Oppress'd with guilt, or grief, or care, O render thanks to God above, O say, in heav'n's capacious round, O tell to all whom earth sustains,
O that the Lord would guide my ways, O that thy statutes ev'ry hour,
O thou, the wretched's sure retreat, O thou unknown, almighty cause! O thou who hearest sinners cry: O thou, whose all-disposing sway, O thou, whose bright celestial ray
O thou, whose mercy bends the skies. O thou, whose tender niercy hears Our country is Emmanuel's ground; Our days are like the flow'rs that fade; Our God; our help in ages past, Our pow'rs, O God; are too confin'd Our reason stretches all its wings,
Our wasting lives are short'ning still, Out of the depth of sad distress,
Peace, my complaining, doubting heart! Praise, everlasting praise, be paid, Praise in thy churches waits for thee! Praise, O praise, the name divine! Praise to God, immortal praise, Praise to thee, thou great Creator! Praise to the Lord of boundless might, Praise the Lord, exalt his name, Praise ye the Lord, immortal choir Praise ye the Lord; let praise employ Praise ye the Lord! my heart shall join Praise ye he Lord: oh, blissful theme, Praise ye the Lord! 'tis good to raise
Proclaim salvation from the Lord, Providence, profusely kind,
Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord, Rejoice, ye righteous, in your God! Remark, my soul! the narrow bounds
Remember, Lord, our mortal state Remember us, we pray thee, Lord, Return, O God of love! return;
Rise, rise, my soul, and leave the ground
Sacred wisdom! be my guide!
Salvation is for ever nigh
See! the bright monarch of the day
Sense can afford no real joy
Shall I forsake that heav'nly friend
Shall the kind mother's gentle breast Shew pity, Lord! O Lord, forgive Shine, mighty God! on Britain shine, Shine on our souls, eternal God! Should famine o'er the mourning field Sing to the Lord a joyful song; Sing to the Lord Jehovah's name, Sing to the Lord! let praise inspire Sing to the Lord with joyful voice; Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands; Sing, ye sons of might, O sing, So let our lips and lives express Songs of immortal praise belong Soon will our fleeting hours be past; Sov'reign of life! before thine eye Sweet is the friendly voice which speaks, Sweet is the work, my God, my king,
Teach me, O teach me, Lord! thy way; Teach me 0 thou! that teacher art"
Teach me the measure of my days, Thanks for mercies past, receive; That awful hour will soon appear, That man is blest who stands in awe That solemn day will soon arrive, Th' almighty reigas exalted high Th' almighty stoops to view the skies, Th' eternal God in thunder speaks, Th' uplifted eye, and bended knee The day approaches, O my soul! The day of wrath, that dreadful day, The earth, and all the heav'nly frame, The earth is thine, Almighty Lord! Thee, O God, enthron'd above! The evils that beset our path,
The God of heav'n is kind and just:
The God of love will sure indulge The heart dejected, sighs to know, The heav'ns declare thy glory, Lord; The Lord can clear the darkest skies, The Lord descended from above, The Lord! how tender is his love,
The Lord is my shepherd, my guardian and guide;
The Lord, my saviour, is my light,
The Lord, my shepherd and my guide,
The Lord, my shepherd is;
The Lord of glory is my light,
The Lord of glory reigns, he reigns on high :- The Lord of glory reigns, supremely great, The Lord, the God of glory reigns,
The Lord, the sov'reign king,
The man of humble, upright heart,
The man whose faith and hope are strong,'
The man whose firm and equal mind, The mighty God, the wise and just,
The morn and eve thy praise resound, The praises of my God, my king, The promises I sing,
The rising moru, the closing day, The soul opprest with sin's desert, The spacious firmament on high,
heav'ns thy rule obey,
The swift declining day
The volume of any father's grace,
The weary traveller, lost in night,
The wonders, Lord, thy love has wrought,
The work, O Lord, is thine,
The world of nature, Lord is thiné
There is a glorious world on high, There is a God, all nature speaks, There is a righteous God,
There is forgiveness, Lord, with thee, They that have made their refuge God, Thine is the throne, beneath thy reign, This earthly globe, the creature of a day This God is the God we adore, This is the day the Lord hath made: Those happy realms of joy and peace
Thou art my portion, O my God! Thou didst make the darksome night,
Thou didst, O mighty God! exist
Thou, Lord! in mercy, wilt regard
Thou only sov'reign of my heart,
Thou pow'r supreme, by whose command I live 129
Though nature's voice you must obey,
Though perfect eloquence adorn'd
Thrice happy man who fears the Lord,
Thrice happy man, who, born from heav'n,
Thro' all the changing scenes of life, Thro' all the various shifting scene
Thro' endless years thou art the same,
Thro' ev'ry age, eternal God!
Thy promises are large and free,
Thus far the Lord has led me on,
Thus saith the first, the great command; Thus saith the Lord, "the spacious fields," Thus the eternal father spake
Thy goodness, Lord! while I survey, Thy judgments, Lord; are deep and high, Thy justice, Lord! maintains its throne. Thy kingdom, Lord! for ever stands, Thy mercies fill the earth, O Lord! Thy name, almighty Lord!
Thy presence, everlasting God!
Thy throne, O God! for ever stands, Thy way, O God! thy wondrous way,
Thy wisdom, pow'r, and goodness, Lord, Time, what an empty vapour 'tis ! "Tis by the faith of joys to come,
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