To God the great, the ever blest, To God, the only wise, To God, whose glories are display'd To-morrow, Lord is thine, To our almighty maker, God, To pay our God the tribute due, To your creator, God, Triumphant Lord! thy goodness reigns 'Twas from thy hand, great God! I came, 'Twas God who hurl'd the rolling spheres U Unite, my roving thoughts! unite, Unshaken as th' eternal hills, Upward I lift mine eyes, V Vain are the charms, and faint the rays, Vain is the toilsome search of good W Wake now, my soul, and humbly hear Page 188 408 214 459 427 182 210 96 314 350 489 169 282 66 153 127 22 353 65 192 246 247 224 233 55 205 195 49 Weak Weak and irresolute is man; Page 413 338 Welcome the hope of Israel's race, 284 What glory gilds the sacred page, What shall I render to my God, 475 Waat shall I render to the Lord. 232 Why is my heart with grief oppress'd? 332 Why should this earth delight us so? Why, O my soul, thus sunk in woe? 324 272 267 457 With glory clad, with strength array'd, Why will you waste on trifling cares 394 14 37 Within thy churches, Lord, With God my friend, the radiant sun, 208 6 With kind compassion hear my cry, 205 With my whole heart I've sought thy face : 406 With rev'rence let the saints appear With pleasing wonder, Lord! we view 135 10 With sacred joy we lift our eyes 15 With songs and honours sounding loud, 78 Would you behold the works of God, 486 Y Ye bless'd inhabitants of heav'n, 68 467 462 51 299 17 201 488 Y HYMNS AND PSALMS. BOOK I. ADAPTED TO THE INTRODUCTORY PART OF WORSHIP. 1 1. L.M. WATTS. OW pleasant, how divinely fair, With long desire my spirit faints B are! 4 Blest |