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f! >lmrn. C iglilan. Conger, Barrall, Bawes, Bonnan, Buell, Bunnell, Eames, Edwards. Ely, Farnsworth; Farvvell,Finkelnburg, C. Foster, W.B. Foster, Frye, Garfield, Garrett, Golladay, Goodrich, Hale, Halsey, Harmer\i7r/rper, G. E. Harris, Havens, Haw ley. Hay, Hays, G. W. Hazelton, J. W. Hnzelton, Hill, Hoar, Hooper, Kelley, Kellogg, Kerr, Ketcham, Lamport, Lansing, Leach, Lowe, Lynch, Maynard, McGrew, McKee, Merriam, Monroe, Moore, Morphis, Packard, Palmer, I.C.Parker, Pendleton, Perce, A. F. Perry, Piatt, Poland, Porter, Potter, Prindle, Rainey,

E. H. Roberts, Sawyer, Seeley, Sessions, Shanks, Sheldon, Shellabarger, Slocum, J. A. Smith, W. C. Smith, Snapp, Snyder, T. J. Speer. Sprague, Starkweather, Stevenson. Storm, Stowell, Strong, Sutherland, Sypher, Taffe, Thomas, D. Town-send, W. Townsend, Turner, Twichell, Tyner, Upson. Wakeman, Walden, "Wallace, Walls, Wheeler, Whiteley, Willard, Williams of Indiana, J. M. Wilson—117.

Nays—Messrs. Adams, Ambler, Arthur, Averill, Barnum, Beatty, Beck, Biggs, Bingham, Bird, Braxton, Bright, J. Brooks, Caldwell, Campbell, Carroll,

F. Clarke, Comingo, Conner, Cotton, Cox, Crebs, Critcher, Crossland, Davis, Bickey, Box, Du Bose, Duke, Eldredge, Forker, H. D. Foster, Getz, Griffith, Haldeman, Hancock, Handle?/, Hanks, J. T. Harris, Hereford, Herndon, Hibbard, Holman, Houghton, Kendall, Killinger, King, Lamison, Lewis, Manson, Marshall, McClelland, McCormick, McHenry, Mclntyre, McJunkin, McKinney, McNeely, Mar Guv, Merrick, Morgan, L. Myers, Negley, Niblack, Orr, Packer, H. W. Parker, Peck, E. Perry, Price, Bead, E. Y. liice, J. M. Rice, Ritchie, Roosevelt, Sargent, Sherwood, Shober, Slater, Sloss, Stevens, Stoughton, Swann, Terry, Tathill, Van Trump, Vaughan, VoorUees, Waddell, Waldron, Warren, Wells, Whitthorne, Williams of New York, J. T. Wilson, Winchester, Wood, Young--98.

There were many votes upon details, the pending bill being that reported from the Committee on Education and Labor. The most important were these:

February 7—Mr. Holman moved to add the following proviso to secion two:

Provided, however, That after the passage of this act no public lands of the United States shall be sold except mineral land and town sites, and all the public lands of the United States adapted to agriculture shall be reserved for actual settlers under the provisions of the homestead laws, subject, however, to land warrants and college scrip issued by authority of Congress, and the grants which Congress shall hereafter make in the Territories and new States for the purposes of education.

Which was disagreed to—yeas 103, nays 107:

Yeas—Messrs. Acker, Adams, Ambler, Arthur, Barnum, Beatty, Beck, Beveridge, Biggs, Bingham, Bird, J. G. Blair, Braxton, Bright, J. Brooks, Caldwell, Campbell, Carroll, Coghlan, Comingo, Conner, Cotton, Cox, Crebs, Critcher, Crossland, Davis, Dox, Du Bose, Duke, Eldredge,Ely, Farnsworr.h, Finkelnburg, Forker, Garrett, Getz, Golladay, Griffith, Haldeman, Hancock, Handley, Hanks, Harper, J. T. Harris, Hawley, Hay, Hereford, Herndon, Hibbard, Holman, Houghton, Kerr, King, Lamison, Leach, Lewis, Manson, Marshall, McClelland, McCormick, McHenry, Mclntyre, McKinney, McNeely, Merrick, Moore, Morgan, Niblack, Orr, H. W. Parker, E. Perry, Potter, Price, Randall, Read, E. Y. Rice, J. M. Rice, Ritchie, W. R. Roberts, Robinson, Roosevelt, Sherwood, Shober, Slater, Sloss, Stevens, Storm, Swann, Terry, D. Townsend, Tuthill, Van Trump, Vaughan, Voorhees, Waddell, Walden, Warren, Wells, Whitthorne, Winchester, Wood, Young—103.

