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in a few words-there is not a public school in the Territory; while, according to the census of 1860, over eighty per cent. of the population (excluding Indians, village or tribal) were wholly illiterate. There are some private schools and three or four free schools, under the Sisters of Charity; but not one supported by taxation or organized under law. The condition of the Pueblos in this respect is worse than when our Army occupied the Territory, more than twenty years ago. Under a system established three centuries since, by the Emperor Charles the Fifth, these Indians were gathered into villages and taught the arts of industry and civilization. They were instructed by the Catholic clergy, and many of the adults at the time of annexation were able to read in Spanish. This is not true of the children and those now growing up. It is eleven years since (1860) any educational appropriation was made for their benefit.

Lieutenant E. Ford, United States Army, till recently acting as their agent, recommends in his last report to the superintendent, that a suitable and commodious building be provided with garden land attached for the purpose of establishing a manual labor school. He proposes to select boys of from ten to twelve years of age. The children so chosen should, in his opinion, be considered wards of the Government, then "fed, clothed, boarded, and educated at public expense, for the space of at least three years, when they should be returned to their respective pueblos. Each year a similar number should be selected in like manner from each pueblo, and placed in the school, so that there would each year be two boys returned to every pueblo with a good rudimentary knowledge of English and Spanish.


"In connection with the school there should be established a blacksmith and wheelwright shop, each under the control of a competent workman, under the direction of the agent. One or more boys, about eighteen years of age, should be selected as apprentices in each shop each year, and the term of apprenticeship should last two years. After the boys have served their apprenticeship at the agency shops, they should be established each in his respective pueblo, with the necessary tools and materials with which to commence life on his own account. * # * It will be seen that in a few years each pueblo would be furnished with a competent blacksmith and wheelwright, each self-supporting, who would do the work of their respective pueblos, and who would instruct apprentices, so that the shops at the agency could then be dispensed with.

"The expense of carrying this design, or one similar, into execution would be but trifling in comparison to the benefit the Indians would derive from it. The cost of feeding the Navajoes alone for one month would be more than ample to erect the buildings and pay the necessary salaries for one year, while the current expenses of the school and workshops would be very small."

Agent Dennison, speaking of the Utes and Apaches over whom he had control, declares it quite practicable to diffuse "among them the knowledge of agricultural and other industrial pursuits." Agent Labodé states that the Apaches under his charge, when on the reservation, showed a desire to have schools and missionaries." Lieutenant Cooper, agent for Pueblo Indians, says that out of 7,000 "not more than one dozen can read or write." He asks the appropriation of $10,000 for school purposes, and says that the Pueblos "are very anxious for schools." Lieutenant Ford says that "they absolutely crave education." The Indians of New Mexico demand immediate care in this particular.


Superintendent Hunt, writes of the Utes in Colorado, that no schools have been established among them. Lieutenant Speer, agent for Uncomparge Utes, says that "many of the chiefs have expressed a willingness for their children to be taught in the schools," and he (the agent) believes the establishment of a school would be of great service. Governor McCook, reporting a visit to certain bands of the Utes, says "that the chiefs all promised to send their children to school." From the Territory of Wyoming no word comes of schools. The Indians are charged with being disorderly and treacherous. In Idaho, the most advanced tribe is the Nez Percés. Their agent says that the "school progressed finely," "the children improved more rapidly than was expected." Some came fifty miles to school. Small-pox breaking out, it was closed until April 1869, when it was resumed with more scholars than before. The school superintendent says: "The Indians seemed very much pleased at the prospect of having a school." Of the Bannacks, Shoshones, and Boise Indians, their agent says: "There is quite a desire among them to cultivate the soil. They also manifest a great interest in having their children sent to school and educated. No schools have as yet (1869) been established."



In Montana, the superintendent, General Sully, whose experience of Indians is almost unequalled, does not give a satisfactory account of those under his charge. The agent of the Flatheads declares, that to the influence of the Catholic missionaries, and the education they have imparted, is to be attributed the peaceful condition of the tribe. The prosperity of the school is chiefly owing to their care. Major Galbraith, United States Army, who was in charge last year, recommends the establishment of an agri

cultural school. He says the one now in operation had "been as fruitful in its success as could be reasonably expected, considering the little assistance it has received from the Government." Among the Utah Indians, 19,000 in number, it is reported "no schools have ever been established." The tale is brief and sad.

