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UBLISHED BY LUTHER TUCKER & SON produced and eggs laid, which remain through winter.




free to the Agent, Five Dollars.

THE CULTIVATOR has been published twenty-eight years. A New SERIES was commenced in 1863, and the nine volumes for 1853, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 60 and 61 can be furnished, bound and post paid, at $1.00 each "THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN," a weekly Agricultural Journal

of 16 quarto pages, making two vols. yearly of 416 pages, at $2.00 per year, is issued by the same publishers.

This is the usual course with aphides generally. But the grain aphis is an exception to this remarkable rule. Dr. F. has found that this insect produces young, and not eggs, the whole year through; they are left to freeze on the wheat stalks as winter approaches, and thaw into life again the next spring. And as other aphides need no males to enable them to produce young, (whose eggs are not laid,) he does not know but the grain aphis may thus go on and produce the young female perpetually. This point needs further investigation. These insects produce

The Cultivator & Country Gentleman. four young at a time, and will nearly double their progeny



Insects-Grain Aphis, Wheat Midge, &c. Dr. ASA FITCH opened the discussion by a short lecture on the grain aphis. He stated that it had existed in Europe from time immemorial-it was described by Fabricius 81 years ago-but most of the early accounts were quite imperfect. Its existence between harvests, and its hiding place at that interval, was entirely unknown until traced out within two years in this country. Dr. F. then gave an account of its successive ravages. This year it has moved westward-it has measurably disappeared at the east. It has no doubt existed here for many years, but in small numbers and thinly scattered. Although Aphides are known to multiply rapidly, yet we have no instance of such rapid multiplication known, as has been exhibited by the grain aphis in the past and present year. This insect resembles the cabbage lice in its general character-sucks juices from the wheat plant, and thus abstracts nutriment from the crop. It needs no wings except to pass from one field to another, and we accordingly find these furnished it only late in autumn when about to migrate. A curious change takes place in these insects in summer-when they feed early in the season on the green blades, their color is of a grass green; but as soon as they begin to partake of the finer and richer food of the kernels, their hue changes to a fine rich yellow; and the parent insect has been known to bring forth brood exhibiting this change within the space of two or three days. Dr. F. in describing its habits, showed the fallacy of the occasional notion that small insects could be of spontaneous production-and mentioned the curious fact that aphides generally lay eggs at one time of the year, and bring forth young at another. In the early part of the year, the female brings forth perfect insects only, and without access to the male; and at this time all are females. Towards winter, males are

in a single day-and thus increasing, a single female will have two million descendants in twenty days if all survive -a sufficient explanation of the enormous increase at harvest time. Several insects, the natural enemies of this aphis, were next mentioned, which serve to reduce its vast numbers.


In answer to an inquiry of GEO. GEDDES, Dr. F. described the lady-bug, one of these natural enemies, and stated that it never committed any injury to crops. There are many species of this lady-bug, or Coccinella. G. Geddes said he had a crop covered with the aphis the past season, and they all suddenly disappeared, when on examination the crop was found covered with lady-bugs. T. C. PETERS inquired if Dr. F. thought the aphis likely to prove a permanent evil; he replied he thought not, that it would probably only occasionally, and during unusual years, get the better of these other insects which destroy it. Dr. F. also gave it as his opinion, in reply to a further question, that the wheat midge will be likely to prove a formidable foe to the farmer, whenever the weather may be favorable to its increase. In dry seasons, and in dry localities, the fly cannot lay its eggs so abundantly; but on wet places and in wet seasons its destructive effects may be expected. He also stated that in order to prevent the depredations of the midge, Hessian fly, and other similar insects, it is necessary to give the crops a fertile soil, so as to make a strong growth-while on a poor crop it will not withstand their assaults.

G. GEDDES said he had been accustomed to take what Dr. FITCH said as a truth; but he could not help thinking he was mistaken in this matter of the midge. In 1846 the midge was exceedingly destructive-he totally lost 70 acres that promised an abundant harvest. Now, for five years, he has had good crops-the midge has done him no material harm, notwithstanding the varying seasons in these later years. He admitted that he now gave better

He thinks however that swine have been injured when they have eaten these lady-bugs in excess-as the latter are covered with an acrid substance, as a defence.

cultivation, and farmed better, than then. He now raises were singularly influenced by causes that controlled their Soule wheat, without seeing a midge in it; last year had increase-a few years ago they were overrun by field mice 16 acres, and none was discovered; but he has nearly-"you could hardly turn over a chip, but what there given it up, because the Mediterranean is so much more would be a mouse under it." The next year they were productive that it pays better, even at a reduced price. all gone. He thought many of these things "beyond T. C. PETERS thought Dr. FITCH correct, so far as practice our ken." Still he thought the introduction of new vaexists among farmers generally-he thought that the gene-rieties might be useful. ral practice of raising the Mediterranean was the reason that the midge had diminished.

