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dicious alterations have been made in the house itself since the last season, among which we would particularly notice the removal of that cumbrous projection called the sounding board, and the insertion of looking-glass into the pannels which surround the boxes. The effect of the change is to give a much lighter and more elegant appear ance to the whole; and as we could hear just as well as before the sounding board was displaced, there was nothing to counteract the increased pleasure of the eye, which is perhaps as fastidious a critic as any other of the senses.

We attended this theatre on June 17, the second night of performance, to witness the debut of a young lady as Polly in the "Beggars' Opera." The entertainment of the evening was prefaced with the introductory Extravaganza, the "Bill of Fare," which is constructed in such a way, as to exhibit nearly the whole of the company. The frame of it is simple enough. Sam Strutt, a provincial manager, advertises for actors, who are to attend him at Hoaxley's Hotel, dressed in character. Sam Stingo,an inn-keeper, makes known his want of a set of servants in precisely the same way, and with the same initials. Thus tempted, it becomes the business of one of those professed jokers, who exist for our amusement on the stage, and our annoyance off it, to direct all the applicants to the wrong S. S. What follows may be easily imagined, the broadest farce, equivoque, and confusion, to the dropping of the curtain. With respect to acting, there is but little to be said, but that little is good. Terry represented the provincial manager, who is evidently the Tate Wilkinson of Mathews,-a manager of the old full dress school, in whose mouth some pleasant quaintnesses upon actors and acting, the advantages of small over large theatres, and so on, are put with tolerable felicity. Oxberry is all

breadth in the inn-keeper; and contrives to find out, very characteristically, that play-houses are pestilential places, because they keep people out of publichouses. The rest of the humour consists in the showing off of the actors and actresses applying for engagements; in which Mrs. Chatterley becomes the "actress of all work," and displays considerable versatility; but to say the truth, that path has been worn to death, and we are becoming accordingly weary ofit. Not so the audience in general, who seemed perfectly satisfied. Upon the whole, this trifle may pass as an opening specimen of frolic; but it is scarcely worthy of a theatre, which has been peculiarly happy in these pleading, apologistical, and introductory pieces of theatrical humour, from the merry days of Foote, down to the very skirts of the now existing age of melo-drama and spectacle.

Of the "Beggars' Opera" we shall say little, except that setting aside the singing, which he leaves out, Mr. Terry is the very best Peachum we ever saw. Of the Macheath of Madame Vestris it is unnecessary to say any thing, it is so well known; it was as harmonious and spirited as ever.. The young lady who made her first appearance as Polly, possesses considerable natural requisites in respect both to person and voice; but we apprehend that considerable practice is necessary to render her adequate to Polly, in a metropolis which boasts of Miss Stephens. Still, there was quite enough displayed to evince the necessary capability, if not the positive acquirement; and as the Haymarket Theatre has never aimed, and indeed ought not to aim at the highest operatical performances, Miss Grenville is likely to prove an immediate acquisition to its boards. By the way, Mrs. Jones, although a little too plump, is a very excellent Lucy.


JUNE 13.-The sixth and last concert of the most generally popular and extraordinary singer that has shone in the musical annals of our period, was performed at the Argyll Rooms. It was understood that Madame Catalani took her final leave of the public on this occasion, and an immense crowd as sembled to hear her retiring sounds her last notes were as powerful and as perfect as ever at any period of her

CONCERT. life, proceeded from her matchless vocal organ.

A Portrait of this distinguished Foreigner decorates the EUROPEAN MAGAZINE; and we refer our readers to her memoirs in our last Number, for an account of the brilliant success that has invariably attended her exertions, from the period of her first appearance in public life.


The days omitted were not distinguished by any business of public importance.



