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c) Publicar aquella parte de los resultados de los trabajos prácticos llevados a cabo en cooperación, de conformidad con el presente Convenio, y con la mutua satisfacción de las partes cooperantes.

d) Dar plena atención a cualquiera solicitud del Gobierno del Perú, en el sentido de destacar científicos sociales adicionales, de acuerdo con el presente convenio, en el caso de que la necesidad de dichos servicios fuere manifiesta, los arreglos financieros para dicho destaque, serán convenidos en un intercambio posterior de notas entre los dos Gobiernos; y

e) Proporcionar al Gobierno del Perú, a traves de la Embajada Americana en Lima, los datos biográficos y profesionales relativos a cada uno de los científicos sociales que hayan sido propuestos para ser destacados. La asignación de cada uno de los científicos sociales será hecho sobre la base de su aceptabilidad por el Gobierno del Perú.

3. Trabajos específicos por parte del Gobierno del Perú. Con sujeción a la disponibilidad de fondos apropiados, el Gobierno del Perú, a través del Ministerio de Educación Pública, Conviene:

a) Proporcionar en Lima en el Instituto de Estudios Etnológicos, las oficinas necesarias para entrenamiento e investigación, incluyendo espacio adecuado para oficinas, laboratorios, libros, aulas y otras facilidades de enseñanza.

b) Pagar todos los gastos de investigación de los estudiantes y profesores peruanos durante la parte del año que, por mutuo acuerdo, se dedique a los estudios prácticos.

c) Publicar aquella parte de los resultados obtenidos del trabajo cooperativo emprendido de acuerdo con el presente acuerdo que sea de mutuo agrado de las partes cooperantes;

d) Conceder entrada libre de derechos al material profesional necesario y equipo para el uso de los científicos de la Institución Smithsoniana;

e) Conceder entrada libre de derechos, de acuerdo con las limitaciones impuestas a los Primeros Secretarios del Cuerpo Diplomático acreditados ante el Gobierno del Perú, para los efectos personales de los miembros de la Institución Smithoniana designados para llevar a cabo estudios etnológicos en el Perú, cualquier derecho aduanero que exceda a esas limitaciones deberá ser pagado por dichos miembros;

f) Exonerar los impuestos peruanos a los salarios o propiedades personales, detallados en el presente acuerdo, de los hombres de ciencia Americanos:

4.- Revisiones. - El presente acuerdo puede ser revisado, enmendado, o cambiado en todo o en parte con la aprobación de ambos Gobiernos com se indicó y efectuada por un intercambio de notas entre los dos Gobiernos.

5.- Plazo de duración. - El presente acuerdo continuará en vigencia hasta el 30 de junio de 1953 y podrá continuar en vigor por períodos adicionales por un acuerdo escrito con ese fin por los Gobiernos, pero cualquiera de los dos Gobiernos puede cancelar el presente acuerdo dando un aviso por escrito con noventa días de anticipación. Si el Congreso de cualquiera de los dos países no concediera los fondos

necesarios para la ejecución del presente acuerdo, cualquiera de los dos Gobiernos puede dar por terminado el presente acuerdo dandole al otro Gobierno un aviso por escrito con sesenta días de anticipación. El presente Acuerdo, cuando entre en vigor derogará el acuerdo entre los Estados Unidos de América y el Perú concerniente a los estudios e investigaciones antropológicas que se celebró mediante un intercambio de notas firmadas en Lima el 9 de marzo y 4 de agosto de 1944.

Aprovecho de la presente oportunidad para reiterarle, señor Embajador, los sentimientos de mi más alta y distinguida consideración.

[blocks in formation]

I have the honor to refer to the agreement between the United States of America and Peru regarding anthropological research and investigation which was effected by exchange of notes signed at Lima on March 9 and August 4, 1944, and to Your Excellency's note No. 233 of March 17 last, which refers to the extension of the aforesaid agreement.

In reply I am pleased to inform you that my Government accepts with pleasure the proposal made by Your Excellency in his latest note, in accordance with the following principles and procedures:

1. General Provisions. The Government of the United States of America, desiring to cooperate with the Government of Peru in this undertaking, agrees, subject to its own personnel requirements, to make available to the Government of Peru the services of one or more social anthropologists of the Smithsonian Institution. American personnel detailed under the provisions of this agreement will be stationed in Lima to cooperate with the personnel of the Instituto de Estudios Etnológicos of the Museo de la Cultura Peruana, a dependency of the Ministry of Public Education.

The general objective of the program shall be:

(a) To provide university and field training for students in social anthropology in particular, and in the social sciences in general, which will serve to equip the trainees for teaching, research, and administrative positions in Peru when a need therefor has been expressed by the appropriate Peruvian authorities.

(b) To assist in coordinating the efforts of scientists of the United States of America and Peru in conducting long-range social studies in selected areas to be chosen by joint agreement of the cooperating

58 Stat. 1518.

Ante, p. 2634.

parties. It is understood that cooperation in field work on the part of collaborating scientists and institutions not covered by this Agreement will be solicited as the necessity for specialized research is indicated.

