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D. Northern Asia. Siberia; comprehending

I. Various mixed nations on the frontiers of Asia and


II. Samoyedes.

III. Nations of various unknown stocks in North-eastern

E. Islands of Eastern Asia; comprehending

I. Sachalin, or Tschoka.

II. Japan.

III. Insu, Jedso, Tschika.

IV. Lieu-Kieu islands, Lgutschu islands, Lew-Chew.
V. Formosa.


I. Cantabrian, or Basque.*

I. Celtic stock.

III. Celtico-Germanic, or Cimbrian stock.

IV. German (Germanischer) stock ;† comprehending
A. The German (Deutscher) main stock.

B. Scandinavian main stock.

C. English.

V. Thracico-Pelasgic Greek and Latin stock; comprehending A. The Thracico-Illyrian main stock, in Asia Minor and

in Europe.

B. Pelasgic main stock.

C. Hellenic-Greek main stock.

D. Latin stock.

VI. Slavonic (Slavischer) stock.

VII. Germanico-Slavonic, or Lettish stock.

VIII. Romano-Slavonic, or Wallachian.

IX. Tshudish stock.

X. Mixed languages on the south-eastern border of Europe, (comprehending the Hungarian and Albanian, with their dialects.)


I. Northern Africa; towards the southern frontiers of Sahara : A. Barbary.

* Since the publication of the work now under consideration, that distin guished scholar, baron William von Humboldt, has published a profoundly learned work relating to the Basque language, entitled, An examination of the Researches respecting the original Inhabitants of Spain; by means of the Basque language; printed at Berlin during the present year. We have but just received this important work, and notice it now, merely for the purpose of apprising our readers, that it contains an interesting section' On the supposed affinity of the Basque with the American languages.' We hope soon to be able to give an account of the work. REV.

+ This has sometimes been called the Teutonic stock, and in English we are in want of a distinct generic name for it. Our English names, German and Dutch, are too limited for this purpose. REV.

B. Guanchen.

II. Middle Africa:

A. Northeastern nations (comprehending the Copts, Nubians, and Abyssinians.)

B. Countries between Sahara and Gulbi.

C. Middle Africa, Proper (comprehending the Falofs, Mandingoes, Congoes.)

D. The greater part of the imperfectly known territories in the interior of Africa, from Abyssinia, &c.

E. The Caffres; from Quiloa to the Hottentots.

III. The southern extremity of Africa (including the Hottentots &c.)

I. South America.
II. Middle America.

III. North America:


A. The northern parts of New Mexico with California and
the west coast of America to Prince William's Sound.
B. Territories on the west side of the Mississippi, and be-
tween that river and the Missouri and Arkansas.
C. Territories on the east side of the Mississippi, to the
Ohio and the eastern Great Lakes.

D. Northern territories on the eastern coast and Hud-
son's Bay; above and below the Great Lakes towards
the great western chain of mountains.

E. The territories on the northern coast from Greenland and
Labrador to Behring's straits, and from the peninsula of
Alaksa to Prince William's Sound.'

Under the North American divisions, which are above designated by the letters B and C (territories east and west of the Mississippi), the author enumerates many names which are familiar to us; but he also mentions a great number, of which we have seldom or never heard. As this region of the continent is the most interesting to an American reader, we have thought it might be useful to give the whole list in detail; in order that any omissions and errors (if any such exist) may be supplied and corrected by our countrymen. This extract will at the same time give the reader an idea of the extraordinary minuteness of the whole work.

B. Territories on the WEST side of the Mississippi &c. a. Indian stocks at the sources of the Missouri:

1. The Blood Indians.

2. Paegans, Picaneaux.

S. Black-foot Indians.

4. Fall Indians.

5. Minetares.

6. Snake Indians.

7. Crow Indians.

8. Achwahhaway.
9. Mandans.

b. Naudowessies, Narcotah :

a. On the banks of the waters of the St Croix :
1. Nehogatawonas.

2. Matabantowas. [Mawtawbauntowahs. Carver.] 3. Schahswintowaher. [Shahsweentowahs. Id. B. Naudowessies of the Plains :

1. Wapintowas.

2. Tintons.

3. Ascahcutons.

4. Mahas.

5. Shians.

6. Shianis.

7. Tschunguscetons.

8. Waddapachestens.

9. Assiniboils. Assinipoils. Assiniboins. Assini

poetuk. (As-sin-e-po-e-tue.)

Sioux, Stone Indians.

aa. Manetopa.

bb. Oseegah.

cc. Mantopanato.

10. Wahpatone.

11. Mindawarcaton.

12. Yanktongs.

aa. Minowa-Kantongs.

bb. Washpetong.

cc. Sussitongs.

dd. Titong, Tetons.

aa. Okandandas.

ßß. Minnakinneazzo.

77. Sahone.

[blocks in formation]

Sioux. Stone

[blocks in formation]

e. In the territories of the Red River:

a. Caddos, Caddoques, Cadodaquioux.

1. Nentego, Nentico, Nantico, Nanticokes, Nanda

koes, Water-people.)

2. Nabadaches.

3. Inies, Tachies.

4. Yattasees.

5. Adaize, Adayes.
6. Nacogdoches.
7. Keychies, Keyes.
8. Natchitoches.
9. Tunicas.

S. Bedies.

7. Aliche, Eyeish.
J. Accocesaws.

. Mayes.

Z. Cances.

2. Carancouas.

9. Attacapas.
1. Appalousa.
x. Chactoos.

a. Washash.

C. Territories on the EAST Side of the Mississippi, to the Ohio and the Great Lakes:

a. Nations and dialects next eastward of the mouths of the Mississippi and in Florida.

1. On the island Malhado-
a. Caoques.

B. Han.

[blocks in formation]

J. Quevenes

ε. Mariames.

Z. Gualsiones.

". Yguaces. 9. Atayos.

1. Acubadaos.

x. Quitoles.

λ. Avavares.

. Muliacones.
". Cutalchiches.
. Susolas.
⚫. Comos.

7. Camoles.

3. Nations, which have emigrated from the East side of Mississippi to the West side:

[blocks in formation]

b Tschikasah (Chikkasaw) and kindred dialects1. Muskohge, Creeks, Muskogulgen-Creek, Nations of the Muskohge-union

a. Caouittas, Cawittas.

B. Conshacs.

7. Oakmulgees.

d. Alibamous, Alibamis.

ε. Taensas.

¿. Yasows.

2. Conchattas.

9. Abeikas.

1. Stincards.

x. Uches, Savannucas.

λ. Seminoles.

2. Tschikasah, Chìkkasaw (Chicachas) Mowill, Mobil

ians, Mobil-language.

a. Chatchi-Oumas. Chetimachas ?

B. Oufé-Ogulas.

7. Tapoussas.

J. Coroas.

* More frequently called by us, Abenaki, i. e. Men of the East. REV

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