2 Grant thy spirit!-By thy kindness Let our errors be forgiven : Heal our sins, dispel our blindness; Then-conduct us safe to heaven!
94. P.M. DR. DODDRIDGE. An evening bymn.
1 NTERVAL of grateful shade,
Welcome slumbers to my eyes, Tir'd with glaring vanities. 2 My great master still allows Needful periods of repose : By my heav'nly father blest, Thus I give my pow'rs to rest.
3 Heav'nly father! gracious name! Night and day his love the same! Far be each suspicious thought, Ev'ry anxious care forgot!
4 Thou, my ever-bounteous GOD! Crown'st my days with various good: Thy kind eye, which cannot sleep, My defenceless hours shall keep. 5 What if death my sleep invade ? Should I be of death afraid ? While encircl'd by thine arm, Death may strike, but cannot harm. 6 With thy heav'nly presence blest, Death is live, and labour rest: Welcome sleep or death to ime, Still secure, for still with thee!
GOD, a God, the wide earth shouts
Almighty Father of mankind
Affliction is a stormy deep
All-gracious Father, how divine
Eat, drink, in mem'ry of your friend Eternal excellence, thy hand
Far hence each superstition vain
God of the morning, at whose voice God is a king of pow'r unknown God the heav'ns aloud proclaim Great God, how vast is thine abode
Great God whose all-pervading eye
Hail, saviour of the human race Here, Lord, by heav'nly wisdom led How shall we praise th' eternal God How happy is the man who hears
How may earth and heav'n unite How well our great preserver knows
How blest thy creature is, O God How blest who thee, great God, obey
Let songs of praise from all below Let heathens to their idols haste Let not the sinner's wrath or might Let coward guilt with pallid fear Let not the sight thy heart dismay Lord, who shall to thy hill ascend Lord, let thy mercy full and free Lord of nature, source of light
Man has a soul of vast desires
Mercy, judgment, now my tongue
Moons, planets, suns, that deck the sky'
My heart is fix'd, eternal sire
Not with our slaughter'd flocks we come
O why, my soul dost thou complain O thou great being, what thou art O Father of mercy,
come, behold a scene of dread
Peace to the man, wise, just, and good
Swift glide the hours of life away Sleep, sleep to-day, tormenting cares Supreme and universal light
The Lord, the judge, his churches warns Think not, ye just and good distress'd The just, blest object of thy love Thou, Lord, the just wilt still sustain Thy providence supplies my food To God belongs th' eternal sway To thee, my God, to thee alone Thine eyes in me the sheep behold Thine eyes in me nor lofty mind 'Twas on that dark, that awful night This feast was Jesus' high behest To God most high, the ever blest The starry hosts in order move Thee will I bless, my God and king The Lord, th' almighty monarch spake There is a land of pure delight
The man whose heart from vice is clear Thou who sitt'st enthron'd above
Welcome, sweet day of rest
When, as returns this solemn day With earliest zeal, with wakeful care Where shall I shun, great God, thine eye Wherewith shall I approach the Lord What fondness for his infant care
When darkness long has veil'd my mind Wherefore should man, frail child of clay While here as wandr'ing sheep we stray
• Ye boundless realms of joy Ve souls with pure devotion warm
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