Thus it will be seen that within the four Territories named, having an Indian population of over 55,000, there are but two schools reported, only one of which is in operation, with about 35 scholars.


In this Territory some of the most important results are being worked out. It is the chief home of the warlike Sioux bands, the most powerful Indian nation now in existence. There are nearly or quite 35,000 Indians within its borders. Governor Burbank's report gives a fair insight into both educational and general work. The former, under date of October 1, 1869, was thus summed up: "There is not a school in operation." The Ponca school had been discontinued from bad management and want of sufficient appropriations. No school yet started among the Yanctons, nor at the Crow, Cheyenne, Grand River, and Upper agencies. These Indians are anxious to improve and adopt the habits of the white man; so says the governor. Captain Clifford, at Fort Berthold, says the Arickarees and Mandan Indians "want schools." Captain Poole, at Whetstone agency, thinks that the erection of a school-house and the establishment of a school "would do much toward elevating the morals of the people, and consequently conduce to peace and quiet." Agent Daniels says of the Sisseton Sioux, that "Our hope for permanent improvement among these Indians must come from the rising generation, as they are willing and desirous of learning to work. They should be taught agricultural and mechanical pursuits, as well as to read and write."

Bishop Whipple, of the Protestant Episcopal Church, writes of a visit to the Sioux, of the Sisseton and Wahpeton bands, that they "received me with great demonstrations of gratitude, and manifested a sincere desire to be guided by my advice. At my first council a Christian man said to me, 'For seven years I have prayed to the.Great Spirit that he would save us from death. The sky seemed as if it was iron, and I was afraid he would not hear. I look in your face and see we are saved.' I explained to all the Indians the absolute necessity of a change in their mode of life; that it was the determination of their Great Father and the council at Washington that all Indians whom they aided must live as white men, by the cultivation of the soil. In nearly every instance the Indians consented to have their hair cut and at once adopt the habits of civilization. A system of labor was introduced which required that all who were able to work should do so, and be paid for the same out of the goods and provisions purchased for them. The results have far exceeded my warmest expectations."

William Welsh, esq., of the Indian Peace Commission, strengthens the testimony of the good bishop as to the teachability of the Sioux, in the very interesting accounts he has published of visits to the Brulé, Yancton, and Santee Sioux, as well as to the Poncas and Winnesa Chippewas. In his visit to the Yanctons he found them anxious for schools. The head chief, in responding to Mr. Welsh's talk, said, “They all agreed most cordially in an earnest désire to have schools, and also religious instructors." He pertinently added that "it would be wiser to send teachers than to censure men for following the customs of their fathers." The Brulé, Sioux, and the Poncas plead earnestly for instruction; the latter especially, apparently desiring the establishment of a school more, even, than food, though almost in a starving condition. Mr. Welsh asks the aid of this Bureau in cooperating with Indian agents and their helpers, especially as to the preparation of works of instruction, &c. The same request comes from others. There are no means at this Bureau's disposal for such work.


The condition of affairs among the Nebraska Indians is better than the average with regard to educational progress. The superintendent and most of the agents within this State are members of the Society of Friends. They have the advantage, in entering upon their work, of settled convictions, distinct purposes, and definite modes of accomplishing them. There are several important experiments now being pushed with zeal and good results. Superintendent Janney argues strongly for systematic effort at education. He is earnest that well-conducted schools should be maintained among the Indians.

Perhaps the most interesting testimony offered on this subject of Indian education and consequent civilization is seen in the progress of the Santee Sioux under the charge of the Rev. S. D. Hinman, a devoted priest of the Pro estant Episcopal Church, who is truly leading this band from savage pursuits into peaceful habits and religious lives. Mr. Welsh, in his report of a more recent visit to their mission, gives an animated account of the progress made. Their agent says that they, "as a general thing, are industrious and sober people, easily managed, very sensitive to reproof, and thankful for commendation." The Santee Sioux "occupy the door to the upper country," and the Santees, if properly encouraged, "may be made the teachers of the whole Dakota nation."

