From ev'ry danger, ev'ry snare, My heedless steps defend.
6 Smile on my minutes as they roll, And guide my future days; And let thy goodness fill my soul With gratitude and praise.
to thee my ev'ning song,
With humble gratitude, I raise:
O let thy mercy tune my tongue, And fill my heart with lively praise! 2 My days unclouded, as they pass, And ev'ry gently rolling hour, Are monuments of wondrous grace, And witness to thy'love and power.
3 Thy love and power, celestial guard, Preserve me from surrounding harms: Can danger reach me, while the LORD Extends his kind protecting arms ? 4 Let cheering hope my eyelids close, With sleep refresh my feeble frame, Safe in thy care may I repose, And wake with praises to thy name.
THE man of humble, upright heart, As his peculiar care,
The LORD himself has set apart, And when he calls will hear.
2 With pious awe your hearts survey, And ev'ry sin repent; Let true contrition close the day, And future guilt prevent.
3 Your sacrifice the LORD will own, If thus you seek his face, Thus humbly bow before his throne, And trust his pard'ning grace.
1 INDULGENT GOD, whose bounteous
O'er all thy works is shown! O let my grateful praise and pray'r Ascend before thy throne!
2 What mercies has this day bestow'd! How largely hast thou blest! My cup with plenty o'erflow'd, With cheerfulness my breast. 3 Now may sweet slumbers close my eyes, From pain and sickness free; And let my waking thoughts arise
To meditate on thee.
4 So bless each future day and night, Till life's fond scene is o'er; And then to realms of endless light Enraptur'd let me soar.
EE! the bright monarch of the day In ocean dips his beams,
3 And whether with a small repast, We break the sober morning fast; Or, in our thoughts and houses lay The future methods of the day :
4 Or early walk abroad to meet
Our business, with industrious feet : Whate'er we think, whate'er we do, His glory still be kept in view.
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the evening shades arise And chase the twilight from the skies,
Thy wondrous bounty may we find, And share it with a grateful mind! 2 O! make our weary members blest, With sweet refreshment in their rest; And in the hours of darkness spread Thy guardian arms around our head. 3 Upon our knees, as here we bow, We pray the LORD of glory, now To fill our breasts, lest deadly sin Should cause a darker night within. 4 If thoughts on thee our souls employ, E'en darkness will afford us joy; Till thou shall call, and we shall soar, And part with darkness evermore.
IN N sleep's serene oblivion laid, I safely pass'd the silent night:
Again I see the breaking shade, I drink again the morning light.
2 New-born, I bless the waking hour; Once more, with awe, rejoice to be; My conscious soul resumes her pow'r, And springs, my guardian GOD! to thee.
3 O guide me thro' the various maze My doubtful feet are doom'd to tread; And spread thy shield's protecting blaze Where dangers press around my head. 4 A deeper shade shall soon impend, A deeper sleep my eyes oppress ; Yet then thy strength shall still defend, Thy goodness still delight to bless. 5. That deeper shade shall break away, That deeper sleep shall leave my eyes: Thy light shall give eternal day; Thy love, the rapture of the skies.
O thee let my first off'rings rise, Whose sun creates my day, Swift as his gladd'ning influence flies, And spotless as his ray!
2 This day thy fav'ring hand be nigh, So oft vouchsaf'd before; Still may it lead, protect, supply, And I that hand adore!
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