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you look at me for with your wicked eyes? you are always finding me out. Mrs. Sander looked very much distressed; she gave us a saline draught each. This was the first time I had any suspicion of her being with child. The Princess never said who was the father. When she first told me she was with child, I rather suspected that Sir S. Smith was the father, but only because the Princess was very partial to him. I never knew he was with her alone. We had constant intercourse with the Princess from the time when I was at Montague-house till the end of October. After she had first communicated to me that she was with child, she frequently spoke upon the subject. She was bled twice during the time. She recommended me to be bled too, and said, it would make you have a better time. Mr. Edmeades bled her; she said, one of the days that Mr. Edmeades bled her, that she had a violent heat in her blood, and that Mr. Edmeades should bleed her. I told the Princess that I was very anxious how she would manage to be brought to bed, without its being known: that I hoped she had a safe person.-She said, yes: she should have a person from abroad; that she had a great horror of having any man about her upon such an occasion-she said, I am confident in my own plans, and I wish you would not speak to me on that subject again. She said, I shall tell every thing to Sander. I think this was on the day on which she told me of what had happened at Lady Willoughby's. Sander was a very good woman, and might be trusted, and that she must be with her at the labour; that she would send Miss Gouch to Brunswick, unswick, and Miss Milfield was too young to be trusted, and must be sent out of the way. I was brought to bed on the 23d July, 1802. The Princess insisted on being present. I determined that she should not, but I meant to avoid it without offending her. On the day on which I was brought to bed, she came to my house and in-vonshire, and I am sure that it was the same


sisted on coming in. Dr. Mackie, who attended me, locked the door, and said she should not come in, but there was another door on the opposite side of the room, which was not locked, and she came in at that door, and was present during the time of the labour, and took the child as soon as it was born, and said she was very glad she had seen the whole of it. The Princess's pregnancy appeared to me to be very visible. She wore a cushion behind, and made Miss Saunder make one for me. During my lying-in the Princess came one day with Mrs. Fitzgerald. She sent Mrs. F. away, and took a chair, and sat by my bedside. She said, you will hear of my taking children in baskets, but you won't take any notice of it. I shall have them brought by a poor woman in a basket. I shall do it as a cover to have my own brought to me in that way; or, that is the way in which I must have my own brought when I have it. Very soon after this two children, who were twins, were brought by a poor woman in a basket. The Princess took them, and had them carried up into her room, and the Princess washed them herself. The Princess told me this herself. The father, a few days afterwards, came and insisted on having the children, and they were given to him. The Princess afterwards said to me, "You see I took the children, and it answered very well."-The father had got them back, and she could not blame him. That she should take other children, and have quite a nursery. I saw the Princess on a Sunday, either the 30th or 31st October, 1802,


