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hatred of the moss troopers, occurs in 1564, prohibiting any person born in Tynedale, Riddesdale, or such like places, to be admitted apprentice. The reason assigned for this restriction will, at this time, appear no less strange. "The parties there brought up are known either by education or nature not to be of honest conversation." They are said to "commit frequent thefts and other fellonys"-so that no apprentices are to be taken, "proceeding from such lewde and wicked progenitors."*

It was ordered by a by-law of this fraternity, November 10th 1603, that their apprentices should be forbidden to "daunce, dice, carde, mum, or use any musick either by nyght or by day in the streetes." Their apparel of cloth to be under ten shillings a yard, or of fustain, of or under three shillings per yard. They are not "to weare any velvat or lace on their apparell, neither any silke garters, silke or velvat girdles, silke pointes, worsted or Jersey stockings, shoe strings of sylk, pumpes, pantofles, or corke shoes, hats lyned with velvat, nor double cypress hat-bands, or silke strings, nor clokes and daggers, neither any ruffled bands but falling bands, plaine without lace, stiche or any kind of sowen work, neither shall they weare their haire longe nor locks at their ears like ruffians." A special gaol or prison was provided for the punishment of the refractory and disobedient, in the West-gate of the town, to which a gaoler was appointed with a salary of forty shillings per annum.

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In the year 1649 a bye law of the society ordered that every apprentice should "cutt his haire from the crowne of his heade, keepe his foreheade bare, his lockes, if any, shall not reatch below the

This act was not repealed till A. D. 1771.

lap of his eare, and the same length to be observed behind: and if in caise any be sicke, he shall weare a linnen cap and no other, and that without lace. And they shall weare no beaver hatts, nor castors; if their hattes be blacke they shall have blacke bands, if gray hatts their bands suitable: but neither gold nor silver woorke in any of them; neither fancies nor ribbins at their hatbands: the cloth for their apparell shall not exceed 14 or 15 shillings the yerde: they shall weare no stuff of silke or cammell haire; their clothes shall be made plaine up without lace or any trimminges except buttons; and them only in places needfull-and no better than of silke. Their bands shall be plaine without lace or scallopes. They shall weare no cutts, boot-hos-tops or culloured showes or showes of Spanish leather, long neb'd showes or bootes: noe silke garters at all nor show strings better than ferret or cotton ribbin, no gloves but plaine, nor bootes but when they ride."

At a court held on the 5th of October, the same year, nine of the apprentices refused to conform to the above order and were allowed till the 7th of December next to consider of it, when three of them "shewing themselves disobedient and very obstinate, were first in open court (where a dish is said to have been kept, by the edge of which their hair was cut round) made exemplary by shortninge their hayre, and taking from their clothes superfluous ribbining and for their wilfull obstinacy were committed to prison, where each was allowed no more than two-pence in breade and one quarte of table beare per diem." After eleven days confinement they petitioned the governor and fellowship, and desire their worships "to passe by and be oblivious of all their misdemeanors," promising also to conform on their enlargement, which was granted them.

The remarkable appearance exhibited by these disfigured youths provoked even the satire of the formalists of the seventeenth century, accordingly we find a brother of the society complained of for mocking them, and calling them "the company's cowed tupps," in the homely language of that age.

There is an order dated in 1654, for "No Batchelors to take an Apprentice.'

A. D. 1655, by a bye law of this fraternity, it was enacted, that every apprentice convicted of fornication, should pay a fine of one hundred pounds sterling.-The order before stood at one hundred marks; but that sum probably having been found insufficient, it was now altered to as many pounds.

January 26th, 1656, an order was made by the society concerning the religion of their apprentices, the curious preamble whereof runs as follows: "Whereas in these late tymes, wherein iniquity abounds,

wee find by wooful experience a great apostacy and falling off from the truth to popery, quakerisme and all manner of heresy and unheard of blasphemy and profaneness."-It then proceeds to enact “that no popish recusant, quaker, or any who shall not attend duely on his maister at the publicke ordinances, or any who is base begotten, crooked or lame, or any other way deformed," be taken apprentice on pain of being fined an hundred marks.

