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Greenwich, grin'idge.

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*Guines, gwee'nês.

Guingamp, gax gåN'.

Guipuzcoa, ghe-poos'ko-a (Sp. pron. ghepooth'ko-å).

Guisborough, ghiz'bur-reh, t. of England.

Greifswalde, grifs wal'deh (formerly written Gujerat. See Guzerat.


Grein, grine, t. of Austria. Greitz, grits, t. of Germany. Grenada, gren-d'da. [Grenada, the name of one of the British West India islands, ought not to be confounded with the Spanish name Granada (sometimes improperly written with an e in the first syllable). Worcester pronounces Grenada gre-nå'da, probably referring to this mode of spelling the Spanish name.]

Grenoble, gren-obl' or greh-no'b'l.

Grindelwald, grin'del-walt'.

Gripeswold. See Greifswalde.

Griqua, gree'qua, t. in S. Africa.



Guldscha. See Gooldsha.
Gumbinnen, gŏŏm-bin'nẹn.
Gundava, gun-då'vå, t. of Beloochistan.

Güntz'burg or Günts boŎRG.
Gurapy, goo-rå-pee', r. of Brazil.
Gurary, goo-rå-ree', r. of Ecuador. [Proba-
bly the same as the Curaray, of which it is
perhaps a misspelling.]
Güstrow, güs'trov.

Guyana, ghe-å'nå. See Guiana. *Guyan, ghl'an.

Guyandott, ghi-an-dot', familiarly called ght


Grisons, gre zon' (Ger. Graubündten, grou'- Guz-er-at'; written, also, Gujerat.


Gros'sa, i. in the Adriatic.

Gross-Glogau, gròce-glo'gou. Gross-Wardein, groce-waR-dine'. Grünberg, grünberg or Grü'ne-berg. Gruyères, grwe'air', t. of Switzerland. Guadalajara or Guadalaxara, gwå-på-lå-Hå'rå. [It may be observed that in all names beginning with gua, the Spaniards and Mexicans scarcely sound the g at all; hence Guadalajara is pronounced almost wå-dala-Ha'ra, Guanaxuato, wa-na-нwa'to, &c.] Guadaloupe, gau'da-loop' or gå då-loop'. *Guadalupe, gwa-da-loo'på or gau`da-loop'. Guadalquivir, gau'dal-quiv'er (Sp. pron. gwånål-ke-veer').

Guadiana, gau'de-ah'na or gwå`De-å'nå. Guaiteca, gwi-tà'kå, gulf W. of Patagonia. Guamanga, gwå-mång gå, t. of Peru. Guanacache, gwa-nå-ka'cha, l. of La Plata. Guanaxuato or Guanajuato, gwa-nå-Hwa'to. Guancavelica, gwång-kå-và-lee'ka; written, also, Huancabelica.

Guapore, gwå-po'rà, r. of S. America. Guardafui, gwar-da-fwee', or Gardafui, gar'da-fwee', cape forming the E. point of Africa.

Guarmey, gwar-mà', t. of Peru.

Gwalior, gwa'le-or', t. of Hindostan. *Gwin'nedd.


Gwüt'tür', t. of Beloochistan.

Gyula, dyoo'la. See Karlsburg.


Haarlem, Haerlem, or Harlem, har'lem.
Haarlemmer Meer, har'lem-mer mair.
Habaii. See Hapai.
Habana. See Havana,

Hacha. See Rio Hacha.

Hadjar or Hajar, hå'jar.
Hadleigh, had'le.

Hæ'mus. See Balkar.
Haerlem. See
Haff, häff.

Hagerstown, hà'gars-town.

Hague, haig (Fr. La Haye, là hà, almost lå å).
Hagueneau, håg'no' or åg'no'.

Hajar or Hadjar, hå'jar. See Lahsa.
Hainan, hi-nan'.

Hainault, hà'no' or 'no' (Flem. Henegouwen, hen-e-How'wen).

Haiti, ha'te. See Hayti.
Halberstadt, hål'ber-stått

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Harwich, har'ridge.

Hasek or Hassek, hå'sek', t. of Arabia. Hasselt, hås'selt.

Hastings, haist'ings.


Haussa, how'sa. See Houssa.

Ha-van'a or Havanna (Sp. Habana or Havana, a-vå'nå).

Havel, hå'vel, r. of Germany.
Hav'er-ford West'.

Haverhill (England), hav'er-il.
Haverhill (Mass.) ha'ver-il.

Havre de Grace, hav'er de grass (Fr. pron.
hå'vr deh gråss or å'vr-deh gråss').
Hawaii, hå-wl'ee; also written Owhyhee.

Hayti or Haiti, hå'te (Fr. pron. hå'e'te' or dete').


