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lars: the Judges of the Supreme Court, eight hundred dollars each; the Presidents of the Circuit courts, eight hundred dollars each; and the members of the General Assembly, not exceeding two dollars per day each, during their attendance on the same; and two dollars for every twenty-five miles they shall severally travel, on the most usual route in going to, and returning from, the General Assembly; after which time, their pay shall be regulated by law. But no law, passed to increase the pay of members of the General Assembly, shall take effect, until after the close of the session, at which such law shall have been passed.

SEC. XVII. In order that the boundaries of the State of Indiana may more certainly be known and established, it is hereby ordained and declared, that the following shall be, and forever remain, the boundaries of the said State, to wit: Bounded on the east by the meridian line which forms the western boundary of the State of Ohio; on the south, by the Ohio river, from the mouth of the great Miami river to the mouth of the river Wabash; on the west, by a line drawn along the middle of the Wal ash river, from its mouth to a point where a due north line, drawn from the town of Vi cennes, would last touch the north-western shore of the said Wabash river; and from thence, by a due north line until the same shall intersect an east and west line drawn through a point ten miles north of the southern extreme of lake Michigan; on the north, by the said east and west line, until the same shall intersect the first mentioned meridian line, which forms the western boundary of the State of Ohio.


SECTION I. That no evils or inconveniences may arise from the change of a territorial government to a permanent State government, it is declared by this Constitution, that all rights, suits, actions, prosecutions, recognizances, contracts and claims. both as it respects individuals and bodies corporate, shall continue as if no change had taken [place] in this government.

SEC. II. All fines, penalties, and forfeitures, due and owing to the territory of Indiana, or any county therein, shall inure to the use of the State or county. All bonds executed to the Governor, or any other officer, in his official capacity, in the territory, shall pass over to the Governor, or other officers of the State or county, and their successors in office, for the use of the State or county, or by him or them to be respectively assigned over to the use of those concerned, as the case may be.

SEC. III. The Governor, Secretary, and Judges, and all other officers, both civil and military, under the territorial government, shall continue in the exercise of the duties of their respective departments, until the said officers are superseded under the authority of this Constitution.

SEC. IV. All laws and parts of laws now in force in this territory, not inconsistent with this Constitution, shall continue and remain in full force and effect, until they expire or be repealed.

SEC. V. The Governor shall use his private seal, until a State seal be procured.

SEC. VI. The Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts, and Treasurer, shall severally reside, and keep all the public records, books and papers, in any manner relating to their respective offices, at the seat of government: provided, notwithstanding, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to affect the residence of the Governor for the space of six months, and until buildings suitable for his accommodation shall be procured, at the expense of the State.

SEC. VII. All suits, pleas, plaints, and other proceedings, now depending in any Court of Record, or Justice's Courts, shall be prosecuted to final judgment and execution; and all appeals, writs of error, certiorari, injunction, or other proceedings whatsoever, shall progress, and be carried on, in the respective court or courts, in the same manner as is now provided by law, and all proceedings had therein, in as full and complete a manner as if this Constitution were not adopted. And appeals and writs of error may be taken from the Circuit Court and General Court, now established in the Indiana territory, to the Supreme Court, in such manner as shall be provided for by law.

SEC. VIII. The President of this Convention shall issue writs of election, directed to the several Sheriffs of the several counties, requiring them to cause an election to be held for a Governor, Lieutenant Governor, a Representative to the Congress of the United States, members of the General Assembly, Sheriffs and Coroners, at the respective election districts in each county, on the first Monday in August next; which election shall be conducted in the [manner] prescribed by the existing election laws of the Indiana territory; and the said Governor, Lieutenant Governor, members of the General Assembly, Sheriffs and Coroners, then duly elected, shall continue to exercise the duties of their respective offices for the time prescribed by this Constitution, and until their successor or successors are qualified, and no longer.

SEC. IX. Until the first enumeration shall be made, as directed by this Constitution, the county of Wayne shall be entitled to one Senator and three Representatives; the county of Franklin, one Senator and three Representatives; the county of Dearborn, one Senator and two Representatives; the county of Switzerland, one Representative; and the counties of Jefferson and Switzerland, one Senator, and the county of Jefferson, two Representatives; the county of Clark, one Senator and three Representatives; the county of Harrison, one Senator and three Representatives; the counties of Washington, Orange, and Jackson, one Senator; and the county of Washington, two Representatives; the counties of Orange and Jackson, one Representative each; the county of Knox one Senator and three Representatives; the county of Gibson, one Senator and two Representatives; the counties of Posey, Warrick, and Perry, one Senator, and each of the aforesaid counties of Posey, Warrick, and Perry, one Representative.

