Page images

usual stature of females, according to the opinions of the ancients of their deities; her dress is light and elegant, her face beautiful, and her whole form lucid and shining. The figure of Mentor is grand and imposing; his drapery broad and well cast, consisting of few simple folds: the expression of his face precisely that of the poet's description. Telemachus's is that of an ardent youth struck with the graces of the beauteous goddess; his attitude and action bespeaks his meaning, and his doubt of her mortality: "O vous, qui que vous soyez, mortelle ou déesse."" Ayez pitié de nos malheurs; et si vous savez, ô decsse, ce que les destinées ont fait pour sauver ou pour perdre Ulisse, daignez en instrune son fils Télémaque." The landscape, sea, and other accessories of the picture, are appropriate and well designed, and the whole picture is altogether worthy of the pencil of Westall. The engraving is in a mixt manner of the stroke and dot, and is beautifully executed; the drawing is correct, the faces and extremities delicately stippled, and the foliage, sea, and coarser draperies, forcibly marked with the line; and there is a depth and strength of colour and vigourous effect in this print that is seldom witnessed in so large a one (the size of the Storm in Harvest) in this manner. Mr. Scriven, whose abilities in this line of art are fully acknowledged, has seldom exerted his talents with such effect as in the print now before us, and which deserves a place in every collector's portfolio.

Six Prints, illustrative of Marmion, a poetical Tale, by Walter Scott, esq. drawn by Richard Westall, R. A. engraved by Charles Heath, and published by John Sharpe, Piccadilly. Our limits this month do not admit of an ample detail of the subjects of this interesting set of prints; they are designed in the usual tasteful manner of Westall; and the engravings in the stroke or line manner by C. Heath, are in the same style of excellence that distinguish his other works.

Exhibition of the Works of British Artists, placed in the Gallery of the British Institution for promoting the Fine Arts in the United Kingdom, for Exhibition and Sale, Pall Mall, 1810. This is the fifth exhibition of this useful and patriotic society, and although it may be doubted, whether they have forwarded the fine arts of England or no, it is certain they have contributed to the comforts and pecuniary remuneration of

some of the British artists. Grand works have not been produced by the efforts of this society; on the contrary, some of the greatest works of the English school have been returned on the hands of the artists, and they have either declined exhibiting, or have turned their hands to more fashionable, and conse quently more saleable, productions. This is the cause of the prevalence of fancy works and cabinet-sized pictures in this exhibition, and the paucity of historical productions. The fault, however, does not lie with the society so much as with the public or the purchasers; the society endeavour, collectively, to produce historical painters by premiums; but, in. dividually, they seem more anxious to model the English school of art after the Dutch than the Roman schools; yet, although this exhibition will not place the British school in the highest class of art in the eye of the discriminating critic, yet, in the class it does belong to, it ranks very high.

As is to be expected, many of the pictures are from the last exhibition of the Royal Academy, and most of the new historical ones are for the premiums offered by the society, who, very properly, have not decided on the best previous to the exhibition; which prejudices the public mind against the unsuccessful pictures, whatever positive merit, when removed from the competition, they may

[blocks in formation]

grand than the familiar: it is not suffici- treated with that fidelity to the story that ently natural.

7. The Pinch of Snuff. M. W. Sharp. A picture of the same class. The subject is a collation, with a lady singing and accompanying herself on the lute; an old man appears in an extacy of de light, while a young man is waggishly offering a boy a pinch of snuff, who is sneezing, and interrupting the performance. The story is well told; the costume (Spanish) forms richly: it is delicately painted, and highly finished. The architectural back-ground is well executed, but is not characteristic of the country or the scene.

9. A Herd attacked by Lions; one of the compartments of the Shield of Achilles. Hom.

Iliad, bosk xviii. R. Westall, R. A.

This picture was in the last exhibition of the Royal Academy; its merits therefore are before the public. The colouring is splendid, the composition grand, and the execution bold and vigor

[blocks in formation]

36. Christ blessing Little Children. H. How urd, R. A.

An excellent picture, combining truth and simplicity.

49. Henry and Emma. S. Woodforde, R. A.

This picture, from one of the most affecting poems in the English language, is treated with much natural expression; the colouring is good, the chiaroscuro bold and vigorous; and the whole has a strong sunny appearance, but rather too hard and decisive: the tints should be more broken.

52. The Death of Marmion. J. Pocock. There is a sober serious tone of colour over this picture that is not inappropriate to the subject; but there appears in it a want of that study, without which no artist can arrive beyond mediocrity.

