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Patrick of Ireland. The Portuguese Orders of Chrift; and of Avis. The Swedish Orders of the Seraphim, of the Sword, of the Polar Star, and of Vafa. Of the Danish Orders of the White Elephant, of Dannebrog, and of Fidelity. Of the White Eagle, and of Saint Stanislaus, of Poland. Of the Black Eagle, of Military Merit, and Generofity, of Pruffia. Of the Annunciation of Savoy, or Sardinia, and of Saint Maurice, of Savoy. of St. Januarius, of Naples; and of Saint Ferdinand, and of Merit, of Sicily.

Sect. V. includes Electoral and Archiepifcopal Orders, viz. The Order of St. Henry, of Saxony. Of the Holy Knight and Martyr St. George, of Bavaria. Of St. Hubert, of the Dutchy of Juliers. Of the Order of the Palatine Lion. Of St. Rupert, of Salzburg.

Sect. VI. Ducal and Princely Orders, viz. Of the Order of the Golden Fleece. Of St. Stephen, of Tufcany. Of the White Falcon, of Saxe-Weimar. Of the Happy Alliance, of Saxe-Hill. burghaufen Of Saint Anne, of Hol Hein. Four British fubjects have been received into this Order; the first is, John Peter, thence called Sir John Peter, formerly British Conful at Oftend, of whom the perfonal account given in pages 215, 216, and 217, is, to the knowledge of the writer of this review, who refided many years at Oftend, a mifreprefentation in most of the particulars; the Author, or Editor, best knows with what view. The others are, Major-General Thomas Roberts, Captain David, and Captain William, Roberts; all Officers of diftinguished merit, by their military fervices in his Majesty's forces, in the Ruffian army against the Turks, and in the American war; but as thefe Gentlemen never obtained his Majesty's permiflion to wear the diftinctive marks of their

Order, nor have had their patents re giftered in the Royal College of Arms, they cannot have the title of Sir prefixed to their names in his Majesty's dominions; Sir John Peter, therefore, is the only Holstein Knight in Great Britain. Of the Order of Sincerity, or the Red Eagle, of Baruth. Of the Chace, of Wurtemberg. Of Saint Charles, and of Military Merit, in the fame Dukedom. Of Golden Lion, and of la Vertu Militaire, of Heffe-Caffel. Of Fidelity, of Baden Dourlach. Of St. Mark, and of the Golden Stole, of Venice.

Sect. VII. Of the Orders for Ladies. Of the Starry Crofs of Vienna, inftituted in 1688, by the Empress-Confort of Leopold I. Emperor of Germany. Of the Slaves to Virtue, by the Empress Eleonora, widow of the Emperor Ferdinand III. in 1662. Of St. Catharine, by the renowned Emprefs of Ruffia, Catharine II. Her Royal Highness Charlotte-Augufta, Princefs-Royal of Great Britain, and Duchess of Wurtemberg, was created by the Empress a Lady of this Order, and wears the infignia. The Electoral Order of St. Elizabeth, inftituted at Manheim, in 1766, by her Serene Highnefs Elizabeth-Augufta, the Electrefs Palatine.

Section the VIIIth, and last, gives a brief account of the Order of the Amaranth, inftituted by the famous Christina, Queen of Sweden, in 1653; and it is remarkable, that she conferred it on Sir Bullrode Whitlock, who was fent Ambaffador to her Majesty by Oliver Cromwell, Protector of the Commonwealth of England. The account of the ceremonial, and the infignia, with which the volume clofes, is entertaining; but there is a fmall mistake in placing it amongst the Orders now exifting in Europe, as it does not appear that it furvived its Royal Foundrefs. M.

A Tour throughout South Wales and Monmouthshire; comprehending a general Survey of the Picturefque Scenery, Remains of Antiquity, Historical Events, Peculiar Manners, and Commercial Situations, of that interefting Portion of the British Empire. By J. T. Barber, F. S. A. Illuftrated with a Map, and Twenty Views, engraved from Drawings by the Author. 8vo.

