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potato, some of them of this town, and many from other towns, counties and States. Yes, I will give MR. EDITOR:-Will some of your corresponthe gentleman, if he wishes, the most substantial dents who own "fast nags," please favor me through evidence from his own county. My only object, or the columns of your paper, with an account of their desire is, that the truth may be known, and if this manner of treating them? That is, what kind of potato is as good as I believe it to be, let the farm-feed they give them; cut feed or their hay whole, ers raise it; but if "it is a miserable concern," then what quantity, when, &c. I will raise my voice against it as quick as "South Danvers," or any other man, for I detest humbugs.

More anon.

Newton Centre, Oct. 5, 1855.

J. F. C. H.



When they are to trot, should they be allowed to eat much that day?

There are many horses owned in the country that would make fair trotters, but their owners not being accustomed to the business, do not know how to take care of them properly, nor how to train them. A SUBSCRIBER.

Coos County, Oct. 4, 1855.

MESSRS. EDITORS:-For some few years past, my neighbors have, as they supposed, been troubled by For the New England Farmer. the birds taking the ends of their ears of Indian "WHAT AILS THE APPLE TREES." corn, from the time it is in the milk until harvest. Last year Mr. Ames, a near neighbor, informed me MR. EDITOR-In an article under this heading that his fields were very much damaged. This sea- a correspondent refers to a disease in the bark of son my turn has come, but it is the work of an in- some of his trees, which he thinks may have been sect, in my case, at least, and I have good reasons caused by a small worm working between the bark for thinking that the birds have been charged with and the wood. As we have had a little experience the labors of this bug, or unknown insect, quite too ourselves in this matter, we venture to give you the long. result of our experiments. Being yesterday in one of our fields of corn, for The bark is no doubt affected by the working of the purpose of cutting the top-stalks, I resolved that a small flat worm from one-eighth to three-quarters I would watch some of those ears which had been of an inch in length. It is nearly white and works lately the food of something, I knew not what, when in a lateral direction, reminding one of the motion to my surprise, I found five of these insects very of the chain inside of a watch. It generally combusy upon one single ear of corn, and each of them mences its ravages on the south side of the tree, in the very act of eating it and dropping the husks working up and down and if not stopped in season, in very small pieces upon the ground. will girdle the tree. By removing all the dead

Herewith I send you a sample of their labors, and bark, and all parts of the bark that bear traces of three of the insects. Perhaps Prof. Harris, or some the worm, and rubbing over the place affected on other person with whom you may be acquainted, the tree with soft soap, we have succeeded in saving may be able to give us some light upon the subject. Nearly one-half of the best ears in one of our fields are badly injured, or partly destroyed.

our trees, though we lost one or two valuable trees before trying this remedy. Great care must be taken to cut every particle of bark which the worms have worked.

The above information I have gained from my husband, and hoping it may be of some use, I send it to you. Respectfully yours,

Springfield, Vt.


Yours truly, C. W. MACOMBER. East Marshfield, Sept. 11, 1855. REMARKS.-One of the ears sent us was all destroyed, excepting, perhaps, half a dozen kernels, the other eaten only a short way down from the tip. We made a partial examination of the only one of the three insects left when the box reached us, and| put him back for further investigation, but he too escaped, so that we are not able to give even a partial description. The eating off of the kernels was season. A gentleman, to my knowledge, availing evidently not the work of squirrels or birds.


For the New England Farmer.

BUDDING WITH THE SECKEL PEAR. MR. EDITOR:-The Seckel, Lawrence, and some other varieties perfect their wood very early in the

himself of this fact, several years since, on the sixth and seventh of July inserted on a standard, buds of the same year's growth. These buds took finely, grew nine inches during the same season, and riMR. EDITOR:-Will you or some of your corres-pened that wood so thoroughly that without a sinpondents inform me of a remedy for the exuding gle exception they withstood the following winter; of gum from peach trees?

Also, whether asparagus will do well transplanted in the fall? A SUBSCRIBER.

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they are now fine, healthy branches, laden with
their full quota of fruit. I see not, Mr. Editor,
why this plan might not be generally practised in
inserting the buds of such of our trees as ripen
their wood early in the season, and thus a growth
of one year be gained on the usual method. Should
it be a fact that any early variety perfects its wood
sufficiently early, then by inserting a plump fruit
bud, might we not occasionally witness the phenom-
wood which grew the same year?
enon of a late crop of early pears produced on

Marblehead, Sept. 25, 1855.