walking before her door. She was dressed so as
to conceal her pregnancy. She had a long
cloak, and a very great muff. She had just re-
turned from Greenwich Church. She looked
very ill, and I thought must be very near her
time. - About a week or nine or ten days after
this, I received a note from the Princess, to desire
that I would not come to Montague House, for
they were apprehensive that the children she
bad taken had had the measles in their clothes,
and that she was afraid my child might take it.
When the Princess came to see me during my
lying-in, she told me that, when she should be
brought to bed, she wished I would not come to
her for some time, for she might be confus-
ed in seeing me. About the end of Decem-
ber I went to Gloucestershire, and stayed there
about a month. When I returned, which was in
January, I went to Montague House, and was
let in. The Princess was packing up something
in a black box. Upon the sofa a child was lying,
covered over with a piece of red cloth. The
Princess got up, and took me by the hand. She
then led me to the sofa, and said, there is the
child, I had him only two days after I saw you.
The words were, either I had him, or I was
brought to bed: the words were such as clearly
imported that it was her own child. She said
she got very well through it; she shewed me a
mark on the child's hand, it is a pink mark.
The Princess said, she has a mark like your
little girl. I saw the child afterwards, frequently
with the Princess quite till Christmas, 1803,
when I left Blackheath. I saw the mark upon
the child's hand, and I am sure it was the same
child, I never saw any other child there. The
Princess Charlotte used to see the child and
play with him. The child used to call the Prin-
cess of Wales " Mamma." I saw the child look-
ing at the window of the Princess's house about
a month ago, before the Princess went into De-
child. Not long after I had first seen the child,
the Princess said, that she had the child at first
to sleep with her for a few nights; but it made
her nervous, and now they had got a regular
nurse for her. She said, We gave it a little
milk at first, but it was too much for me, and
now we breed it by hand, and it does very well.
I can swear positively that the child I saw at the
window is the same child as the Princess told me
she had two days after she parted with me.
The child was called William. I never heard
that it had any other name. When the child
was in long clothes, we breakfasted one day
with the Princess, and she said to Sir John
Douglas, This is the Deptford boy. Independ-
ently of the Princess's confessions to me, I can
swear that she was pregnant in 1802. In Octo-
ber, 1804, when we returned from Devonshire,
I left my card at Montague House, and on 'the
4th of October I received a letter from Mrs.
Vernon, desiring me not to come any more to
Montague House. I had never, at this time,
mentioned the Princess's being with child, or be-
ing delivered of a child, to any person, not even
to Sir John Douglas. After receiving Mrs.
Vernon's letter, I wrote to the Princess ou the
subject. The letter was sent back unopened.
I then wrote to Mrs. Fitzgerald, saying, that I
thought myself extremely ill-used. In two or
three days after this, I received an anonymons
letter which I produce, and have marked with the
letter A, and signed with my name, both on the
* No copy of this letter has been sent to Her
Royal Highness the Princess of Wales.


letter and the envelope.' The Princess of Wales has told me, that she gota bed-fellow whenever she could, that nothing was more wholesome: she said, that nothing was more convenient than her room; it stands at the head of the staircase which leads into the Park, and I have bolts in the inside, and have a bed-fellow whenever I like. I wonder you can be satisfied only with Sir John. She said this more than once. She has told me that Sir Sydney Smith had lain with her. That she believed all men liked a bed-fellow, but Sir Sydney better than any body else; that the Prince was the most complaisant man in the world; that she did what she liked, went where she liked, and had what bed-fellow she liked, and the Prince paid for all.


June 1, 1806.

Sworn before ns, June 1st, 1806, at
Lord Grenville's, Downing-street,


(No. 3.) The Deposition of Sir J. Douglas, Knt.
I had a house at Blackheath, in 1801. Sir
Sydney used to come to my house. I had a bed
for him. The Princess of Wales formed an ac-
quaintance with Lady Douglas, and came fre-
quently to our house. I thought she came more
for Sir Sydney Smith than for us. After she had
been some time acquainted with us, she appear-
ed to me to be with child. One day she leaned on
the sofa, and put her hand upon her stomach, and
said, Sir John, I shall never be Queen of Eng-
land. I said, Not if you don't deserve it. She
seemed angry at first. In 1804, on the 27th of
October, I received two letters by the two-
penny post, one addressed to me, which I now
produce, and have marked with the letter (B,
both on the envelope and the enclosure, and the
other letter addressed to Lady Douglas, and
which I now produce, and have marked with the
letter (C,) both on the envelope and enclosure.
June 1.
Sworn before us, at Lord Grenville's
house, in Downing-street, West-
minster, June 1, 1806.
• No copy of these letters has been sent to
Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales.


(No. 4.)-The Deposition of Robert Bidgood.

