For finding a HYMN adapted to particular
N. B. The numbers refer to the Hymns.
ABSENCE from God, lamented, 489.
Acquiescence in the will of God, 306.
Afflictions, benefit of, 464. The merciful chastisements of God, 412, 422 Comfort, support, and deliverance, 133, 465, 480. Deliverance from them, publicly ac- knowledged, 664. Presence of God in them, 471. Pro- ceeding from God, and productive of good, 583. God, the only refuge in them, 481. Resignation when they occur, 467, 468. Trust in God whilst they are continued, 469, 170, 487. See Hope and Trust.
Aged christian's reflections and hope, 578. Prayer for sup- port, 549, 550.
Aids, divine, confided in and implored, 234, 248, 568. See Grace.
Anxie y, disquieting, remedy for, 322, 325, 326, 387. Worldly, reproved, 380. Under the trials of virtue, re- strained, 382.
Appeal to God the searcher of hearts, 446.
Asension of Chri t, 123, 410.
Aspirations, devout, 325.
After the christian temper, 206.
Attributes of God. See God. Autumnal hymn, 104.
Benevolence, 523. See Charity and Love. Benignity of God and of providence.
Blessing of God on the business and comforts of life, 395. Joy and prosperity from it. 396.
Blessings, temporal and spiritual,
acknowledged, 132. Spiritual preferred to temporal, and supplicated, 208, 300. Praise for temporal, 258. Of the pious and cha-
ritable, 515,516, 517, 518. Of friendship, 520. Of the gospel. See Gospel. Of providence and redemption, 159. Book of nature and scripture. See Scripture.
Britain, happy in climate and seasons, 93. Honour and safety of it, 680. Prosperity of it, 679. thanksgiving, 684, 685.
Bro:berly love. See Charity and Love.
Care of God, an antidote to distressing anxiety, 322. Charity, essential to the christian character, 511. Excellent grace, 508. Inculcated by the doctrine and example of Christ, 522. Properties of it, 512, 513. And unity, 509. And zeal, 506. See Love
Children, a blessing, 325. Instructed. See Education. Choice, wise, 552. Of the christian, 638.
Christ, birth of, 4C9. Coming and kingdom of, 402. Desire of nations, 401. Example of, 417, 418, 419. Grace by him, 399, 409, 416. Invitations of mercy by him, 452. Light of the world, 298, 405. Light and deliverance by him, 462. Misșion of, 399, 414. The prophet of God, 405. His resurrection, a ground of triumph over death, 420. His second appearance with the circumstances attending it, 632. His sufferings, 418. Triumph of his kingdom, 406, 408, 409. Truth and grace by him, 131, 132. Gospel of, see Gospel. Salvation of, see Salvation. Redemption of, see Redemption.
Christion, character, 459, 528, 529, 532, 533, 537. Charity, see Charity. Church, see Church. Race, see Race. Religion, the excellency of it, 250. Sabbath, see Sabbath and Lord's Day. Temper, aspirations after it, 206. Led to heaven, 392, 393. His prospect, 534, 539. Watchful,
597. Church, Christian, Christ the foundation of it, 411. Garden of God, 15. God's presence in it, 17, 219, 330. Union of Jews and Gentiles in it, 12. Communion, hymns on occasion of it, 650, 651. 652. 411,415,-421, 439, 590, 638. Compassion, to the afflicted, 515. And liberality, 516. Maternal, 485. And mercy, 293, 460.
Of saints, 510. And bounty of God, 269. emblem of that of God, To human frailty, 296,
Condescension of God, to the affairs of men, 45, 46, 181, 182, 185, 314, 367. To the humble and penitent, 282. To our worship, 19, 253.
Confession of sin, see Penitence and Pardon. Confidence in God, see Trust.
Conscience, dictates of, regarded, 210. Good, pleasures of, 560. The best support, 561. Tender, 566. Its guilt relieved, 441, 452, 454, 456, 589. See Pardon and
Consolation, divine, prayer for, 495.
272, 274, 480, 486. Contentment, profession of, 206. And tranquillity, 472. Covenant with Christ, 398. vine love, 584. Creation of the world, 63.
Sealed by Christ, 44. Of di-
And redemption, celebrated, 129, 137, 138, 139. Of man, 156, 157, 160. See Man. Creator, God the, see God. Praise to him, see Praise. Creatures, God the support of all, 70, 71. Vain, and God all-sufficient, 362. No trust in them, 142, 143, 144. All of them praise God, see Praise.
