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services furnished for the first quarter of 1949, amount to precisely one-half of the quantities of the goods and services specified in the annex to the Agreement of December 17, 1947, amending the Fusion Agreement.

"Should these proposals commend themselves to the Government of the United Kingdom, I have the honor to suggest that this note and your reply should constitute an Agreement between our two Governments."

In reply, I have the honour to inform you that His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom accept the proposals set forth in your note and, in accordance with the suggestion contained therein, your note and this reply shall be regarded as constituting an Agreement between our two Governments in this matter.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurance of my highest consideration,

The Honourable


Secretary of State,

United States Department of State,
Washington, D. C.


61 Stat., Pt. 4,

p. 3617.

March 17, 25, 1949 [T. I. A. 8. 1960]

58 Stat. 1518.

Agreement between the United States of America and Peru respecting a
cooperative program of anthropological research and investigation in
Peru, superseding the agreement of March 9 and August 4, 1944.
Effected by exchange of notes signed at Lima March 17 and 25, 1949;
entered into force March 25, 1949, operative retroactively from July 1,

The American Ambassador to the Peruvian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Lima, March 17, 1949

No. 233


I have the honor to refer to the agreement between the United States of America and Perú regarding anthropological research and investigation which was effected by exchange of notes signed at Lima on March 9 and August 4, 1944 and under the provisions of which work was begun in Perú in 1944. I refer also to the request of the Ministry of Education of the Government of Perú that the Government of the United States of America continue to make available the services of one or more social anthropologists to assist in furthering the development of social sciences in Perú.

Pursuant to that request, I have the honor to state, at the instance of my Government, that the Institute of Social Anthropology of the Smithsonian Institution is prepared to cooperate with the appropriate Peruvian authorities in the continued conduct of anthropological research and investigation in Perú in accordance with the following principles and procedures:

1. General Provisions. The Government of the United States of America, desiring to cooperate with the Government of Perú in this undertaking, agrees, subject to its own personnel requirements, to make available to the Government of Perú the services of one or more social anthropologists of the Institute of Social Anthropology of the Smithsonian Institution. American personnel detailed under the provisions of this agreement will be stationed in Lima to cooperate with the personnel of the Instituto de Estudios Etnológicos of the Museo de la Cultura Peruana, a dependency of the Ministry of Education.

It shall be the general objective of the program

(a) To provide university and field training for students in social anthropology in particular, and in the social sciences in general, which will serve to equip the trainees for teaching, research, and administrative positions in Perú when a need therefor has been expressed by the appropriate Peruvian authorities.

(b) To assist in coordinating the efforts of collaborating scientists of the United States of America and Perú in conducting long-range social science studies in selected areas to be chosen by joint agreement

of all cooperating parties. It is understood that cooperation in field work on the part of collaborating scientists and institutions not covered by this Agreement will be solicited as the necessity for specialized research is indicated.

(c) To further additionally the development of anthropological and other social sciences in Perú when the occasion arises, and in the manner best suited to the situation.

(d) To publish research findings under such suspices and in such forms and languages as in the opinion of the cooperating parties will render them most useful.

2. Specific Undertakings on the Part of the Government of the United States of America. Subject to the availability of appropriated funds the Government of the United States of America, through the Smithsonian Institution, agrees

(a) To continue to detail one social anthropologiest to the Ministry of Education of the Government of Perú, with the understanding that he will be stationed in Lima, to cooperate with the personnel of the Instituto de Estudios Etnológicos of the Museo de la Cultura Peruana;

(b) To pay the salary, living allowances, international travel, travel within Perú, and field expenses of the social anthropologist referred to in paragraph (a) above.

(c) To publish such portion of the results of the cooperative field work undertaken in accordance with the present agreement as may be to the mutual satisfaction of all cooperating parties;

(d) To give fullest consideration to any request of the Government of Perú for the detail under the present agreement of additional social scientists, should the need for their services become apparent, the financial arrangements for any such detail to be set forth in a subsequent exchange of notes between the two Governments; and

(e) To provide the Government of Perú, through the American Embassy in Lima, with biographical and professional data concerning each social scientist proposed for the detail. The assignment of each social scientist shall be effected on the basis of his acceptability to the Government of Perú.

3. Specific Undertakings on the Part of the Government of Perú. Subject to the availability of appropriated funds the Government of Perú, through the Ministry of Education, agrees –

(a) To provide in Lima at the Instituto de Estudios Etnológicos the necessary headquarters for training and research, including adequate office space, laboratories, books, classrooms, and other teaching facilities;

(b) To pay all the research expenses of Peruvian students and professors during that part of each year which, by mutual agreement, shall be devoted to field studies;

(c) To publish such portion of the results of the cooperative field work undertaken in accordance with the present agreement as may be to the mutual satisfaction of all cooperating parties;

(d) To grant free entry for the necessary professional material and equipment for the use of the scientists of the Smithsonian Institution;

58 Stat. 1518.

Entry into force.

