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57 Stat. 1044.

defense articles by U.S. Government.


Under Article V of the Agreement of August 9, 1943, the GovernRight of recovery of ment of the United States of America has the right to recover at the end of the present emergency, as determined by the President of the United States of America, such defense articles transferred under that Agreement as have not been destroyed, lost, or consumed and as shall be determined by the President to be of use to the United States of America. Although the Government of the United States of America does not intend to exercise generally this right of recapture, the Government of the United States of America expressly reserves such right with respect to lend-lease articles of types essentially or exclusively for use in war or warlike exercises now in the possession or control of the Armed Forces of the Imperial Government of Ethiopia; and the Imperial Government of Ethiopia hereby agrees that the Government of the United States of America at any time hereafter may exercise this right of recapture with respect to lend-lease articles of types essentially or exclusively for use in war or warlike exercises now in the possession or control of the Armed Forces of the Imperial Government of Ethiopia which, as of the date upon which notice requesting return is communicated to the Imperial Government of Ethiopia, have not been destroyed, lost, or consumed.

Transfer of arms, munitions, etc.

Obligation for silver.

Financial claims.


The Imperial Government of Ethiopia will not transfer or dispose of lend-lease articles in the categories of arms, munitions and other lethal weapons now in the possession or control of its Armed Forces to any third country without the prior consent of the Government of the United States of America.


Nothing in this Agreement affects the obligation of the Imperial Government of Ethiopia in connection with silver transferred to it by the Government of the United States of America under lend-lease. ARTICLE 7

Financial claims between the two Governments arising out of existing arrangements, where the liability for payment has heretofore been acknowledged and the methods of computation mutually agreed, are not covered by this settlement as they will be settled in accordance with such arrangements. Likewise claims submitted in accordance with the practice whereby one Government espouses a claim of one of its nationals and presents it through diplomatic channels to the other Waiver of certain Government are not covered by this settlement. In consideration of the mutual undertakings described in this Agreement, and with the objective of arriving at as comprehensive a settlement as possible, all other financial claims whatsoever of one Government against the other which (i) have heretofore arisen, or hereafter arise out of lend-lease


or reciprocal aid, or (ii) otherwise arose on or after September 3, 1939, and prior to September 2, 1945, out of or incidental to the conduct of World War II, and which are not otherwise dealt with in this Agreement, are hereby waived, and neither Government will hereafter raise or pursue any such claims against the other.


The Government of the United States of America and the Imperial Government of Ethiopia reaffirm their adherence to Articles IV and VII of their Agreement dated August 9, 1943, and in connection with Article VII, agree to confer together with other governments in the near future in order to bring about the expansion, by appropriate international and domestic measures of production, employment, and the exchange and consumption of goods, which are the material foundations of the liberty and welfare of all peoples; the elimination of all forms of discriminatory treatment in international commerce; and the reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers. Pending such a conference, the two Governments declare it to be their policy to avoid the adoption of new measures affecting international trade, payments, or investments which would prejudice the objectives of such a conference. Furthermore, the Government of the United States of America and the Imperial Government of Ethiopia agree to afford to each other adequate opportunity for consultation regarding measures falling within the scope of this paragraph.

This Agreement shall enter into force on the day it is signed. Signed in duplicate at Addis Ababa this Twentieth day of May, nineteen hundred and forty-nine.

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57 Stat. 1044, 1045.

Entryi nto force.


March 31, 1949 [T.I.A. . 1932]

Agreement between the United States of America and Panama respecting air transport services. Signed at Panamá March 31, 1949; entered into force April 14, 1949. And agreements effected by exchanges of notes signed at Panamá March 31, 1949; entered into force April 14, 1949.



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WHEREAS the Governments of POR CUANTO los Gobiernos de the United States of America and los Estados Unidos de América y of the Republic of Panamá are de la República de Panamá son signatories to the International signatarios del Convenio de 61 Stat., Pt. 2, p. 1180. Civil Aviation Convention [] Aviación Civil Internacional, que which was formulated by the emanó de la Conferencia InterInternational Civil Aviation Con- nacional de Aviación Civil celeference in Chicago in 1944; and

Tocumen National Airport.

brada en la ciudad de Chicago, Estados Unidos de América, en el año de 1944;

WHEREAS the Government of POR CUANTO el Gobierno de la the Republic of Panamá has con- República de Panamá ha consstructed a modern airport in its truído un aeropuerto moderno territory, known as Tocumen Na- en su territorio, conocido con el tional Airport, which is located nombre de Aeropuerto Nacional approximately fifteen miles from de Tocumen, el cual se encuentra the border of Panamá City and ubicado a unas quince millas de the Canal Zone, and is now serving international civil aviation; and

distancia del límite de la ciudad de Panamá y de la Zona del Canal, y que en la actualidad da servicio a la aviación civil international; WHEREAS the utilization of POR CUANTO la utilización del Tocumen National Airport by air- Aeropuerto Nacional de Tocumen lines of the United States of por las líneas aéreas de los Estados America and of the Republic of Unidos de América y de la RePanamá will further the bonds pública de Panamá afianzaría más of friendship and cooperation los lazos de amistad y cooperación which now exist between the two que hoy existen entre los dos Governments; and Gobiernos;