An experienced flour manufacturer (KEMPSHALL of Rochester,) said that the "white wheat" had evidently much degenerated of late years, [as it may by successive growth from seed,] and the only way to restore it, in his opinion, is to change the seed. He had almost given up the idea of ever getting good white wheat again. He found Mediterranean wheat to improve every year; it "bleaches out "—and at the present time, he would rather have the flour of Mediterranean than of white wheat. One sort had improved, while the other had deteriorated. Prof. DEWEY expressed his grateful thanks for the exceedingly interesting lecture of Dr. FITCH, containing as it does, satisfactory indications of great labor and patient research, and conferring a lasting and great benefit upon the country at large, for the facts it has developed.

It was stated by several present that early sown and early ripening wheat was more likely to escape the midge; while some remarked that this rule should be reversed for spring wheat, which should be sown late.

Second Evening---Draining.

After A. B. CONGER, chairman of the meetings, bad offered a series of propositions, embodying the substance of last evening's discussions, GEORGE GEDDES opened the discussion for this evening on underdraining. He said his principal object was not to impart instruction, but to bring out information from others. He alluded to the physical condition of the locality of Rochester-the condensation of moisture from the lake at this place, in producing frequent showers, as shown by meteorological tables. At Lewiston, out of the prevailing range of winds from the water, much less is found to fall. The water that falls is carried off from the ground by streams, and by evaporation from the clouds-and thus a perpetual round About three-fourths of this water is found is going on. to pass off by evaporation; nearly one-fourth by streams; leaving a small portion to disappear in some unknown way. Perfectly dry earth, will receive and hold seven inches of water to every foot in depth, without its running off. If a soil should be plowed three feet deep, it

G. GEDDES wished to put a question to Dr. FITCH-Would hold 21 inches like a sponge. This is the reason Why, if the midge increased at first, it did not continue to increase—instead of going away as it now evidently is doing? Dr. FITCH did not admit that it was passing away, but thought that during some seasons it was more

abundant and destructive than others-he had known it. in former seasons to nearly pass away apparently, not really, but afterwards to return from its lurking places in destructive force, and he feared this would be the case in the instance referred to in the question.

that trenched soils hold so much without becoming overcharged, or becoming soon dry. A well pulverized soil is will be filled with water, if the soil is wet. one quarter interstices or air, if the soil is dry; but these In the best condition for growth of plants, these interstices bold air, and the particles of earth themselves are filled with moisture. An excess of water has been found to reduce the temperature 64 degrees in summer-or equal to an elevation of two thousand feet or five degrees of latitude. The speaker then added, "now, gentlemen, if you wish G. GEDDES alluded to the fact that early wheat was to carry the soil of Rochester five degrees further South, more apt to escape its ravages, and that this was a promi- you must underdrain thoroughly." To ascertain if soils nent reason that the Mediterranean wheat escaped. A need underdraining, observe if water stands in post holes; farmer from Seneca county, differed from the expressed or if frost is most destructive in low places. The imopinion of some others, as to the value of white wheat-portance and advantages of underdraining were then pointmany in that county were returning to its culture, and ed out by some striking examples-one case had just were successful-they were decidedly of the opinion that the midge there was passing away.

come to hand, where a landowner obtained 34 tons of hay per acre, where before he could not obtain more than one ton. The speaker then went on to describe the different modes of laying drains, and showed the importance of doing the work right. He himself had cut many ditches without draining his land, not then understanding the stratification of the subsoil. In order to understand the work well, he recommended farmers to study the works which had been written upon the subject.