Lord Dacre presented a petition complaining of the conduct of the Bishop of Peterborough, in refusing to licence certain curates till they had answered a number of questions regarding doc trines, which questions were formerly eighty-seven, but to which the bishop had added thirty-six upon one topic.— Some of these questions were of a difficult nature, and his lordship maintained that the bishop had been harsh and arbitrary, and had exceeded his powers, which were simply to confine his examination to the thirty-nine articles. He moved that the petition do lie on the table. The Bishop of Peterborough contended that it was the duty of the bishop to adopt his own mode of examination, and that to interfere on such a subject would be highly improper, and without precedent, and that, moreover, he had not added, but had only substituted thirty-six questions.-Lord Holland doubted the legality of the bishop's conduct, and was convinced that it was arbitrary and impolitic. Lord Calthorpe thought the House ought to express its reprobation of the prelate's proceedings as pernicious and fatal-and Lord Harrowby concurred in this opinion.-On Lord Dacre's moving to refer the petition to a committee, the Lord Chancellor opposed the motion, and which was degatived by a division of 58 to 19.


The Lord Chancellor brought in a bill to authorise, in cases of bankruptcy under joint commissions, the supersed ing of the commission against any single partner of a bankrupt firm who might pay his quota.

FRIDAY, JUNE 14. The Marquis of Lansdowne called the attention of the House to the melancholy state of Ireland. He contended that Ireland possessed great natural advantages, and that all her sufferings arose from the system of government. The population in 1695 was only 1,034,000, and in 1821 it was 6,846,000, of which twelve-fourteenths were Ca

tholics, one-fourteenth were of the established church, and the remaining fourteenth were presbyterians. He system-the system of taxation, and ceeded to expose the evils of the tithe


the various evils under which that illinquiry into the state of Ireland.-Lord fated country suffered, and moved an Liverpool opposed the motion on the grounds of its implying a censure on the government-he acknowledged that great evils existed as to the tithe system, but assured the House of the wish of the Irish government to ameliorate the condition of that country.-Lord Holland supported the motion in a most eloquent speech, and the Lord Chanthe tithe system.-On a division, the cellor contended for the inviolability of members were, for the motion, 108, against it, 60-majority, 48.


The House went into a Committee on

the Marriage Act.-Lord Ellenborough dwelt upon the evils existing under the present Marriage Act; expressed himself desirous of preventing the marriages of minors, but averse to invalidate them after they had been consummated.Lord Stowell conceived marriages to be entirely of a civil jurisdiction, and contended, that the new measure was a different law, as it affected the rich and the poor, and that it would give advantages to vicious over virtuous women. He conjured the House not to pass a measure, which, he was convinced, would place the country in a miserable state. -The Lord Chancellor, alluding to the and guardians the power of annulling clause of the Bill, which gave parents the marriages of minors, declared, that place, could support so iniquitous a no man, whose heart was in the right provision. He also as highly disapbill. It was afterwards agreed to conproved of many other clauses of the sider the bill, clause by clause, and the first clause was carried without a division.


Archbishops of Canterbury and York, The Marriage Act was opposed by the when several amendments were added to the bill.

THURSDAY, JUNE 20. Various clauses of the Marriage Act were passed, with amendments, moved by Lord Redesdale.


The Duke of Portland moved the second reading of the bill for the relief of the Catholic Peers, and observed, that the Catholic Peers having sat in that House in the turbulent period, from the 5th of Elizabeth to the 13th of Charles II. it was impossible to suppose that any danger could arise from their sitting in the House during this more enlightened age.-Lord Colchester said, that the army and navy had now been opened to the Catholics, with benefit to the State, and he earnestly hoped, that the civil honours and employments of the Constitution should be diffused as freely amongst the Catholic as they were amongst the Protestant Dissenters; but as the present bill, he thought, would tend to revive political animosities, he moved, that the bill be read this day three months.-Lord Erskine supported the bill, and the Lord Chancellor opposed it.-Lord Grey argued in its favour, on the fact and experience of Catholic Peers having been members of the House from Henry VIII. to the 13th of Charles II. and on the grounds, that the motives of the Legislature in excluding them from the House at that period, no longer existed. -Lord Liverpool opposed the bill, and argued on the inconsistency of granting such a benefit to Catholic Peers, without extending it to Catholic Commoners.Lords Holland and Grenville supported the bill, and Lord Redesdale opposed it. For the bill, 129; against it, 179; majority against the bill, 42.