"The Right Worshipful Nicholas Fenwick, Esq., Mayor of the town of Newcastle upon Tyne, and also Governor of the Fellowship of Merchants Adventurers of the said town and county, having reported to this Company, at a Court holden the 29th of October, 1697, the many exorbitant practices of the apprentices of the members of this Society, by their extravagancy and profuseness in apparell, wiggs, indecency in their behaviour, and vainely mis-spending their time; which, if not timely prevented, will very much tend to the dishonour of God, disobedience to their masters, and a great affront to this company in general: It is therefore enacted by the Governor, Assistants, Wardens, and Fellowship of Merchants' Adventurers of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne, that from and after this 24th November, 1697,

"1. No apprentice, until he hath served 7 years, shall be permitted to go either to the Fencing or Dancing School, neither to any Music Houses, Lotteries, or Play Houses, neither shall keep any sort of horses, dogs for hunting, or fighting cocks, and after the said term of 7 years not without leave of his master.

"2. No apprentice shall use any gold or silver trimming, either in their Apparell or Hats, neither lining of any garment with any sort of silk.*

"3. No apprentice shall wear any sort of point lace, or any embroidery at all, neither any ruffles at their breasts, necks, or sleeves. "4. No apprentice shall wear long wiggs, nor any sort of wiggs above the price of fifteen shillings.

"5. No apprentice shall frequent either Taverns or Ale-Houses, neither absent himself from his master's house at any time, upon any pretence, without leave.

"6. All apprentices shall conform themselves in their behaviour towards all members of this Fellowship by uncovering their heads, and that not slightly but submissively and all due respect.†

• "June 6. 1711. John Lawson. Appren: to Francis Brandling fined 20s, for wearing Gold or Silver lace upon his hat, Ruffles at neck, breast and hands contrary to the act." † “Jany. 22, 1701. Mr. Gov: complained of Richd. Thompson, appren: to Edwd. Harrison, that he behaved himself rudely to him, by boldly cocking his Hat two several

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"7. No apprentice shall in any kind profane the Lord's Day.

"All apprentices offending in any of these respects to be fined 20s. for the first offence, 40s. for the second, 47. for the third, 57. for the fourth, and 107. for the fifth, to be paid before admitted to their freedom."

times when Mr. Gov: spoke to the said Thompson, instead of decently uncovering his head as by act provided, for which he was fined £10-and ordered to appear next court to answer the same."

The Pope's Lamentation.



HE subsequent humourous ballad is reprinted from the Percy Society's "Old Ballads," edited by J. Payne Collier, Esq. F. S. A. London, 1841. Ritson (Bibl. Poet. 300) mentions Thomas Preston as the well-known author of "Cambises," which Shakespeare ridicules, and of a ballad called "A Geliflower, or swete Marygold," by the same printer as the

following, and one year earlier in point

of date; but Ritson knew nothing of this "Lamentation from Rome." It is from first to last a piece of ridicule of the Pope and his Court, disconcerted at the news of the defeat of the rebels in Northumberland.





LL you that newes would here,

Give eare to me, poor Fabyn Flye.

At Rome I was this yere,

And in the Pope his nose dyd lye;
But there I could not long abide,
He blew me out of every side;

For furst when he had harde the newes
That Rebelles dyd their Prince misuse,

Then he with joye

Did sporte him selfe with many a toye:

He then so stout,

That from his nose he blew me out.

But as he was a slepe,

Into the same againe I goot:

I crept there in so depe,

That I had almost burnt my coote.

New newes to him was brought that night,
The Rebelles they were put to flight;
But Lord, how then the Pope toke one,
And ealled for a Mary bone.

Up howgh! make hast,

My lovers all be like to waste:
Ryse Cardnall, up priest,
Saint Peter he doth what he lest.

So then they fell to messe:

The fryers on their beades did .praye;

The Pope began to blesse,

At last he weist not what to saye.
It chanced so the next day morne,
A post came blowing of his horne,
Sayng Northomberland is take;
But then the Pope began to quake.
He then rubd his nose;

With pilgrome salve he noynt his hose.
Runne here, runne there;
His nayles for anger gan to pare.

Not Northomberland alone,

But many of his wicked ayd,

Such as thought not to grone:
They hoped well for to aplayd
Their partes, to have their hartes desire
But now is quenched their flames of fire.

The greatest and the meane beside,
With other youths fast bound must ride.

Ketch fast, kepe well,

There youthfull bloud they long to sell:
Trust this, dere Pope,

What is it than wherfore ye hope?

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