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Account of the Prisoners of War and De- | - Gen. Bonnemain pursued him for a serters, which have entered Salamanca, league on the other side of Ocana; he overfrom the 16th Nov. to this day, the 21st of the same month.

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General Bigarre, Aid-de-camp to his Catholic Majesty, has just arrived at Vittoria, bearing dispatches for the Emperor. He announces that 2,600 prisoners, among whom is General Paget, will arrive on the 6th at Vittoria, under the escort of 3,000 of the army of Portugal. The English have retreated into Portugal, and it appears that our affairs in that quarter are going on as well as possible. The General in Chief, Count Reille, set out to-day to proceed on his route to Burgos.

(Signed) Baron THOUVENOT.

Extracts from Dispatches addressed to the
Minister at War, the Duke of Feltre, by
Marshal Jourdan, Chief of his Catholic
Majesty's Staff.

Madrid, Nov. 3.

The King departed from Cuenza on the 26th, and fixed his head-quarters at Horcajada; the head of the Army of the Centre arrived on the same day at Tarancon. -On the 27th his Majesty arrived at Tarancon; reconnoissances were pushed on FuenteDuena, which was still occupied by the English troops; the bridge of boats had been withdrawn upon the right bank of the Tagus.--The Duke of Dalmatia arrived on the 25th at Santa Cruz de la Sarza; on the same day, the reserve of cavalry of the army of the South, commanded by General Tilly, was at Villa Tobas. The Duke of Dalmatia ordered him to push a very strong reconnoissance on Ocana; Gen. Bonnemain had the command of it. He found at Ocana 17 English and Portuguese squadrons, commanded by General Long, who would not fight, and who fell back upon Aranjuez.

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took his rear-guard, sabred 30 men, and made 20 prisoners; he also carried away about thirty horses. The Duke of Dalmatia fixed his head-quarters on the 26th at Ocana, whence he sent a reconnoissance upon Aranjuez. The enemy had evacuated this town, blown up the bridge of la Reyna, and burnt the one near the palace; several corps of infantry and cavalry were seen in the park on the right bank. The Duke of Dalmatia began his operations for rebuilding the bridges. The tide of the Tagus was very high; the fords were impracticable. On the 28th, his Majesty marched with his reserve to Santa Cruz de la Parza. On the same day the troops of the Army of the Centre, who marched upon the Tagus to reconnoitre the force and position of the enemy, discovered that he had evacuated Fuente Duena. The boats of the bridge were on the right bank, however, without having received any damage; the posts and cables had been cut, and the beams carried away. An officer of sappers swam across the river; his example was followed by several soldiers; the boats were replaced, and the rebuilding of the bridge was immediately set about. On the 29th, the King moved his head-quarters to Ocana. On the same day the enemy's troops, who had remained in the park of Aranjuez, on the right bank of the Tagus, retired behind the Jarama. The Duke of Dalmatia advanced to Aranjuez. On the 30th, the bridges were entirely re-established at Aranjuez and Fuente Duena. It was reported that the enemy intended to concentrate his forces upon the right bank of the Jarama, and that he appeared inclined to defend that position, which is extremely strong. Marshal the Duke of Dalmatia made a reconnoissance this day; he found the enemy intrenched upon the bridge of the Jarama, called Puente Largo; after several vollies of cannon, the enemy withdrew his artillery, and exploded two mines, which blew up one arch of the bridge. The Duke of Dalmatia then ordered the firing of the musketry to cease, as it was now without object. Our loss in this battle was about 25 wounded, among whom was an officer of Voltigeurs: the enemy's loss was much more considerable: he had several men killed on the bridge. The Duke of Dalmatia still supposed the enemy intended to give battle in the position which overlooks the Jarama, and as this position is truly inassailable in front, it was necessary to manœuvre to force the enemy to abandon | Guadarama. The cavalry of the army of it. On the 31st, the Duke of Dalmatia, the South occupied St. Antonio de las Naras learnt, and announced to his Majesty, that and Villa Castin. One part of the infantry the enemy had abandoned Puente Largo. This bridge was re-established, and on the same day the advanced guard of the Army of the South advanced to Valdemoro, and took about 500 prisoners. The divisions of this army began to march on the night of the 31st, from the different points which they occupied, and passed the Tagus at Aranjuez; they defiled during the whole of the day and night of the 1st of November. The army had not entirely passed the Tagus on the 2d of November, at six o'clock in the morning. The King proceeded on the 31st to Aranjuez, and ordered the Count D'Erlon to march upon this point, in order to follow the movement of the army of the South. On the 1st of November, the advanced posts of the army of the South arrived near Madrid; that city was evacuated, and the enemy made his retreat by the Puerto de Guadarama. On the 2d, the army of the South was concentrated in the environs of Madrid; the advanced guard proceeded to the Escurial, and continued to make prisoners. On the same day the division of Gen. Villatte arrived in Madrid, and his Majesty also arrived with his guards; the army of the Centre defiled upon the bridge of Aranjuez. This day, the 5th, the troops of the army of the South marched in the direction of the Escurial and Guadarama; the advanced guard must now be on the other side of the mountains.