53. Alcestis, the Wife of Admetus, brought from the Infernal Regions, and restored to him by

Hercules. R. Cook.

An excellent design, from one of the most interesting tables of antiquity, and

makes au historical picture most valuable; the grouping is the worst part of the picture, the figures being too much divided; the expression is natural and affecting; the drawing and costume faithful and elegant; and the architectural back-ground characteristic and well painted.

57. The Citizens of Calais delivering their Keys

to Edward III. W. Hilton.

This picture is of a very superior class▸ and contains many excellencies: the expression of Edward and his queen, are historically true, but the king's attitude is rather too theatrical; the humble postures of the citizens compose well for the grouping, but are unfortunately not true: there is much force and spirit in the handling, and a feeling of true and ge

nuine coloring.

61. Paulo and Francesco; from the Inferno of Dante. A. J. Oliver, A. R. A.

The drawing and coloring of this picture are not amiss, but the character is common place.

61. Themistocles taking refuge at the Court of Admetus. H Sass.

There is much good coloring and cor rect imagination in this picture thrown away upon feeble drawing and incorrect perspective; a little more study and attention, with some alteration that such a revision would suggest, would make this a good picture. (To be continued.)


The Royal Academy will open for the reception of original works of art for the ensuing exhibition, on the 5th and 6th of this month, and the exhibitiou will commence on the 10th. Many fine pictures are in preparation; and report speaks favorably of this approaching annual display of the talents of the British school.

Mr. Fuseli has just completed a course of admirable lectures on the Principles and Practice of Painting, in the Royal attended, and received with that attenAcademy, which have been numerously tion and applause, which must ever accompany the forcible doctrines of this powerful critic.

The Water Color Exhibition opens the beginning of May. As does also the annual Exhibition of Works of Art at Edinburgh.



MR. JOHN MURRAY's and MR. ADAM ANDERSON'S (EDINBURGH), for a Portable Stoce or Furnace.



THE object of this invention is to distribute the heat more equally than can be done by stoves now in common The stove may be manufactured from forged, or cast, or plate iron, and it is so contrived as to avoid the unplea sant smells which are often produced by common stoves. It is moreover so constructed, that the air, if necessary, may be brought from the external atmosphere, so as to produce ventilation as well as warmth. It consists of an upright circular stove, such as may be seen in many churches and other public buildings, to which is attached a funnel, or chimney, for carrying off the smoke; there are also registers, ash-pit, grate, &c. as are usual in such cases. But this is covered with a case similar in shape to the original stove, only much larger, to leave a considerable space for the generation of hot air, which hot air may, by means of pipes, be carried in any direction, so as to give an equable warmth to the apart ments into which they are conducted. A stove of this construction is said to be well adapted to the warming and ventila tion of churches, public rooms, halls, stair-cases, and, by means of tubes connected with it, any apartments of houses; and it will also be useful in ventilating and heating ships and manufactories, drying different articles of manufacture, ventilating mines, and for other purposes.

MR. JOHN MANTON'S (DOVER-STREET,) for un improved Lock for Guns and Pistols. This invention is explained by the 'figures attached to the specification. The hammer acts downwards, and opens that side of the pan nearest the cock to admit the sparks of the prime. The hammer returning to its jointing fills up the opening in the pan, and it is furnished with a strong steel pan, fastened by a stud in the back, and a small screw through the hammer. At the end of the hammer face, nearest the pan, is a small groove or notch, sunk in the hammer to carry off any wet that may come down upon it. The hammer is fixed to the plate by the same screw that fastens the hunmer-spring on the inside.


hole in the shank of the hammer being screwed, it turns on the hammer-springs

which comes through the plate about three-eighths of an inch. On the inside of the hammer-spring there is a projec tion one-fourth of an inch long, which comes through a square hole in the plate into a hole in the shank of the hammer, and forces it to return to its jointing with, the pan, when the lock is brought to halfcock. The cock is flat on the inside, and is barely one-eighth of an inch thick. It passes between the plate and the haniner when it comes down. The jaws project outwards to answer the hammer. A bulge is left on the breast of the cock to render the fitting of the squares of the tumbler more strong and perfect. When the lock is struck down, the flint comes in contact with the hammer-face, near the end, and forces it down sufficiently to admit the sparks into the pan. The inside of the pan is round, and the same size from end to end. About one-third is cut out to receive part of the hammer. The main-spring has a stud ke others. The end of the stud side is bevelled to fit under the end of the nib, by which it is prevented from rising. The crane of the tumbler has a roller in the end, on which the main-spring acts. The bridle has a strong leg on the inside, with a round stud, which fits into the plate near the scarnose, to prevent it from twisting when the tumbler comes in contact with the eye to stop the cock. The sear acts on the tumbler in the usual way, but the shank is nearly vertical instead of horizontal. The star-spring

acts on a shoulder, left on the outside of the sear for that purpose, and forces the scarnose to the tunibler. The pan of this lock is primed from the touch-hole by the compression of the air in loading.