Death, comfort and support in sickness, and, 472, 584, 621. Meditations upon it, 617, 606. Preparation for it, 607, 624. Triumph over it, 627; by the resurrection of Christ, 420. Victory over it through Christ, 628. Pros- pect of sickness, and, 615. Prayer in the prospect of it, 616. Warning of it, 610. Life, death, and the resur- rection, 612. Christian happy in it, 623. And judg ment, 630, 631. Of a child, 672. Of our fathers, in- proved, 618. Of a friend, 673. Of our friends and kindred, 620. Of a young person, 671. Of a minister, reflections upon it by his vacant congregation, 674, 675. Decrees of God, and dominion, 31. A foundation of ac- quiescence and hope, 374. Of providence, unsearchable, 375.
Dedication to God, 277.
Delight in public worship, see Worship.
Desires, virtuous, cherished and expressed, 273.
Devotion, daily and nightly, 223, 364. And gratitude, 335. Habitual, 195. And homage, 20. Public, and confidence in God, 19. Influence, and pleasures of it, 562. Pleasures
of it, 11. Secret, 660. In sickness, 662. Vain without virtue, 505. See Worship,
Domestic peace and harmony, 519.
Dominion of God over nature, 29, 31, 32, 49, 58,176, 177, Absolute and supreme, 193. Universal, 240. Over the seas, 557. In storms, 556. Of man over creatures, 181.
Education, religious, benefit of 544, 545, 546.
Enemies, of Christ, vanquished, 406. Christ's compassion to them, 418. Of the christian, 578, Love to them, 508. Preservation from them, 390
Envy, deliverance from it, supplicated, 573. Of the Jews against Christ, 411. Prayer against it, 206. Reproved, 536. Restrained by christian charity, 509, 512. Sub- dued by prudence, 528.
And justice, 527. contrasted aganist 606, 608, 609, 614,
Equity of the divine dispensations, 376. Eternity of God, 281, 388. See God. the brevity of time, 594, 596, 605, 617, 642, 654, 655. Evening hymns, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114. 115, 117, 647, 648, 649.
Faith, in Christ, 230, 404. In an invisible God, 500. And hope of immortality, 643. Insufficient without love, 508, 11. Power of it, 589. In the promises, 369, 370, Of things unseen, 587. Triumph over death by it, 627. 628. Walking by it, 588. In divine grace and power, see Trust.
Faithfulness of God, and truth, 187, 241, 370, 371, 398. See Promises.
Family, blessings, 395. Hymn for the master of it, 657- Peace, see Domestic. Religion, see Religion.
Fathers, reflections on their state, and their death improved, 618.
Fear of God, see Goa, and Piety.
Fire, hymn on occasion of it, 677-
Firgiveness, see Pardon.
Fortitude, christian, 577. In death, 490, 628. Derived
from trust in God, 355. Integrity, and hope, 543. Vir- tuous, 567.
Frailty of man, and dominien of God, 49. Compassion of God to it, 296. Acknowledged and lamented, 576. And eternity of God, 606. And brevity of life, see Life. Friendship, blessings of 520. Picus, 521.
Funeral hymns, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 611, 612, 669 Thought, 665.
Gentiles and Jews united in the christian church, 12. Christ's kingdom among them, 4c8, 409.
Glory, of God, and majesty, 28, 47. In his works, 69. Above our reason, 389. Perfection of grace, 323. Ged, all in all, 395, 396. All-knowing, 342, 491. All- seeing. 339, 341. All sufficient, and creatures vain, 362. All-sufficient portion of good men, 315. His attention to man, 158. Constant benefactor, 163. His benignity and mercy, 41, 252. His blessing implored, 228. The only consolation, 262, 274, 486. The Creator of man, 60, 156, 157. The defence of his people, 355, Man's de- pendance upon him, 377. Eternal sovereign, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 59. Eternal and unchangeable, 55, 259, 260, 281, 388, 605, 606. Everlasting light of good men, 645. Ex- alted above all praise, 30. Existence declared by the voice of nature, 61; known by his works, 62. His goodness, see Goodness. Our guide and portion, 295. Hearer of prayer, 214. Our helper (proper for the close, or commencement, of the year), 653, 656. His holiness, see Holiness. His house, 222. Incomprehensible, 25, 43, 389, Intellectual light, 192. Invisible, 232, 505. Supreme judge, 175, 633. Leader of his people, 407. Light and comfort from him, 289. Life and safety in him, 331. His majesty, see Majesty. His mercy, see Mercy. His mercies in- numerable, 266. Omnipresent, 340, 341, 585. His perfections, see Perfections. Speaking peace to his peo- ple, 496. Our portion here and hereafter, 402. His pre- sence desired, 332. Assurance of his presence, 358. Worthy of perpetual praise, 33. Praise in his house, 16. Our preserver, 353, 613. Our preserver and deliverer, 133. His providence, see Providence. Our refuge, 357: Refuge in adversity, 316. Christian's refuge in time of terror, 461. Refuge of the righteous, 168, 173. Refuge and strength,
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