T. C. PETERS of Genesee Co., said that if draining were carried out judiciously and thoroughly, it would alone increase the products of the State one-third—that there is but little land in the State that may not be great

T. KEMPSHALL of Monroe Co., stated that the "Genesee Flour" had deteriorated in character, and the fact could not be disguised-his own experience as a flour manufacturer, had taught him this at his cost-the white wheat of which it was made, had "run out,"-lost its quality. G. GEDDES asked why millers were willing to pay a shilling more per bushel for white wheat, if it was not so good? T. KEMPSHALL replied that many millers would not— others thought it would yield rather more flour-while others wanted it to whiten up such as was dark colored. L. F. ALLEN had found that at Buffalo the white wheat was always the highest priced—the Kentucky white wheatly benefitted by underdraining. In extensive regions it sells there for $1.30 per bushel-Ohio white wheat a little makes the difference of at least one hundred per cent. less-red wheat 10 to 15 cts. lower-spring wheat still less. The coarse or aquatic grasses indicate the want of drainBakers will pay a dollar more per barrel for white wheat age; and to remove this water, and bring the temperature, flour, because it will absorb more water, and make more as had just been stated, down to a level 2,000 feet lower, bread than any other flour. He corroborated the state- the advantages could be hardly estimated. He thought ment of others, that late sown spring wheat was more one of the best things the State Agricultural Society could likely to escape the midge. He said that depredators! do was to encourage the general adoption of underdrain

age-to make it an important object for its labors for of the soil had caused the growth of coarse wet grasses, several years to come.

and where the operation would double or triple the value H. T. E. FOSTER of Seneca county, said that JOHN JOHN- of the soil. He admitted, as he had done before, that STON had cut his drains about 24 feet deep, and 2 rods there might be much land that did not need it. But he apart. Both he and ROBT. J. SWAN had found it of great did not think there was a farm of a hundred acres in the importance, wheat crops having increased to 40 bushels whole of Alleghany county, some portions of which, at He commended the practice of farmers draw-least, would not be benefitted by draining.

per acre.

ing a distinct and accurate map of all their drains, that they might in future know precisely where to tap them. He said J. Johnston preferred drawing tile several miles to making stone drains with stone at hand. In reply to a question, he said that without draining manure was nearly thrown away, which was one reason that good crops could not be obtained without this practice.

SOLON ROBINSON requested T. C. Peters to point out the kinds of soil most benefitted by underdraining. The latter said that, with the exception of Long Island, there was hardly a locality in the State that did not require it. He gave the rule already mentioned, of digging trial holes, in order to observe when the water would stand, and where in such cases underdraining is always needed.

Third Evening---Fences, &c.

A. B. CONGER, chairman, briefly summed up the leading points reached by last evening's discussion on underof that discussion. The subject for the present evening draining, the substance of which was given in our report


Fences and Cattle Law of New-York. T. C. Peters opened the discussion. He had obtained the statistics he was about to present, during four years extensive travel throughout the state. He alluded to the great importance of providing fencing for the future-old fences were decaying, and new ones would be needed, and we should have to adopt more nearly the practice of European countries. He assumed a mile of highway to G. GEDDES mentioned the case of a distinguished farmer each square mile of land-which is probably far within of Westchester county, (SAMUEL FAILE,) who had gone bounds. There are 28 million acres of land-of this among the old farmers in that county and very thorough-about 16 millions are improved and 10 millions unim. ly tile drained a large farm, that before was not really proved-the remaining 2 millions probably is villages, &c., worth anything for cultivating, that now had really asaccording to several authorities cited. According to his tonished the old farmers there, and was actually worth estimate there were about 28,000 miles of highway in the $200 per acre. state, or 56,000 miles of road fence. The cost of road H. T. BROOKS of Wyoming, expressed his surprise that fence he placed at a dollar a rod—the capital required to no qualification was made for the different circumstances keep up the fence, another dollar at interest. The total of farmers. In Wyoming county, the place of his resi-annual cost of keeping up road fences, is over two mildence, it would not pay, and he would give one thousand lion dollars, or nearly one half the entire state tax. dollars to any one who would find a farmer that would The average size of farms over the whole state is estibuy a drained farm at its increased cost. A reply was made by a gentleman present, who had laid some 15 miles of tile within a few years, who said that it cost about $30 per acre to do it, and that the cost was always paid for within three years by the increased crops. He thought that if soil was tenacious enough to hold manure well, it would always need draining. He said that farmers might adopt poor husbandry, even on drained land, but that good farmers would find the operation in most instances absolutely essential to success. He recommended poor cultivators, who thought draining too expensive, to sell a portion of their lands, and drain and give good cultivation

to the rest.

G. GEDDES asked if there was any one present who had practiced underdraining, that had lost money by it-if so, he would please to speak, now, on this occasion? No one answered.