Hazebrouck, håz'brook' or åz'brook'. Heard, herd.

Hebrides, heb'rid-èz.

Hebron, t. of Palestine.

He'brus. See Marizza.
Hechingen, hex'ing-en.

Hedjaz, hej-åz'; also written Hedsjaz.
Heidelberg, hI'del-beRG.
Heilbronn, hile-bronn'.
Hel'der, t. of Holland.

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Herrnhut, hoRn'hoot.

Hersfeld, hårs'felt.

Hertford (in England), har'furd.
Hertford (in the U. S.), hert'furd.

Hesh'bon, t. of Palestine.

Hesse Cas'sel (Ger. Hessen Cassel, hes'sen kås'sel).

Hesse Darmstadt, hess darm'stått (Ger. Hessen Darmstadt, hes'sen darm'stått).

Hesse Hom'burg (Ger. Hessen Homburg, hessen hom'boŎRG).

Heytesbury, haits'ber-e, t. of England.

Hierro, yer'ro. See Ferro.

Highlands, hi'landz (commonly pronounced hee'landz by the Scotch).

High'tower. See Etowah.

Hildburghausen, hilt-bŏŏRG-how'zen.
Hildesheim, hil'des-hime.

Hillah; written, also, Hellah, t. of Asiatie

Hillsborough, hilz'bur-reh.

Himalaya, him-a-ll'a or Himmaleb, himmå'la.

Hind'o-en or Hind'ö-en, i. of Norway. Hin'doo Koosh or Koo; written, also, Hindu

Kusch or Kush, mts. of Central Asia. Hin-do-stan' or In-do-stan'; written, also, Hindustan, Hindoostan, and Industhan. Hinds, hindz.

Hiöring, he-o'ring or hyo'ring, t. of Denmark.
Hirschberg, he ĕRsh'- (or hiRsh) bẻRG, i. ef

His-pan-1-o'la. See Hayti.
Hit'ter-en, i. of Norway.
H'las'sa. See Lassa.

Ho-ang'ho, pronounced, almost, whangʼho'. Ho-ang Ki-ang', almost whang ke-ang', called, also, Hon- and Hoan-Kiang, r. of



Hobart Town, usually pronounced hob'er-

Ho'bro-e, almost ho brü'yeh, t. of Denmark.
Hochheim, hō'hime or hoкe'hime, t. of Ger

Ho`den', oasis of W. Africa.

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Hoyerswerda, hoy'ers-wen'da, t. of Saxony. Huaheine or Huahine, hoo-&-hee'nå, one of the Society Is.

Huallaga, wål-yå'gå, r. of Peru.
Huasacualco, hwa-sa-quål'ko. See Guaza-
cualco. [Spanish or Mexican names begin-
ning with hu, like those beginning with gu,
sound very nearly as if they commenced
with an English w: hence Guazacualco
and Huasacualco are to be pronounced
alike, almost wå-så-quål'ko. It may be ob-
served that the Mexicans generally sound
s and z precisely alike, although a true
Spaniard will make a marked difference in
their pronunciation. See Introduction to
the Pronouncing Gazetteer, XXVII., 3 and
18, pages 47 and 48.].

Huasco, was'ko or hwås'ko, t. of Chili.
Huaura, wow'rå or hwow'rå, t. of Peru.

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Igualada, e-gwå-lå'Då.
Ihna, ee'nå, r. of Prussia.
Ijo, ee'yo, r. of Finland.

Il'ches-ter; written, also, Ivelchester.
Ile de France, eel deh frånce.
Ilfracombe, il'fra-koom.

Ilha Grande, eel'yå grån'då, i. of Brazil.
Ilheos, eel-ya'oce, t. of Brazil.
Ili, e'lee. See Gooldsha.
Ille, eel.

Il'ler, r. of Bavaria.
Illimani, eel-ya-må'ne.
Illinois, il-lin-oi'.

I'men, r. of Germany.
Il-men', 1. of Russia.

Ilmenau, il'meh-now, r. of Hanover.
Iltz or Ilz, ilts, r. of Styria.
Imandra, e-mån'drå, 1. of Russian Lapland.
Imola, e-moʻla.

Inagua, e-nå gwå, i. of W. Indies.
Indals, in'dals, or In'dal, r. of Sweden.

In'di-an'a or in-de-ah'ną.


Indighirca or Indigirka, in`de-gher'kå, r. of


Ind-oor' or In-dore'.

In-dos-tan'. See Hindostan.

Indre, aNdr.

In'dus or Sindh, sind.

Hungary, hung'ga-re (Hun. Magyar Ország, In'es, St., (Sp. Santa Ines, sân'tå e-nèss'), i. in


Humphreys, um'frèz.

mod-yoR OR-sååg).