OF F the Tourists who have vifited and described the scenery of Wales, few have, within our knowledge, given much attention to the Southern Provinces of the Principality; and we confefs our obligations to the prefent Writer, for having, by an union of

lively fenfibility and juft obfervation with tafteful embellishment, produced a book at once creditable to his own talents, and calculated to gratify the curiofity, amufe the fancy, and conduce to the information of his readers.

The volume does not merely narrate

the incidents of a tour through a particular route, retraced on the Traveller's return; but exhibits a general furvey of Southern Cambria; for refpecting the few parts which the Author had not an opportunity of vifiting, he has felected accounts from the best authorities. We obferve, indeed, occafional quotations from Mr. Coxe's interefting work on Monmouthshire; but the Author'could not well have chofen a better guide; and he has not been fparing in the acknowledgment of his obligations. "In company with a brother artist (fays he) I entered Bristol, with an intention of commencing my Cambrian tour in the neighbourhood of Chepftow; but an unthought-of attrac. tion induced us to relinquith this project.

"Returning from a ramble through the town, by the quay, we were agreeábly amufed with a fleet of veffels that was about to quit the river with the ebbing tide; fome of them were already in full fail floating down the ftream, and others getting under weigh. The fpirited exertions of the feamen, and the anxious movements of numerous fpectators, devoting their attention to friends or freight, gave animation to the fcene, which was rendered particu. larly cheerful by the delightful ftate of the morning. On a fudden we were faluted with a duet of French-horns from a fmall floop in the river; a very indifferent performance to be fure, yet it was pleafing. This floop was bound to Swanfea; and we learned that the wind was fo directly favourable, that the voyage would, in all probability, be completed the fame afternoon. We were now ftrongly difpofed for an aquatic excurfion; nor did the laughing, broad faces of about a dozen Welch girls, paffengers, alarm us from our purpose: fo, by an exertion, we collected our portmanteaus and fome refreshments in due time, and engaged in the voyage.

"Leaving Bristol, and its romantic, but ruined, fuburb Clifton, we entered upon the remarkable scenery of St. Vincent's Rocks. A bolder pafs than is here formed I fcarcely remember to have seen, even in the most mountainous parts of Great Britain: on one fide, a huge rock rifes in naked majefty perpendicularly from the river, to the height of fome hundred feet; the immenfe furface is tinted with the various hues of grey, red, and yellow, and

diverfified by a few patches of fhrubs, mofs, and creeping lichens. A range of rocks, equal in magnitude, but of. lefs precipitous afcent, clothed with dark, wild forest trees and underwood, forms the oppofite boundary of the river; attempering the menacing afpect of independent cliffs with the fofter features of fylvan hills."

On entering the Severn, our Tourist was overtaken by a violent ftorm; but this fcene of peril was greatly mitigate by the fociety of two young Welch women of bewitching attractions: and perhaps from the fenfations that they excited may be traced the uncommon warmth of every fubfequent recurrence (and they are pretty frequent) to Cambrian charms. At length having arrived at Swanfea, he defcribes the town, caftle, and manufactories; whence ftrolling on the fands, he becomes the fpectator of a very remarkable custom, a female bathing party gambolling in birth-day attire. In his fubfequent rambles on the beach, he tells us, thefe liberal exhibitions of Cambrian beauty afforded many pleafing ftudies of unfophifticated nature.

The Tour then, taking a westward direction, defcribes Caermarthen, Tenby, Pembroke, Haverfordwest, &c. with the feveral picturesque exhibitions of nature and art which accompany that tract.

