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88. C.M. WATTS.

Contemplation of the works of nature.

1 ETERNAL wisdom! thee we praise,

Thee the creation sings;

With thy great name, rocks, hills, and seas,
And heav'n's high palace rings.

2 How wide thy hand hath spread the sky! How glorious to behold,

Ting'd with a blue of heav'nly die,
And starr'd with sparkling gold!

3 There thou hast bid the globes of light
Their endless circles run;

The paler planet rules the night,
The day obeys the sun.

4 If down I turn my wond'ring eyes,
On clouds and storms below;
Those lower regions of the skies
Thy num❜rous glories show.

5 The noisy winds stand ready there
Thine orders to obey;

With sounding wings they sweep the air, To make thy chariot way.

6 The rolling mountains of the deep
'Obey thy stern cominand;

Thy breath can raise the billows steep,
Ör sink them on the sand.

7 Thy glories blaze all nature round,
Ánd strike the gazing sight,

Thro' skies, and seas, and solid ground,
With terror and delight.

8 But the mild glories of the LORD,
Our softer passions move;
Thy grace and pity, in thy word
We see, adore and love.

89. L.M. WATTS.

All the works of GOD praise him,

1 FAIREST of all the lights above,

Thou sun, whose beams adorn the

And with unwearied swiftness move
To form the circles of our years:

2 Praise the Creator of the skies,
Who dress'd thine orb in golden rays!
Or may the sun forget to rise
If he forget his maker's praise.

3 Thou reigning beauty of the night,
Fair queen of silence, silver moon,
Whose gentle beams, and borrow'd light
Are softer rivals of the noon :

4 Arise, and to that sov'reign pow'r
Waxing and waning honours pay,
Who bade thee rule the dusky hour,
And half supply the absent day.

5 Ye twinkling stars that gild the sky,
And cheer the gloomy face of night,
Praise him who plac'd your orbs on high,
And out of darkness call'd up light.

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6 O GOD of glory, and of love!

Thou art the sun that makes our days;
With all thy shining works above,
Let earth and dust attempt thy praise.

90. C.M. WATTS.

Invocation to praise.

1 DRAISE ye the LORD, immortal choir That fills the realms above;

Praise him who form'd you of his fire,
And feeds you with his love.

2 Shine to his praise, ye crystal skies,
The floor of his abode :

Or veil in shades your thousand eyes
Before your brighter God.

3 Thou restless globe of golden light,
Whose beams create our days,
Join with the silver queen of night
To own your borrow'd rays.

4 Thunder and hail, and seas and storms,
The troops of his command,
Appear in all your dreadful forms,
And speak his awful hand.

5 Shout-to the LORD, ye surging seas,
In your eternal roar;

Let wave to wave resound his praise,
And shore reply to shore.

6 Wave your tall heads, ye lofty pines,
To him that bade you grow;
Sweet clusters, bend the fruitful vines
On ev'ry grateful bough.

7 Thus, while the meaner creatures sing,
Ye mortals, catch the sound;
Echo the glories of your king
Thro' all the nations round.




The voice of GOD in his works.

HE spacious firmament on high,
With all the blue ethereal sky,
And spangl'd heavens, a shining frame,
Their great original proclaim.

2 Th' unwearied sun from day to day
Doth his creator's power display;
And publishes to every land,
The work of an almighty hand.
3 Soon as the evening shades prevail,
The moon takes up the wondrous tale;
And nightly to the list'ning earth
Repeats the story of her birth:

4 Whilst all the stars which round her burn, And all the planets in their turn,

Confirm the tidings as they roll,

And spread the truth from pole to pole.
5 What tho' in solemn silence all
Move round this dark terrestrial ball;
What tho' no real voice nor sound,
Amidst their radiant orbs be found:
H 2

6 In

6 In reason's ear they all rejoice,
And utter forth a glorious voice:
For ever singing as they shine-
"The hand that made us is divine.”


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Praise to GOD from all nature.

AZURE vaults! O crystal sky! The world's transparent canopy ! Break your long silence, and let mortal's know,

With what contempt you look on things below.

2 O light! thou fairest, first of things, From whom all joy all beauty springs; O praise th' almighty ruler of the globe, Who useth thee as his imperial robe.


Great eye of all! whose glorious ray
Rules the bright empire of the day;
O praise his name, without whose purer

Thou hadst been hid in an abyss of night. 4 Ye moon and planets! who dispense By God's command your influence; Resign to him, as to your maker due, That homage which man's folly pays to you. 5 Ye mists and vapours, hail and snow, And who thro' the concave blow, you Swift to perform the mandates of his word, Whirlwinds and tempests! praise th' almighty LORD. 6 Praise

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