The Omahas have a mission school, but they desire other arrangements made with the funds. Day schools, conveniently located, are asked for. The Pawnee manuallabor school is spoken of as being very beneficial to that tribe. The conduct of those educated in it has made a favorable change in the minds of the headmen. The Ottoes and Missourias were without schools; they are regarded as capable of “being readily improved in their physical and moral condition." The Sacs and Foxes have no school. They are reported as dissolute and idle, while the Iowas, under the same agent, with a good school in operation, are reported as improving steadily.

The Indian tribes in Eastern Kansas have had, as a rule, some sort of educational facilities. Where these have been persistently maintained the Indian's condition is good; where intermittent, or wholly neglected, the reverse is true. Among the Kickapoos only twelve out of sixty-four of suitable age are attending school. They now express desire for more schools and teachers. The Pottawatomies are better off in this respect. A Catholic mission has long been maintained among them, and in 1869, 225 children were attending school. There is a band, however, who persistently decline to send their children. Recently they agreed to coöperate in the organization of schools among themselves. There is the widest difference between their condition and that of the farming Pottawatomies, several hundred of whom have taken their lands in severalty and become citizens. The Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi have, owing to divided councils, not made as much educational progress as they might have done. The Munsees are Christian Indians, cultivating small farms, and educating their children. The Shawnees, now removing to the Indian Territory, have had schools for years past, and are, as a rule, quite prosperous and progressive. The Kaw, or Kansas Indians, give encouragement to the idea of a mission school, and show more than usual willingness to benefit by such efforts. Most of the other tribes in this superintendency have removed to the Indian Territory, or are now doing so. The "Plain Indians," Cheyennes, Arapahoes, Kiowas, &c., who have kept a portion of this frontier in alarm, are now gathered on reservations in the western part of that Territory, under military control, and subject to influences of an important character. General Hazen, United States Army, in a letter to this Bureau, asks if there are any funds at its disposal which could be used for the promotion of education among these tribes, now first placed on reservations. He says the whole school scheme is very backward in the Indian Territory. The agent in charge declares these Indians anxious to improve. The Wichitas may be made an "enterprising and self-sustaining people." The agent says "several of the chiefs are desirous of having a school for their children, and some have expressed a wish to have some white women among them to teach their squaws the arts of civilized life." General Hazen, in closing his report, says:

"No more theories or experiments are needed, but an honest administration of the benefits granted by Congress, and honest industry in farming and teaching, with the wholesome example of Christian morality on the reservations, and the most absolute coercion outside of them."


Such mention of the nomadic tribes now located within this section as is deemed necessary was made in the remarks on Kansas, for the purpose of regarding the civilized Indians by themselves.

There are five nations, all of them formerly residents of the Southern States. They represent the most powerful tribes of their race east of the Rocky Mountains, excepting the Dakotas. Having had for two generations and more the advantages of an ordered form of government with elective officers and written constitutions and laws, their condition, educationally, becomes a matter of grave importance. Unfortunately there has intervened the terrible curse of civil war, which almost destroyed their corporate existence; yet the activity displayed by each of the five nations since the war closed, is the best evidence of the genuine growth that had been attained.

The Cherokees number, according to census of 1868-69, 14,000 persons; the Creeks, 12,294; the Choctaws and Chickasaws, 17,000 (the latter being about 4,500;) and the Seminoles 2,136; in all 45,430. This includes several thousand colored persons, now by treaty citizens of the various nations. Each nation provides by law for the establishment of district schools, as well as others of a higher character. The several constitutions have declarations similar to the following: "Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government, the preservation of liberty, and the happiness of mankind, schools and the mear.s of education shall be forever encouraged in this nation."

There is a superintendent of schools elected or appointed in each nation, which is divided into districts, having school boards in charge of the buildings and schools thereof. This is the general organization. Only partial returns are accessible. From them it appears that in March 1869, there were among the Cherokees 32 schools in operation within nine districts. The condition of the buildings in five was reported as good. Thirty-two teachers were employed, at an average salary of $40 per month, except in one instance. The total monthly payments for teachers at that date was $1,280. Taking ten months as the school year, the cost of teachers alone would be $12,800.