I have lived with the Prince twenty-three years next September, I went to the Princess in March 1798, and have lived with Her Royal Highness ever since. About the year 1802, early in that year, I first observed Sir Sydney Smith come to Montague House; he used to stay very late at night; I have seen him early in the morning there about ten or eleven o'clock. He was at Sir John Douglas's; and was in the habit, as well as Sir John and Lady Douglas, of dining, or having luncheon, or supping there almost every day. I saw Sir Sydney Smith one day, in 1802, in the blue room, about eleven o'clock in the morning, which is full two hours before we I asked the serever expected to see company. vants why they did not let me know that he was there. The footman informed me that they had let no person in. There was a private door to the Park, by which he might have come in if he


had a key to it, and have got into the blue room
without any of the servants perceiving him. I
never observed any appearance of the Princess
which could lead me to suppose that she was with
child. I first observed Captain Manby come to
Montague House either the end of 1803, or be-
ginning of 1804. I was waiting one day in the
anti-room, Captain Manby had his hat in his hand,
and appeared to be going away; he was a long
time with the Princess, and as I stood on the
steps, waiting, I looked into the room in which
they were, and in the reflection of the looking-
glass, I saw them salute each other, I mean, that
they kissed each other's lips. Captain Manby
then went away. I then observed the Princess
have her handkerchief in her hand, and wipe her
eyes as if she was crying, and went into the
drawing-room. The Princess went to Southend
in May, 1804, I went with her: we were there,
I believe, about six weeks before the Africaine
came in. Sicard was very often watching with
a glass to see when the ship would arrive. One
day he said he saw the Africaine, and soon after
the Captain put off in a boat from the ship.
Sicard went down the shrubbery to meet him.
When the Captain came on shore, Sicard con-
ducted him to the Princess's house, and he dined
there with the Princess and her Ladies. After
this he came very frequently to see the Princess.
The Princess had two houses on the Cliff, Nos. 8
and 9. She afterwards took the drawing-room
of No. 7, which communicated by the balcony
with No. 8, the three houses being adjoining.
The Princess used to dine in No. 8, and after
dinner to remove with the company into No. 7,
and I have several times seen the Princess, after
having gone into No. 7 with Captain Manby and
the rest of the company, retire alone with Cap-
tain Manby from No. 7, through No. 8, into No.
9, which was the house in which the Princess
slept; I suspected that Captain Manby slept fre-
quently in the house. It was a subject of conver-
sation in the house. Hints were given by the
servants, and I believe that others suspected it
as well as myself. - The Princess took a child,
which I understood was brought into the house
by Stikeman. I waited only one week in three,
and I was not there at the time the child was
brought, but I saw it there early in 1803. The
child who is now with the Princess is the same as
I saw there early in 1803; it has a mark on its left
hand. Austin is the name of the man who was said
to be the father. Austin's wife is, I believe, still
alive. She has had another child, and has brought it
sometimes to Montague House. It is very like
the child who lives with the Princess. Mrs.
Gosden was employed as a nurse to the child,
and she used to bring the child to the Princess as
soon as the Princess awoke, and the child used
to stay with Her Royal Highness the whole
morning. The Princess appeared to be ex-
tremely fond of the child, and still appears so.
Sworn at Lord Grenville's house, in
Downing-street, the 6th day of
June, 1806.



(No. 5.) The Deposition of William Cole. I have lived with the Princess of Wales ever since her marriage. Sir Sydney Smith first visited at Montague House about 1802. I have observed the Princess too familiar with Sir Sydney Smith. One day, I think about February in that