(e) To grant free entry, in accordance with the limitations set for First Secretaries in the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Government of Perú, for personal effects of the members of the Smithsonian Institution assigned to carry on ethnological studies in Perú, any customs duties in excess of those limitations to be paid by the respective members;

(f) To grant exemption from all Peruvian taxes on salaries or personal property of the American scientists detailed under the present agreement.

4. Revisions. The present agreement may be revised, amended, or changed in whole or in part with the approval of both Governments, as indicated and effected by an exchange of notes between the two Governments.

5. Term. The present agreement shall remain in effect until June 30, 1953 and may be continued in force for additional periods by written agreement to that effect by the two Governments, but either Government may terminate the present agreement by giving to the other Government notice in writing ninety days in advance. If the congress of either country should fail to make available the funds necessary for the execution of the present agreement, either Government may terminate the present agreement by giving to the other Government notice in writing sixty days in advance.

The present Agreement, upon its entry into force, shall supersede the agreement between the United States of America and Perú regarding anthropological research and investigation which was effected by exchange of notes signed in Lima on March 9 and August 4, 1944.

Upon the receipt of a note from Your Excellency indicating that the foregoing principles and procedures are acceptable to the Government of Perú, the Government of the United States of America will consider that this note and your reply constitute an agreement between the two Governments on this subject, which shall be considered in force from July 1, 1948.

Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.


His Excellency


Minister of Foreign Affairs


The Peruvian Minister of Foreign Affairs to the American Ambassador

N⚫ 6-3/49



LIMA, 25 de marzo de 1949

Tengo a honra referirme al Convenio entre los Estados Unidos de América y el Perú sobre estudios e investigaciones Antropológicas, que

se realizó por cambio de notas firmadas en Lima el 9 de marzo y el 4 de agosto de 1944 y a la nota de Vuestra Excelencia N° 233, de 17 de marzo último, que se refiere a la prórroga del Convenio en mención.

En respuesta, me es grato expresarle que mi Gobierno acepta gustoso, de conformidad con los principios y procedimientos que a continuación se anotan, la propuesta que Vuestra Excelencia formula en su última nota.

1.- Disposiciones Generales. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América, deseando cooperar con el Gobierno del Perú en esta empresa, accede, sejeto a las necesidades de su propio personal, a proporcionar al Gobierno del Perú los servicios de uno o más antropologos sociales de la Institución Smithoniana. El personal Americano detallado en estas disposiciones de este acuerdo estará destacado en Lima para cooperar con el personal del Instituto de Estudios Etnológicos del Museo de la Cultura Peruana, una dependencia del Ministerio de Educación Pública.

El objetivo general del programa será:

a) Proveer a los estudiantes de un campo de entrenamiento universitario y práctico de antropología social en particular, y en ciencias sociales en general, que les sirva para capacitar a los entrenados para la enseñanza, investigación, y para ocupar posiciones administrativas en el Perú cunado ello sea necesario y así sea manifestado por las autoridades peruanas competentes.

b) Para colaborar en la coordinación de los esfuerzos de los cientificos de los Estados Unidos de América y del Perú que llevan a cabo estudios sociales avanzados en las areas seleccionadas previamente mediante un acuerdo conjunto de las partes cooperantes. Queda entendido que la cooperación para trabajos de parte de los científicos e instituciones que colaboran y que no están comprendidas en este Acuerdo, será solicitada cuando se indique la necesidad de estas investigaciones especializadas.

c) Ampliar además el desarrollo de las ciencias antropológicas y sociales en el Perú, cuando la ocación se presente, y en la forma más conveniente a la situación.

d) Publicar los resultados obtenidos en las investigaciones y en la forma e idioma que en opinión de las partes cooperantes sea más provechosa.

2.- Trabajos específicos por parte del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América. Con sujeción a la disponibilidad de los fondos apropiados, el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América, a traves del Instituto Smithoniano, conviene:

a) Seguir destacando un Antropológo Social al Ministerio de Educación Pública del Gobierno del Perú, bajo la condición de que trabajará en Lima a fin de cooperar con el personal del Instituto de Estudios Etnológicos del Museo de la Cultura Peruana;

b) Pagar el sueldo, asignación para gastos, viajes internacionales, viajes dentro del Perú, y gastos en los trabajos prácticos efectuados en el campo para el antropólogo social, al cual se hace referencia en el párrafo (a) arriba mencionado.

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