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"Hoary, and dim, and bare, and shivering,
Like a poor almsman comes the aged Year,
What kind 'God save you all, good gentlefolks!"
Heap on fresh fuel, make a blazing fire.
Bring out the cup of kindness, spread the board,
And gladden Winter with our cheerfulness!
Welcome! To you, and yours, and all! All health!"
Lay of a Twelvemonth.

NO. 12.


useful leaves, and now stand unincumbered to resist the shocks of northern blasts, or to reject the accumulating snows which would otherwise rest upon and crush them to the earth. "Now, denuded of their gay attire, they spread forth their thousand branches against the gray sky, and present as endless a variety of form and feature for study and observation, as they did when dressed in all the flaunting fashECEMBER closes the ions of midsummer. Singly, the fruit trees, as trees, circle of the Months have little beauty-but clustering in the orchard, --each has appear- they partially atone for the desolation around them, ed in its turn, bring- and prevent the whole landscape from being blank. ing its peculiar ap-On a closer examination, their bloom-buds, which pearances, and in- the late leaves of autumn, had concealed from the fluences, and appro- view, stand confessed, upon the otherwise bare priate duties, each branches, and, dressed, in their patent wind-andin its own way car-water-proof coats, brave the utmost severity of the rying forward the season,-their hard unpromising outsides, comgreat work of re-pared with the forms of beauty which they contain, production, to sustain the reminding us of their friends, the butterflies, when teeming population of the in the chrysalis state." Now the fields are brown earth; and though so different in and sere, the hills are deserted of oxen and sheep their character, they are equally es- and milch-kine, and look rusty and dull and forsaksential in their relation to the whole, en. Now the low meadows reveal by their bright having a mutual office to perform red leaves and stems, the cranberry patches dotted which must fail without a perfect here and there through their whole extent, and union and harmony of purpose. giving those usually disagreeable grounds an attracBut the change is striking. The tiveness which they do not possess at any other pegreen meadows and leaves were fol- riod of the year.

lowed by our gorgeous autumnal fo- Then THE GARDEN, blank and dreary and disliage, with its innumerable tints gleaming in the mal as the landscape generally is, The Garden, sun, and the thousand varying hues of the low must not be forgotten, for Nature does not forget shrubbery, the darker red and purple, or the bright- it. "Though the gardener can find little to do in it, er orange of the shrubs under the walls and fences, she is ever at work there, and ever with a wise or scattered among the undergrowth of the forest. hand, and graceful as wise. The wintry winds of And still another change has come; all these, late November having shaken down the last lingering so beautiful, have disappeared. The noble forest is leaves from the trees, the final labor of the gardenstripped of its summer dress, and its showy, yet er was employed in making all trim and clean; in fading, autumnal vestment, and stands bare in stern turning up the dark earth, to give it air; pruning grandeur, indifferent to all the assaults of Winter. off the superfluous produce of summer, and gathThe graceful elm or drooping willow, the noble oak ering away the worn-out attire that the perennial and ash and the symmetrical maple, have all yield- flowers leave behind them, when they sink into the ed to the common law-have cast their no longer earth to seek their winter home." In the garden


young pear trees, plums, quinces, and various had no "gay Lothario" to call their own, would shrubs, are clustering about each other, and seem to sometimes indulge in attempting to divine the name have a mutual understanding that they will resist of the man they were to marry, in various ways, the Winter together like a company of friends in One was for the girls to go to the wood-pile, and adversity, who will support and encourage one each draw a faggot-stick; if the stick was straight other to the last. Sometimes, if the snows have and nice, then the future husband would be goodnot come, and the sun looks kindly into the gar- tempered and kind, but if the stick were crooked, den, a bright Pansy may be seen even in DECEM- then the husband would be a "hard customer," and BER, half-hidden under a friendly leaf, but peeping lead them a crooked life.

