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68. L.M. WATTS.

The vanity of earthly desires.

AN has a

soul of vast desires,

He burns within with restless fires;

Tost to and fro, his passions fly
From vanity to vanity.
In vain on earth we hope to find
Some solid good to fill the mind :
We try new pleasures, but we feel
The inward thirst and torment still.
So when a raging fever burns,
We shift from side to side by turns;
And 'tis a poor relief we gain,
To change the place, but keep the pain.
Great GOD! subdue this vicious thirst,
This love to vanity and dust;
O cure the fever of the mind,
And feed our souls with joys refin'd.


69. L.M. WATTS.

Christian zeal tempered by charity.
REAT GOD! whose all-pervading eye
Sees ev'ry passion in my soul !
When sunk too low, or rais'd too high,
Teach me those passions to controul.
Temper the fervours of my frame;
Be charity their constant spring;
And O, let no unhallow'd flame
Pollute the offerings I bring.
Let peace with piety unite
To mend the bias of my will;
While hope and heav'n-ey'd faith excite,
And wisdom regulates, my zoal:-


4 That wisdom which to meekness turns,
Wisdom descending from above:
And let my zeal, whene'er it burns,
Be kindl'd by the fire of love.



The divine compassion.

WHAT fondness for his infant care

A father's bosom learns to share,

Such from th' eternal monarch claim The souls that rev'rent own his name. 2 If e'er our trespass he chastise, Not to its weight proportion'd rise The just corrections of his hand, But bounded by his mercy stand: 3 That mercy to the starry pole Extends; and, far as from his goal The sun in daily circuit roves, The humbl'd sinner's guilt removes. 4 The man that's merciful and just In thy compassions, LORD! shall trust; His heart, inspir'd with holy flame, Thy kind, paternal care proclaim.



71. C.M. DR. COTTON.

Go the refuge of the afflicted.

stormy deep,

Where wave resounds to wave:
Though o'er my head the billows roll,
I know the LORD can save.

2 Perhaps, before the morning dawn,
He'll reinstate my peace;
For he, who bade the tempest roar,
Can bid the tempest cease.

89. C. M. DR. ENFIELD.

The example of Jesus.

BEHOLD, where in a

mortal form

Appears each grace divine;
The virtues all in Jesus met,
With mildest radiance shine.
To spread the rays of heav'nly light,
To give the mourner joy,
To preach glad tidings to the poor,
Was his divine employ.

Lowly in heart, to all his friends
A friend and servant found,
He wash'd their feet, he wip'd their tears,
And heal'd each bleeding wound.

Midst keen reproach, and cruel scorn,
Patient and meek he stood;
is foes, ungrateful, sought his life;
He labour'd for their good.
o God he left his righteous cause,
And still his task pursu'd;
hile humble pray'r, and holy faith
His fainting strength renew'd.
a the last hour of deep distress,
Before his father's throne,

Jith soul resign'd he bow'd, and said, "Thy will, not mine, be done!"


e Christ our pattern, and our guide!
His image may we bear !
may we tread his holy steps,
His joy and glory share!

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90, L. M.



90. L.M. DR. WATTS.

The institution of the Lord's Supper.
WAS on that dark, that awful night,
When all the pow'rs of darkness rose

Against the son of God's delight, And friends betray'd him to his foes. 2 Before the mournful scene began, He took thebread, and bless'd, and brake:What love through all his actions ran! What wondrous words of grace he spake ! 3 This is my body, broke for sin; Receive and eat the living food :--Then took the cup, and bless'd the wine'Tis the new cov'nant in my blood.

4 Meet at my table, and record
The love of your departed LORD:
Do this, he cry'd, till time shall end,
In mem'ry of your dying friend.


91. L.M. DR. ENFIELD'S SELECTION. Hymn for the Communion.


HIS feast was Jesus' high behest, This cup of thanks his last request: Ye who can feel his worth! attendEat, drink, in mem'ry of your friend. 2 Around the patriot's bust ye throng, Him ye exalt in swelling song; For him the wreath of glory bind, Who freed from vassalage his kind. 3 And shall not he your praises reap, Who rescues from the iron sleep;

The great deliv'rer, whose breath
Unbinds the captives ev'n of death?
Shall he who, fellow-men to save,
Became a tenant of the grave,
Unthank'd, uncelebrated, rise,
Pass unremember'd to the skies?

Christians! unite with loud acclaim,
To hymn the saviour's welcome name;
On earth extol his wondrous love;
Repeat his praise in worlds above.


Remembrance of Christ.

"FAT, drink,,, in mem'ry of your


Such was our master's last request;
Who all the pangs of death endured,
That we might live for ever blest.
Yes, we'll record thy matchless love,
Thou dearest, tend'rest, best of friends
Thy dying love the noblest praise
Of long eternity transcends.

'Tis pleasure more than earth can give
Thy goodness through these veils to see ;
Thy table food celestial yields,
And happy they who sit with thee.

93. Р.М. MR. M. CALAMY.
Before or after Sermon.

LORD of nature! source of light!
In pity view thy world below :

Guide our erring footsteps right,

Through these scenes of guilt and woe.

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