The army of the Centre is arrived in the neighbourhood of Madrid; General D'Armagnac's division has succeeded, in Madrid, that of Gen. Villatte, which has followed the movement of the army of the South. The infantry of the royal guard has just departed, to sleep at Las-Rosas; it will arrive to-morrow at Guadarama, and the King will rejoin it with his cavalry. His Majesty's intention is to pursue the enemy with the army of the South, and to place himself in communication with the army of Portugal. The army of the Centre will continue united in Madrid and its neighbourhood, and will be in readiness to join the King, if Lord Wellington should concentrate his forces to give battle.

(Signed) JOURDAN.

Salamanca, Nον. 10, 1812.

As I had the honour of intimating to you in my letter of the 3d, the King left Madrid on the 4th with his guard. The same day his Majesty established his head-quarters at

was at L'Espinar, the other part remained at Guadarama and Guadalapagar.-In the night between the 4th and 5th, the Duke of Dalmatia reported to the King that General Hill was continuing his retreat, and that he appeared to direct his march upon. Arrevalo, where, it was said, he was to form his junction with Lord Wellington. The King had no certain intelligence of the army of Portugal, but all that could be learned indicated that army to have answered on the right of the Douro, all the bridges of which the enemy had destroyed, and that Lord Wellington announced the intention of leaving on the left bank a portion of his army to observe that of Portugal, and to join the rest of General Hill's at Arrevalo, in order to combat the army of the South separately. His Majesty, that nothing might be compromised, thought it right to call to his aid the army of the Centre, which remained at Madrid. He, therefore, on the 5th, ordered the Count of Erlon to leave Madrid immediately, and to advance as rapidly as possible on Villa Castin, whence he would have to follow the direction taken by the army. On the 5th, the King moved his head-quarters to Villa Castin. The same day, our cavalry having arrived on the Boltaya, perceived that of the enemy on the right bank of the river, covering the march of their infantry. The Duke of Dalmatia hastened the march of his infantry, and united some divisions at Labajos; the cavalry followed the movements of the enemy, who took the direction of Penaranda, and met that of Arrevalo. Our cavalry took a position at Villa Nueva de Gomez, Blasco-Sancho, and Sanchidrion. On the 6th, the King advanced his head-quarters to Arrevalo, and all the army moved in that direction. On the 7th, the King remained at Arrevalo. Reconnoitring parties were sent out, which communicated with the army of Portugal, which had arrived at Medina del Campo. The divisions of the army of the South, which were still in the rear, continued their march upon Arrevalo. General Count Souham, commander of the army of Portugal, reported to the King, that Lord Wellington was directing his march on Salamanca with four divisions of, his army, and a Spanish army commanded by Castanos.

- On the 8th, the King still continued at Arrevalo. The troops of the army of the South, which were yet behind, prose

cuted their march, and the army of the Centre arrived at Villa Castin. The same day the Duke of Dalmatia moved his cavalry on Penaranda, and some divisions of infantry were at Flores de Avilla. On the 9th, the King's head-quarters were at Flores de Avilla; the army of the Centre advanced upon Fuentiveros; that of Portugal on Vittoria, Babila Fuente, and Huerta. The cavalry of the army of the South proceeded towards Alba de Tormes, and the infantry advanced to Flores de Avilla and Penaranda. This day, the 10th, the King arrived at Penaranda, where his Majesty established his head-quarters. Count D'Erlon continued his movement to establish himself at Macotera and its environs; the army of Portugal is completing its movement upon Babila Fuente. The Duke of Dalmatia has directed his march towards Alba de Tormes, with his cavalry and part of his infantry. Alba de Tormes appears to be strongly occupied. The Duke of Dalmatia has fired 1,500 cannon on this post, without being able to dislodge the enemy. -Count Souham reports, that Lord Wellington occupies the position of San Christoval, in advance of Salamanca. During this march some hundreds of prisoners have been collected, together with some equipages.

I pray, &c. (Signed) JOURDAN.

Extract of a Letter from General Lamarque, Commander in Upper Catalonia, to the Minister at War.

Gerona, Nov. 29.