For the New England Farmer.

comparison with horses. We believe that on every

WORCESTER SOUTH AGRICULTURAL farm numbering a hundred acres and upwards, a portable engine could be profitably used.-Scientific American.


This Society held its first anniversary under its charter, at Sturbridge, on the 3d inst. The weather ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.-Our acknowledgments are was fine, the show of cattle good, the tables hand- due DANIEL P. COBURN, Esq., of Tyngsboro', for a somely covered with fruits and various objects of variety of apples, as well as for a forty-pound melfemale manufacture, and the whole went off in a on. To Mr. ELBRIDGE G. FARMER, of West Camvery satisfactory and encouraging manner. The bridge, for apples, and to several unknown persons address was by Hon. Amasa Walker; subject, Home who have kindly sent us fruits.




Education of the Farmer. The speaker dwelt principally upon the practicability and importance of establishing Farmers' Clubs in every agricultural town in the commonwealth, for the purpose of establishing courses of lectures and classes for studying agricultural works. These he would have united into one great system under the auspices of the State, all acting together, and co-operating for the When I was a little boy, I always took a great diffusion of scientific and practical information in interest in the plants that grew in my father's garregard to agriculture, horticulture, and other kin- den. My father was quite a gardener. The neighdred topics. The subject was examined in all its bors, I remember, used to say that his heart was details, and its feasibility illustrated by analogous bound up in his garden. Every morning in the examples. The address was listened to with pro- spring of the year, after the plants began to show found attention, and seemed to meet the approval their heads above the surface of the ground, he of the audience.

might be found among the cucumbers, and the melons, and the peas, and the cabbages; and I learned, after a while, to watch the appearance and growth of these plants with almost as much interest as he did.

For the New England Farmer. REMOVAL OF STUMPS. MR. EDITOR :-In a recent number of your journal appeared an article approving the use of the One spring, I recollect, the cucumber plants were stump machine. We have adopted a method in this quite backward in showing their faces above ground. vicinity for the removal of stumps which I find efIt grew so late, that he almost despaired of their ficient and profitable. Dig about the stumps to excoming up at all. The weather was too cold, propose the main body, then fill in with dead brush or bably, to admit of their sprouting. They came up, other dry stuff, and pile fuel about the stump somehowever, at last, and looked as finely as if they had what after the manner of preparing a coal kiln; appeared at the time when they were first due. cover with sods closely and compactly, open a small They grew fast as soon as the warm weather came place and set the wood on fire, and close all up. If on; and, to my eyes, it was a very pleasant sight properly tended for a few hours, to renew sods and to see the old oval leaves growing wider and new keep the covering close, the stump will be reduced ones of a different shape coming out, one after to ashes fit for fertilizing purposes. another, above them.

Every large pine stump which I can treat in this manner I regard worth about a dollar. Bangor, Me.


I was a good deal surprised, though, one morning, to see several of these plants looking sickly; and I was still more surprised the next day, to find them looking worse. Nor was that all the mystery. Other plants were, one by one, attacked in A FARM STEAM ENGINE. the same way, and they, like the first, sickened and One of our correspondents-A. C. Ireland, of died. What was the matter with the cucumber Chillicothe, Ohio-informs us that a neat portable plants? Were they sick? Was it a disease that steam engine, for driving a grain thrasher and struck them and carried them off?

separator, has been constructed at the machine shop I went to my father with the inquiry. "It is a of Wm. Welsh, of that place, under the superin-worm at the root," he said. I thought he must be tendence of John Ritchie, and has been in operation mistaken, and told him so. I had pulled up some since the 5th of last July, thrashing and cleaning of the plants which were dying, and could see no from five to six hundred bushels per day. It is worm round the roots. There is a large black capable of doing more than this, but H. Wade-for worm that often cuts off the young cucumber plant, whom it was built-says that this is excellent work. just below the surface of the ground. He does his The boiler is tubular, the cylinder is of 6 inches work as neatly as a man could do it with a penbore and 12 inches stroke. It make 175 revolu- knife. That was the kind of worm I expected to tions per minute, with steam at 40 lbs. pressure, and find. But he was not there, and I knew of no does more work than any common thrashing ma- other worm that was an enemy to young cucumber chine driven by eight horses. It is placed on broad plants. But I found out, from my father, at the tread wheels, four feet in diameter, is easily drawn time I am speaking about, that there is a very small from place to place by two horses, with the boiler worm who kills the cucumber plant as surely as the filled, and is very economical in the use of fuel. black rascal, though he goes at his work in a differThis engine is capable of driving various agricultu- ent way. He is a very little fellow, and gets inside ral machines and sawing firewood for the family. the root, makes his home there, poisons the plant, We have no doubt but portable steam engines will and eats out its very life, little by little.