year, the Princess ordered some sandwiches; I carried them into the blue room to her. Sir Sydney Smith was there; I was surprised to see him there, he must have come in from the Park; if he had been let in from Blackheath, he must have passed through the room in which I was in waiting. When I had left the sandwiches, I returned, after some time, into the room, and Sir Sydney Smith was sitting very close to the Princess, on the sofa. I looked at him and at Her Royal Highness. She caught my eye, and saw that I noticed the manner in which they were sitting together. They appeared both a little confused when I came into the room. A short time before this, one night, about twelve o'clock, I saw a man go into the house from the Park, wrapped up in a great coat. I did not give any alarm, for the impression on my mind was, that it was not a thief. Soon after I had seen the Princess and Sir Sydney Smith sitting together on the sofa, the Duke of Kent sent for me, and told me, that the Princess would be very glad if I would do the duty in town, because she had business to do in town which she would rather trust to me than any body else. - The Duke said, that the Princess had thought it would be more agreeable to me to be told this by him than through Sicard. After this I never attended at Montague House, but occasionally, when the Princess sent for me. About July, 1802, I observed that the Princess had grown very large, and in the latter end of the same year she ap. peared to be grown thin; and I observed it to Miss Sander, who said that the Princess was much thinner than she had been: I had not any idea of the Princess being with child. Mr. Lawrence, the Painter, used to go to Montague House, about the latter end of 1801, when he was painting; the Princess and he have slept in the house two or three ights together. I have often seen him alone with the Princess at eleven and twelve o'clock at night. He has been there as late as one or two o'clock in the morning. One night I saw him with the Princess in the blue room, after the Ladies had retired. Some time afterwards, when I supposed that he had gone to his room, I went to see that all was safe, and I found the blue room door locked, and heard a whispering in it, and I went away.


(Signed) Sworn at Lord Grenville's house, in Downing-street, the 6th day of June, 1806, before ns,



(No. 6.)-The Deposition of Frances Lloyd. I have lived twelve years with the Princess of Wales next October. I am in the coffee-room; my situation in the coffee-room does not give me opportunities of seeing the Princess. I do not see her sometimes for months. Mr. Milles attended me for a cold. He asked me if the Prince came to Blackheath backwards and forwards, or something to that effect, for the Princess was with child, or looked as if she was with child. This must have been three or four years ago. It may have been five years ago. I think it must have been some time before the child was brought to the Princess. I remember the child being brought, it was brought into my room. I had orders sent to me to give the mother arrow-root, with directions how to make it, to wean the child, and I gave it to the mother, and she took the child away; afterwards

the mother brought the child back again. Whether it was a week, ten days, or a fortnight, I cannot say, but it might be about that time, The second time the mother brought the child, she brought it into my room; I asked her, how a mother could part with her child? I am not sure which time I asked this. -The mother cried, and said she could not afford to keep it. The child was said to be about four months old when it was brought. I did not particularly observe it myself. (Signed) FRANCES LLOYD.

I was at Ramsgate with the Princess in 1803, - One morning, when we were in the house at East Cliff, somebody, I do not recolleet who, knocked at my door, and desired me to get up, to prepare breakfast for the Princess; this was about six o'clock; I was asleep. During the whole time I was in the Princess's service I had never been called up before, to make breakfast for the Princess. I slept in the housekeeper's room, on the ground-floor; I opened the shutters of the windows for light. I knew at that time that Captain Manby's ship was in the Downs, When I opened the shutters, I saw the Princess walking down the garden with a gentleman; she was walking down the gravel walk towards the sea. No orders had been given me over night to prepare breakfast early. The Gentleman the Princess was walking with, was a tall man; I was surprised to see the Princess walking with a Gentleman at that time in the morning; I am sure it was the Princess. While we were at Blackheath, a woman at Charlton, of the name of Townly, told me that she had some linen to wash from the Princess's house; that the linen was marked with the appearance of a miscarriage, or a delivery. The woman has since left Charl. ton, but she has friends there. I think it must have been before the child was brought to the Princess, that the woman told us this. I know all the women in the Princess's house. I don't think that any of them were in a state of preg nancy, and if any had, I think I must have known it.-I never told Cole, that Mary Wilson, when she supposed the Princess to be in the Library, had gone into the Princess's bed-room, and had found a man there at breakfast with the Princess; or that there was a great to do about it; and that Mary Wilson was sworn to secrecy, and threatened to be turned away if she divulged what she had seen.