Nays—Messrs, Averill, Banks, Barber, Barry, Bigby, A. Blair, G. M. Brooks, Buckley, Buffmton, Burchard, Burdett, B. F. Butler, R. R. Butler, F. Clarke. W. T, Clark, Cobb, Coburn, Conger, Creely, Barrall, Bickey, Bonnan, Buell, Bunnell, Eames, Farwell, C. Foster, W. B. Foster, Frye, Garfield, Goodrich, Hale, Halsey, Harmer, G. E. Harris, Havens, Hays, G. W. Hazelton, J. W. Hazelton, Hill, Hoar, Kelley, Kellogg, Ketcham, Killinger, Lamport, Lansing, Lowe, Lynch, Maynard, McGrew,

McJunkin, McKee. Mercur, Merriam. Monroo, Morey, Morphis, L.Myers,Negley, Packard, Packur, I. C. Parker, Peck, Pendleton, Perce, A. F. Perry, Peters, Piatt, Poland, Porter, Rainey, E.H.Roberts, Rusk, Sawyer, Seeley, Sessions, Shanks. Sheldon, Shellabarger, J. A. Smith, W.C. Smith, Snapp, T. J. Speer, Sprague, Starkweather, Stevenson, Stoughton, Stowell, Strong, Sutherland, Taffe, Thomas, W. Townsend, Turner, Tyner. Upson, Wakeman, Waldron, Wallace, Walls, Wheeler, Whiteley, Willard, Williams of Indiana, J. M. Wilson, J. T.Wilson-107.

Mr. Goodrich moved to add to section four the following:

Provided, however, That for the first ten years the distribution of the said fund to and among the several States and Territories, including the District of Columbia, shall be made according to the ratio of the illiteracy of their respective populations, as shown, from time to time, by the last preceding published census of the United States.

Which was agreed to—yeas 125, nays 83:

Yeas—Messrs. Acker, Barnum, Barry, Beck, Beveridge, Bigby, Biggs, A. Blair, J. G.Blair, Braxton, Bright, J. Broods, Buckley, Burdett, R. R. Butler, Caldwell, Campbell, Carroll, Cobb, Coburn, Comingo, Conner, Crebs, Critcher, Crossland, Davis, Bonnan, Dox, Du Bose, Buell, Duke, Edwards, Ely, Farnsworth, Farwell, Forker, Garrett, Getz, Golladay, Goodrich, Griffith, Haldeman, Hancock, Handley, Hanks, J. T. Harris, Hawley, Hay, Hays, G. W. Hazelton, Hereford, Herndon, Hibbard, Kerr, King, Lamison, Lamport, Lansing, Leach, Lewis, Manson, Marshall, Maynard, McClelland, McCormick, McHenry, Mclntyre, McKee, McKinney, McNeely, Merriam, Merrick, Moore, Morey, Morgan, Morphis, Niblack, Packard, H. W. Parker, I. C. Parker, Perce, E. Perry, Piatt, Porter, Potter, Price, Prindle, Rainey, Read, E. Y. Rice, J. M. Rice, Ritchie, E. H. Roberts, W. R. Roberts, Robinson, Roosevelt, Sheldon, Sherwood, Shober, Slater, Slocum, Sloss, Snapp, Snyder, T. J. Speer, Stevens, Storm, Stowell, Swann, Taffe. Terry, Thomas, D. Townsend,. Turner, Tuthill, Vaughan, Waddell, Wallace, Warren, Wells, Whiteley, Whitthorne, Winchester, Wood, Young—125.

Nays—Messrs. Adams, Ambler, Arthur, Averill, Banks, Barber, Beatty, Bingham, Bird, G. M. Brooks, Bufiinton, Burchard, B. F. Butler, W. T. Clark, F. Clarke, Conger, Cotton, Cox, Creely, Bawes. Bickey, Bunnell, Eames, Eldredge, Finkelnburg, C. Foster, W. B. Foster, Frye, Garfield, Hale, Harmer, G. E. Harris, J. W. Hazelton, Hill, Hoar, Holman, Hooper, Houghton, Kelley, Kellogg, Ketcham, Killinger, Lowe, McJunkin, Mercur, Monroe, L. Myers, Negley, Orr, Packer, Palmer* Peck,xPendleton, A.F. Perry, Peters, Poland, Randall, Sawyer, Seeley. Sessions, Shanks, Shellabarger, J. A. Smith, W. C. Smith, Sprague, Starkweather, Stoughton, Strong, Sutherland, W. Townsend, Twichell, Tyner, Upson, Van Trump, Voorhees, Wakeman, Walden, Waldron, Wheeler, Willard, Williams of Indiana, J. M. Wilson, J. T. Wilson—83.

Mr. Hereford moved to add to section eight the following:

Provided, That no moneys belonging to any State or Territory under this act shall be withheld from any State or Territory for the reason that the laws thereof provide for separate schools for white children and black children, or refuse to organize a system of mixed schools.