Speaking of Manorbeer Cafle, between Tenby and Pembroke, our Tourist fays:

"The ponderous towers and maffive fragments of this caftle denote its original ftrength and importance to have been confiderable; yet now, deprived

of "the pride, pomp, and circumftance, of glorious war," it exhibits a fcene fo wild and defolate, as might difclaim all intercourfe with man: rank grafs clothes every projection: "the thiftle thakes its lonely head" from the windows, the fea-bird fcreams through the hall, and adders creep where many a warrior stalked. From our reverie over this gloomy relic of feudal defpotilm, we were alarmed by a vivid flath of lightning, a loud clap of thunder fucceeded, which, reverberating through the ruin, bad a molt impreffive effect: the ftorm became violent, and feemed to shake the mouldering battlements of the ruin; "from their hills the groaning oak came down, the fea darkly tumbled beneath the blast, and the roaring waves were climbing against


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I thought I heard a voice; my friend thought fo too: we liftened, but foon fmiled at the conjecture; it was probably the hoarfe roar of the fea, or "eddying winds:" but the damp air of the dungeon threw a chill over us, that was even worse than an exposure to the rain; and we were returning, when a repetition of the noife that we heard before ftopped us: we liftened, and diftinctly heard more than one human voice; the words were undiftinguish. able, but the tone fevere and menacing all was again filent. My friend and I looked at each other, but neither ventured to impart his thoughts. Conjecture, however, did not remain idle. Was this a horde of thofe barbarous men that we had heard of as inhabiting thefe coafts, who, by fetting up falfe lights, betray the unfufpecting mariners on rocks and fhoals, and then plunder the wreck, often murdering the crew who may attempt to defend their property? Or was it a gang of fmugglers? for fuch men were known to conceal their stores in unfrequented ruins, and other wild feclufions. We were inclined to favour this latter opinion; but derived little fatisfaction from it, on confidering that they were fcarcely inferior to the former in ferocity; and that if they difcovered us, every thing was to be apprehended from a brutal policy to preferve the fecret of their hiding-place.

"Our reflexions were broken off by a further noife, and we plainly heard a hoarfe cautioning voice utter, "Only you mind, and we shall have 'em both." We again appealed to each other's countenances, but no confidence appeared in either; in filence, I threw out the tuck of my ftick; my friend drew a fword from his; for we were fo far armed against attack. Again all was hushed; and we ventured to raise our. felves from the dungeon, in order to catch a glimpfe of the people with whom we had to deal; when a strong

flash of lightning illuminated the whole ruin; and, from an aperture near its bafe, we faw two men emerge; the one armed with a gun, the other with a fpade:-I thought I had never feen two fuch murderous-looking fellows: we fhrunk to our concealment inftinct ively; yet not without an apprehenfion that we had been feen. But our fenfa fcribed, when, within a few yards, one tions may be easier imagined than de. of them was heard to say, "Why did you not bring your gun? I fhou'dn't wonder if one got away:" which was answered by, "Only you make sure of one, and I'll engage to knock the other's brains out."

"Now knowing the worft, we determined on fallying out; if poffible, to reach a little village that we had obferved at no great distance; or, if difcovered, to endeavour upon closing in with the gunfman before he could take aim. We fprung forward together, and had realy reached the great en. trance when the gun went off; and in the fame moment I faw my friend extended among the fragments of the ruin :-without ftopping, I rushed on toward the ruffian, hoping to use my ftick with good effect before the piece could be re-loaded; when, paffing under the portal, down the crevice where formerly the portcullis was fufpended, a large fox darted, and passed before me. A loud voice now exclaimed, "Dang it, you've miffed hur;" and, with no lefs joy than astonishment, I beheld my friend brandishing his fword behind me: we faid nothing, bur pushed on together, and, fuddenly turning an angle, met the villains face to face. Again joy and aftonishment struggled for pre-eminence:they recoiled from us, and, dropping their weapons, with a loud yell darted out of fight!

