Page Oppress'd with guilt, or grief, or care, 317 133 216 142 O thou, whose bright celestial ray 190 O thou, whose mercy bends the skies. 175 348 Our country is Emmanuel's ground; Praise ye the Lord! my heart shall join 115 Praise ye the Lord: oh, blissful theme, 79 Praise ye the Lord! 'tis good to raise 30 Proclaim Proclaim salvation from the Lord, : : Page 259 339 R Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord, 50 Rejoice, ye righteous, in your God! 108 468 Remember, Lord, our mortal state 438 Remember us, we pray thee, Lord, 209 353 195 Return, O God of love! return; Rise, rise, my soul, and leave the ground S Sacred wisdom! be my guide! 267 186 94 197 Shall 1 forsake that heav'nly friend Sweet is the work, my God, my king, T Page Teach me, O teach me, Lord! thy way; 409 212 Thanks for mercieš past, receive; 463 That awful hour will soon appear, 437 369 That solemn day will soon arrive, 454 384 Th' almighty reigas exalted high 257 20 360 452 455 133 381 218 The evils that beset our path, The heart dejected, sighs to know, 456 . The Lord in Sion plac'd his name, The Lord is king, his hand alone, The Lord is my defence and guide, The Lord is my shepherd, my guardian and Page The Lord my pasture shall prepare, 123 The Lord, my saviour, is my light, 274 120 The Lord, my shepherd is; 119 The Lord of glory is my light, 249 The Lord of glory reigns, he reigns on high : 39 The Lord of glory reigns, supremely great, 155 The Lord, the God of glory reigns, 38 The Lord, the sov'reign king, 186 The man is ever blest, 379 The man of humble, upright heart, 92 The man whose faith and hope are strong,' The wonders, Lord, thy love has wrought, 192 The work, O Lord, is thine, The world of nature, Lord is thine. There is a glorious world on high, There is a God, all nature speaks, There is a righteous God, This is the day the Lord hath made: 100 Those happy realms of joy and peace 460 Thou Page Thou art my portion, O my God! 404 463 Thou didst, O mighty God! exist 42 Thou, Lord! in mercy, wilt regard Thou only sov'reign of my heart, 230 Thou pow'r supreme, by whose command I live 129 Though nature's voice you must obey, 479 Though perfect eloquence adorn'd 364 Thrice happy man who fears the Lord, 367 Thrice happy man, who, born from heav'n, 403 Thus saith the first, the great command; 360 144. Thus the eternal father spake 289 Thy goodness, Lord! while I survey, Thy name, almighty Lord! Thy presence, everlasting God! Thy promises are large and free, Thy throne, O God! for ever stands, 156 215 28 30 405 , 189 419 228 192 275 Thy wisdom, pow'r, and goodness, Lord, |