Which was agreed to—yeas 115, nays 81:Yeas.—Messrs. Acker, Adams, Arthur, Beck, Biggs, Bird, J. G. Blair, Braxton, Bright, J. Brooks, Burchard, R. R. Butler, Caldwell, Campbell, Coburn, Coghlan, Comingo, Conner, Cox, Crebs, Critcher, Crossla.nd, Davis, Dox, Du Bose, Duke, Edwards, Eldredge, Ely, Farnsworth, Farwell, Forker, H. D. Foster, Garrett, Getz, Golladay, Griffith, Haldeman, Hale, Halsey, Hancock, Handley, Hanks, Harper, J. T. Harris, Hawley, Hay, Hays, Hereford, Hemdon, Hibbard, Holman, Kerr, Killinger, King, Lamison, Leach, Lewis, Manson, Marshall, McClelland, McCormiek, McGrew, McHenry, Mclntyre, McKinney, McNeely, Merrick, Moore, Morgan, L. Myers, Niblack, Orr, Packard. Packer, H. W. Parker, I. C. Parker, E. Perry, Potter, Price, Randall, Read, E. Y. Rice, J. M. Rice, Ritchie, W. R. Roberts, Robinson, Roosevelt, Shanks, Sherwood, Shober, Slater, Sloss, T. J. Speer, Stevens, Storm. Sutherland, Swann, Terry, D. Townsend, Tut hill, Tyner, Van Trump, Vaughan,- Voorhees, Waddell, Warren, Wells, Whiteley, Whitthorne, Williams of Indiana, J. M. Wilson, Winchester, Wood, Young—115.

Nays.—Messrs. Ambler, Averill, Banks, Barber, Barry, Beatty, Beveridge, Bingham, A. Blair. G. M. Brooks. Buckley. Buffinton, Burdett, B. F. Butler, Cobb, Conger, Cotton, Creeley, Darrall, Dawes, Dickey, Donnan, Duell. Dunnell, Eames, Finkelnburg, C. Foster, W. D. Foster, Frye, Garfield, Goodrich, Harmer, G. W. Hazelton, J. W. Hazelton, Hoar, Hooper, Kelley, Kellogg, Lamport, Lansing, Lynch, Maynard, McJunkin, McKee, Mercur. Merriam, Monroe, Negley, Palmer, Peck, Pendleton, Perce, A. F. Perry, Piatt, Porter, Prindle, Rainey, E. H. Roberts, Sawyer, Seeley, Sessions, Shellabarger, J. A. Smith, W. C. Smith, Sprague, Starkweather, Stevenson, Stoughton, Stowell, Strong, Thomas, W. Townsend. Turner, Twichell, Upson, Wakeman, Walden, Wallace, Walls, Wheeler, Willard-81

Mixed Schools.

1872, March 11—Mr. Hereford moved to suspend the rules and pass this resolution:

Whereas it is one of the fundamental principles of our form of government that Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed: Therefore,

Be it resolved^ That it would be contrary to

the Constitution and a tyrannical usurpation of power for Congress to force mixed schools upon the States, and equally unconstitutional and tyrannical for Congress to pass any law interfering with churches, public carriers, or innkeepers, such subjectsof legislation belonging of right to the States respectively.

Which was disagreed to—yeas 60, nays 86:

Yeas—Messrs. Acker, Arthur, Beck, Biggs, Bird, Braxton, J. Brooks, Caldwell, _ Comingo, Conner, Crebs, Oritcher, Crossland, Davis, Box, JDic Bose, Eldredge, Garrett, Getz, Golladay, Hamblcton, Hancock, Handley, Harper, J. T. Harris, Hereford, Hill, Kerr, King, Leach, Lewis, Manson, Marshall, McClelland, McCormiek, McHenry, Merrick, B. F. Meyers, Morgan, Niblack, E. Perry, Potter, Price, Read, E. Y. Rice, J. M. Rice, W. R. Roberts, Roosevelt, Shober, Slater, Sloss, Storm, Swann, Terry, Van Trump, Voorhees, Warren, Wells, Winchester, Wood—m.

Nays—Messrs. Adams, Beatty, Beveridge, Bingham, A. Blair, Buckley, Buffinton, Burchard, Burdett, B. F. Butler, R. R. Butler, Cobb, Coburn, Conger, Darrall, Dawes. Donnan, Dunnell, Finkelnburg, C. Foster, W. D. Foster, Frye, Garfield, Goodrich, Harmer, Hawley, G. W. Hazelton, J. W. Hazelton, Hoar, Hooper, Houghton, Kelley, Lamport, Lansing, Lynch, McGrew, McJunkin, McKee, Mercur, Merriam, Monroe, Morey, L. Myers, Negley, Orr, Packard, Palmer, I. C. Parker, Peck, Pendleton, Perce, A. F. Perry, Piatt, Poland, Prindle,

B, H. Roberts, Rusk, Sawyer, Seeley, Shanks, Sheldon, Shoemaker, H. B. Smith, J. A. Smith, W. C. Smith, Snapp, Snyder, T. J. Speer, Sprague, Starkweather, Stoughton, Strong, Sypher, Taffe, W. Townsend, Turner, Tyner, Upson, Waddell, Wakeman, Walden, Wheeler, Whitthorne,Willard, J. M. Wilson, J. T. Wilson—86.

The bill was not considered in the Senate.