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the Gulf of California.

Ingham, ing'um.

Ingolstadt, ing gol-stått.

Inhambane or Inhamban, in-am-ban', country

of S. E. Africa.

In'jeh, cape of Asia Minor.

Innspruck, inns'pröök, or Innsbruck.

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Iona, e-o'na, or Icolmkill, ik`om-kill'.
Ionia, I-o'ne-a.




Ipava, e-på'vå, 7. of Venezuela.

Ipsambul. See Ebsambul.


Iquique, e-kee'ka, t. of Peru.

Irak Adjemi, e råk' åj'éh-mee`.

Irak Arabi, e'råk' år'a-bee`.

Iredell, ire'del.

Ireland or E'rin.

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James' or James's (Bay), jāmzęz, always pronounced in two syllables.

Janina or Yanina, ya'ne-nå.

Jan Mayen, yån mi-en, i. E. of Greenland.
Jap-an' (called Niph'on by the Japanese).
Japura, Ha-poo'rå; sometimes written Hya-
pura and Yupura.

Jaquemel, zhak mel'. See Jacquemel.
Jaquesila, Ha-ka-see'lå, or Yaquesila, yå-ka-
see'lå, r. of California.

Jardinillos, Har-de-neel'yoce, cluster of islets near Cuba.

Ir-kootsk'; written, also, Irkutsk and Ir- Jarmuch, jar'muk, r. of Palestine.


Iroquois, ir-o-quoy'.

Irra-wad'dy; written, also, Irrawadi.

Ir'tysh or Irtish (Rus. pron. ěĕr-tish').

Irvine, ir'vin.


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Iseo, e-sa'o, t. and 1. of N. Italy.

Iser or Isar, ee'zer.

Isère, e`zaik'.

Iserlohn, ee`zer-lōne'.

Ish'im' or ish`eem', r. of Siberia.

Is-ken-der-oon'. See Alexandretta.
Islamabad, is-låm-a-båd'.
Isla, I'la, or Islay, I'là.

Isle of Wight, Ile ov wite'.

Ismail, is-må-eel'.

Is'meed' or Ismid, t. of Asia Minor.
Isolette, e-so-let', cape of Arabia.
Ispahan, is-pa-hån', or Isfahan.
Issachar, is'sa-kar, tribe of Israelites.
Issoire, is swaR'.

Issoudun, is soo'dux'.

It'a-ly (It. Italia, e-tå'le-å).
Italian, it-al'yun or e-tal'yun.

Itamaraca, ee-tå-må-rå-ka', written, also, Ita-
marca, and simply Maraca, mar`å-kå', i. of

Itapua, ee-tå-poo'å, improperly written Ita-
pura, t. of Paraguay.
Itapicuru, e-tå-pe-koo-roo'.

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Jaroslav. See Yaroslaf.

Jaroslaw, ya'ro-slåv.

Jask, jåsk, t. of Beloochistan.

Jassy, yas'se (Ger. Jasch, yåsh).
Jászberény, yaass'bà-raiñ'.

Jauer, yow'er.

Java, java or jah'va.

Javary, Hå-vå-ree', r. of S. America.

Jax-ar'tes. See Sihon.

Jean d'Angély, Saint, sån zhan dẫn`zhà ̈le'.
Jedburgh, jed'bŭr-reh.

Jeddo, yed'do. See Yeddo.

Jehoon. See Oxus.

Jen'a (Ger. pron. ya'nå).

Jen'ne or Djen'ny, t. of Soodan.

*Jeremie, zhara'me' or zher'êh-mee'.
Jeres, Ha'rês. See Xeres.

Jericho, jer'e-ko, t. of Palestine.
Jersey, jer'ze.

Jerumenha, zhå-roo-men'ya, t. of Brazil.
Je-ru'sa-lem (called El Kåds or El Kods by
the Arabs).

Jesi, ya'se.

Jesso or lesso, yes'so. See Yesso.

Jetze, yet'seh, or Jeetze, yat'seh, r. of N

Jeypoor or Jyepoor, jI-poor'.
Jez're-el or Jezreel, t. of Palestine.
Jid'dą or Djidda.

Jigagungar, je-gå-gung'gar, t. of Thibet.
Jihon or Jehoon. See Oxus.
Jijona or Xixona, не-но'nå.

Joannes, zho-ån'nês: called, also, Marajo
må-rä'zho, i. of Brazil.
Joannina. See Janina.

Jo Daviess, jo da'vis.

Jo-han'na. See Anzooan.

Joigny, zhwan ye', t. of France.

Joli-ba or Djoliba.