There were formerly two or three excellent high schools in operation, and at least one female academy of superior character. These were all stopped by the war, and have not as yet been set in operation again. S. S. Stephens, Cherokee superintendent of public schools, in his report, says:

"The progress of our common schools during the past year has been great; our people are manifesting the interest which the importance of the subject demands. It is manifest to all thinking persons that we are trying to keep pace with our ever-advancing age; the hatred of inen is every day lessened by the gradual improvement of our people; let us have our high schools put into operation. I trust that.when you are called upon to act on this question we shall all take lofty ground and cast our votes that the blessings of education shall be conferred on every child of the nation."

The average attendance was 886, while the number enrolled was 1,614. Fourteen more schools were provided for by the last legislative council, and are probably in operation at this time. The teachers are nearly all Cherokees, the females being chiefly graduates of their national academy. The Cherokees have large educational and orphan trust funds in the hands of the General Government, the annual interest on which is over $19,000.

The character of the Choctaw organization is similar to that among the Cherokees. The superintendent reports, under date of September 1869, the “total number of schools in the three districts, 69; total number of scholars, 1,847; amount of money expended in the three districts for schools from September 1, 1868, to March 31, 1869, $19,369 04." He also reports that—

"Twenty Choctaw children are educated in the different States under the forty youths' funds treaty stipulation-six male at Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tennessee; five male scholars at King's College, Bristol, Tennessee; two female at Martha Washington College, Abingdon, Virginia; four female at McMinnville College, Tennessee; one female at Paris, Texas; one male at Kentucky. One has returned home. Seven thousand dollars have been deposited in the hands of each of their treasurers, in advance, from 1st of February 1869, to the 1st of February 1870, to be used for the benefit of the above-mentioned twenty scholars. Also, two young men are educated in the States by special acts of the general council-one at Bristol, Tennessee, at $250 annually; one at Dartmouth College, at $350 annually."

Two high boarding-schools have been reopened during the present year. Superintendent Le Flore says there is a great desire among parents to educate their children in the States, so that they can learn the English language.

No general reports are accessible from the Creeks and Chickasaws. It is stated that among the former nearly one-half read their own language; many write it. There are twenty day schools, and twice as many are needed. School-books in the Indian languages are very much desired. There is an excellent mission school at Tallahassee, carried on jointly by the nation and Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, the latter paying superintendent and teachers, the former paying all other expenses. Superintendent Worcester writes that there are eighty scholars, and says: "We have been greatly encouraged by the eagerness with which the people send their children to the school, and by the evident desire of the Creek national council to sustain us to the utmost of their ability."

The Seminoles had three schools in operation during 1869, with 140 scholars. A fourth school is now started, and the Presbyterian Board is nearly ready to occupy a new mission-house. The superintendent says: "It is very gratifying to witness the avidity manifested by both parents and children for education in this nation. The principal chief and other chiefs have frequently visited the schools and addressed the pupils, urging them in the most earnest and affectionate manner to obey their teachers and improve their present golden opportunities."

It is evident that an excellent foundation is laid. But much greater facilities are needed, as well as a better system and improved buildings, apparatus, and text-books. Two-thirds of the school population are without any education, or at least are not in attendance. Leaving out the additional population of nomadic Indians west of the present Cherokee boundaries, there are from 8,000 to 10,000 partially civilized people moving in from Kansas. A general system ought to be devised and placed under the direction of a suitable person, paid by the government, and with the means of organizing and directing public schools at his command.



The principal of these are in charge of the various Chippewa bands, located in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan, and numbering about 19,000 persons. Of those in the first-named State, a good report is made. The Pembinas are roving, and generally beyond the line of settlement. The Red Lake band are reported as a sober, industrious, and well-behaved tribe." They have made earnest and repeated requests for a school. The Mississippi Chippewas have no school, though an effort is making to establish one. There is a school for the Pillagers, a tribe to whom a bad character as well as bad name is given, conducted on the manual-labor plan.

