| Isaac Watts - 1769 - 360 էջ
...darkens thy defigns. . 2 For ever firm thy juftice ftands, As mountains their foundations keep ; Wife are the wonders of thy hands ; Thy judgments are a...deep. 3 Thy providence is kind and large, Both man and bcail thy bounty fhart; The whole creation is thy charge; But faints are' thy peculiar care. 4 My God... | |
 | Hymns - 1772 - 322 էջ
...darkens thydefigns a For 2 For ever firm thy juflice (lands, As mountains their foundations keep, Wife are the wonders of thy hands, Thy judgments are a...deep. 3 Thy providence is kind and large, Both man and beaft thy bounty fhare, The whole creation is thy charge, But faints are thy peculiar care. 4 My God,... | |
 | 1781 - 660 էջ
...darkens thy Defigns. 2. For ever firm thy Juftice ftands, As Mountains their Foundations keep ^ "Wife are the Wonders of thy Hands ; Thy Judgments are a mighty Deep. 2 Thy Providence is kind and large, Both Man and Beaft thy Bounty fhare ; The whole Creation is thy... | |
 | Newcome Cappe - 1786 - 362 էջ
...darkens thy defigns. 2 For ever firm thy juftice ftands, As mountains their foundations keep; Wife are the wonders of thy hands ; Thy judgments are a...deep. 3 Thy providence is kind and large, Both man and beaft thy bounty fhare; The The whole creation is thy charge, Thy faints are thy peculiar care. 4 O... | |
 | Newcome Cappe - 1786 - 376 էջ
...darkens thy defigns. 2 For ever firm thy juftica'ltands, As mountains their foundations keep; Wife are the wonders of thy hands ; Thy judgments are a...deep. 3 Thy providence is kind and large, Both man and beaft thy bounty fhare; The The whole creation is thy charge, Thy faints are thy peculiar care. 4 O... | |
 | George Walker - 1788 - 350 էջ
...darkens thy defigns. 2- For ever firm thy juftice ftands, As mountains their foundations keep; Wife are the wonders of thy hands, Thy judgments are a...deep. 3 Thy providence is kind and large, Both man and beaft thy bounty inare ; The whole creation is thy charge, But faints are thy peculiar care. 4 My God... | |
 | Isaac Watts - 1789 - 614 էջ
...kind and large, Both man and b«aft thy bounty ihare j The-whole creation is thy charge, But faints are thy peculiar care. 4 My God ! how excellent thy grace, Whence all our hope and comfort firings}. The fons of Adam in diftrefs, ..,."; Fly to the Ihadow ofihy wings. . .. •> j 5 From the... | |
 | Jeremy Belknap - 1801 - 518 էջ
...darkens thy defigns. ? Forever firm thv juftice (lands, As mountains their foundations keep } Wife are the wonders of thy hands, Thy judgments are a...mighty deep. 3 Thy providence is kind and large, Both men and beads thy bounty lhare ; - The whole creation is thy charge, But faints are thy peculiar care.... | |
 | Jeremy Belknap - 1801 - 510 էջ
...darkens thy defigns. 2 Forever firm thy juftice ftands, As mountains their foundations keep ; Wife are the wonders of thy hands, Thy judgments are a...mighty deep. 3 Thy providence is kind and large, Both men and beafts thy bounty {hare ; The whole creation is thy charge, But faints are thy peculiar care.... | |
 | 1802 - 446 էջ
...metaphor, /<•. Ixiii. - • a. For ever firm thy justice stands As mountains their foundations keep; Wise are the wonders of thy hands, Thy judgments are a...kind and large, Both man and beast thy bounty share; It The whole creation is thy charge, Em saints are thy peculiar care. 4. My God ! how excellent thy... | |
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