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1. L.M. WATTS.

A Morning Hymn.

OD of the morning, at whose voice
The cheerful sun makes haste to rise,
And like a giant doth rejoice

To run his journey through the skies.

2 From the fair chambers of the east
The circuit of his race begins ;
And without weariness or rest,
Round the whole earth he flies and shines.

3 Oh! like the sun, may I fulfil
Th' appointed duties of the day,
With ready mind and active will,
March on and keep my heav'nly way.
4 Lord, thy commands are clear and pure,
Enlight'ning our beclouded eyes;

Thy threat'nings just, thy promise sure;
Thy gospel makes the simple wise.

5 Give me thy counsel for my guide,
And then receive me to thy bliss :
All my desires and hopes beside
Are faint and cold compar'd with this.


2. C.M. WATTS.

The Lord's Day welcomed.

WELCOME, sweet day of rest,

Which saw the saviour rise;
Welcome to this reviving breast,
And these rejoicing eyes!

2 Our Gon himself comes near,
And feasts his saints to-day;
Here we may sit and see him here,
And love, and praise, and pray.

3 One day amidst the place,


In which our God hath been,
Is sweeter than ten thousand days
Of pleasurable sin.

3. C.M. WATTS.

The divine perfections.

OW shall we praise th' eternal God,

The infinite unknown?

Who can ascend his high abode,
Or dare approach his throne?
2 The great invisible! he dwells
Conceal'd in dazzling light ;
But his all-searching eye reveals
The secrets of the night.

3 Those

3 Those watchful eyes that never sleep, Survey the world around; His wisdom is a boundless deep, Where all our thoughts are drown'd. 4 Speak we of strength? his arm is strong, To save or to destroy: Infinite years his life prolong,

And endless is his joy.

5 He knows no shadow of a change,

Nor alters his decrees;


Firm as a rock his truth remains,
To guard his promises.

4. L.M. WATTS.

The incomprehensible nature of GOD.

GOD is a king of power unknown;

Firm are the orders of his throne:

If he resolve, who dare oppose,
Or ask him why, or what, he does ?

2 He wounds the heart, and he makes whole;
He calms the tempest of the soul:
When he shuts up in long despair,
Who can remove the heavy bar?

3 He frowns, and darkness veils the moon;
The fainting sun grows dim at noon;
The pillars of heav'n's starry roof
Tremble and start at his reproof.

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4 He gave the vaulted heav'n its form, The crooked serpent and the worm; He breaks the billows with his breath, And smites the sons of pride to death. Y y 5 These




These are a portion of his ways-
But who can utter all his praise?
Who can endure his light, or stand
To hear the thunders of his hand?


Praise to GOD.

YE boundless realms of joy,
Exalt your maker's fame:

His praise your song employ
Above the starry frame :

Your voices raise,
Ye cherubim

And seraphim

To sing his praise.

Thou moon, that rul'st the night,
And sun that guid'st the day,

Ye glitt'ring stars of light,
To him your homage pay:

His praise declare

Ye heav'ns above,
And clouds that move
In liquid air.

Let them adore the Lord,
And praise his holy name,
By whose almighty word
They all from nothing came;
And all shall last

From changes free:
His firm decree

Stands ever fast.

6. L.M.





The sacrifice of the beart.

HEN, as returns this solemn day, Man comes to meet his maker, God, What rights, what honours shall he pay? How spread his sov'reign's praise abroad? 2 From marble domes and gilded spires Shall curling clouds of incense rise? And gems, and gold, and garlands deck The costly pomp of sacrifice?

3 Vain, sinful man! creation's lord,
Thy golden off'rings well may spare:
But give thy heart, and thou shalt find,
Here dwells a God who heareth prayer.


The sabbath of the soul.

1 SLEEP, sleep to-day, tormenting cares, Of earth and folly born!

Ye shall not dim the light that streams
From this celestial morn.

2 To-morrow will be time enough
To feel your harsh control;
Ye shall not violate, this day,
The sabbath of my soul.

3 Sleep, sleep for ever, guilty thoughts!
Let fires of vengeance die;

And, purg'd from sin, may I behold
A God of purity!

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8. P. M.

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