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In Senate. 1872, February 16—This bill passed: Be it enacted, &c., That in case there shall be completed within one yearfrom the passage of this act forty miles of the road from the St. Croix river or lake to Lake Superior, as authorized by act of Congress approved June 3, 1856, and act of Congress approved May 5, 1864, and the Secretary of the Interior shall be satisfied of such completion, the time for completing the construction of said road as authorized by said acts shall be extended to the State of Wisconsin five years from the passage of this act, and all the grants, rights, and privileges contained in said original acts shall be continued in full force and virtue for said time of five years: Provided, That the word mineral, when used in the acts hereinbefore referred to, shall not be held to include coal, and subject to the further condition that the lands granted by the acts hereby extended, excepting only such as are necessary for the company to which the benefits of this act may inure, reserve for depots, stations, sidetracks, wood-yards, standing-grounds, and other needful uses in operating the road, and pine and coal lands shall be sold to actual settlers only, and in quantities not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres to any one person, under such

rules and restrictions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, at such prices as will secure to said company, its successors or assigns, an average price of not more than $2 50 per acre, and subject to the further condition that the right of way is hereby granted to said company to the extent of one hundred feet in width on each side of said road through the public lands: Provided, That the grant hereby extended shall inure onlyto the benefit of such company or companies as the State of Wisconsin may hereafter designate. Yeas 31, nays 7:

Yeas— Messrs. Boreman, Cameron, Carpenter, Chandler, Conkling, Fenton. Ferry of Connecticut, Ferry of Michigan, Flanagan, Frelinghuysen, Hamilton of Texas, Hamlin, Harlan, Hitchcock, Kellogg, Lewis, Logan, Morton, Nye, Osborn, Pomeroy, Pratt, Ramsey. Rice, Sawyer, Scott, Spencer, Sumner. Tipton. Vickers, Windom—31.

Nays — Messrs. Anthony, Casserly, Edmunds, Hamilton of Maryland, Morrill of Vermont, Patterson, Robertson—7.

In House.

1872, February 28—This bill coming up in order on the Speaker's table—

Mr. Holman moved to lay it on the table; which was not agreed to—yeas 78, nays 99:

Yeas — Messrs. Acker, Adams, Ambler, Archer, Arthur, Barnum, Beatty, Bell, Biggs, Bingham, Bird, Braxton, Buffinton, R. R. Butler, Campbell^



Coburn, Conner, Cox, Crebs, Critcher, Crossland, Dickey, Finkelnburg, Forker, H. D. Foster, Garrett, Getz, Griffith, Haldeman, Hancock, Handley, Harmer, Hawley, Hay, Hays, Hereford^ Hibbard, Holman, ^ Kelley, Kerr, Ketcham, Killinger. King, Lamison, Manson, McClelland, McNeely, Mercur, Monroe, Niblack, Packard, Packer, Prindle, Read, J. M. Bice, E. H. Roberts, Shanks, Sherwood, Shoemaker, Slocum. H. B. Smith, J. A. Smith, R. M. Speer, T. J. Speer, Stevens, Stevenson, Strong, Terry, Turner, Tyner, Upson, Van Trump. Voorhees. Whiteley, Williams of Indiana, J. M. Wilson, J. T. Wilson, Winchester—78.

Nays—Messrs. Ames, Averill, Banks, Barber, Barry, Beck, Beveridge, Bigby, A. Blair, Boles, Bright, G. M. Brooks, J. Brooks, Buckley, Caldwell, F. Clarke, Comingo, Conger, Cotton, Crocker, Darrall, Dawes, Donnan, JDu Bose, Duell, Duke, Dunnell, Barnes, Eldredge, Farnsworth, Farwell, C. Foster, Frye, Golladay, Goodrich, Hale, Halsey, Hanks, Harper, G. E. H irris, J. T. Harris, Havens, G. W. Hazelton, Herndon, Hill* Hoar, Hooper, Houghton, Kendall, Lamport, Leach, Lowe, Lynch, ilfars/m^, Maynard, McCormick, McHenry, McJunkin, Merriam, Mitchell, Orr, Palmer, I. C. Parker, Peck, A. F. Perry, E. Perry, Peters, Piatt, Price, Rainey, Rusk, Sargent, Sawyer, Scofield, Seeley, Sheldon, Slater, Sloss, Snapp, Snyder, Stoughton, Sutherland, Taffe, Thomas, D. Townsend, W. Townsend, Tuthill, Twichell, Vaughan, Waddell, Wakeman, Walden, Waldron, Wallace, Warren, Wheeler, Whitthorne, Williams of New York, Young—99.

Mr. Holman asked unanimous consent to propose this amendment:

Provided, however, That this grant shall be construed to apply to such lands only as would inure to the benefit of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company if this act had not been passed.

Which was refused, when he moved again to table the bill; which was lost—yeas 80, nays 94.

February 29—Mr. Holman moved to recommit the bill to the Committee on Public Lands, with these instructions:

To so amend the bill as that it shall grant to the State of Wisconsin all the lands specified in the bill which would inure to the North Pacific Railroad Company under existing laws, by any location of said North Pacific road authorized by existing laws, if this grant or extension was not made to said State of Wisconsin; and to limit the grant to the lands which, in the absence of such legislation, would, by fair interpretation of existing laws, inure to the benefit of the North Pacific road.