BAKER of Steuben county, being called upon by H. T. Brooks, said that his land was very similar to that of Mr. Brooks, but that his experiments in underdraining had led him to very different conclusions-he had underdrained land that was worth about thirty dollars per acre, and increased its real value to over one hundred dollars per acre-in some instances to one hundred and fifty dollars per acre. This land he uses for raising sheep and grass. The audience now became somewhat excited, when Solon Robinson inquired "if this Mr. Baker was really the Mr. Baker that Mr. Brooks intended to call up in his favor?" when the latter admitted that he was-but he thought that for hill land draining would not be profitable. T. C. Peters thought that the object of his friend, Mr. Brooks, was to call out discussion-and he described the many localities, even on bill land, where the wetness

mated carefully at 100 acres each-these fenced in 10 acre lots, require 800 rods of fence on each farm-besides the cost of the waste land. The whole cost of all fences in the state, he figured at $144,000,000. The annual interest on the fences on each farm is $56—or $28,000,000 are to be charged to the farmers of this state to keep up the fences annually. Yet all the taxes paid by by farmers is only 33 cents per acre,-the cities paying a large portion-yet the annual tax that fences occasion is one dollar and twelve and a half cents per acre!

A member present stated that he had made a careful estimate of the roads of the state from Smith's large new down, and he made the amount about twice as great, or map, which gives every public highway, accurately laid 60,000 miles, requiring 120,000 miles of highway fence. The chairman (A. B. Conger,) in reply to an inquiry, said that the public had only the right of way on the land owned by private individuals-who really owned the land thus occupied. He then explained the present road law for the exclusion of cattle from the highway.

L. F. Allen thought that while in some districts, where there are substantial God-fearing farmers, this law might by some mutual agreement be carried out; yet throughout most of the state he believed it would be as much of a dead letter as the law against travelling on the Sabbathand he mentioned some instances where "irresponsible vagabonds" had annoyed their better neighbors by taking advantage of this law; and the latter feared the threats of these vagabonds, should they enforce the law. He regards the present necessity of farmers to fence against intruders, as a most formidable evil, but he hardly knew how to furnish a remedy.

Dr. Thompson of Aurora, described the efforts of his neighbors in procuring the enactment of a special law, to exclude cattle from the streets of his village, which, with the determination of a number of land-owners, they had carried out and entirely excluded cattle and other animals. Their highways had become smooth grass plots, and now after the lapse of several years, it had become unnecessary to use gates, and many of them had been removed from their hinges. So well pleased had the neighboring farmers become with these results, that the past winter they had asked for a similar town law, and this had led to the enactment of the state law now in force-they had in fact received in this way much more than they asked for. Solon Robinson said a correspondent had proposed an amendment of that law, by which it should become the duty of the pathmaster to enforce the law and exclude the cattle, as a part of his duty in keeping the road in order. L. F. Allen replied by asking, "who made the pathmaster? Is it not the very men who, owning little or no land themselves, claim the privilege of breaking that law, by turning their unruly animals into it-would pathmasters thus manufactured be likely to enforce it ?"

T. C. Peters said he thought the law much more generally enforced than Mr. Allen was aware of. He cited instances where years ago men had raised a cow and a horse, &c., in the road. They were cured of this practice by his leaving his road fences low on purpose, and then notifying them that the law would be rigidly enforced if the cattle intruded in the fields. The result, after some litigation, was successful; and as he was willing that they should procure the feed if they would take care of the cattle, they had as a consequence become scrupulously careful of his interests, by asking the privilege to keep his fences up for

the sake of the feed. Under the new law he had succeed

ed in having it carried out, by promptness and energy, and by fearlessness of any threats. It was only in those neighborhoods where the inhabitants lacked back-bone that the law was trodden underfoot-where these owners

of depredators perceived that their threats produced an effect. He thought it ought to be made the duty of pathmasters to enforce the law, and a fine be annexed to its neglect, so that they would have a sufficient excuse for doing their duty. He stated, in answer to a question, that there was no law to compel farmers to fence the highway.

Judge Warner stated a serious defect in the present law, in not providing for the payment of damages which cattle might commit in breaking into fields or enclosures. The officer should have power to assess damages on the

sale of the cattle.

A member (name not heard) thought the law would never be enforced until street fences were removed, and he thought, perhaps, the Society should take some action with this view. Another member expressed his surprise that the gentleman from Erie, (L. F. Allen,) "who was six feet four or five inches high," should have any fear, as he expressed, of the threats of any one. D. M. Clark of Alleghany, said there were many in his county that had formerly been in the practice of street pasturing-one who owned 20 head, who had turned them into the road and hired out his pasture, had been induced to conform to the requisitions of the new law, and it has generally been carried out.

