be hanged at home; 'tis dangerous. - Well, I perceive he was a wise fellow, and had good discretion, that being bid to ask what he would of the king, desired he might know none of his secrets.1 Now do I see he had some reason for it; for if a king bid a man be a villain, he is bound by the indenture of his oath to be one.-Hush, here come the lords of Tyre. Enter HELICANUS, ESCANES, and other Lords. Hel. You shall not need, my fellow peers of Tyre, Hel. If further yet you will be satisfied, What from Antioch? [Aside. [Aside. Hel. Royal Antiochus (on what cause I know not) Took some displeasure at him; at least he judged so; And doubting lest that he had erred or sinned, To show his sorrow, would correct himself; So puts himself unto the shipman's toil, With whom each minute threatens life or death. Thal. Well, I perceive [Aside. I shall not be hanged now, although I would; 1 Who this wise fellow was, may be known from the following passage in Barnabie Riche's Souldier's Wishe to Briton's Welfare, or Captaine Skill and Captaine Pill, 1604, p. 27:-" I will therefore commende the poet Philipides, who being demaunded by king Lisimachus, what favour he might doe unto him for that he loved him, made this answere to the king-That your majesty would never impart unto me any of your secrets." 2 The old copy reads: "But since he's gone the king's seas must please: The emendation is by Dr. Percy. Hel. Lord Thaliard from Antiochus is welcome. With message unto princely Pericles ; Commended to our master, not to us. SCENE IV. Tharsus. A Room in the Governor's House. Enter CLEON, DIONYZA, and Attendants. Cle. My Dionyza, shall we rest us here, Dio. That were to blow at fire, in hope to quench it; Who wanteth food, and will not say he wants it, 1 The adverb since, which is wanting in the old copy, was supplied by Steevens for the sake of sense and metre. The alteration was made by Steevens. 3 The old copy reads, "If heaven slumber," &c. This was probably an alteration of the licenser of the press. They may awake their helps to comfort them. Cle. This Tharsus, o'er which I have government, clouds, And strangers ne'er beheld, but wondered at; Cle. But see what Heaven can do! By this our change, These mouths, whom but of late, earth, sea, and air, Although they gave their creatures in abundance, 1 To jet is to strut, to walk proudly. 2 The old copy has : The emendation was proposed by Mason. 3 Thus in New Custom; Dodsley's Old Plays, vol. i. p. 284: "Borne to all wickedness, and nusled in all evil." So Spenser, Faerie Queene, i. vi. 23: "Whom, till to ryper years he gan aspyre, He nousled up in life and manners wilde." 2 Here stands a lord, and there a lady weeping: Dio. Our cheeks and hollow eyes do witness it. And her prosperities so largely taste, Enter a Lord. Lord. Where's the lord governor? Speak out thy sorrows which thou bring'st, in haste, Lord. We have descried, upon our neighboring shore, A portly sail of ships make hitherward. One sorrow never comes, but brings an heir, That may succeed as his inheritor ; And so in ours. Some neighboring nation, Taking advantage of our misery, Hath stuffed these hollow vessels with their power,1 Lord. That's the least fear; for, by the semblance Of their white flags displayed, they bring us peace, And come to us as favorers, not as foes. Cle. Thou speak'st like him untutored to repeat, Who makes the fairest show means most deceit. But bring they what they will, what need we fear? 1 By power is meant forces. 2 A letter has been probably dropped at press: we may read, "of unhappy men." 3 It has been already observed, that whereas was sometimes used for where; as well as the converse, where for whereas. 4 The quarto of 1609 reads : "Thou speak'st like himnes untutored to repeat." The ground's the low'st, and we are half way there.1 Go tell their general, we attend him here, To know for what he comes, and whence he comes, And what he craves. Lord. I go, my lord. [Exit. Cle. Welcome is peace, if he on peace consist; 2 If wars, we are unable to resist. Enter PERICLES, with Attendants. Per. Lord governor, for so we hear you are,- Are stored with corn, to make your needy bread, And we'll pray for you. Per. Rise, I pray you, rise ; We do not look for reverence, but for love; The curse of Heaven and men succeed their evils! 1 The quarto of 1619 reads: "But bring they what they will, and what they can, The ground's the low'st, and we are halfway there." 2 i. e. if he rest or stand on peace. 3 The old copy reads : And these our ships you happily may think Are like the Trojan horse, was stuffed within With bloody veines," &c. The emendation is Steevens's. |