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walks or path almost to the castle. The drive to and from Blarney Castle is beautiful along the River Lee and through numerous hamlets, where we had a good view of peasant life. They are not a cleanly race, but, like everything else, there are exceptions. Their houses, or shanties, are all low, most of them having thatched roofs. Pigs and chickens have the freedom of the one room with the other inmates. Even in the larger houses, the sty and house are under the same roof. The hedge rows or hedges in Ireland are different from England, being built of stone and covered with earth and sod, wild flowers growing over all of them. Much of the earth of Ireland is peet, which is of two kinds, red and black. The black they seem to roll into balls about the size of our cannon balls, while the red is cut into squares about the size of our bricks. I suppose these balls and cakes are dried before use, as I saw great beds of both kinds left in regular order, as if for drying. I cannot see how they or anything else can get or keep dry in Ireland, as it rains daily. Returning to Cork, we drove by St. Ann Shandon, where we heard the bells of Shandon, which the sexton rang for us. We also saw St. Finn Barr's cathedral. This is a Protestant cathedral and a handsome modern building. There are many handsome buildings in Cork. In the afternoon we went by train to Bantry. We had a tea basket put in our compartment en route, so Gusty could have her 4 o'clock tea.


We arrived at Bantry at 7 o'clock, taking a coach to Glengariff. The coach was a large one ing twenty-five people, and was very easy riding had a good chauffeur, who took advantage of t roads and drove slowly over the rough ones. joyed this ride greatly, the scenery being rugged and beautiful. At Glengariff we stopped at Hotel, which is a very good hotel, situated on bay. It is very pretty here at low tide, showing grown rocks and seaweeds. This is one of Ire favorite resorts. They have, as usual, num stands of souvenirs for sale. I got a harp of and a shamrock pin tray, both of carved bogGlengariff is said to be one of the most beautiful in Ireland, as there are fine views of both mou and sea. Either here or motoring to Killarney I lost my D. A. R. pin. I made every effort to fi but did not succeed.

Wednesday, June 8. We left, after luncheo motor coach for Killarney and the lakes. I was ious to secure seats in the same coach that we come on, but it was filled immediately and we obliged to take the smaller one. This holds eig passengers. I was on the back seat with a gentl and his wife. Gusty's seat was just in front of The young Irish chauffeur was most anxious to before the larger coach, but we left together. chauffeur coming into Parkinenas first, where w

stopped for tea, at the Grand Southern Hotel. This was quite an attractive place. Tea was served in the garden. As in the morning, there was rivalry which should start first, our man was the first out, but our side curtains becoming loosened, he was obliged to stop and put them properly in place, this taking some ten or fifteen minutes, which gave the second coach the start. The wild young Irishman tried in vain to make up the lost time, and it was from here that I took one of the wildest, roughest rides I ever experienced, all roads being alike to this fellow in his mad endeavor to catch up with the larger coach. I was fearful we would meet with some accident, and of course was holding tightly to the side, but the bumping, jolting and knocking I received made my neck and head seem about to be severed. I really suffered agonies.


When at last we reached Killarney and Lake Hotel on the lower lake, I went to bed as soon as we secured our rooms. The lady and gentleman on the seat with me happened to be a doctor and his wife, as Miss Binford found at dinner, they being seated. at table together. I was too miserable and did not want anything sent to me. The doctor told Miss Binford I was so frightened that it had made me ill, and when Gusty told me, I was furious at the doctor for saying so, and just as furious at Gusty for believing it, as I knew my illness was caused from the

dreadful jolting I had received. I missed m the beautiful scenery on this ride, as it was to and furious for me to pay much attention beauties. I did see the upper lake, which is s be the most beautiful one, and also the best k from the Irish song of "Kate Karney," who lived on the banks of Killarney. On this rid saw quantities of yellow iris, foxglove, and num fuschia hedges. Lake Hotel is most beautiful cated at the head of the lake, giving a sweeping of it. The grounds are large and well kept.

Thursday, June 9. I arose, feeling all right enjoyed a good breakfast. Taking a victoria, we to Muckross Abbey, a picturesque old ruin, ivy ered, and as seen in connection with the lake, fo charming picture. From here we drove to Ross C another ivy-covered and picturesque old ruin. of these are but a short distance from the hote on our way to the station, where we took the to Dublin. We found all compartments about As we were obliged to change cars we could not s through seats. At Mallow we could only find tw occupied seats, and both of them were backy There seemed to be one front seat not occupied Augusta asked the lady seated next to it if it vacant. She replied, "No, it belongs to my husba They were Americans. He appeared just befor started, and then disappeared into a smoking partment, and we saw no more of him until ou rival in Dublin. His seat was reserved for hin

his wife, while I was obliged to ride backwards the entire distance. Gusty was very much provoked about it.


Arriving in Dublin, we drove to Hotel Shelbourne, and as Augusta went to the office this same American pushed in front of her in his effort to secure rooms. This was more than she could stand, and she told him it was the first time she had ever met with any discourtesy while traveling abroad and that then it had come from her own countryman. what had happened and gave the man a withering look, The clerk realized but it was too late to do more. We were not able to secure good rooms here, as the best had been taken, so we went over to the Metropole. We found indifferent rooms here, but took them, as our time was limited, and we only expected to sleep there. I had been wanting a shampoo for quite a while, and thought as this was a large city, it was best to have it done while here. Augusta went to the office to make inquiries regarding the best people for this work, as I wanted it done in my room. here has to be done through the office, and they promEverything over ised to send me a reliable man. He came very soon, but when I asked for a dry shampoo, he seemed nonplussed, and said he was not prepared for it, but would go get the preparation. I told him what I wanted was powdered orris root rubbed thoroughly through the hair and on the scalp and then brushed till thoroughly

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