Sir,-Areynes-del-Mare was the entrepòt of the enemy's smuggling, and one of his magazines. This criminal commerce was carried on under the protection of the English ships lying in the roads. A moveable battery was placed at the entrance of the town; the first firing put the English to flight, all their vessels stood out to sea, and we have taken possession of Areynsdel-Mare and of its magazines, the enemy making no endeavour to thwart our operation. The Catalonians perceived, from the conduct of the English in this instance, how little they can rely on the promises of such worthless auxiliaries. The English merchandises seized at Areyns-del-Mare were instantly either burnt or thrown into the sea; but the grain, flour, rice, and other provisions, were conducted to the magazines of Barcelona. The articles brought from the Spanish colonies, such as the sugar and coffee of Havanna, the cottons of Vera Cruz and Motril, and the leather of Buenos

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Mr. Russell to Lord Castlereagh.

My Lord, It is only necessary, I trust, to call the attention of your Lordship to a review of the conduct of the Government of the United States, to prove incontrovertibly its unceasing anxiety to maintain the relations of peace and friendship with Great Britain. Its patience in suffering the inany wrongs which it has received, and its perseverance in endeavouring, by amicable means, to obtain redress, are known to the world. Despairing, at length, of receiving this redress from the justice of the British Government, to which it had so often applied in vain, and feeling that a further forbearance would be a virtual surrender of the interests and rights essential to the prosperity and independence of the nation confided to its protection, it has been compelled to discharge its high duty by an appeal to arms. While, however, it regards this course as the only one which remained for it to pursue with a hope of preserving any portion of that kind of character, which constitutes the vital strength of every nation, yet it is still willing to give another proof of the spirit which has uniformly distinguished its proceedings, by seeking to arrest, on terms consistent with justice and honour, the calamities of war. It has, therefore, authorized me to stipulate with His Britannic Majesty's Government, an armistice, to commence at or before the expiration of 60 days after the signature of the instrument providing for it, on condition that the Orders in Council be repealed, and no illegal blockades be substituted for them, and that orders be immediately given to discontinue the impressment of persons from American vessels, and to restore the citizens of the United States already impressed; it being moreover well understood that the British Government will assent to enter into definitive arrangements, as soon as may be, on these and every other difference, by a Treaty, to be concluded, either at London or Washington, as on an impar

tial consideration of existing circumstances | violating the rights of the United States,

shall be deemed most expedient. - As an inducement to Great Britain to discontinue the practice of impressment from American vessels, I am authorized to give assurance that a law shall be passed (to be reciprocal) to prohibit the employment of British seamen in the public or commercial service of the United States. It is sincerely be lieved, that such an arrangement would prove more efficacious, in securing to Great Britain her seamen, than the practice of impressment, so derogatory to the sovereign attributes of the United States, and so incompatible with the personal rights of their citizens. Your Lordship will not be surprised that I have presented the revocation of the Orders in Council as a preliminary to the suspension of hostilities, when it is considered that the act of the British Government of the 23d of June last, ordaining that revocation, is predicated on conditions, the performance of which is rendered impracticable by the change which is since known to have occurred in the relations between the two countries. It cannot now be expected that the Government of the United States will immediately, on due notice of that Act, revoke, or cause to be revoked, its Acts, excluding from the waters and harbours of the United States all British armed vessels, and interdicting commercial intercourse with Great Britain. Such a procedure would necessarily involve consequences too unreasonable and extravagant to be for a moment presumed. The Order in Council of the 23d of June last will, therefore, according to its own terms, be null, and of no effect, and a new act of the British Government, adapted to existing circumstances, is obviously required for the effectual repeal of the Orders in Council of which the United States complain. -The Government of the United States considers indemnity for injuries received under the Orders in Council and other edicts, violating the rights of the American nation, to be incident to their repeal, and it believes that satisfactory provision will be made in the definitive treaty to be hereafter negociated for this purpose. The conditions now offered to the British Government for the termination of the war by an armistice, as above stated, are so moderate and just in themselves, and so entirely consistent with its interest and honour, that a confident hope is indulged that it will not hesitate to accept them. In so doing it will abandon no right; it will sacrifice no interest; it will abstain only from

and in return it will restore peace with the Power, from whom in a friendly commercial intercourse so many advantages are to be derived. Your Lordship is undoubtedly aware of the serious difficulties with which the prosecution of the war, even for a short period, must necessarily embarrass all future attempts at accommodation. Passions exasperated by injuries-alliances or conquests on terms which forbid their abandonment-will inevitably hereafter embitter and protract a contest which might now be so easily and happily terminated. Deeply impressed with these truths, I cannot but persuade myself that His Royal Highness the Prince Regent will take into his early consideration the propositions herein made on behalf of the United States, and decide on them in a spirit of conciliation and justice. I have the honour to be, with high consideration, my Lord, your Lordship's most obedient servant,


To the Right Hon. Lord Viscount
Castlereagh, &c.