yet come into more general use among our farmers, Now, my dear reader, that is just exactly the way as they are so convenient and easily managed in that a certain little worm cuts up everything good

in the heart, when he is allowed to stay there. a delicious and wholesome food. This is not an And I'll tell you the name of that worm, and de- untried novelty, for both red and white beets are scribe him to you when you come across him, so extensively used on the continent; in Italy, particthat you will guard against his sly mode of doing ularly, they are carried about hot from the oven mischief. I say his sly mode of doing mischief. twice a day, and sold publicly in the streets; thus That is the greatest danger one has to fear. It is they are purchased by all classes of people, and his sneaking way of spoiling the young plant. give to thousands, with bread, salt, pepper and butA very dear friend of mine has two children. ter, a satisfactory meal. There are few purposes One of them is about eight years old, and the oth- for which baked, or even roasted or fried beet root, er, perhaps, twelve. Now, the younger of these would not be found preferable to boiled.—Ag. Exbrothers is beloved by everybody, while the older change.

is very generally disliked. Shall I tell you the rea- TO PRESERVE CRAB-APPLES.-Take off the stem, son why people regard the two brothers with feel- and core them with a pen-knife, without cutting ings so widely different? I know well enough them open; weigh a pound of white sugar for each what the reason is. It is because one is unselfish, pound of prepared fruit; put a teacup of water to and the other is selfish. Nathan, the older brother, each pound of sugar; put it over a moderate fire. was not always the unlovely boy he is now. When When the sugar is all dissolved, and hot, put the I first knew him, several years ago, though he had apples in; let them boil gently until they are clear, then rather too much selfishness about him, then skim them out, and spread them on flat dishes. thought I could see a great many things to love in Boil the syrup until it is thick; put the syrup in him. The truth is, that thief of a worm, selfishness, whatever they are to be kept, and when the syrup has been at work for years in his heart, and he has is cooled and settled, pour it carefully over the been eating all the time. He has grown to be a fruit. Slices of lemon boiled with the fruit may large worm now. The plants he has fed on have be considered an improvement; one lemon is nourished him and made him grow. He does his enough for several pounds of fruit. Crab-apples work faster and faster, as he gets larger. It is astonishing what havoc this worm makes in the stem on; three-quarters of a pound of sugar be preserved whole, with only half an inch of the garden of that boy's heart. The sly fellow for each pound of fruit.-Godey's Lady's Book. does not content himself with one plant. He


gnaws a little at the root of one, and then goes to CUSTARD PIE WITHOUT EGGS.-Place a quantity another, until he has injured, if not quite spoiled of new milk, as much as desired, over a slow fire, everything lovely in the garden. The worm seems and allow it to heat slowly until it boils, taking to like the finest plants better than the rest, and so pains not to scorch it, as that imparts a disagreeable he eats away at the roots of Kindness, Charity, taste. For every quart of milk take four tableGentleness, Love, Forgiveness, Truth, Frankness, spoonfuls of flour, beat it well with cold milk to Generosity, and such tender and delicate plants as prevent it from being lumpy, and as soon as the milk boils, pour in the thickening and stir it well


I tell you what, young friend, Selfishness is one until it boils again, then remove it instantly from of the worst enemies you can harbor in your breast. the fire. Sweeten to suit the taste, and flavor with "Oh, I'm not selfish, Uncle Frank. Pray don't nutmeg or cinnamon, and it is ready for use, either accuse me of selfishness." cold or hot. Prepare the crust as usual for custard

I don't accuse you of selfishness. I hope, indeed, pies, fill them with the above preparation, and bake you are not selfish. But, as I said before, this hem an hour in an oven moderately hot. When worm is a sly fellow. He creeps slyly into the sufficiently cooked, they will resemble in appearance heart, in the first place, and he does his work there a genuine "egg pie," and will scarcely be distinslyly. You had better look out for him. That is guished by the taste. Custards may be made in my advice. If he is in, turn him out; the quicker the same way, and if baked until the whey starts, the better. If he has not crept in yet, don't let they will be nearly equal to those prepared with him in. Keep him out, keep him out!-Youth's eggs. Rice and other puddings may be made withCabinet.