An excellent general character is given the Lake Superior Chippewas, though little is said as to school matters. The agents say of them: "That these Indians are susceptible of improvement and civilization there can be no doubt, but to reclaim and civilize them is a work of time-the work of a generation, or perhaps generations. Patience, justice and truthfulness being constantly exercised toward them, is sure to result in their gradual improvement." They are mostly connected with the Catholic missions, ong located among them. In Michigan, the Öttawas and Chippewas are generally inclined to become citizens.

The Stockbridges and Oneidas, of the Green Bay (Wisconsin) agency, appear to be doing well. Their agent says:

"The Stockbridges are generally well educated; most of them speak, read, and write our language, and are capable, under proper guardianship, of becoming an intelligent, enterprising, and prosperous people.

"The Oneidas are steadily advancing in the acquisition of the manners and customs of civilized communities. It is believed that the best interests of the Oneidas will be promoted by allotting farms to such as desire them, and creating with the avails of their surplus lands a permanent fund for the maintenance of schools among them." They have schools near Keshena and at Oneida, with an average attendance of 251 scholars.

The "New York Indians" number in all 4,991, of whom 2,427 are children. The schools are under the State laws. There are in all twenty-two district schools, which are reported as very well attended. On the Tonawanda reservation buildings for a manuallabor school are in process of construction. The State legislature provides for one-half the needed amount, and the Indians find the balance, and eighty acres of land for farm purposes. The attendance at the schools is larger and more regular, and the tribes are improving socially, morally, and financially. These Indians are reported to be increasing in number, which was the case also with the nations within the Indian Territory, before the rebellion.

There are several small bands of vagrant Indians scattered through various States, and nothing is said about or done for them in the matter of education.


The newly-acquired northwest Territory contains, it is estimated, an Indian population of at least 70,000 souls. They present characteristics differing widely from those we have been accustomed to observe. With the exception of the Esquimaux they are represented as active and intelligent. According to a report made to the War Depart ment by Major General Halleck they may be classified under four general divisions, and again subdivided in eighteen tribes and bands.

Hon. Vincent Colyer, of the Indian peace commission, who visited the Territory, gives interesting facts bearing on the present condition of these tribes, the existing facilities for education and the progress already made. At the first village he reached the houses were arranged interiorly like ship's cabins, and had doors and windows, with glass sashes. He found them quick in imitation, even to the extent of skillful drawing. Some of the young men were good mechanics. The Koloshan division, living in Southeast Alaska, are quick, shrewd, and willing to learn. Surgeon Bailey, United States Army, medical director, says of the Indians about Sitka, that they are "a civil and well-behaved people. They do not want bayonets to keep them in subjection, but they do need honest, faithful, and Christian workers among them, who will care for them, teach and instruct them in the useful arts, and that they are responsible beings." Mr. Colyer called a meeting of the chiefs to ascertain if they cared for schools, &c. To all such propositions they gladly assented, promising to secure the children's attendance, and also that of the unemployed people at the schools. Among the islanders, Mr. Colyer found a considerable degree of intelligence. In one (Oukamack) he found over a hundred able to read in the Russian language. A priest of the Greek Church lives among them. At another island the natives were erecting a new church, the cost of which they defrayed themselves. The Aleutes are nominally members of the Russo-Greek Church. A few can read and write. The few schools on these islands are hardly worthy the name. Various witnesses are cited by Mr. Colyer, who all testify to the Indians' capacity for improvement. The interior tribes are said to be a peaceable race. The Aleutians, he says, are a very quiet race, and nearly all Christians," (Greek Church.) Mr. Dodge, ex-mayor of Sitka, says of the Alaska Indians, that "they are of a very superior intelligence." The Sitka post trader says they "are industrious and ingenious." He urges industrial mission schools.


It is suggested that their tribal life should be utilized as local municipal germs. We should provide a good system of schools and instructors in the useful arts; give magisterial powers to the heads of missions and to the principal teachers; encourago the chiefs in the habit of regarding themselves as civil officers charged with preserving the law. An experiment of this character in British Columbia has worked well. There can be no escape from the duty devolving upon the General Government in this matter. The facts are sufficient to warrant the hope that the pressing necessity for comprehensive action will be at once recognized.

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