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3 If bliss thy providence impart,
For which resign'd I pray,
Give me to feel the grateful heart
That without guilt is gay.

4 Affliction should thy love attend,
As sin's or folly's cure;
Patient, to gain that blessed end,
May I the means endure !

5 If bright or cloudy scenes await,
Sure profit let ine gain;

That heav'n nor high nor low estate
May send to me in vain.

6 Be this, and ev'ry future day,
Still wiser than the past;

That from the whole of life's survey
I may find peace at last.



Hymn for daily protection.

ON thee each morning, O my GOD!
My waking thoughts attend;

In thee are founded all my hopes,
In thee my wishes end.

2 My soul, in pleasing wonder lost, ́
Thy boundless love surveys,

And, fir'd with grateful zeal prepares
A sacrifice of praise.

3 GOD leads me thro' the maze of sleep,
And brings me safe to light;

And, with the same paternal care,
Conducts my steps till night.


4 When

4 When ev'ning slumbers press my eyes,
With his protection blest,
In peace and safety I commit
My weary'd limbs to rest.
5 My spirit, in his hand secure,
Fears no approaching ill;
For whether waking or asleep,
Thou, LORD, art with me still.


121. С.М. MRS. ROWE.

GOD's goodness renewed every morning and evening.



my early vows to thee,

With gratitude I'll bring;

And at the rosy dawn of day
Thy lofty praises sing.

2 Thou round the heav'nly arch dost draw

A dark and sable veil,

And all the beauties of the world

From mortal eyes conceal.
3 Again the sky with golden beams
Thy skilful hands adorn,
And paint with cheerful splendour gay
The fair ascending morn.

4 And as the gloomy night returns,
Or smiling day renews,
Thy constant goodness still my soul
With benefits pursues.

5 For this will I my vows to thee
With ev'ning incense bring;
And at the rosy dawn of day
Thy lofty praises sing.

122, P. M.


Meditations in the night season.

WHAT tho' downy slumbers flee,
Strangers to my couch and me;
While with GOD's protection blest,
Cares and fears ne'er haunt my breast.

2 While the empress of the night
Scatters mild her silver light;
While the vivid planets stray
Various through the mystic way:
3 While the stars unnumber'd roll
Round the ever-constant pole;
Far above the spangl❜d skies,
All my soul to GOD shall rise.

4 'Midst the silence of the night
Mingling with those angels bright,
Whose harmonious voices raise
Ceaseless love and ceaseless praise:

5 'Midst the throng his gentle ear
my grateful accents hear:
From on high will he impart
Secret comfort to my heart;

6 Lifting all my thoughts above
On the wings of faith and love:
Blest alternative to me,

Thus to sleep, or wake, with thee!

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123. C.M. WATTS.

Hymn for the Lord's day.

HIS is the day the LORD hath made;
He calls the hours his own:

Let heav'n rejoice, let earth be glad,
And praise surround the throne.

2 To-day arose our glorious head,
And death's dread empire fell;
To-day the saints his triumph spread,
And all its wonders tell.

3 Hosanna! the anointed king
Ascends his destin'd throne;
To GOD your grateful homage bring,
And his Messiah own:

4 Sent by his father's love, he came
To bless our sinful race:
Let all adore the Father's name,
And celebrate his grace.

5 Adore him in the highest strains
The church on earth can raise:
The highest heav'ns in which he reigns
Shall give him nobler praise.


124. S.M. WATTS.

The same subject.

THE work, O LORD, is thine,
And wondrous in our eyes;

This day proclaims it all divineThis day did JESUS rise. 2 We hail the glorious day,

With thankful heart and voice,
Which chac'd each painful doubt away,
And bade the church rejoice.

3 O come the happy hour,

When all the earth shall own
Thy Son, O GOD! declar'd with pow'r,
And worship at thy throne !

4 That we possess thy word
Which all this grace displays,
Accept, thou Father of our Lord,
Our sacrifice of praise.




The Lord's day morning.

GAIN the LORD of life and light
Awakes the kindling ray :
Unseals the eyelids of the morn,
And pours increasing day.

20 what a night was that which wrapt
The heathen world in gloom!
O what a sun which broke, this day,
Triumphant from the tomb!

3 This day be grateful homage paid,

And loud hosannas sung;
Let gladness dwell in ev'ry heart,
And praise on ev'ry tongue.


4 Ten

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