Lord Castlereagh to Mr. Russell. Foreign Office, Aug. 29. Sir,-Although the diplomatic relations between the two Governments have been terminated, by a declaration of war on the part of the United States, I have not hesitated, under the peculiar circumstances of the case, and the authority under which you act, to submit to the Prince Regent the proposition contained in your letter of the 24th inst. for a suspension of hostilities. - From the period at which your instructions must have been issued, it is obvious that this overture was determined upon by the Government of the United States in ignorance of the Order in Council of the 23d of of June J last, and as you inform me that you are not at liberty to depart from the conditions set forth in your letter, it only remains for me to acquaint you, that the Prince Regent feels himself under the necessity of declining to accede to the propositions therein contained, as being on various groonds absolutely inadmissible. As soon as there was reason to apprehend that Mr. Foster's functions might have ceased in America, and that he might have been obliged to withdraw himself, in consequence of war being declared, from the United States, before the above-mentioned Order of the 23d of June, and the instructions consequent thereupon, could have

reached him, measures were taken for
authorizing the British Admiral on the
American station to propose to the United
States an immediate and reciprocal revoca-
tion of all hostile orders, with the tender
of giving full effect, in the event of hostili
ties being discontinued, to the provisions of
the said order, upon conditions therein
specified. From this statement you will
perceive, that the view you have taken of
this part of the subject is incorrect, and
that, in the present state of the relations
between the two countries, the operation of
the Order of the 23d of June can only be
defeated by a refusal on the part of your
Government to desist from hostilities, or to
comply with the conditions expressed in the
said Order.- Under the circumstances of
your having no powers to negociate, I must
decline entering into a detailed discussion of
the propositions which you have been di-
rected to bring forward. - I cannot, how
ever, refrain on one single point from ex-
pressing my surprise; namely, that, as a
condition, preliminary even to a suspension
of hostilities, the Government of the United
States should have thought fit to demand,
that the British Government should desist
from its ancient and accustomed practice of
impressing British seamen from the mer
chant ships of a foreign State, simply on
the assurance that a law shall hereafter be
passed, to prohibit the employment of Bri-
tish seamen in the public or commercial
service of that State. The British Go-
vernment now, as heretofore, is ready to
receive from the Government of the United
States, and amicably to discuss, any pro-
position which professes to have in vierv
either to check abuse in exercise of the
practice of impressment, or to accomplish,
by means less liable to vexation, the object
for which impressment has hitherto been
found necessary; but they cannot consent to
suspend the exercise of a right upon which
the naval strength of the empire mainly
depends, until they are fully convinced
that means can be devised, and will be
adopted, by which the object to be obtain-
ed by the exercise of that right can be ef-
fectually secured. I have the honour to be,
Sir, your most obedient humble Servant,

J. Russell, Esq. c.

Mr. Russell to Lord Castlereagh.

18, Bentinck-street, 1st Sept. 1812. My Lord, I have learnt with much regret, by your Lordship's note, dated the

29th ult. which I did not receive until this morning, that the Prince Regent has thought proper to decline to accede to the proposition for a suspension of hostilities, contained in my note of the 21st of August. - It has been matter of surprise to me that my view with regard to the revocation of the Orders in Council on the 23d of June last should have been considered to have been incorrect, when it appears by your Lordship's note that the British Government itself had deemed it necessary to give powers to the British Admiral to stipulate for its full effect, and thereby admitted that a new act was required for that purpose. - It now only remains for me to announce to your Lordship that it is my intention to embark immediately at Plymouth, on board the ship Lark, for the United States, and to request that permission may be granted, as soon as may be, for the embarkation of my servants, baggage, and the effects of this legation, and that the necessary passports may be furnished for my own and their safe conduct to that destination. I avail myself of this occasion to apprize your Lordship, that I am authorized by the Government of the United States to leave Reuben Gaunt Beasly, Esq. as its agent for prisoners of war in this country, and to desire that every necessary facility may be offered him in the exercise of that trust by the British Government. - I have the honour to be, my Lord, your Lordship's most obedient humble servant,


The Right Hon. Lord Viscount

Lord Castlereagh to Mr. Russell.
Foreign Office, Sept. 2, 1812.

Sir, I have laid before His Royal Highness the Prince Regent your letter of the 1st inst. in which you announce your intention to embark immediately at Plymouth, on board the ship Lark, for the United States.

I have already the honour of forwarding to you an Admiralty Order, for the protection of that ship as a cartel on her voyage to America, and I herewith enclose to you a passport for the free embarkation of yourself and family, in conformity to your request. The Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury will issue directions to the Commissioners of the Customs to give every facility to the embarkation of your effects. If, previous to your departure from England, you can point out

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