And to further amend the bill so that it shall not be construed to enlarge the grant of land to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, or to authorize the Northern Pacific Railroad Company to select lands elsewhere in lieu of any lands specified in the pending bill.

Mr. Donnan, by unanimous consent, offered the following additional instruction:

Provided further, That all lands hereby granted, which may remain unsold at the expiration of five years after the completion of said road, shall be subject to settlement and preemption like other public lands, at a price to be paid to such railroad company not exceeding $2 50 per acre.

The whole being treated as one amendment, was agreed to—yeas 101, nays 78:

Yeas—Messrs. Acker, Adams, Ambler, Archer, Arthur, Barnum, Beatty, Bell, Biggs, Bingham, Bird, Bright, Buffinton, Burchard, Burdett, B. F.

Butler, Carroll, Coburn, Coghlan, Conner, Cox, Crebs, Critcher, Crossland, Dickey, Duke, Dunnell, Ely, Finkelnburg, Forker, C.Foster, H. D. Foster, Getz, Golladay, Haldeman, Handley, Hanks, Harmer, Gr. E. Harris, /. T. Harris.Hawley. Hay, Hays, Hereford, Hibbard, Hill, Holman, Kelley, Kellogg, Kerr, Ketcham. Killinger, King, Lamison, Lamport, Lewis, Lowe, Manson, Marshall. McClelland, McGrew, McKinney, McNeely, Mercur, Monroe, Niblack, Packard, Packer. Prindle, Read, J. M. Rice, E. H. Roberts, W. R. Roberts. Robinson, Sessions, Shanks, Shoemaker, Slocum, H.B. Smith, J. A. Smith, R. M. Speer, Sprague, Starkweather, Stevens, Stevenson, Strong, Terry, JD. Townsend. Turner, Tyner, Upson, Van Trump, Vaughan, Voorhees, Walden, Whiteley, Williams of Indiana, J. M. Wilson, J. T. Wilson, Winchester, Wood—101.

Nays—Messrs. Ames, Averill, Banks, Barber, Beck, Beveridge, A. Blair, J. G. Blair, Boles, G. M. Brooks, Buckley. Caldwell.Comingo, Conger, Cotton, Crocker, Dawes, Donnan, Du Bose, Duell, Eames, Eldredge, Farnsworth, Farwell, Frye. Garfield, Goodrich, Hancock, Harper, Havens, G. W. Hazelton, Hoar, Hooper, Houghton, Lynch, Maynard, McCormick, Mitchell, L. Myers. Negley, Orr, Palmer, I. C. Parker, Peck, Pendleton, E. Perry, Peters, Piatt, Price, Rainey, Rusk, Sargent, Sawyer,. Scofield, Seeley, Sheldon, Sherwood, Shober, Slater, Sloss, Snapp, Snyder, T. J. Speer, Stoughton, Sutherland, Taffe, W. Townsend, Tuthill, Twichell, Waddell, Wakeman, Waldron, Wallace, Warren, Wheeler, Willard, Williams of New York, Young—78.

March 1—The bill, with various propositions submitted, was recommitted to the Committee on Public Lands, with the right to report it back at any time the next week after Monday.

March 7—The committee reported back the bill with these amendments:

Amend the first section so as to exclude all "coal" lands from the grant; and add the following sections:

Sec. 2. That this act shall be so construed as to grant to the State of Wisconsin all the lands heretofore reserved and embraced in its provisions, which would inure to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, under existing laws, by any location of said Northern Pacific Railroad Company authorized by existing laws, if this grant or extension had not been made to said State of Wisconsin, and as limiting the grant to the lands which, in the absence of further legislation, would, by fair interpretation of existing laws, inure to the benefit of or might be taken by the Northern Pacific Railroad Company: Provided, That this act shall not be construed to enlarge the grant of land to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, or to authorize said Northern Pacific Railroad Company to select lands elsewhere in lieu of any lands embraced in this act, or as granting to said State any lands in lieu of which other lands might be selected by said Northern Pacific Railroad Company, or as granting any coal lands.

Sec. 3. That the extent of the grant to said State under this act shall be determined by the Secretary of the Interior and the Attorney General, subject to the approval of the President of the United States, and shall be reported to Congress by the Secretary of the Interior as soon as such determination is made.

March 15—An amendment was offered by Mr. Eldredge to strikeout of section two the words:

"Or as granting to said State any lands in lieu of which other lands might be selected by said Northern Pacific Railroad Company;" which was adopted—yeas 84, nays 83:

Yeas—Messrs. Averill, Barber, Beck, Beveridge, Bigb.y, A. Blair, G. M. Brooks, Buckley, Burchard, Caldwell, W. T- Clark, Comingo, Conger, Conner, Cotton, Crocker, Darrall, Dawes, Donrjan, Box, Bu Bose, Duell. Buke, Dunnell, Barnes, Eldredge, Farnsworth, W. D. Foster, Frye, Garfield, Garrett, Goodrich, Hale, Handley, Harper, G. W. Hazelton, J. W. Hnzelton, Hooper, Houghton, Lansing, Leach, McCormick, McJunkin, Merriam, Mitchell, Moore, Morey, Orr, Palmer, I. C. Parker, Pendleton, E. Perry, Peters, Piatt, Poland, Price, Ritchie, Rogers, Rusk. Sargent, Sawyer, Scofield, Seeley, Sheldon, Sherwood, Slater, Sloeum, Sloss, J. A. Smith, W. C. Smith, Snapp, Snyder, T. J. Speer, Stoughton, Sutherland, Taffe, Thomas, W. Townsend, Twichell, Waddell, Waldron, Warren, Wells, Young—84.

