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Special attention is called to the com

unciation of words.

Vords differently spelled, and words onounced are marked.

e great variety of useful and common nder the separate headings.

special advantages claimed for this

lessons are attractive. Pupils will
learning them.

ontains a fund of general information.
s it will aid the lessons in Natural
ve as Supplementary Reading.
I aid the pupil in the preparation of
The use of terms learned from it,
arned, as they are correct, scientific.
words being used in living relation
the pupils will acquire a natural
ty of expression.

equent repetition of common words
lessons more impressive and pro-

ercises present excellent topics for hey may also form the outlines of pils should be required to collect and in the book.

→ lessons prepare the pupil to read wspaper, or a miscellaneous book. ✓ observed that pupils will procolumns correctly, at which they pared, and adapted to this purpose-thus furnishing a more varied language. These lessons are sufficiently well-graded to be followed by any grammar-class in the order of arrangement; it is suggested, however, that lessons be selected suitable to the taste, and to the general class-work.

Some of the most important features of this book

are :

First, The phonic analysis of words. This list not only illustrates the sounds of our language, but it was selected with due regard to the importance of the words. It is recommended that pupils be thoroughly drilled upon the sounds and the diacritical marks.

Second, The maxims in this work are the embodiment of experience and wisdom. Proverbs exercise a wide influence in controlling the actions of men. There is no better time to store the mind with important truths than in youth.

Third, Very few rules for the spelling of words have been given.

Fourth, The principal uses of capitals.

Fifth, The use of punctuation marks. These exercises afford a practical course in training students to correct habits in the use of capital letters and punctuation marks.

Sixth, All difficult and technical words, and all geographical and biographical names are pronounced at the end of each exercise. Thus the pupils have at band a key to the pronunciation of words, in the absence of the dictionary.

[blocks in formation]

Seventh, Special attention is called to the common mispronunciation of words.

Eighth,-Words differently spelled, and words differently pronounced are marked.

Ninth,-The great variety of useful and common words given under the separate headings.

Some of the special advantages claimed for this book are :

First, The lessons are attractive. Pupils will take pleasure in learning them.

Second, It contains a fund of general information. In many schools it will aid the lessons in Natural History, and serve as Supplementary Reading.

Third, It will aid the pupil in the preparation of his other work. The use of terms learned from it, need not be unlearned, as they are correct, scientific.

Fourth, The words being used in living relation with one another, the pupils will acquire a natural fluency and facility of expression.

Fifth, The frequent repetition of common words will make these lessons more impressive and progressive.

Sixth, The exercises present excellent topics for object lessons. They may also form the outlines of compositions. Pupils should be required to collect information not found in the book.

Seventh, These lessons prepare the pupil to read intelligently the newspaper, or a miscellaneous book. It is frequently observed that pupils will pronounce words in columns correctly, at which they






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