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Second best twenty-four ears late sweet corn..

$1.00 2.00

1 00

2. 00

1 00 2.00

Best twenty-four ears of eight rowed red blaze corn..

Second best twenty-four ears of eight rowed red blaze corn.

Best twenty-four ears of yellow dent corn..

Second best twenty-four ears of yellow dent corn.
Best twenty-four ears of white dent corn..

Second best twenty-four ears of white dent corn..
Best twenty-four ears of smoked dent corn..
Second best twenty-four ears of smoked dent corn.
Best twenty-four ears of yellow flint corn..
Second best twenty-four ears of yellow flint corn.
Best twenty-four ears of Canada flint corn.

Second best twenty-four ears of Canada flint corn.
Best twelve ears pop corn........

Second best twelve ears pop corn.

Best two sweet or cheese pumpkins..

Second best two sweet or cheese pumpkins..

Best two field pumpkins....

Second best two field pumpkins............

1 00 2.00 1 00


1 00

2 00

1 00

2. 00



1 00



2. 00

1 00

2 00

1 00



Committee-Smith Farmer, Niles, Berrien county; M. Shoemaker, Jackson; E. H. Randall, Grand Rapids; Mrs. Hazlett, Hillsdale, Chairman; Mrs. M. M. Hudson, Lansing; Mrs. W. H. Beech, East Saginaw.

Best twenty-five pounds of domestic butter, made at any time...
Second best twenty-five pounds of domestic butter, made at any time..
Third best twenty-five pounds of domestic butter, made at any time..


20 00

15 00

Best display of cheese, not less than three in number, from any household or private dairy..

15 00

Second best display of cheese, not less than three in number, from any household or private dairy.

10 00

Third best display of cheese, not less than three in number, from any household or private dairy....

Best display of cheese by any factory, quantity and quality considered

5 00 50 00

Silver medal and Second best display of cheese by any factory, quantity and quality considered..... 25 00 SPECIAL PREMIUM.-Cornish & Curtis, Fort Atkinson, Wis., offer one of Whipple's rectangular churns, manufactured by them, for the best exhibition of skill in butter making, as shown by butter exhibited, the condition under which it was manufactured, stated in writing, to be considered in making the award.

The Silver Medal to go to the actual maker of the cheese.


Committee-J. A. Stocking, Muskegon; D. C. Leach, Traverse City; J. C. Kitten, St.

$50 00

5 00

3 00

For the best one hundred pounds of beet sugar manufactured in the State...
Best sample of sugar, not less than five pounds, made from the sorghum, to be shown
at the fair, and sent to the executive committee at its annual meeting, with an ex-
plicit statement of its manufacture, in writing..........

Second best sample of sugar, not less than five pounds, made from sorghum, to be shown at the fair, and sent to the executive committee at its annual meeting, with an explicit statement in writing..

Best one gallon of molasses, made from the sorghum or imphee, to be shown at the fair, and to the executive committee at its annual meeting, with an explicit statement in writing...

3 00

Second best one gallon of molasses, made from the sorghum or imphee, to be shown at the fair, and to the executive committee at its annual meeting, with an explicit statement in writing...


Best ten pounds of maple sugar.

Second best ten pounds of maple sugar..

5 00 3 00

Best specimen of honey, in boxes or jars..

Second best specimen of honey, in boxes or jars..

$3.00 2. 00

Best bee-hives, and method of securing honey and taking care of bees. Diploma and

Best display of samples of sugars and syrups, named and labeled..

5 00 5 00

Second best display of samples of sugars and syrups, named and labeled.

3 00


Committee-M. L. Williams, Hastings; Horace Blackmer, Hillsdale; Mrs. S. M. Garfield, Grand Rapids; Mrs. Chas. Kipp, St. Johns; Mrs. D. W. Childs, Ypsilanti.

Best machine made bread..........

Best three loaves of baker's bread..

Best three loaves of milk, or salt rising bread..

Second best three loaves of milk or salt rising bread.

Best three loaves of yeast bread...

Second best three loaves..

Best soda rising bread.
Second best soda rising.

Best corn bread....

Second best corn bread.

Best three loaves of brown bread, or rye and Indian.

Second best three loaves of brown bread, or rye and Indian..




3 00


2 00

3 00


2. 00

1 00

3 00


3 00

2 00

3 00



Best samples of flour bread, made by a girl of sixteen years or under...
Second best sample of flour bread, made by a girl of sixteen years or under..
Best sample of brown bread, made by a girl of sixteen years or under.....
Second best sample of brown bread, made by a girl of sixteen years or under.
Best display of varieties of crackers, made by any one person..
Best display of specimens of pickled vegetables, including cucumbers, onions, cab-
bage, tomatoes and beans..

Second best display of specimens of pickled vegetables, including cucumbers, onions,
cabbage, tomatoes and beans...

5 00

3 00

The executive committee esteem it of the utmost importance to encourage the arts which promote comfort and economy to the household. There will probably be many articles entered under this class which are not enumerated. Such articles as may be deemed meritorious the committee are instructed to act upon, and to make such awards as may seem just. F-CLASS 87-TOBACCO, SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLES, SAMPLES OF PREPARED GROCERIES, ETC Committee-Dr. Pratt, Kalamazoo; C. I. R. Selden, Vassar, Tuscola county; J. W. Swineford, Marquette.

Finest specimen of plug tobacco, for exhibition only.
Best specimen of chewing tobacco, for exhibition only.

Best samples of smoking tobacco, for exhibition only.

Best display of cigars..

Best display of fine groceries..