BAKED BEETS.--A good housewife assures us that the mode of cooking beets herein described, preferable to all others:

out eggs, by boiling and thickening the milk in this way, and if they are well baked will prove excellent.-Ohio Cultivator.

TO MAKE GOOD JELLY.-Take apples of the best quality and good flavor, (not sweet,) cut them in quarters or slices, and stew them till soft; then strain the juice, being very careful not to let any of the pulp go through the strainer. Boil it to the consistency of molasses; then weigh it and add as "Beet root cannot be too much recommended to the sugar is dissolved. Add one ounce of extract many pounds of sugar, stirring in constantly until the notice of mankind, as a cheap and salubrious of lemon to every twenty pounds of jelly, and when substitute for the now failing and diseased potato. cold, set it away in jars. It will keep good for Hitherto the red kind has been only used in Eng-years. Those who have not made jelly in this way, land as a pickle, or as a garnish for salad; even the will do well to try it. They will find it superior to few who dress it, generally boil it, by which process currant jelly.-Michigan Farmer. the rich saccharine juice is lost, and the root conse

quently rendered less nutritious by the quantity of BACHELOR'S PONE.-One quart of milk, two water it imbibes, as well as by parting with the na- eggs, teaspoonful of salæratus, and Indian meal tive syrup, of which it is thus forcibly deprived; it sufficient to make a batter about the thickness of is, therefore, strongly recommended to bake instead pancakes. Bake quick in pans previously buttered, of boiling them, when they will be found to afford and eat while they are warm.

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For one-half Page, six months,


55,00 100,00 5,00



Ruggles, Nourse, Mason & Co.,

Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of


Such as Horse Powers and Threshers,

Superior Plows, of all Kinds and Sizes,

For one-half Page, one year, .

Advertisements of less than half a page will be


charged at the rate of six cents per line, nonpareil. Hay, Stalk and Straw Cutters,

No discount will be made from the above rates.

New Canaan Nursery,

3 MILES FROM NORWALK BRIDGE. The subscribers respectfully solicit the attention of fruit-growers and dealers in trees to their large stock, offered for sale this Fall and the coming Spring, consisting in part of 50,000 Apple trees, three and four years old from the bud 'or graft, of thrifty growth and the most approved varieties. Also, 15,000 Peach trees, one year from the bud. Persons wishing to purchase will do well to examine our stock or communicate with us before purchasing elsewhere. STEPHEN HOYT & CO. 4w*1

New Canaan, Ct., Oct. 13, 1855.

Fruit and Ornamental Trees,

[blocks in formation]

New-Rochelle or Lawton


HE subscriber has been appointed agent by Messrs. George
Seymour & Co., South Norwalk, Ct., for the sale of the gen-



[blocks in formation]

The undersigned begs leave to inform his numerous friends and customers, that he is now ready to execute all orders for Fruit, Forest and Ornamental Trees, Evergreen Shrubs, Stocks, etc. etc. His stock is particularly fine this year for all kinds of trees except Quince Stocks, the crop of which has again failed. The Catalogue for 1855 is ready for distribution, and all those who wish to obtain a copy, can procure one free of charge, by addressing our agent in New York, Mr. F. A. BRUGUIERE, No. 138 Pearl Street, successor to our former agent and friend, Mr. E. Bossange, who has retired from business. Orders should be sent at once, to secure a complete assortment. All required information to import trees, etc., will be found on the first page of our Catalogue.

[blocks in formation]

F. A. BRUGUIERE, Sole Agent,
138 Pearl St., New York.


uine Plants, direct from their grounds, of this new and superior variety, fruit very large and sweet. It is an enormous bearer. De Berg's No. 1 Super-Phosphate of Lime, Fine, strong plants will be ready for delivery in October and November, or March and April next, at $5 per dozen plants.

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[blocks in formation]

For sale by PARNER, WHITE & GANNETT, tion of Hunters' Goods. 47, 59 & 63 Blackstone Street.

Oct. 20, 1855.


12 Washington Street, Boston.

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