"Such daftardly conduct may appear irreconcileable with the ferocious defign of which we fufpected them; but cowardice is no stranger to cruelty; and the direct tenor of their expreffions forbade a rifing fuggeftion that they intended us no harm. Gathering up the gun and fpade as trophies of our victory, and remounting our horfes, which remained as they were left, tied up in a nook, we proceeded to the neighbouring village, or rather two or three cottages. By the way I learned, that upon the report of the gun my friend fell in confequence of turning short upon the flippery fragments of


the ruin. On our approaching the village, a number of men, women, and children, appeared crowding together with great eagerness; and we were no fooner perceived, than an evident alarm pervaded the clutter, in which was included the two ruffians. However, the peaceable demeanour of the Tourifts, and the fuperiority of numbers on the fide of the natives, united in procuring a parley; when it evidently appeared that a double mifconception had taken place: the men in whofe countenances we had read the prognotics of homicide, turned out to be two honeft young farmers, who had traced a couple of notorious robbers that had long infefted the neighbour hood (a brace of foxes) to their retreat in the castle ruins. This account brought with it a new application of the fentences that we had heard, and we were ashamed of our mifconftruction: but the men were not behind hand with us; for, as they frankly declared, from our fudden appearance, they took us either for ghofts or devils. The gun and fpade were now returned; and, instead of a deadly encounter, an exchange of good withes took place, on our leaving the villagers in the pursuit of our journey."

Night drawing on, our Tourists, after having repeatedly lost their way, reached at length the ftraight road to Carew (called Carey); but of their night's entertainment we shall let Mr. Barber fpeak for himself.

"Cold and comfortlefs," we knocked at the inn door (for inn is the name of every ale-houfe in Wales); when, to put a finishing ftroke to the troubles of this eventful day, we learned that they had neither beds for us, nor ftabling for our horfes; but we had previously heard, that the village boasted two inns, and accordingly went to the other: a fimilar information, however, awaited us here; with the additional intelli gence, that there was not a stable in the village, and only one fpare bed, which was at the other ale-houfe: there was no alternative; we were constrained to turn our tired and hungry hores into a field, and go back to the firft house.

"Here our apartment ferved not only for parlour and kitchen and hall," but likewise for bed-room: every thing was in unifon; the difcoloured ftate of the walls and furniture; the care-worn looks of our hoft and hoftess; VOL. XLIII. APRIL 1803.

our fcanty fare, confifting of hard barley-bread and falt-butter, with naufeating ale, that even our keen appetites rejected; all betokened poverty and wretchednefs; while in the bed, which extended from one fide of the room to the other, two children were fending forth the molt difcordant yells; the one fuffering a violent tooth-ache, and the other crying because its brother cried. After enduring this scene of purgatory upwards of an hour, we were fhewn to our bed: it was a recefs built in an adjoining room, and furnished with a bag of ftraw, which was kept in its place by a couple of boards croffing the niche. In the fame room was another bed, where two more pledges of our landlord's tender paflion continued to torment us. Vexed with accumulating plagues, we threw ourselves, half-und refled, on the bed; but our evil deftiny had yet more troubles in ftore; the fheets were wringing wet ; fo that we had reafon to expect, that on the morrow we should be laid up with colds or fevers; but this apprehenfion was foon fuperfeded; for a legion of fleas attacked us at all points with fuch perfevering ferocity, that we were kept in motion the whole night; a number of rats alfo, by gamboling among our ftraw, while others were bufy in grating a fally port through the partition, held us in the fidgets; and thus the danger of obstructed circulation was avoided. We had juft left off curfing ruftic accommodation, and the itch for travelling which had led us to the fe fufferings, when the door opened; no light appeared; but the found of footsteps, foftly treading, paffed near us. Sufpecting foul play, we instantly fprang up, and caught hold of a poor ragged girl, who acted as maid of the inn, and was going to fleep with the children in the other bed.

"This kind of rural accommodation may appear very diverting in a narrative; but to thofe accustomed to better fare, it will be found a very ferious evil. Indeed, from this fpecimen we afterwards made it a rule to finish our day's journey at a good town; in confequence of which falutary refolution, except in one or two instances, we were never without a comfortable lodging. This caution is very practicable in South Wales, as the most interefing part of the country is well furnifed with accommodation." Following the coast, and describing PP


the grand ruins of St. David's, Cardigan, and the fcenery of the Tivy, the Tourist approaches Aberystwith, and the northern confine of South Wales; where the fublime grandeur of the Mynach Falls, and the remarkable fubject of the Devil's Bridge, exhibit the whole force of the Author's defcriptive talents. Hafod, the admired feat of Mr. Johnes, is alfo an object of great intereft in this neighbourhood.

