485. And mercy, 293, 460.
Of saints, 510. And bounty of God, 269. emblem of that of God, To human frailty, 296,
Mercy, to the afflicted, 515. See Compassion. Of God and benignity, 41. And compassion, 293, 317, 453, 460, Hope of it, 451. Invitations of it, 452. Supplicated, 450. And truth, 137.
Messiah, promised, birth of, 401, 404.
Ministers, on occasion of their death, 674. On occasion of their settlement, 675.
Miracles, attending Israel's journey, 344, 345, 346, 392,
Morning, or evening, hymns for, 106, 107. Hymns for it, III, 116, 118. Prayer, 119, 120. Goodness renewed
morning and evening, 121. See Lord's Day.
Mortality of man, and hope of a resurrection, 611. See Death, Funeral, Life, and Man.
Nation, happiness of it, 362. Honour and safety of it, 680. Humiliation of it, 687. Peace of it, 690. Prosperity of it, 679. Security of it in a time of calamity, 356. Sup- plication of it, 689. Thanksgiving of it, 685. Tranquil- lity and security of it from God, 681, 682.
Nature, book of, and scripture, 128, 129, 130.
God of, 72. Gratitude to the author of it, 86. Invoked to praise the
Creator, 84, 85. Praise from all, 85, 92.
Night-season, meditations for it, 122.
November, the 5th, hymns for, 683, 684.
Obedience, sincere, see Penitence and Sincerity. sacrifice, 179. With an habitual regard to Professions of it, 563. And resignation, 572.
The best God, 562, Voluntary,
Pardon, blessedness of those who obtain it, 448. fession, 441. Hope of it from the divine mercy, 449. Light and deliverance by it, 462. Mercy and, 444 And peace, 445. And Penitence, 442, 443, 459. Relief to the guilty and distressed mind from the hope of it, 451, 456,
Race, Christian, 591, 592.
Redemption, blessings of creation, providence, and, г37, 138, 139, and of providence, 159. See Christ, Gospel, and Salvation.
Rejoicing in the government of God, see Government, In the works of God, 66, 67.
Religion, advantages of early, 546. Comforts of it, 558. Family, 658, 659. The one thing needful, 651. Pleasures of it, 328, 559. Yoke of it easy, 415. Repentance, see Penitent and Penitence. Resignation and acquiescence, 306, 383. obedience, 572. To God, 286. And 673. And peace in affliction, 467. 384, 385. See Submission and Trust. Resolutions, pious and virtuous, 567. Christian's noblest, 575-
Contentment and patient hope, 476, And thankfulness,
Resurrection, of Christ, day of it, 123, 124, 125, 329. Ground of hope, 421. Triumph over death by it, 420. Life, death, and resurrection, 612. Emblems of it in the vegetable creation, 626. Hope of it, 611, 625, 638. Happy, 629. And judgment, 634. And end of the world, 637.
Retirement and devotion, 555. And humility, 294. And meditation, 554.
Revelation, advantages of it, 538. See Scripture.
Reverence of God, our supreme governor, 193. See God and Worship.
Revolution by king William, hymn for, 683. Riches, true, in heaven, 423.
Righteous, blessedness of them, 540. Difference between them and the wicked, see Saints. God, their refuge, 168. Peace and happiness, their portion, 536. Praise from them, 164. Prayer, 208. Kind regard of God to them, 254 Their reward, 535. Their ways known to God, 491. Righteousness, the bicssedness of those who hunger and thirst after it, 416.
Sabbath, Christian, employment of it, 10. Eternal, 9. Lord's Day.
Sacrament. see Communion.
Sacrifice, a good life the most acceptable, 179. and penitence, approved by God, 113, 443.
Safety in God, 351, 352, 353, 355, 357, 366, 386, 681. In public diseases and dangers, 350. Of good men amidst national calamities, 356. And tranquillity, 682. See God and Protection.
Saints, approved by God, 40. Their choice, 638. Their obedience, 249. And sinners, difference between them, 533,531. See Righteous.
Salvation, by Christ, and light, 236. In the gospel, 128. And hope, 238. Mercy of it celebrated, 137, 138, 139. 399, 411, 414. Deserving praise, 213. Joyful sound and welcome messengers of it, 229, 235, 414. Ap- proaching, a motive to diligence, 593. See Christ and Redemption.
Scripture, book of nature compared with it, 128, 129, 130. Consolations derived from it, 429. Delight in it, 428. Excellency of it, 427, 433. Instruction from it, 425, 426. Light and comfort from it, 434. Light and glory of it, 435. Privilege of access to it, and gratitude for it, 430, 431. Accompanied by the spirit of God, 234.
Seas, God's dominion over them, 557.
Seasons of the year, and climate of Britain, 93. Blessings of them, 99, 100, 102, 104. Praise to the God of them, 96, 97, 98. Providence of God in them, 94, 95. Devout reflection on their vicissitude, 105.
Self-examination. and Sincerity.
See Integrity, Qualifications for heaven,
Seed time and harvest, 102.
Shepherd, God our, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 152, 153, 154, 155. The good, 270.
Sickness, comfort in it, and in death, 482. Devotion in it, 662. The prospect of it, and of death, 615. And reco- very from it, 661, 663.
Sin, deliverance from the bondage of it, 462.
Sincerity, evidences of it, 532. And hypocrisy, 504. De- vout professions of it, 447, 563.
Sinners, and saints, difference between them, and end of both, 530, 531. Their way, abhorred by God, 254. Their miserable end, 474.
Sion, ancient, 18. The church of God, 12, 17. Inquiring the way to it, 1, 319.
Society, religious, settlement of it, 675. Of the wicked, dangerous and to be avoided, 530, 531.
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