88. C.M. WATTS. Contemplation of the works of nature. 1 ETERNAL wisdom! thee we praise, Thee the creation sings; With thy great name, rocks, hills, and seas, 2 How wide thy hand hath spread the sky! How glorious to behold, Ting'd with a blue of heav'nly die, 3 There thou hast bid the globes of light The paler planet rules the night, 4 If down I turn my wond'ring eyes, 5 The noisy winds stand ready there With sounding wings they sweep the air, To make thy chariot way. 6 The rolling mountains of the deep Thy breath can raise the billows steep, 7 Thy glories blaze all nature round, Thro' skies, and seas, and solid ground, 8 But the mild glories of the LORD, 89. L.M. WATTS. All the works of GOD praise him, 1 FAIREST of all the lights above, Thou sun, whose beams adorn the And with unwearied swiftness move 2 Praise the Creator of the skies, 3 Thou reigning beauty of the night, 4 Arise, and to that sov'reign pow'r 5 Ye twinkling stars that gild the sky, 6 O GOD of glory, and of love! Thou art the sun that makes our days; 90. C.M. WATTS. Invocation to praise. 1 DRAISE ye the LORD, immortal choir That fills the realms above; Praise him who form'd you of his fire, 2 Shine to his praise, ye crystal skies, Or veil in shades your thousand eyes 3 Thou restless globe of golden light, 4 Thunder and hail, and seas and storms, 5 Shout-to the LORD, ye surging seas, Let wave to wave resound his praise, 6 Wave your tall heads, ye lofty pines, 7 Thus, while the meaner creatures sing, 1 TH 91. L.M. ADDISON. The voice of GOD in his works. HE spacious firmament on high, 2 Th' unwearied sun from day to day 4 Whilst all the stars which round her burn, And all the planets in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole. 6 In 6 In reason's ear they all rejoice, 92. P.M. ROSCOMMON. Praise to GOD from all nature. AZURE vaults! O crystal sky! The world's transparent canopy ! Break your long silence, and let mortal's know, With what contempt you look on things below. 2 O light! thou fairest, first of things, From whom all joy all beauty springs; O praise th' almighty ruler of the globe, Who useth thee as his imperial robe. 3 Great eye of all! whose glorious ray Thou hadst been hid in an abyss of night. 4 Ye moon and planets! who dispense By God's command your influence; Resign to him, as to your maker due, That homage which man's folly pays to you. 5 Ye mists and vapours, hail and snow, And who thro' the concave blow, you Swift to perform the mandates of his word, Whirlwinds and tempests! praise th' almighty LORD. 6 Praise |