SEC. X. All books, records, documents, warrants and papers, appertaining and belonging to the office of the territorial Treasurer of the Indiana territory, and all moneys therein, and all papers and documents in the office of the Secretary of said territory, shall be disposed of as the General Assembly of this State may direct.

SEC. XI. All suits, actions, pleas, plaints, prosecutions, and causes whatsoever; and all records, books, papers and documents now in the General Court, may be transferred to the Supreme Court, established by this Constitution; and all causes, suits, actions, pleas, plaints, and prosecutions whatsoever, now existing or pending in the Circuit Courts of this territory, or which may be therein at the change of government; and all records, books, papers, and documents, relating to the said suits, or filed in the said courts, may be transferred over to the Circuit Courts established by this Constitution, under such rules and regulations as the General Assembly may direct.

Done in Convention at Corydon, on the twenty-ninth day of June, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixteen, and of the Independence of the United States, the fortieth.






THE PEOPLE of the Illinois Territory, having the right of admission into the General Government as a member of the Union, consistent with the Constitution of the United States, the ordinance of Congress of 1787, and the law of Congress, approved April 18, 1818, entitled "an Act to enable the people of the Illinois Territory to form a Constitution and State Government, and for the admission of such State into the Union on an equal footing with the original States, and for other purposes;" in order to establish justice, promote the welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to themselves and their posterity, do, by their Representatives in Convention, ordain and establish the following Constitution or form of government; and do mutually agree with each other to form themselves into a free and independent State, by the name of the State of Illinois. And they do hereby ratify the boundaries assigned to such State by the act of Congress aforesaid, which are as follows, to wit: "Beginning at the mouth of the Wabash river, thence up the same, and with the line of Indiana to the north-west corner of said State; thence east with the line of the same State to the middle of Lake Michigan; thence north along the middle of said lake, to the north latitude forty-two degrees and thirty minutes; thence west to the middle of the Mississippi river; and thence down along the middle of that river to its confluence with the Ohio river; and thence up the latter river along its northwestern shore to the beginning.


SECTION I. The powers of the government of the State of Illinois, shall be divided into three distinct departments, and each of them be confided to a separate body of magistracy, to wit: Those which are legislative, to one; those which are executive, to another; and those which are judiciary, to another.

SEC. II. No person or collection of persons, being one of those departments, shall exercise any power properly belonging to either of the others, except as hereinafter expressly directed or permitted.


SECTION I. The Legislative authority of this State shall be vested in a General Assembly, which shall consist in a Senate and House of Representatives, both to be elected by the people.

SEC. II. The first election for Senators and Representatives shall commence on the third Thursday of September next, and continue for that and the two succeeding days; and the next election shall be held on the first Monday in August, one thousand eight hundred and twenty; and forever after, elections shall be held once in two years, on the first Monday of August, in each and every county, at such places therein as may be provided by law.

SEC. III. No person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained the age of twenty-one years, who shall not be a citizen of the United States, and an inhabitant of this State: who shall not have resided within the limits of the county or district in which he shall be chosen, twelve months next preceding his election, if such county or district shall have been so long erected; but if not, then within the limits of the county or counties, district or districts out of which the same shall have been taken, unless he shall have been absent on the public business of the United States or of this State; and who moreover shall not have paid a State or county tax.

SEC. IV. The Senators at their first session herein provided for, shall be divided by lot from their respective counties or districts, as near as can be, into two classes. The seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year; and those of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, so that one-half thereof, as near as possible, may be biennially chosen forever thereafter. SEC. V. The number of Senators and Representatives shall, at the first session of the General Assembly holden after the returns herein provided for are made, be fixed by the General Assembly, and apportioned among the several counties or districts to be established by law, according to the number of white inhabitants. The number of Representatives shall not be less than twenty-seven, nor more than thirtysix, until the number of inhabitants within this State shall amount to one hundred thousand; and the number of Senators shall never be less than one-third, nor more than one-half, of the number of Representatives.

SEC. VI. No person shall be a Senator who has not arrived at the age of twentyfive years, who shall not be a citizen of the United States, and who shall not have resided one year in the county or distrtct in which he shall be chosen immediately preceding his election, if such county or district shall have been so long erected; but if not, then within the limits of the county or counties, district or districts, out of which the same shall have been taken; unless he shall have been absent on the public business of the United States or of this State, and shall not moreover have paid a State or county tax.

SEC. VII. The Senate and House of Representatives, when assembled, shall each choose a Speaker and other officers: (the Speaker of the Senate excepted :)

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