"Unto some woodstacke do they go,

and while they there do stande Eche one draws out a faggot sticke the next that comes to hande, Which if it straight and even be, and have no knots at all,

out into the world at mid-day; or a few Chrysan- Old Barnaby Googe renders this account into themums may still linger, their various-colored metre, and it may be interesting to some of our stars looking like faded imitations of the gay, glar- unmarried readers to see it, and is as follows:ing China-aster. Here, too, may flit a bird, lingering too long in his summer home, or perchance one from higher regions north, the pioneer of thousands yet to come. The currant and gooseberry bushes, the climbing plants, the raspberry canes, bending their long tops gracefully to the earth, with the edges of box along the paths, and here and there the arbor vitæ, the pine, fir or spruce breaking the north winds and sheltering the more tender plants, give the garden an aspect of warmth and attractiveness, amid the general decay which prevails on the farm.

A gentle husband then they thinke,
shall surely to them fall.
But if it foulle and crooked be,

and knotted here and theare,
A crabbed, churlish husband then,
they earnestly do feare."

So they had many similar festivals in France, which were abrogated by the revolution, but revivDECEMBER is a merry Month, after all. Dreary ed by Buonaparte, he appreciating the influence of fields, bare forests, cold and snow and winds only such customs upon the people. compel us to seek within, the enjoyments which Our Initial Letter, at the head of this article, inthe Summer presented to us from without. So we dicates something of the old customs. The Harfind the heart turning to itself for a compensation vest is gathered-all the gods of the Seasons have for what it has lost in the wonderful drapery of the smiled upon us, Ceres, Pomona and old Cybele earth, in soft winds, refreshing showers, singing herself-so that our garners are full, and here they birds, and the joy manifested in the summer season are being presented, perhaps by some of the godby all animated creation. Now we have a compar- desses themselves, after having exhausted all the ative exemption from labor, bright fires and cheer- mysteries of the culinary art in their preparation. ful hearths; gathered households and happy re- Come, then, to the feast, earned by your Industry unions, weddings, and the delightful contemplation and Skill. Welcome, December, storm and bluster of full granaries and cellars and barns, and the hope as you will, come with snow and hail and cimmethat all the dear ones entrusted to our care may rian darkness, if you please, you cannot touch the share in the products of the farm, so bountifully cheerful hearts that have gathered the Harvest and provided by Him who never fails to pour into the spread this bountiful board. With our thanks first lap of honest Industry a due reward. to the Giver of the Sunshine and the Rain, and

This has been so in all time, and it is curious to next to the willing and efficient partners of our observe what a wonderful power man has to create, toil, we gladly sing out the last days of the Old as it were, by turning to himself, a compensation Year, and trustfully await the advent of the New. for that which is lost by the operations of nature, As we have intimated above, the engagements and over which he has no control. So December of the farmer are not now so pressing as in some is a merry month-having its merry meetings of the other months, but still, work may always throughout our land, and its "Wish you merry be found, and one important item is in regard to Christmas," on every tongue. In describing the the

customs of the people, English history is full of in- MANURE HEAPS.-As, in our climate, planting teresting accounts of their enjoyments in Decem- time is short, every thing should be done that may ber, and what is remarkable, and what it would be be, to favor the labor of that period. All the mawell for us to imitate, their ceremonies and happy nure that can be got at, should be removed to the gatherings were always in reference to the Harvest, fields where wanted. While severe frost prevails, and their expressions of gratitude were mingled in it will not be injured by the sun and air, and as soon their games and diversions of every kind. They as the surface of the earth around the heap is had foot-balls, matches, races, dancing, wrestling, thawed, the heap may be covered. Hauling manure climbing, singing and story-telling. Matches were in the spring, when it is wet and heavy, and when made and maidens were married, and those who the roads and fields are easily cut up, when plow

ing, harrowing, sowing, &c., are all pressing, is a other men. A perusal of these will increase your great drawback upon the spring work. Make knowledge, and enable you to pass the winter evenmuck heaps in your fields in December, draw the ings pleasantly.

manure to them, and as often as the frost will per- So we come to the close of another revolution of mit, mingle them; the muck will absorb the gases The Months, trusting that our suggestions may from the decomposing manure, while the muck it- sometimes have been agreeable, and tending to self will undergo valuable changes from the air and promote the interest of those who cultivate the rain, and frost, and make that an important fertili- land.