HOUSE OF COMMONS. The House having adjourned from Friday, May 24, to Thursday, May 30, met on Thursday the 30th, when Mr. Stuart Wortley presented a petition from the clothiers of Yorkshire, praying for the repeal of the duty on foreign wool.-Ordered to lie on the table. Mr. Abercromby presented a petition, praying that the bill for altering the law for empannelling Scotch juries should pass into a law.


A petition was presented against altering the laws as to the number of partners in country banks, when Mr,

Grenfell exposed, that the Bank of England had within the last twenty-five years derived a profit of more than twenty-five millions, exclusive of a dividend of 7 per cent.-Mr. Ricardo observed, that it was natural for the Bank to make as large a profit as possible, but the error lay in the government's making such improvident bargains with the company. Mr. Monck observed, that the transactions between the go

vernment and the bank were similar to those between spendthrifts and usurers;

the extravagance of government compelling ministers to submit to the terms which the bank imposed.-Mr. Wynn stated that the India Company consented to the private trade to India being carried on in vessels of less than three hundred and fifty tons, but that the company objected to the opening of the China trade to private traders.-Petitions were presented, praying a protection to West India planters, by continuing the duties on the importation of East India sugars-and other petitions praying that ad valorem duties might be levied on sugar without any distinction as to their coming from the East or West Indies.-Mr. Scarlett's Poor Removal Bill was thrown out by a inajority of 88 to 66.


Mr. Coke presented a petition from an hundred of Norfolk, praying for a reform in parliament which would discontinue the present practice of overtaxing the country for the purpose of influencing the members of the House.

of its strength of language.-The Re-The petition was rejected on account port upon the Half-pay Annuity Scheme was voted with an amendment, proposed by Mr. Grenfell, that the commissioners of the Sinking Fund should buy the annuities from the annuity trustees. On a conversation being introduced upon the New Corn Bill, a clause was introduced for allowing the foreign corn now warehoused in this country to be ground and bonded for exportation. Proposals for raising the importation price to 75s. and for lowering it to 65s. were successively rejected.

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reform, which he now saw was the only measure from which the nation at large, and the agriculturists in particular, could expect relief.-Sir James Mackintosh moved the melioration of the criminal laws, the errors and severity of which were complained of by persons of every rank, profession, and religious persuasion in the country.Formerly, stealing to the value of 40s. and forgery and cattle stealing, were not capital offences; and our ancestors never contemplated that death would be inflicted for cutting down a tree.-The average of capital convictions from 1805 to 1809 was 381, and in the last five years it was 1260, or increased in the proportion of seven to two. This astonishing increase of crime shewed the inefficacy of our laws, which were so severe that persons refused to indict criminals, and jurors refused to find them guilty. The improvement he contended for, had been adopted all over Europe as well as in America, and was consonant with the code of Napoleon, a code which reflected more honour on

that personage than all his victories. Hard labour formed four-fifths of the punishments of that code, it decreed death for only six crimes, our laws decreed it for two hundred and twentynine; and yet our crimes exceeded those committed in France as ten to one. The motion was opposed by the Attorney-General, Mr. Peel, and Mr. Wynn, and supported by Mr. Buxton. -For the motion, 117-against it, 101. Majority 16.


Sir Francis Burdett exposed the crimes committed in Ilchester Jail; when Mr. Peel observed, that he had directed a prosecution against the late jailor.— Mr. Peel proposed the continuance of the Alien Act for two years; arguing the leniency with which government had hitherto exercised the powers entrusted to them by that act-the motion was strongly opposed by Sir James Mackintosh, Mr. Scarlett, Mr. Denman, Sir Robert Wilson, and Sir John New port; and supported by Lord Londonderry. For the motion 189, against it 93-majority 97.