Nays—Messrs. Adams, Ambler, Archer, Arthur, Beatty, Biggs, Bingham, Braxton, Buffinton, Coburn, Coghlan, Crebs, Critcher, Crossland, Bavis, Dickey, Finkelnburg, Forker, Getz, Golladay, Griffith, Halderaan, Hancock, Hanks, Harmer, J. T. Harris, Havens, Hawley, Hay, Hays, Herndon, Holman, Kelley, Kendall, Kerr, Ketcham, Killinger, King, Lewis, Lowe, Manson, Marshall, McClelland, McCrary, McGrew, McKinney, Mercur, Merrick, Morgan, Niblack, Packard, Packer, A. F.Perry, Porter, Prindle, Randall, Read, J. M. Rice, E. H. Roberts, W. R. Roberts, Robinson, Shanks, Shoemaker, R. M. Speer, Sprague, Stevens, Stevenson. Storm, Strong, Terry, Turner, Tyner, Upson, Van Trump, Voorhees, Wakeinan, Walden, Whiteley, Whitthorne, Williams of Indiana, J. M. Wilson, J. T. Wilson, Winchester—83.

An amendment was offered by Mr. KillinGer to add to the first section the following:

Provided, Tnat in the construction of the said railroad there shall be used none other than rails manufactured from American iron.

Which was rejected—yeas 52, nays 112:

Yeas—-Messrs. Ambler, Archer, Bigby, Bingham, W. T. Clark, Cobb, Coghlan, Crocker, Darrall, Dickey, Duell, W. D. Foster, Getz, Goodrich, Griffith, Harmer, Ha.ys, J. W. Hazelton, Hooper, Ketcham, Killinger, Lowe, McClelland, McGrew, McJunkin, Mercur, Merriam, Morey, L. Myers, Negley, Packer, E. Perry, Randall, Sawyer, Scofield, Sheldon, Shoemaker, W. C. Smith, Snyder, R. M. Speer, T. J. Speer, Sprague, Stoughton, Stowell, Strong, Swann, W. Townsend, Turner, Upson, Whiteley, Williams of Indiana, J. T. Wilson—52.

Nays—Messrs. Adams, Arthur, Averill, Beatty, Beck, Beveridge, A. Blair, J. G. Blair, Braxton, G. M.Brooks, Buffinton, Buvvhard,CoMwell, F. Clarke, Coburn, Comingo, Conger, Conner, Cotton, Cox, Critcher, Crossland, Bavis, Dawes, Donnan, Box, Bit, Bose, Buke, Dunnell, Fames, Eldredge, Farnsworth, Finkelnburg, Forker, Frye, Garfield, Garrett, Golladay, Haldeman, Hambleton, Hancock, Handley, Hanks, Harper, J. T. Harris, Hawley, Hay, G. W. Hazelton, Herndon, Hoar, Holman, Kerr, King, Lansing, Leach, Lewis, Manson, Marshall, McCormick, McCrary, Mclntyre,McKinney,Merrick, Moore, Morgan, Orr, Packard, Palmer, Pendleton, Perce, A. F. Perry, Peters. Porter, Price, Prindle, Read, E. Y. Rice, J. M. Rice, Ritchie, E. H. Roberts, W. R.Roberts, Robinson, Rusk, Sargent,Seeley, Shanks, Sherwood, Shober, Slater, Sloeum, Sloss, Snapp, Stevens, Stevenson, Storm, Taffe, Thomas, Tyner, Van Trump, Voorhees, Waddell. Wakeman, Walden, Waldron, Warren, Wells, Wheeler, Whitthorne, J. M. Wilson, Winchester, Wood, Young—112.

Mr. Ketcham moved to strike out all after the enacting clause and insert:

That all the lands which were granted by Congress in the year 1856 and the year 1864 to the State of Wisconsin to aid in the construction of a railroad from St. Croix river or lake to Lake Superior, with a branch road to Bayfield, the said grant having expired by limitation, be, and hereby are, forfeited to the United States, and shall henceforward be sub

ject to homestead entry and settlement under the act of Congress approved May 20, 1862, "to secure homesteads to actual settlers on the public domain," and shall be disposed of according to the provisions of said act. But no part of said lauds shall be selected by or inure to the benefit of any railroad company under any assumed grant from the United States; and said lands are expressly reserved for the benefit of actual settlers under the provisions of the said homestead act.