FARM IMPLEMENTS should all be put in perCOLLECT LEAVES FOR LITTER. fect order, ready for use in the spring; if any need After the harvest is over, and before the snows painting, a coat applied now will get hardened cover the ground, a day or two spent by the farmer through the winter, and thus last twice as long as and his hands in collecting the fallen leaves of the when applied just before the implement is wanted forest will be productive of a good store of excelfor use. Every thing of the kind should be placed collection of such materials is not always made in lent litter, and the expenses amply repaid. A good

under cover.

the fall by those who could do it easily. Indeed, ACCOUNTS.-Do not suffer any account to re- this prudent foresight for litter with which to bed main unsettled through the month of January. If down cattle, horses, and other stock, during the winIt not it cannot be paid, look it over and settle it, so that ter, is not sufficiently practised among us. no questions shall arise upon it afterwards. Keep tle, by giving them an easy and warm bed, but it only ensures a great amount of comfort to your cata cash book. Every one will find it gratifying at saves, indirectly, much fodder, in consquence of the the end of the year to know what amount of money warmth thus obtained-cattle eating much less he has received, what for, and for what he has paid when they are kept warm and cleanly. it out. It is a very simple matter, and requires The leaf harvest, then, is one of importance to the farmer, if he will avail himself of it. A calm day or but little time. two spent in this business, with his boys and oxen, SHEEP should not be allowed to find a living and hay-rack, will enable him to get together a in the pastures too late; some persons suffer them large pile of these fallen leaves, and if stowed in a to run until snow covers the ground, without feed- dry place, he will experience the good effects of ing them. Sheep kept in this manner shrink rappared with those which are suffered to lie down, them in the improved condition of his stock, comidly, and it is difficult to bring them up in flesh and perhaps be frozen down, in their own filth. The again through the whole winter. It is cheaper, fertilizing material of leaves also adds essentially to and every way better, to keep all our domestic ani- the enriching qualities of the manure heap. Garmals in good condition. deners prize highly a compost made in part of decomposed leaves.

As the leaf harvest is the last harvest of the year, let it be attended to when its time comes.-Maine Farmer.



POULTRY.-It is unprofitable to winter old hens; if such were not marketed in August or September, when they were worth double what they are now, fat them as rapidly as possible, and put them in the pot. When the ground is covered with snow, see that your fowls are provided with plenty of gravel, lime, pounded bones, or oyster shells, A bad cold, like measles or mumps or other simand occasionally with scraps, or fresh meat. ilar ailments, will run its course of about ten days, SCHOOLS.-Every good farmer will take a de- in spite of what may be done for it, unless remedial cided interest in the schools of his town, to see means are employed within forty-eight hours of its that the building is comfortable and convenient; increasingly useful, by cutting a cold short off, in the inception. Many a useful life will be spared to be that a competent, good-dispositioned and faithful following safe and simple manner. On the first day teacher is employed, and fairly remunerated; to of taking a cold, there is a very unpleasant sensation see that all may attend who desire to, and occasion- of chilliness. The moment you observe this, go to ally look in upon the school himself. your room and stay there; keep it at such a temWINTER EVENINGS.—Attending Lyceum and perature as will entirely prevent this chilly feeling, even if it requires a hundred degrees of Fahrenheit. the Farmers' Club will occupy two. What is to be In addition, put your feet in water, half leg deep, as done in the other four? Have you read several hot as you can bear it, adding hot water from time excellent works that relate particularly to your to time for a quarter of an hour, so that the water business? Youatt and Martin on Cattle; and You- shall be hotter when you take your feet out than when you put them in it; then dry them thoroughly, att on the horse, hog and sheep; the American and then put on warm, thick woolen stockings, even Muck Book, and Dana's Muck Manual; the Com- if it be summer, for summer colds are the most danplete Farmer and American Gardener, by Fessen- gerous; and for twenty-four hours eat not an atom den; Johnston's Elements of Agricultural Chemis- of food; but drink as largely as you desire of any kind of warm teas, and at the end of that time, if try and Geology, together with a variety of other not sooner, the cold will be effectually broken, withbooks, which record the practice and experience of out any medicine whatever.-Me. Farmer.

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