Sworn at Lord Grenville's House in
Downing-street, the 7th day of
June, 1806, before us,



(No. 7.)-The Deposition of Mary Ann Wilson.1 I believe it will be ten years next quarter that I have lived with the Princess of Wales as housemaid. I wait on the Ladies who attend the Princess. I remember when the child, who is now with the Princess, was brought there. Before it came I heard say that it was to come. The mother brought the child. It appeared to be about four months old when it was brought. I remember twins being brought to the Princess before this child was brought. I never noticed the Princess's shape to be different in that year from what it was before, I never had a thought that the Princess was with child. I have heard it reported. It is a good while ago. I never myself suspected her being with child. I think

she could not have been with child, and have gone on to her time without my knowing it. I was at South-end with the Princess. Captain Manby used to visit the Princess there. I make the Princess's bed, and have been in the habit of making it ever since I lived with Her Royal Highness. Another maid, whose name is Ann Bye, assisted with me in making the bed. From what I observed I never had any reason to believe that two persons had slept in the bed; I never saw any particular appearance in it. The linen was washed by Stikeman's wife.

(Signed) MARY WILSON. Sworn at Lord Grenville's House, in Downing-street, the 7th of June, 1806, before us,


(No. 8.)-The Deposition of Samuel Roberts.

am a footman to the Princess of Wales. I remember the child being taken by the Princess. I never observed any particular particular appearance of the Princess in that year-nothing that led me to believe that she was with child. Sir Sydney Smith used to visit the Princess at Blackheath. I never saw him alone with the Princess. He never stayed after eleven o'clock. I recollect Mr. Cole once asking me, I think three years ago, whether there were any favourites in the family. I remember saying that Captain Manby and Sir Sydney Smith were frequently at Blackheath, and dined there oftener than any other persons. I never knew Sir Sydney Smith to stay later than the ladies. I cannot say exactly at what hour he went, but I never remember his staying alone with the Princess.


Sworn at Lord Grenville's House, in Downing-street, the 7th of June, 1806, before us,




(No. 9.) The Deposition of Thomas Stikeman. I have been Page to the Princess of Wales ever since she has been in England. When I first saw the child who is with the Princess, it is about four years ago. Her Royal Highness had a strong desire to have an infant, which I and all the house knew. I heard there was a woman who had twins, one of which the Princess was desirous to have, but the parents would not part with it. A woman came to the door with a petition to get her husband replaced in the dockyard, who had been removed; she had a child with her; I took the child, I believe, and shewed it to Mrs. Sander. I then returned the child to the woman, and made inquiries after the father, and afterwards desired the woman to bring the child again to the house, which she did. The child was taken to the Princess; after the Princess had seen it, she desired the woman to take it again, and bring it back in a few days, and Mrs. Sander was desired to provide linen for it. Within a few days the child was brought again by the mother, and was left, and has been with the Princess ever since. I do not recollect the child had any mark, but, upon reflection, I do recollect that the mother said he was marked with elder wine on the hand. The father of the child, whose name is Austin, lives with me at Pimlico, My wife is a laundress, and washed the linen of the Prince. Austin is employed to turn a mangle for me. The child was born in Brownlow-street, and it was baptized there; but I