The following are described as the principal advantages derived from this lock: 1. The pan being solid with the plate at top, protects the prime from wet. 2. The hammer opening downwards, and the flint acting in a direct line with the pan, the sparks communicate quicker to the prime. 3. The hammer returns to its jointing with the pan when the lock is brought to half-cock without any additional trouble to the user, 4. The low. ness and compactness of the lock altogether render it much less difficult to protect from wet, and much less liable to accidents by catching, in cover shooting, than locks of the present construction.


MR. GEORGE POCOCK'S (BRISTOL), for an invention of Geographical Slates for the construction of maps.

The invention consists in drawing and conducting the lines of latitude and lon. gitude, or other material lines or projections, according to the kinds of maps required, on the substance commonly known by the appellation of slates; which lines shall serve as guides to learners of geography to sketch the relative situati ons of different parts and kingdoms of the world. Attached to the specification is a drawing of the lines that are proper to be drawn and indented on a slate, for the scholar to prepare a map of the eastern and western hemispheres. Slates for forming maps of the several quarters of the world, or any parts of it, are to be prepared with appropriate lines according to the nature of the map required. The method of drawing these lines, says the patentee, "is to take a thin plate of metal, or other suitable substance, upon which I mark the longitudinal lines of the globe, and cut out the space desired between the two middle ones, leaving the space on each side solid. I then cut out spaces between the next two on each side, and so proceed, leaving an alternate space solid and open till I have finished one hemisphere. This plate will then serve as a ruler or guide, by which the longitudinal lines may be drawn and indented on the slate by a sharp-pointed tool, or other proper instrument." The lines of latitude may be made in the same way by another plate cut out in a similar man


spring or give way, and he causes the same to act by moving in close and very fair contact with a face of iron or steel, or other fit material, and he protrudes the flax to be cut through one or more apertures in the said face; and in order more effectually to open, divide, and separate, the said vegetable fibres or staple, and to render the same finer, more soft, and flexible, than can with facility be effected in the usual methods of working the long uncut fibres, or staple, he works them by pounding, beating, bruising, stamping, or rolling; and also by steeping, macerating, digesting, boiling, spreading, opening, exposing, or bleaching. The flax being so prepared, it is treated in the same way as cotton is usually treated in the mand facture thereof, and the flax is spun in the cotton-spinning engines. These methods are appiled to flax, silk, wool, cotton, hemp, tow, and such other bodies as afford a fibre or staple fit to be spun and manufactured into price goods; and according to the nature of the produce intended for the market, the materials are mixed, united, or combined, and worked together in various proportions: and the operation of spinning flax, as thus described, is much facilitated by an admixture of cotton, or of silk, or of woo!; and the fibres of flax are rendered fitter for spinning, by subjecting the carded material to strong pressure, with or with out the application of heat at the same time, by means of presses, cylinders, or other instruments. Mr. Dumbell refabricates the said produce, and re-produces a new body, or material, from any other article composed of fibres, and worn, cut, or divided into tatters, or fragments; and in such re-fabrication, he cuts the produce into portions or shreds,


if need be, into short pieces, and reduces the saune to a loose stable fit for spinning, by one or more of the inechanical operations described in his speci fication, or by such well-known methods of mechanical treatment, as may be best suited to the materials.

for new Methods of Flax Spinning, &c.
Instead of preserving the vegetable
fibres, or staple thereof, as long as pos-
sible, and spinning the same in the usual
method, Mr. Dumbell cuts them into
such lengths as shall render them fit to
be manufactured by the machinery now
used for spinaing cotton. The common
agricultural instrument called the chaff
cutter, he finds very well adapted to his
purpose, but with some variations in the
structure. Thus he finds it necessary to
support the flax by a thin stratum of
straw, or rushes, or reeds: or he makes.
the delivering parts of the containing in
box, not of an angular, but circular or
curved form: or he so constructs the
machine, that the cutting-stroke shall be
made upwards and not downwards, as is
usually the case; or he makes the cutter
of extraordinary strength and thickness,
in order that the edge thereof may not
MONTHLY Mac. No. 107.

