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<< rence, as the one or the other of thofe places "happens to please the prevailing disposition of "my mind. Here I enjoy all my friends, as "well those with whom I have actually lived, "as those who have long fince entered the vale "of death, and of whom I have no knowledge, "but what their works afford."

WHAT character, however luxurious, ever felt the fame content at any splendid entertaiment as Rousseau experienced in his humble meal! "I return home," fays he, "with tired feet, but "with a contented mind, and experience the "calmeft repose in refigning myself to the impres "fion of objects, without exercifing thought, in❝dulging imagination, or doing any thing to in "terrupt the peaceful felicity of my fituation. "The table is ready spread on my lawn, and fur"nifhed with refreshments. Surrounded by my "fmall and happy family, I eat my supper with "healthy appetite, and without any appearance "of fervitude or dependence to annoy the love and "kindness by which we are united. My faithful

dog is not a fubfervient flave, but a firm friend, " from whom, as we always feel the fame inclina❝tion, I never exact obedience. The gaiety of my "mind throughout the evening teftifies that I "lived alone throughout the day; for, being fel"dom pleased with others,and never, when vifitors

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"have disturbed me, with myself, I fit during the "whole evening of the day, when company has "interrupted me, either grumbling or in filence. "So at least my good housekeeper has remarked;

and fince fhe mentioned it, I have, from my "own obfervation, found it univerfally true, "Having thus made my humble and cheerful meal, I take a few turns round my little garden, or play fome favourite air upon my spinette, and experience upon my pillow a foft content, "more sweet, if poffible, than even undisturbed "repose."

AT the village of Richterswyl, fituated a few leagues from Zurich, and furrounded by every object the most smiling, beautiful, and romantic that Swifferland prefents, dwells a celebrated Phyfician. His foul, like the scenery of Nature which furrounds him, is tranquil and fublime. His habitation is the temple of health, of friendship, and of every peaceful virtue. The village rifes on the borders of the lake, at a place where two projecting points form a fine bay of nearly half a league. On the oppofite fhores, the lake, which is not quite a league in extent, is enclosed from the north to the east by pleasant hills covered with vineyards, intermixed with fertile meadows, orchards, fields, groves, and thickets, with little hamlets, churches, villas, and cottages


fcattered up and down the fcene. A wide and magnificent amphitheatre, which no artist has yet attempted to paint, except in detached scenes, opens itself from the east to the south. The view towards the higher part of the lake, which on this fide is four leagues long, presents to the eye jutting points of land, detached aytes, the little town of Rapperschwyl, built on the fide of a hill, and a bridge which reaches from one fide of the lake to the other. Beyond the town the inexhaustible valley extends itself in a half circle to the fight; and upon the fore-ground rifes a peak of land which fwells as it extends into beautiful hills. Behind them, at the distance of about half a league, is a range of mountains covered with trees and verdure, and interspersed with villages and detached houses; beyond which, at a still greater distance, are discovered the fertile and majestic Alps twisted one among the other, and exhibiting, alternately, shades of the lighteft and darkest azure; and in the back ground high rocks, covered with eternal snows, lift their towering heads, and touch the skies. On the fouth fide of this rich, enchanting, and incomparable scene, the amphitheatre is extended by another range of mountains reaching towards the weft; and at the feet of these mountains, on the borders of the lake, lies the village of Richterfwyl, furrounded by rich fallows and fertile pastures, and overhung by forefts



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