only know this from the mother. The mother
has since lain-in a second time in Brownlow-
street. I never saw the woman to my know-
ledge before she came with the petition to the
door. I had no particular directions by the
Princess to procure a child; I thought it better
to take the child of persons of good character
than the child of a panper. Nothing led me,
from the appearance of the Princess, to suppose
that she was with child; but from her shape it is
difficult to judge when she is with child. When
she was with child of the Princess Charlotte, I
should not have known it when she was far ad-
vanced in her time, if I had not been told it. Sir
Sydney Smith, at one time, visited very frequent-
ly at Montague House, two or three times a
week. At the time the Princess was altering her
rooms in the Turkish style, Sir Sydney Smith's
visits were very frequent. nt. The Princess consult
ed him upon them. Mr. Morell was the uphol-
sterer; Sir Sydney Smith came frequently alone.
He staid alone with the Princess sometimes till
eleven o'clock at night. He has been there till
twelve o'clock and after, I believe, alone with
the Princess. The Princess is of that lively vi-
vacity, that she makes herself familiar with Gen-
tlemen, which prevented my being struck with
his staying so late. I do not believe that at that
time any other Gentleman visited the Princess
so frequently or stayed so late. I have seen
the Princess, when they were alone, sitting with
Sir Sydney Smith on the same sofa, in the blue-
room. I had access to the blue-room at all times.
There was an inner room which opened into the
blue-room. When that room was not lighted up, I
did not go into it; I did not consider that I had
a right to go into it. I had no idea on what ac-
count I was brought here. I did not know that
the Princess's conduct was questioned, or ques-
tionable. I was with the Princess at Ramsgate;
when she was at East Cliff, Capt. Manby was very
frequently there; went away as late at night as
eleven o'clock. I do not remember Fanny Lloyd
being called up any morning to make breakfast
for the Princess. I did not like Captain Manby's
coming so often and staying so late, and I was
uneasy at it. I remember a piece of plate, a sit-
ver lamp, being sent to Captain Manby; I saw
it in Sicard's possession; he told me, it was for
Captain Manby, and he had a letter to send with
it. I have never seen Captain Manby at the
Princess's, at Ramsgate, before nine o'clock in
the morning, but I have heard he has been there
earlier. I had never any suspicion of there being
any thing improper, either from the frequent vi-
sits of Captain Manby, or from his conduct. I
was at Catherington with the Princess; she used
to go out generally in her own chaise. I think I
have once or twice seen her go out with Mr.
Hood, in his one-horse chaise; they have been
out for two hours, or two hours and a half toge-
ther. I believe only a day or two elapsed be-
tween the time of the child being first brought,
and being then brought back again, and left with
the Princess. I am sure the child was not weaned
after it had been first brought. I do not recol-
lect any Gentleman ever sleeping in the house.
I do not remember Lawrence, the painter, ever
sleeping there. The Princess seems very fond of
the child; it is always called William Austin.

Sworn at Lord Grenville's House, in
Downing-street, the 7th day of
June, 1806, before us,


(No. 10.)-The Deposition of John Sicard. I have lived seven years with the Princess of Wales, am house-steward, and have been in that situation from the end of six months after I first lived with Her Royal Highness. I remember the child who is now with the Princess of Wales being brought there; it was about five months old when it was brought, it is about four years ago, just before we went to Ramsgate. I had not the least suspicion of the object of my being brought here. I had opportunity of seeing the Princess frequently; I waited on her at dinner and supper; I never observed that the Princess had the appearance of being with child: I think it was hardly possible that she should have been with child without my perceiving it. Sir Sydney Smith used to visit very frequently at Montague House, in 1802, with Sir John and Lady Douglas. He was very often, I believe, alone with the Princess, and so was Mr. Canning and other Gentlemen. I cannot say that I ever suspected Sir Sydney Smith of any improper conduct with the Princess. I never had any suspicion of the Princess acting improperly with Sir Sydney Smith, or any other Gentleman. I remember Captain Manby visiting at Montague House. The Princess of Wales did not pay for the expense of fitting up his cabin, but the linen furniture was ordered by me, by direction of the Princess, of Newberry and Jones, It was put by Newberry and Jones in the Princess's bill, and was paid for with the rest of the bill by Miss Heyman. (Signed) JOHN SICARD. Sworn at Lord Grenville's House, in Downing-street, the 7th day of June, 1806, before us, (Sigued) ERSKINE, GRENVILLE,