E. Cornell, President of the Society, stated some of his observations when in Europe. He had gone abroad favor

ably impressed with live fences, but had returned with a different opinion-he regarded them as a very expensive fence, although they might be the best that could be in troduced on the western prairies. In travelling through France, no fences were to be seen-cattle were sometimes observed feeding tied by a halter, but generally they were kept up. In France there were not enough fences to suit our wants; in England they had too much. In England premiums had been offered for the most suc cessful eradication of hedges. The President had concluded that he had too much fencing on his own farm— he intended to reduce it one-half, and make his fields larger. In England the hedge evidently destroys the value of the land for several feet on each side, by the exhaustion of the roots, and the necessary trimming is expensive. He is satisfied that in this State we have a great deal more fence than is necessary, but he would recommend a gradual reduction in this respect.

T. C. Peters moved that the Society approve of the present road law-that it meets the view of the State Agricultural Society—and that it recommend and urge its enforcement. Carried nearly unanimously.


Col. Johnson, Secretary of the Society, was requested to state some of his observations in Europe, more particularly in relation to the great exhibition of the World's Fair. He said that notwithstanding the refusal of the American Government to appropriate any thing for facilitating the exhibition of American productions, every courtesy was accorded to American exhibitors that could be asked. When the juries, which were composed of the most intelligent men of all nations, declared the awards, all were astonished that out of only 95 American exhibitors, 83 received premiums! No other nation received any thing like As a proof of the immense extent of that exhibition, he stated that 26 acres-9 acres more than the great Exhibition of 1851-were densely filled with the choicest productions and objects. This exhibition showed a remarkable progress in ten years. Throughout nearly every part of it, indications were distinctly visible that American inventions, as shown in 1851, had been extensively diffused, modified, and adopted there. He mentioned a number of exceedingly interesting instances to show this result, and showed conclusively the most important remental aid. Col. J. said that he was astonished to persults that would have been derived from a little governwithin the last ten years-and it now indicated a high deceive the wonderful advancement in English agriculture gree of perfection.

THE NEW-YORK STATE AG. SOCIETY. Exhibition at Rochester, Sept. 28-Oct. 3.

Floral Hall and the Fruits.

It appeared to be universally conceded that no previous fair had ever shown so rich and varied a display nor so extensive a collection of Fruits as occupied three or four hundred feet of the wide tables that lined the interior of the spacious tent devoted to them. The number of amateur collections was very numerous, and a large share of them were of great merit. The "professional list' was not less so; the aim of the exhibitors was evidently not to throw together everything they raised, good and bad, but to exhibit only valuable sorts, grown in the best manner. Ellwanger & Barry's collections, eclipsed of course, all others; but some of the rest were worthy of all praise. Among the principal exhibitors of general

earthen tile, while it is of better quality.

Standing beside this model was the admirable lime-light for locomotives, invented by Dr. G. H. Smith of Rochester. Common gas is used instead of hydrogen, and atmospheric air for oxygen-the orifices through which they

collections were J. M. Mattison, of Jacksonville, Tomp- are expensive, costing a thousand dollars each, and one kins county; W. B. Smith, Syracuse; and J. Donnelan & will make two thousand tile in a day. From the statement Son, W. King, Frost & Co., and C. J. Ryan, near Roches- of the cost of manufacture, we infer that such pipes may ter. The collections of native grapes far exceeded any-be made for about two-thirds the expense of common thing previously shown; to these, large contributions were made by C. L. Hoag of Lockport; Hooker & Co., Seely & Co., Frost & Co., and Ellwanger & Barry of Rochester; and an especially fine collection of thirty sorts, some of great excellence and variety, by the Pleasant Valley Wine Company, Hammondsport, Steuben county. Fine speci-pass being similar to those of a common compound blowmens of the Adirondac grape were shown by J. W. Bailey of Plattsburgh, Clinton county. This new sort, which he thinks a seedling of the Isabella, possesses a good deal of the appearance and characteristics of its reputed parent, is nearly or quite free from pulp, and of a very agreeable and pleasant flavor. The bunches were good and handsome. Most persons would prefer it to the Isabella, although the latter when fully ripe, which is very rarely the case, is hard to excel. Some fruit raisers objected slightly to the Adirondac for being "watery," and not quite so marked in its flavor as would be desirable; but if as early as is claimed for it, namely, a month before the Isabella, it cannot fail to become a favorite.