From this vicinage of North Wales the tour takes a midland direction back to Swansea; but without engaging any very particular notice until the approach to Llandilo, where a fcene is defcribed the moft lovely that picturefque enthufiafm could defire, or poetic fervour imagine. Dinevawr Castle, Grongar Hill, Golden Grove, and the charming vale of Towey, advance their collective graces, and compofe the landscape. The frowning ruin of Caregcannon Castle, a party of the natives fording a river, and fome philofophical reflections on the apparently indecent customs of the Welch, are the principal subjects that we meet with in the continuance of the journey to Swansea.

Proceeding eastward, so many objects prefs on the reader, that Mr. Barber has evidently adopted a clofer ftile of writing than in the former part of his work. Neath, Briton Ferry, Margam, St. Donatt's Caftle, Pont-y-pridd, the fcenery of the Taffe, with the intermediate fubjects, fucceffively engage the attention; which is at length fixed on the ftupendous ruins of Caerphilly Castle, Cardiff, and its vicinity, and the ecclefiaftical decay of Llandaff.

On entering Monmouthshire, the Author pays a juft and liberal compliment to a contemporary Writer; and, traverfing Tredegar Park and Newport, arrives at Chrift Church, where a profpect of uncommon extent and diverfity is very brilliantly defcribed. The antiquities of Caerleon; a biographical fketch of Lord Herbert of Cherbury; and the neighbourhood of Ufk, are feverally treated; and the fine ruin of Raglan Caftle is defcribed with a perfpicuity, warmth, and elegance, that cannot be overlooked by any reader of tafte. Caerwent, with its teffelated pavement, and a rapid fucceffion of caftle ruins, and remarkable views, occupy the narrative, until Chepftow's ancient fortrefs, its majestic river, and romantic accompanyments, ftamp a

fuperior intereft, and become a fubé ject of fettled attraction. Piercefield Grounds, fo juftly celebrated in the fame vicinity, are agreeably fketched; and within a few miles further, the mouldering remains of Tintern Abbey prefent a moft folemn and impreffive picture.

Our Author purfues his journey along the banks of the Wye to Monmouth; which town, with the feveral objects in its neighbourhood, is very pleasingly delineated. Abergavenny and its high encircling hills, and an interefting hif torical and picturefque account of Lanthony Abbey, conclude the furvey of Monmouth fhire, which, though concife, is clear and comprehenfive.

Now re-entering South Wales, the route impendent on the banks of the lively river Ufk leads to Brecon, and continues through Bualt and Rhayder. Gowy,defcriptive of the eaftern frontier of the principality: whence returning to Monmouth, the grand and varied fcenery of the Wye to Rofs engages a farewell intereft, and the Tour concludes at Gloucester.

The extracts that we have already made may ferve as a fpecimen of our Author's ftile in narrative and defcription: and the following view of the Welch individual character and state of fociety (particularly referring to the Southern diftrict) will not difcredit his judgment in the fcience of morals and politics:

"Wales may be confidered as exhibiting almoft the fole remnant of the good old times" exifting in Britain. Separated from thofe caules of extrinfic fplendor which domineer over other parts of our ifland, the opulent landholders freely difpenfe the wealth of their inheritance with unoftentatious liberality. Indifferent to outward thew, their firit cares evince a parental regard to the poor on their domains, and the maintenance of their forefathers' good cheer. An interchange of good offices is alike confpicuous between them and the commonalty; and it is no les pleafing to fee the friendly folicitude of the one, than the unaffected refpe&t and attachment of the other.

"The Welch are justly defcribed to be the most robuft and hardy inhabitants of this kingdom; for, unenervated by thofe fedentary employments foilted on lefs happy regions by luxury and avaricious policy, they boaft the vigorous frames of aboriginal Britons. Although

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