(No. 11.)-The Deposition of Charlotte Sander. I have lived with the Princess of Wales eleven years. I am a native of Brunswick, and came with the Princess from Brunswick. The Princess has a little boy living with her under her protection; he had a mark on his hand, but it is worn off; I first saw him four years ago, in the Autumn. The father and mother of the child are still alive; I have seen them both; the father worked in the Dock-yard at Deptford, but has now lost the use of his limbs; the father's name is Austin. The mother brought the child to the Princess when he was four months old; I was present when the child was brought to the Princess; she was in her own room up stairs, when the child was brought; she came out, and took the child herself. I understood that the child was expected before it was brought. I am sure that I never saw the child in the house before it appeared to be four months old. The Princess was not ill or indisposed in the autumn of 1802. I was dresser to Her Royal Highness; she could not be ill or indisposed without my knowing it. I am sure that she was not coufined to her room, or to her bed in that autumn; there was not, to my knowledge, any other child in the house; it was hardly possible there could have been a child there without my knowing it. I have no recollection that the Princess had grown bigger in the year 1802 than usual; I am sure the Princess was not pregnant; being her dresser, I must have seen it, if she was. I solemnly and positively swear I have no reason to know or believe that the Princess of Wales has been at any time pregnant during the time I have lived with

Her Royal Highness at Montague House. I may have said to Cole, that the Princess was growa much thinner, but I do not recollect that I did. I never heard any body say any thing about the Princess being pregnant till I came here to-day. I did not expect to be asked any question to-day respecting the Princess being pregnant. Nobody came over to the Princess from Germany, in the autumn of 1802, to my knowledge. Her Royal Highness was generally blooded twice a year, but not lately. I never had any reason to suppose that the Princess received the visits of any Gentleman at improper hours. Sir Sydney Smith visited her frequently, and almost daily. He was there very late, sometimes till two o'clock in the morning. I never saw Sir Sydney Smith in a room alone with the Princess late at night. I never saw any thing which led me to suppose that Sir Sydney Smith was on a very familiar footing with the Princess of Wales, I attended the Princess of Wales to Southend. She had two houses, No. 9 and No. 8. I knew Captain Manby; he commanded the Africaine; he visited the Princess while his ship was there; he was frequently with the Princess. I do not know or believe, and I have no reason to believe, that Captain Manby stayed till very late hours with the Princess. I never suspected that there was any improper familiarity between them. I never expressed to any body a wish that Capt. Manby's visits were not so frequent. If the Princess had company, I was never present. The Princess was at Ramsgate in 1803; I have seen Captain Manby there frequently. He came to the Princess's house to dinner; he never stayed till late at night at the Princess's house. I was in Devonshire with the Princess lately; there was no one officer that she saw when she was in Devonshire more than the rest. I never heard from the Princess that she apprehended her conduct was questioned. When I was brought here I thought I might be questioned respecting the Princess's conduct, and I was sorry to come; I don't know why I thought so; I never saw any thing in the conduct of the Princess, while I lived with her, which would have made me uneasy if I had been her husband. When I was at Southend, I dined in the Steward's room. I can't say whether I ever heard any body in the Steward's room say any thing about the Captain (meaning Captain Manby); it is so long ago, I may have forgot it; i I have seen Captain Manby alone with the Princess, at No. 9, in the drawing-room, at Southend; I have seen it only once or twice; it was at two or three o'clock in the afternoon, and never later. I slept in a room next to the Princess, in the house No.9, at Southend; I never saw Captain Manby in any part of that house but the drawing-room; I have no reason to believe he was in any other room in the house. I was at Catherington with the Princess; she was at Mr. Hood's house; I never saw any familiarity between her and Mr. Hood; I have seen her drive out in Mr. Hoods carriage with hint alone; it was a gig; they used to be absent for several hours; a servant of the Princess attended them; I have delivered packets by the order of the Princess, which she gave me, sealed up, to Sicard, to be by him forwarded to Captain Manby. The birth-day of the child who lives with the Princess is the 11th of July, as his mother told me; she says that he was christened at Deptford. The child had a mark on the hand, the mother told me that it was from red wine; I

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