Page 391 In the soft season of thy youth, In vain, alas! from shore to shore, In vain my roving thoughts would find, In vain opposing nations rage, In vain, while dark affliction spreads Indulgent God! with pitying eye, Indulgent God, whose bounteous care, Indulgent still to my request, Inquire, ye pilgrims! for the way, Is there ambition in my heart?. Is there no kind, no lenient art, 482 Jehovah reigns! the king of kings Jehovah! 'tis a glorious word! Jesus invites his saints, Joy to the world! the Lord is come; Judge me, O Lord! and prove my ways. Let ev'ry tongue thy goodness speak 329 Lo, what a pleasing sight 370 Long as I live, I'll bless thy name, 26 310 95 236 263 Lord, how shall wretched sinners dare 495 323 Lord, I have made thy word my choice, 303 Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear 7 190 Lord, not to earth's contracted span, 171 Lord of my life, O may thy praise, Lord of the earth, and seas, and skies! 397 7 Lord of the worlds above, 3 Lord Page Lord of the world's majestic frame! Lord, since in my advancing age, Lord, thou art good, all nature shews Lerd, thou art precious to my soul, Lord, thou hast search'd and seen me through; Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray, Lord, through the dubious path of life, Lord, 'tis a pleasant thing to stand, Lord, we adore thy boundless grace, Lord, what is man, that he should prove Lord, when I count thy mercies o'er, M Maker, and sovereign Lord May I, thro' life's perplexing road. с my love! My God, my portion, and Page 352 396 419 158 382 My God! the visits of thy love 344 My God! 'tis to thy mercy-seat, 271 My God! to thee my soul aspires; My God, what blessings round me shone. 128 My gracious God, accept my pray'r : 395 My gracious! my almighty friend! 185 My helper God! I bless his name; 467 134 My never ceasing songs shall shew My spirit looks to God alone; My thoughts in musing silence trace N Naked as from the earth we came, Nor eye has seen, nor ear has heard Not by the terrors of a slave, Not from relentless fate's dark womb, 331 451 458 191 4.18 140 Not Not to the terrors of the Lord, Page 363 Now let thy servant die in peace, 214 194 O all ye nations, praise the Lord, O Britain! praise Jehovah's name, O God, how free thy mercies flow! O God, my saviour, and my king, Oh! 'tis a lovely thing to see O happiness, thou pleasing dream! O how I love thy holy law! O how shall words, with equal warmth, O Lord, how excellent thy name! O Lord! how glorious is thy name! O Lord! my best desires fulfil, O Lord, our heav'nly king! One privilege my heart desires : 189 76 107 311 77 470 144 326 365 286 202 268 401 170 377 233 303 138 45 149 269 146 O Lord, when man's o'erwhelm'd with guilt, On God the race of man depends, |