improvements in the manufacturing f
Skelps for Fire-arms.
The principle of this invention consi-ts
the manufacturing iron skelps, by
rolling or otherwise making plates of iron
in a taper form, sufficiently large to be
divided into several of them, and so tha',
when cut into skelps, the grain or fibres
of the iron may be drawn transversely in
every skelp, instead of longitudinally, as
by the forge hammer, which is the pre-

2 M

sent mode of manufacturing them. The manner of performing the operation is thus described and directed: "Take a slab, or piece of iron, in a wedge-like, or other convenient form, the length of which must be in proportion to the length of the skelps required; and the weight, according to the number of skelps desired to be cut out of each plate. Heat the slab, or piece of iron, to the usual degree of heat observed in rolling plates of iron; then, with the common appa. ratus in general use for rolling plate iron, form it into a plate thicker at one edge and side than the other, which thickness must be according to the sort of skelps wanted. The thick edge and taper-like form will be best produced by reducing the circumference of one end of one roller, or one end of each roller, a few inches in the longitudinal direction of it, or them, according to the sort of skelps wanted; or nearly the same effect may be produced with a pair of rollers, of equal diameter throughout, by giving one end of the upper roller more liberty than the other. The plate of iron is then to be cut or divided into skelps, or strips for skelps, longitudinally from the thin to the thick edge, or from the thick to the thin edge. But to prevent waste in cut

ting or dividing the plates into skelps of the form wanted, they may be cut or divided into strips about the width of the muzzle, or fore end, of the skelp; in which case the plate must be formed somewhat thicker on the thick side and edge, in order to admit of the strips being a little widened by a forge or tilthaminer, or by any other means. Where it may not be convenient to roll the plate wide enough to form the skelps in one length, it may be done in two or more parts, and joined in the welding of the barrel, or in the skelp form. The barrels manufactured from these skelps, I find to be more clear, and more free from grays or flaws, which I conceive arises from the great pressure and quickness of the heavy rollers upon the iron, in so hot a state, forcing the pure metallic particles to cobere more closely than can be effected by the partial strokes of the tilt-hammer upon the iron less hot; and by the grain or fibres being, by this process, laid round, parallel with the edge of the breech, they partake, in some degree, of the nature of what are termed twisted barrels, gain a considerable addition of strength, and consequently stand proof with less risque of bursting."


Under the Care of the late Senior Physician of the Finsbury Dispensary, from the 20th of February to the 20th of March, 1810. HEUMATICaffections,more particu

Rlarly of the face and neck, have of late

been very general. The weather of February, March, and April, is especially calcuJated to generate this species of complaint. Even a still further progress in the year, when" Winter lingers on the lap of May," will produce scarcely any apparent diminution in the prevalence of rheumatism. But a disease of much graver aspect, and attended with more solemn consequences, not unfrequently owes its birth, as well as its mournful termination, to the influence of the present season. Le regarded as the seed-time of consumption; and what originates in one spring, the succeding will probably ripen, if intermediate care be not taken to destroy its root, or to restrain its growth, into a full and fatal maturity, The vernal period, which is usually painted by poets as luxuriant in delights, will be found, in this country at least, to be far more abundantly productive of disaster and disease.

It may

The ptbysical patient ought more particularly at this crisis of the year, to be treated with all the delicacy and care

hat house plant

Common as it is, nothing surely can be more cruel and absurd, than to send, in contempt, as it were, of our unsparing and changeful climate, persons far advanced in the alarming symptoms of hectic, from their own warm and comfortable babitations, to undergo the last struggles of nature, in cheerless and ill-accommodated lodgings on the coast, or at some fashionable watering-place. Victims already about to sink under the pressure of an inexorable malady, they are urged from the shelter of a domestic roof, not upon a mission of health, but upon a melancholy pilgrimage to a distant grave. These travellers to the tomb, cannot fail to be precipitated in their descent to it, by exertions thus imposed upon them, so disproportionate to the feebleness of their frame, and by an unavoidable exposure, during their ill-advised journey, to the ungenial severity, or uncertain vicissitudes, of atmospheric temperature.

How few of such unhappy exiles from
home, are destined to retrace their steps!
-Vestigis nulla retrorsum.
March 25, 1810.
Grenville-street, Brunswick-square-


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