Mr. Banks moved to add to the substitute:

Provided, That no land embraced in the grant to the St. Croix railroad shall in any case revert to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company: and all acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this provision are hereby repealed.

Which, on a division, was adopted—yeas 66, nays 64.

The substitute, as amended, was then agreed to—yeas 94, nays 85:

Yeas—Messrs. Adams, Ambler, Archer, Arthur, Beatty, Biggs, Bingham, Braxton, Buffinton, Burchard, Burdett, Carroll, P. Clarke, Coburn, Coghlan, Crebs, Critcher, Crossland, Darrall, Davis, Dickey, Finkelnburg, Forker, Garfield, Getz, Golladay, Griffith, Haldeman, Hanks, Harmer, J. T. Harris, Havens, Hawley, Hay, Hays, Herndon, Hohnaii, Kelley, Kendall, Kerr, Ketcham, Killinger, King, Lewis, Lowe, Manson, Marshall, McClelland, McGrew, Mclntyre, McKinney, Mercur, Merriam, Merrick, Monroe,Morgan,Niblack, Packard, Packer, A. F. Perry, Porter, Prindle, Randall, Read, J. M. Rice, E. H. Roberts, W. R. Roberts, Robinson, Rusk, Shanks, Shoemaker, J. A. Smith, Snyder, R. M. Speer, Sprague, Stevens, Stevenson, Storm, Stowell, Strong, Sypher, Turner, Tyner, Upson, Van Trump, Voorhees, Wakeman. Whiteley, Whitthorne, Williams of Indiana, J. M. Wilson, J. T. Wilson, Winchester, Wood—94.

Nays—Messrs. Averill, Banks, Barber, Beck, Beveridge, Bigby, A. Blair, J. G. Blair, G. M. Brooks, Buckley, Caldwell, W. T. Clark, Comingo, Conger, Conner, Cotton, Crocker, Dawes, Donnan, Box, Bu Bose, Duell, Buke, Dunnell, Eldredge, Farnsworth) W. D, Foster, Frye, Garrett, Goodrich, Hale, Hancock, Handley, Harper, G. W. Hazelton, J. W. Hazelton, Hoar, Hooper, Houghton, Lamport, Lansing, Leach, hy rich, McCormick. McCrary, Mitchell, Moore, Negley, Orr, Palmer, I. C. Parker, Peck, Pendleton, E. Perry, Peters, Piatt, Poland, Price, E. Y. Rice, Rogers, Sargent. Sawyer, Scofield, Seeley, Sherwood, Shober, Slater, Slocum, Sloss, W. C. Smith, Snapp, T. J. Speer, S'oughton, Sutherland, Taffe, Thomas, B. Townsend, W. Townsend, Twichell, Waddell, Walden, Waldron, Warren, Wheeler, Young—85.

The bill was then passed.

In Senate. March 28—The Senate disagreed to the amendment of the House.

In House.

April 16—Report was made that the committees of conference had failed to agree.

Mr. Scofield moved that the House recede from its amendment; which was disagreed to—yeas 56, nays 115:

Yeas—Messrs. Ames, Averill, Barber, Beck, A. Blair, Boles, G. M. Brooks, Buckley, Conger, Dawes, De Large, Donnan, Bu Bose, Dunnell, Eldredge, Goodrich, Hale, Hancock, Harper, G. W. Hazelton, J. W. Hazelton, Hoar, Hooper, Houghton, Lansing, Maynard, McCormick, Orr, Palmer, Peck, Perce, E. Perry, Peters, Poland, Roosevelt, Ru&k, Sargent, Sawyer, Scofield, Seeley, Sheldon. Sherwood, Slater, Sloss, Snapp, Snyder, Stoughton, Taffe, B. Townsend, W. Townsend, Twichell, Waddell, Walden, Waldron, Wheeler, Williams of New York—56.

[blocks in formation]

Nays—Messrs. Acker, Adams, Ambler, Archer, Arthur. Barry, Beatty, Bell, Beveridge, Biggs, Bingham, Bird, Braxton, Buffinton, Burchard, Burdett, Carroll, W. T.Clark, Coburn, Coghlan, Conner, Cox, Critcher, Crossland, Darrall, Davis, Dickey, Duell, Eames, Ely, Farnsworth, Finkelnburg, Forker, Q-arfield, Garrett, Golladay, Griffith, Haldeman. Halsey, Hambleton, Handley, Hanks, Harmer, G. E. Harris, J. T. Harris, Havens, Hay, Hays. Hereford, Herndon, Hibbard, Holman. Kelley* Kellogg, Kendall, Ketcham, Killinger, King, Lewis, Lowe, Manson, Marshall, McClelland,McQrnry, McHenry, Mclntyre, McJunkin, McKinney, McNeely, Mercur, Merriam, Merrick, Moore, Morgan, Morphis, Negley, Niblack, Packard, Packer, I. C. Parker, A. F. Perry, Potter, Prindle, Rainey, Randall, Read, E. Y. Rice, J. M. Rice, E, H. Roberts, W. R. Roberts, Sessions, Shanks, Shoemaker, J. A. Smith, R. M. Speer, Sprague, Stevens, Stevenson, Storm, Strong, Sypher, Terry, Turner, Tyner, Upson, Van Trump, Wells, Whiteley, Whitthorne, "Williams of Indiana, J. M. Wilson, J. T. Wilson, Winchester, Wood, Young—115.