WHEREAS it is believed that POR CUANTO se considera que Tocumen National Airport, if cer- el Aeropuerto Nacional de Tocu

1 Dated Dec. 7, 1944.

tain provisions are made, may men, mediante ciertos arreglos,
function as a civil airport serving puede funcionar para servir como
the Canal Zone as well as the aeropuerto civil a la República de
Republic of Panamá, thereby ben- Panamá así como a la Zona del
efitting both the Republic of Canal, y en consecuencia benefi-
Panamá and the United States of
America because of its relation to
the Canal Zone; and

ciaría tanto a la República de
Panamá como a los Estados Uni-
dos de América por la relación de
éste con la Zona del Canal;

WHEREAS the Governments of POR CUANTO los Gobiernos de the United States of America and los Estados Unidos de América y of the Republic of Panamá con- de la República de Panamá, para sider appropriate, for a for a clear el mejor entendimiento en cuanto understanding concerning the op- a la prestación de los servicios erations of the international civil airline services at Tocumen National Airport, the conclusion of a bilateral air agreement; and

civiles aéreos internacionales en el
Aeropuerto Nacional de Tocumen,
consideran conveniente la celebra-
ción de un convenio bilateral sobre
aviación; y

WHEREAS the President of the POR CUANTO el Presidente de United States of America and the los Estados Unidos de América President of the Republic of y el Presidente de la República Panamá, desiring to enter into de Panamá, deseosos de acordar appropriate engagements to these arreglos pertinentes con tales fines, ends, have designated for this pur- han designado con ese objeto como pose as their representatives: sus representantes a:

His Excellency Monnett B. Davis, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Panamá, and

Su Excelencia Monnett B. Davis, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos de América en la República de Panamá, y

His Excellency Licentiate Igna- Su Excelencia Licenciado Ignacio Molino, Jr., Minister of Foreign cio Molino, Jr., Ministro de Relations of the Republic of Relaciones Exteriores de la RepúPanamá, who, having communi- blica de Panamá, quienes, después cated their respective full powers de haberse comunicado mutuato each other, which have been mente sus respectivos plenos found to be in good and due form, poderes, que fueron hallados en have agreed upon the following: debida forma, han convenido en lo siguiente:

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Cada Parte Contratante con

Each Contracting Party grants to the other Contracting Party cede a la otra Parte Contratante the rights as specified in the Annex los derechos especificados en el hereto necessary for establishing Anexo adjunto, necesarios para the international civil air routes establecer las rutas y servicios and services therein described, aéreos civiles internacionales deswhether such services be inau- critos en dicho Anexo, ya sea que


Post, p. 2466.

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gurated immediately or at a later tales servicios sean inaugurados
date at the option of the Con- inmediatamente o en fecha pos-
tracting Party to whom the rights terior, a opción de la Parte
are granted.
Contratante a la cual se otorgan
dichos derechos.

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Each of the air services so de- Cada uno de los servicios aéreos scribed may be placed in operation descritos en el Anexo podrá inias soon as the Contracting Party ciar sus operaciones tan pronto to whom the rights have been como la Parte Contratante a la granted by Article I to designate cual se ha concedido por el an airline or airlines for the route Artículo I el derecho de designar concerned has authorized an air- una línea aérea o líneas aéreas line for such route, and the Con- para la ruta respectiva, haya autracting Party granting the rights torizado una línea aérea para tal shall, subject to Article VI here- ruta, y la Parte Contratante que of, be bound to give the appropri- otorga los derechos estará obligada, ate operating permission to the con sujeción a lo dispuesto en el airline or airlines concerned; pro- Artículo VI de este Convenio, a vided that the airlines so desig- conceder el permiso de operaciones nated may be required to qualify pertinente a la línea aérea before the competent aeronautical líneas aéreas respectivas; siendo authorities of the Contracting entendido que a las líneas aéreas Party granting the rights under designadas, antes de ser autorithe laws and regulations normally zadas para empezar sus operaapplied by these authorities be- ciones, podrá exigírseles que se hafore being permitted to engage in biliten ante las autoridades aerothe operations contemplated by náuticas competentes de la Parte this agreement; and provided that Contratante que otorga los dein areas of hostilities or of mili- rechos de acuerdo con las leyes y tary occupation, or in areas af- reglamentos normalmente aplifected thereby, such operation cados por dichas autoridades, y shall be subject to the approval que tales operaciones estarán suof the competent authorities.


In order to prevent discriminatory practices and to assure equality of treatment, both Contracting Parties agree that:

jetas a la aprobación de las autoridades competentes, en áreas de hostilidades o de ocupación militar o en áreas afectadas por las mismas.


Con el fin de impedir prácticas discriminatorias y para asegurar la igualdad de trato, las Partes Contratantes acuerdan:

Charges for use of (a) Each of the Contracting (a) Cada una de las Partes ConParties may impose or permit to tratantes podrá imponer perbe imposed just and reasonable mitir que se impongan tasas justas charges for the use of public air- y razonables por el uso de aeroports and other facilities under its puertos públicos y las demás obras

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