Jonkjöping or Jonköping, yon'cho-ping, al most yon'chep-ing,

Jab'bok (now called Zarca or Zerka), brook Jood'poor or Mar'war'.

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Jorullo or Xorullo, Ho-rool'yo; often pro-
nounced нo-roo'yo.

Joulamerk or Jula-merk', t. of Asiatic Turkey.
Ju'an de Fu'ca, strait W. of N. America.
Ju'an de Lis-bo'a (Sp. pron. Hoo-ån' då lees-
bo'å), i. S. E. of Africa.

Juan de Nova (Sp. pron. woo-an đã nơ vả),
i. E. of Africa.

Ju'an Fer-nan'děz (Sp. pron. н00-ån' fårnan'doth).

Ju'an, Saint. See San Juan.

Ju'ba or zhoo'bå, t. of E. Africa.
Ju'dah, tribe of Israelites.

Jugger-naut' or Juggernauth.
Jujuy, HOO-нwee'.

Juliers, zhule-d' (Ger. Julich, yoo'lix).

Juncal, Hoong-kål', t. of Chili.

Jungfrau, yoong'frow.



E. Indies.

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junk see'lun or se-lone', t. of Kemi, ka'me, r. of Finland.

Ju'ra (Fr. pron. zhü`rå').

Kem'moo', t. of Soudan.


Jurua, Hoo-roo'a (Port. pron. zhoo-roo'), r. Kenawha or Kenhawa, kẹn-au'wą.

of S. America.

Jurumenha. See Jerumenha.


Ken'dal or Kirby Ken'dal.

Jutay, Hoo-t' (Port. pron. zhoo-t'), r. of S. Ken'dall.


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Kan'da-har'. See Candahar.

Keneh or Qené, ken'dh'. Kenmare', bay of Ireland Kenne-beck'.




Ke-oo'se-oo', i. of Japan. Ker'ah or ka'rå, 7. of Persia.


Ker-em'pe or Crem'pe, cape of Asia Minor.
Kere-soon' or Keresoun, t. of Asia Minor.
Kerguelen's (Land), kerg'e-lenz, i. S. of
Indian Ocean.

Ker'lon', r. of Chin. Tartary.
Ker ma-dec', is. of Polynesia.
Kerman, ker-mån'. See Kirman.

Keroon or Keroun. See Birket-el-Keroon.


Kesariah. See Kaisarieh.
Keshin, kesh`een', t. of Arabia.
Kesho. See Ketcho.

Keswick, kez'ik, t. of England.
Keszthely, kest her.

Ketch'o, sometimes written Cachao and
Kesho, t. of Cochin China.
Ketskemet. See Kecskemet.
Key. See Kei.

Khabs. See Cabes.

Kankao, kang kå'o or kang`kow', t. of Chin- Khamil or Chamil, Kå'meel', called, also, India.

Kano, kå'no, kingdom of Africa.

Kan'zas, Kansas, or Kon'zas. [The Kanzas
Indians are familiarly called the Kaws or
Kaw Indians.]

Kapseli or Capsali, kåp'sa-lee, t. of Greece.
Kara, kå'rå, sea in the N. Russia.
Kara-hissar, kåra-his-of

Karamania. See Caramania.

Kara-Soo, Kara-Su, or Karasou, kå'rå-soo', r. of Asiatic Turkey.

Kar'le or kar'là, i. in Gulf of Bothnia.

Karls'burg (Ger. pron. kaRlz'boŎRG).

Karoon. See Birket-el-Keroon.

Hami, hamee', t. of Chin. Tartary. Kharasm, kå`råzm', or Kar-is'sim (Anc. Choras'mia), a country of Independent Tartary. [In the twelfth century it was the seat of a powerful empire; but it is now greatly reduced. Its present limits appear to be the same as those of Khiva.]

Kharkof, Kar-kof'; written, also, Charkow, Kharkow, and Kharkov.

Khartoom, Khartum, or Khartoum, Kar`toom'. Khatanga, xa-tang'gå, r. of Siberia. Khereloun, kereli-loon'. See Kerlon. Kheresoun. See Keresoon.

Kherson or Cherson, Ker-sone'.

Karri Karri, kar'ree kar'ree, desert of S. Khiva, Kheeva or Khiewa, Kee'vå.

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Kat-man'doo or Katmandhu. See Catmandoo. Kiakhta, ke-åk'tå.

Katrine, ka'trin.

Kat'te-gat. See Cattegat.

Kauen, kow'en. See Kowno.

Kazan. See Kasan

Kiang-Ku,ke-ang'-kew'. See yang-tse-kiang. *Kick-a-poo'.


Kidonieh. See Kydonia,

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