Mr. Holman moved that the House adhere

to its amendment; which was agreed to—yeas 110, nays 54.

[The differences in this vote from the last were these: to the yeas on this motion (being the nays on the last) add Messrs. Bright, R. R. Butler, Dox, J. W. Hazelton, Lamison, Seeley, andT. J. Speer, and subtract Messrs. Beveridge, Bingham, Davis, Eames, Ely, Farnsworth, Garfield, Hanks, Lowe, Marshall, Moore, and Niblack. To the nays on this motion (being the yeas on the last) add Messrs. Beveridge, Comingo, Cotton, Duke, Farnsworth, W. D. Foster, Frye, Moore, and Wallace, and substract Messrs. Buckley, Hale, J. W. Hazelton, Hoar, Peck, Peters, Roosevelt, Seeley, Snyder, D. Townsend, and Wheeler.]

Thus the bill fell.



In House.

1872, May 15—Mr. Peters, from the Judiciary Committee, reported the following bill; which passed without a division:

Be it enacted, &c, That the act entitled "An act to prescribe an oath of office, and for other purposes," approved July 2, 1862, and the act entitled "An act prescribing an oath of office to be taken by persons from whom legal disabilities shall have been removed," approved July 11, 1868, be, and the same are hereby, repealed.

To Repeal Several Acts Relating to the Tenure of Civil Offices.

In House.

1872, May 14—Mr. B. F. Butler reported from the Judiciary Committee the following bill; which passed without a division:

Beit enacted, &c, That the act entitled "An act regulating the tenure of certain civil offices," passed March 2, 1867, and an act entitled "An act to amend an act regulating the tenure of certain civil offices," approved April 5, 1869, be, and the same are hereby, repealed: Provided, That the repeal of said acts shall not affect the suspension or designation of any civil officer heretofore made by the President, except so far as to prevent the restoration to office or pay, by virtue of said acts, of any person suspended under their provisions.

"Legal-Tender" Notes in One-Third Payment of Customs.

1872, March 11—Mr. B. F. Butler moved to suspend the rules and pass a bill that from and after April 1, 1872, the Secretary of the Treasury be authorized and directed to collect and receive one third of the amount of customs duties assessed upon imports in legal

tender notes of the United States; which was disagreed to—yeas 89, nays68, (two thirds being required:)

Yeas—Messrs. Acker, Arthur, Averill, Beck, Beveridge, Bigby, Bird, J. G. Blair, Q. M. Brooks, Buf finton, B. P. Butler, R. R. Butler, Caldwell, W. T. Clark, Cobb, Coburn, Coghlan, Conger, Conner, Critcher, Crossland, Darrall, Davis, Box, Dunnell, Eldredge, Finkelnburg, Getz, Golladay, Haldeman, Hambleton, Handley, Harper, J. T. Harris, Havens, Hay, Hays. G. W. Hazelton, J. W. Hazelton, Holman, Houghton, King, Lansing, Leach,Lewis, Lowe, Manson, Marshall, McClelland, McCrary, McHenry, McKinney, Merrick, B. F Meyers. Mitchell, Morey, Morgan. I. C. Parker. Pendleton, Perce, A. F. Perry, Peters, Piatt, Price, Prindle, Read, E. Y. Rice, J.M. Rice, Sargent, Shanks, Sheldon, Shober, Slater. Sloss, H. B., Smith, Snapp, Snyder, T. J. Speer, Stevens, Sypher, Taffe, Twichell, Warren, Wells, Willard, Williams of Indiana, Williams of New York, J. M. Wilson, Wood—S9.

Nays—Messrs. Ambler, Banks, Barber, Beatty, Bingham, A; Blair, Braxton, Bright, Burchard, F. Clarke, Comingo, Crebs, Dawes, Donnan, Duell. Farwell, C. Foster, W. D. Foster, Frye, Garrett, Goodrich, Halsey, Harmer, Hawley, Hill, Hooper, Kelley, Kerr, Ketcham, Killinger, Lynch, McCormick, MoGrew, McJunkin, Mercur, Merriam, Monroe, L. Myers, Negley, Niblack, Orr, Packard, Palmer, Peck, E. Perry, Randall, E. H. Roberts. W. R. Roberts, Sawyer, Sherwood, Shoemaker, J. A. Smith, W. C. Smith. Sprague, Storm, Stoughton, Strong, Sutherland, Terry, W. Townsend, Van Trump, Waddell, Wakeman, Walden, Waldron, Wheeler, J. T. Wilson, Winchester—68.

House Resolution on Treatment of Prisoners of War.

In House.

1872, February 19—Mr. Shanks moved to suspend the rules and pass the subjoined joint resolution; which was agreed to without a division: Joint resolution authorizing the President to

open negotiations with all civilized nations

in reference to captives in war.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized and requested to

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