Mr. Wynn's Yorkshire Poll Bill, and Mr. Peel's Irish Police Bill, were read a second time. Mr. Martin's Bill for preventing cruelty to animals, was read a third time, and passed.

Eur. Mag. Vol. 81. June 1822.

MONDAY, JUne 10. Sir Robert Wilson stated a case of great cruelty committed by the British Governor of the Ionian Islands, on a family of fifteen persons-Mr. Wilmot declared that the case should be enquir ed into, and communicated to Sir Robert Wilson. Mr. Canning's Clause for allowing the grinding and exporting of Foreign Corn, was thrown out of the Corn Bill by a very large majority; when Mr. Hume observed, that only a few night before, a large majority voted for that clause, and which changing of sides at the nod of the ministry, fully proved the subserviency of the house.The Marriage Service Act was withdrawn.


On petitions being presented from the Fisheries, complaining of the Salt Duties, the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced, that it was his intention to repeal the duties on Scotch salt; and Ireland would be reduced to two shilthat the duty on exportation of salt to lings on white salt, and one shilling and sixpence on rock salt-Irish Currency:-Mr. Western brought forward his motion for repealing Mr. Peel's Bill, compelling the Bank to resume Cash Payments. He calculated that this Bill had increased the value of the currency at least ten or fifteen and that the nation was therefore payper cent. ing the fund-holders and public servants, proportionally, more than they ought to be paid. Mr. Huskisson replied, that the rent of land, according to the Agricultural Report of 1814, had more than doubled; and that the landholder was even now more favourably affected by the alteration of the currency than the fund-holder; and had during the Bank Restriction Acts. Mr. been drawing still greater advantages Western's motion was adjourned till Wednesday, when it was supported by Mr. G. Bennet, Alderman Heygate, Sir Francis Burdett, Mr. Brougham, and Londonderry, and by Mr. Peel; when Mr. Attwood; and replied to by Lord on a division, the numbers were-for Mr. Western's motion 30, against it 194 -majority 164.


Mr. Goulburn brought forward a Bill to enable the Irish Established Clergy to lease out their tithes with the proprietor of the soil, for terms of twenty

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table.-Mr. Hume stated, that in consequence of Mr. Daly withdrawing his motion, relative to Irish tithes, he should bring the measure before the House. He traced the insurrections of the Irish to the tithe system, and argued upon the immense sums withdrawn from the poor by the clergy, who never saw their parishes, but lived entirely away from Ireland. Out of 1,270 benefices, only 770 clergymen were resident on their benefices. The late Bishop of Derry was absent twenty years from Ireland. The Irish Episcopacy possessed twoelevenths of the whole property of Ireland, and possessed more than all the Bishops of the Continent put together. Spain and Portugal, the most bigotted of countries, had diminished their tithes ; France had abolished her's; and the greater part of Italy gave only 1-20th instead of a tenth to the clergy; and in Sweden and Denmark the provision was only 1-30th. He moved for an inquiry into the value of the Church pro moved an amendment, pledging the perty of Ireland. Sir John Newport House to a suppression of the tithe system.-Mr. Peel moved the previous question. For the amendment, 65; for the previous question, 72; majority, 7, FRIDAY, JUNE 21.

Mr. Wallace moved, that the Warehousing Bill be read this day three months. He stated his intention of bringing it forward next Session. One hundred thousand pounds were voted for employing the poor in Ireland.


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JAS. DRUMMOND and Co. and referred to PERRY, 25, St. Swithin's-lane; and also the persons undernamed, or using the firms of

MACKENZIE and Co. 16, Walbrook,

LEWIS and Co. merchants, 42, Great Tower-street, and

J. LEARY, tailor, Fenchurch-street, are reported to this Society as improper to be proposed to be balloted for as members thereof: and that

JAMES CANT, lately mentioned, now keeps a cheesemongers shop in Cow Crossstreet ;-and


Mrs. BAKEWELL, both several times mentioned, now live at 169, Tooley-street,

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