M 68. L.M. WATTS. The vanity of earthly desires. AN has a soul of vast desires, He burns within with restless fires; Tost to and fro, his passions fly G 69. L.M. WATTS. Christian zeal tempered by charity. 4 4 That wisdom which to meekness turns, 1 70. L.M. MERRICK. The divine compassion. WHAT fondness for his infant care A father's bosom learns to share, Such from th' eternal monarch claim The souls that rev'rent own his name. 2 If e'er our trespass he chastise, Not to its weight proportion'd rise The just corrections of his hand, But bounded by his mercy stand: 3 That mercy to the starry pole Extends; and, far as from his goal The sun in daily circuit roves, The humbl'd sinner's guilt removes. 4 The man that's merciful and just In thy compassions, LORD! shall trust; His heart, inspir'd with holy flame, Thy kind, paternal care proclaim. 1 A 71. C.M. DR. COTTON. Go the refuge of the afflicted. stormy deep, FFLICTION is a 2 Perhaps, before the morning dawn, 89. C. M. DR. ENFIELD. The example of Jesus. BEHOLD, where in a mortal form Appears each grace divine; Lowly in heart, to all his friends Midst keen reproach, and cruel scorn, Jith soul resign'd he bow'd, and said, "Thy will, not mine, be done!" 1 e Christ our pattern, and our guide! 3 D 90, L. M. ! 1 90. L.M. DR. WATTS. The institution of the Lord's Supper. Against the son of God's delight, And friends betray'd him to his foes. 2 Before the mournful scene began, He took thebread, and bless'd, and brake:What love through all his actions ran! What wondrous words of grace he spake ! 3 This is my body, broke for sin; Receive and eat the living food :--Then took the cup, and bless'd the wine'Tis the new cov'nant in my blood. 4 Meet at my table, and record 1 91. L.M. DR. ENFIELD'S SELECTION. Hymn for the Communion. TH HIS feast was Jesus' high behest, This cup of thanks his last request: Ye who can feel his worth! attendEat, drink, in mem'ry of your friend. 2 Around the patriot's bust ye throng, Him ye exalt in swelling song; For him the wreath of glory bind, Who freed from vassalage his kind. 3 And shall not he your praises reap, Who rescues from the iron sleep; The great deliv'rer, whose breath Christians! unite with loud acclaim, 92. L.M. DUBLIN COLLECTION. Remembrance of Christ. "FAT, drink,,, in mem'ry of your friend!" Such was our master's last request; 'Tis pleasure more than earth can give 93. Р.М. MR. M. CALAMY. LORD of nature! source of light! Guide our erring footsteps right, Through these scenes of guilt and woe. 3 D2 2 Grant |