Best display of toilet articles, including hair dyes, tooth powders and washes, hair

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The viewing committee shall examine all entries belonging to their respective classes not enumerated in the premium list, and may recommend the award of discretionary premiums to articles of superior merit.


Committee-Col. J. L. Glenn, Niles; Mrs. Walter Murphy, Jonesville; Mrs. Wm. Kelly, Gaines, Kent county; Mrs. J. H. Morris, Pontiac; Mrs. Thos. Harte, Battle Creek.

Best pair of woolen blankets..

Second best pair of woolen blankets..
Best ten yards of woolen cloth...

$5 00

3 00 4.00

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1 00

3 00


3 00





1 00

2.00 1 00

Second best woolen coverlet..

Best ten yards of satinet..

Second best ten yards of satinet.
Best woolen shawl..

Second best woolen shawl..

Best pair of woolen stockings.
Second best pair of woolen stockings.
Best pair of woolen mittens..
Second best pair of woolen mittens.
Best pair of woolen gloves....

Second best pair of woolen gloves..

Best two pounds of stocking yarn..

Second best two pounds of stocking yarn.

Best pair of cotton socks...

Second best pair of cotton socks.
Best woolen scarf..

Second best woolen scarf.

Best knitted bed spread....
Second best knitted bed spread..

Best white table cloth....

Second best white table cloth.

Best pair of woolen shirts....

Second best pair of woolen shirts.

Best white bed spread.....

Second best white bed spread..

Best and handsomest patchwork quilt..

Second best and handsomest patchwork quilt..

Best ten yards of diaper....

Second best ten yards of diaper..

Best ten yards of tow cloth...

Second best ten yards of tow cloth..

3 00





1 00




1 00



5 00


8 00




3 00


Best and greatest variety of articles manufactured by any one family, but not containing any article entered separately for single premiums, or that has been exhibited at any previous State Fair...


15 00

Medal and $25 00

20 00

10 00

5 00

3 00

Committee-D. W. C. Hardy, Adrian; James G. Meade, Lansing; Mrs. Horatio Hurd, Frenchtown; Mrs. Chas. R. Bates, Kalamazoo; Mrs. Aaron Van Aiken, Paw Paw. Best display of goods from any woolen factory in Michigan... Second best display of goods from any woolen factory in Michigan. Third best display of goods from any woolen factory in Michigan.. Best piece of fancy cassimere, weighing twelve ounces or over per yard. Second best piece of fancy cassimere, weighing twelve ounces or over per yard.. Best piece of plain cassimere, weighing twelve ounces or over per yard.Diploma and Second best piece of plain cassimere, weighing twelve ounces or over per yard...-Best and largest display of flannels made by any one factory in Michigan... Best piece of overcoat cloth, weighing twelve ounces or over per yard. Diploma and Best piece of broadcloth, manufactured in Michigan..... ...........Diploma and Best display of cotton or silk goods, manufactured in or out of the State.Diploma and Best display of cotton goods, manufactured in Michigan..

Best and handsomest display of carpets..

Best twenty five yards of wool carpet, manufactured in Michigan.

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Best woolen manufactured coverlet, not previously shown...
Second best woolen manufactured coverlet, not previously shown..

3 00

2 00

Best display of paper hangings....


Best display of cotton batting..



Committee-Wortley, Ypsilanti; L. J. Osborn, Big Rapids; J. R. Giddings, Romeo;

Jacob Seligman, East Saginaw; Frankenburg, Niles.

Best suit of men's clothes, including coat, vest, and pantaloons..

Best made overcoat.

Best made dress coat.

Best made frock coat.

Best three undershirts and drawers of flannel..

Best three undershirts and drawers of cotton..

Best three undershirts and drawers of silk..

Best made shirts, five in number..

Best silk hats, two in number..

Best fur hats, two in number..

Best soft hats, two in number.

Best straw hats...

Diploma and $5 00



3 00

1 00


1 00

1 00

1 00

1 00

1 00


1 00

1 00

10 00

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Diploma and
Diploma and 10 00


Committee-Charles H. Smith, East Saginaw; Geo. C. Mills, Plainville, Allegan county;

F. R. Pratt, Coldwater; A. C. Paddock, Newaygo; Henry Hemsicker, Bellevue, Eaton county.

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Best assortment of india rubber goods.---




1 00

Diploma and


If the above articles possess no improvement no premium will be awarded.


Committee-J. G. Crombie, Pontiac; Hovy Bigelow, Dowagiac; F. A. Kingsbury, Marshall, Calhoun county; M. Stevens, Detroit; H. Durell, Monroe.

Best set of chamber furniture...

Second best set of chamber furniture.

Best and handsomest bureau...

Second best and handsomest bureau.

Best sofa, lounge, or couch.......

Second best sofa, lounge, or couch.
Best set of parlor chairs...

Second best set of parlor chairs..
Best office desk..

Diploma and $10 00

Diploma and


Diploma and

3 00


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Second best office desk..


Best display of parlor and drawing room furniture...

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Second best display of parlor and drawing room furniture.


Best easy chair...

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Second best easy chair.

3 00

Best book case..

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Ample facilities will be afforded for displays of this class, but no premiums will be given.


[The viewing committee shall examine all entries belonging to their respective classes not enumerated in the premium list, and may recommend the award of discretionary premiums to articles of superior merit.]

Committee-James G. Birney, Bay City; H. C. Lewis and Lady, Coldwater; Mrs. Ezra
T. Nelson, Grand Rapids; W. H. Brummett and Lady, Pontiac; W. S. Wilcox and Lady,

Best collection of oil paintings, shown by a resident of Michigan......Diploma and $10 00
Second best collection of oil paintings, shown by a resident of Michigan.........-
Best collection of statuary..

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