The Floral department of this hall was admirably arranged-as was expected from the master hand of James Vick the Superintendent. The costly artificial temples of verdure seen on former occasions, gave place to the simple and refreshing arrangement of a natural garden. The leading features of this arrangement have been already mentioned in a former number of this journal, and we wish only to commend particularly on this occasion, the entire keeping in the union of moss-covered evergreenlined tables for both fruits and flowers, rustic railing for bordering the alleys for spectators, and the fine apparently natural beds of large house-plants which were interspersed on the large grass plot in the central portion of the tent. The mode of constructing these beds was to place the plants together in close contact over the surface of the bed; line its exterior with curiously worn irregular stones of equal size, and entirely obscure the pots by a carpet of evergreen boughs.

About one quarter of the whole circle of flower tables was covered with a brilliant profusion from the untiring Mrs. Van Namee of Rensselaer Co., who has for so many years contributed largely to the floral display at the State "fairs. One of the finest floral ornaments in this collection was a beautiful and simple basket, trimmed with evergreens and filled with flowers, with a delicate wreath entwining its handle-a far more tasteful object than the elaborate structures, shields, stars and other forms, made up stiffly of flowers themselves. There were several other collections of flowers of nearly equal merit, besides extensive ones from Frost & Co. and Ellwanger & Barry. The Domestic Hall.

pipe. The light emitted is about fifteen times as strong as that of the common locomotive lamp. The gas is com pressed in a reservoir of four or five cubic feet capacity, and reduced in bulk about ten times with a pressure of some 200 pounds to the inch, and when once filled will continue running eight or nine hours.

Daniel Sager of Greenbush, exhibited the model of a wagon-brake, which appeared to possess great merit. It is so constructed that when the vehicle descends a hill the brake instantly becomes self-acting, but not in backing the wagon. A cast iron block presses the tire of the wheel, and lasts till it is literally worn out, when it is at once replaced by another. The whole contrivance is both ingenious and simple, and may be attached to a common wagon at a cost of $4 to $6.

Fish's patent nursery or night lamp, is a new invention, possessing much convenience. It is simply a lamp, burning gas or kerosene, and heating a small boiler. A three quart reservoir is boiled at a cost of one cent. The water may be kept hot, and boiled rapidly at short notice by turning up the flame. It must be a fine thing for a sick


The Mica Lamp Chimney Co. of Syracuse, exhibited their lamp chimneys, which possess the several advantages of not breaking if allowed to fall, not cracking by heat, remaining unsoiled by smoke, and being easily cleaned. They are certainly valuable.

S. B. Dewey, Jr., of Rochester, exhibited a collection of kerosene lamps; among them is a small night lamp, which we have tested for several weeks, and it is a perfect little contrivance of its kind-the flame being easily reduced to the size of a pin's head if needed, and readily regulated.

Hutchinson & Lyon of Cayuga, also had on exhibition an excellent contrivance for the perfect combination of kerosene in lamps-which even obviated the use of chimneys in some instances, and rendered simple the labor of trimming.

The rest of the contents of Domestic Hall exhibited industry, taste and ingenuity, but they do not need separate notices in a condensed report like this, and their variety may be understood by naming a few, such as furs, quilts, carpets, rugs, ottomans, sewing machines, penmanship, photographs, paintings, embroidery, clothes wringers, pianos, "native wines," preserved fruits, travelling bags and trunks, articles of dress, bedsteads, barometers, hats, models of bridges, hose, yarn, flannel, stocking-yarn, mittens, and Dewey's fine paintings of fruits and flowers for nurserymen and others.

This fine permanent building was well filled with a miscellaneous collection of ingenuity and skill. It contained some objects of especial interest. One of the most so was a model of Ogden's machine for manufacturing cement pipe for drains and water pipe. This machine is likely to prove one of much value. The tile is made under a high The Dairy and Mechanics' Halls. pressure, giving them a very compact texture, regular DAIRY HALL was not well filled. A few large and form and finished surface. As the process of burning is apparently excellent cheeses from Oneida county were the obviated, the pipe may be made more cheaply than by the whole representation under this head. One of them usual mode of burning clay. It may be also used instead weighed over half a ton. Most of the newly used cheese of lead pipe for the conveyance of water underground, vats were in the hall-including the Oneida, Roe's, and and of course at far less expense than lead. The machines others. A number of newly patented churns were ob

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