(c) To further additionally the development of anthropological and social sciences in Peru when the occasion arises, and in the manner best suited to the situation.

(d) To publish research findings under such auspices and in such forms and languages as in the opinion of the cooperating parties will render them most useful.

2. Specific Undertakings on the Part of the Government of the United States of America. Subject to the availability of appropriated funds, the Government of the United States of America, through the Smithsonian Institution, agrees:

(a) To continue to detail one social anthropologist to the Ministry of Public Education of the Government of Peru, with the understanding that he will be stationed in Lima, to cooperate with the personnel of the Instituto de Estudios Etnológicos of the Museo de la Cultura Peruana;

(b) To pay the salary, living allowances, international travel, travel within Peru, and field expenses of the social anthropologist referred to in paragraph (a) above;

(c) To publish such portion of the results of the cooperative field work undertaken in accordance with the present agreement as may be to the mutual satisfaction of the cooperating parties;

(d) To give full consideration to any request of the Government of Peru for the detail under the present agreement of additional social scientists, should the need for their services become apparent, the financial arrangements for any such detail to be set forth in a subsequent exchange of notes between the two Governments; and

(e) To provide the Government of Peru, through the American Embassy in Lima, with biographical and professional data concerning each social scientist proposed for the detail. The assignment of each social scientist shall be effected on the basis of his acceptability to the Government of Peru.

3. Specific Undertakings on the Part of the Government of Peru. Subject to the availability of appropriated funds, the Government of Peru, through the Ministry of Public Education, agrees:

(a) To provide in Lima at the Instituto de Estudios Etnológicos the necessary headquarters for training and research, including adequate office space, laboratories, books, classrooms, and other teaching facilities;

(b) To pay all the research expenses of Peruvian students and professors during that part of the year which, by mutual agreement, shall be devoted to field studies;

(c) To publish such portion of the cooperative field work undertaken in accordance with the present agreement as may be to the mutual satisfaction of the cooperating parties;

(d) To grant free entry for the necessary professional material and equipment for the use of the scientists of the Smithsonian Institution; (e) To grant free entry, in accordance with the limitations set for First Secretaries in the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Government of Peru, for personal effects of the members of the Smithsonian Institution assigned to carry on ethnological studies in Peru, any customs duties in excess of those limitations to be paid by the respective members;

(f) To grant exemption from all Peruvian taxes on salaries or personal property of the American scientists detailed under the present agreement.

4. Revisions. The present agreement may be revised, amended, or changed in whole or in part with the approval of both Governments, as indicated and effected by an exchange of notes between the two Governments.

5. Term. The present agreement shall remain in effect until June 30, 1953, and may be continued in force for additional periods by written agreement to that effect by the two Governments, but either Government may terminate the present agreement by giving notice in writing ninety days in advance. If the Congress of either country should fail to make available the funds necessary for the execution of the present agreement, either Government may terminate the present agreement by giving to the other Government a notice in writing sixty days in advance.

The present Agreement, upon its entry into force, shall supersede the agreement between the United States of America and Peru regarding anthropological research and investigation which was effected by exchange of notes signed in Lima on March 9 and August 4, 1944. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you, Mr. Ambassador, the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration.

Federico Diaz Dulanto

58 Stat. 1518,

His Excellency

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

of the United States of America.


December 4, 1943, April 19, 1944, and June 21, 1949

[T. I. A. S. 1961]

Agreement between the United States of America and Mexico respecting a cooperative program of anthropological research and investigation in Mexico. Effected by exchange of notes signed at Washington June 21, 1949; entered into force June 21, 1949; operative retroactively from July 1, 1948. And agreement effected by exchange of notes signed at México December 4, 1943, and April 19, 1944; entered into force April 19, 1944.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Mexican Ambassador


Post, pp. 2649, 2652.


Jun 21 1949

I have the honor to refer to the agreement between the United States of America and the United Mexican States regarding a cooperative program for anthropological research and investigation which was effected by an exchange of notes signed at Mexico, D. F., on December 4, 1943 and April 19, 1944, and to inform Your Excellency that the Government of the United States of America agrees to the continuance of the cooperative program of anthropological research and investigation in Mexico, which shall be carried on by the Smithsonian Institution on behalf of the Government of the United States of America and by the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia of the Ministry of Public Education on behalf of the Government of the United Mexican States in accordance with the following principles and procedures:

1. General Provisions. The general objectives of the cooperative program of anthropological research and investigation shall be:

(a) to provide university and field training for students in anthropology, ethnology, linguistics, and related fields of scientific investigation;

(b) to promote long-range cooperative programs of anthropological field research among the indigenous peoples of Mexico, designed to afford opportunities for student training in field work and to secure significant basic data for an understanding of the rural peoples of the Americas;

(c) to assist in coordinating the efforts of collaborating scientists of the United States of America and the United Mexican States in conducting long-range studies in such fields of social science as may be mutually agreed upon, and to solicit the cooperation of such scientists in field work as the need for specialized research may require;

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