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22 Bieber.

NEW-YORK, MAY, 1838.




a quiet slumber. The mouth piece of his hooka lay idly between his thin lips, its jewelled lengths glittered against his silken vest and then burst away, coil after coil, like a serpent writhing in a bed of flowers, till it ended in a bowl of burning opal stone, from which a wreath of perfumed smoke stole languidly upward and floated among the azure drapery like clouds moving in the depths of a summer sky. Directly opposite, on a pile of orange colored cushions, lay a female, young and beautiful as a houri. Her robe of India muslin, starred and spotted with gold, was open in front, betraying a neck of perfect beauty and but half concealing the grace

A CLOUD of gorgeous light flushed over the sky, spread upward and abroad, and, for a moment, the rich colors of an Eastern sunrise pictured themselves upon the horizon like an arch of fretted gold and powdered gems, broken and irregular-now standing out in abutments of fiery light or sinking back to the depths of the sky in caves of crimson, purple and pale violet, then flinging up turrets of amber and soft rose color to the zenithful outline of her person; her bright hair was banded and at last melting away in a sea of sheet gold, as the sun rose from behind the green trees of Hindostan. It was the hour of worship; the dawn had scarcely broken over the Ganges when the snowy temples and picturesque mosques which stood bedded in the foliage, and crowned the rocks which shot over the streami with their drapery of creeping vines, were flung open. From every casement and fairy lattice were lavished forth showers of lotus blossoms, with glossy green leaves and buds full of odor, the Brahmins' tribute holy waters, till the river, from shore to shore, seemed bursting into blossom beneath the warm sunshine. While the crested waves were trooping forward like crowds of bright winged spirits sporting and rejoicing together among the blossoms thus lavished upon them, a budgero, or state barge, followed by a train of baggage-boats, shot out from the shadow of a grove of banian trees, and with its silken penants streaming to the morning air made its way up the stream.

back from her forehead with a string of orient pearls, and fell over the silken cushions in a multitude of long black braids, so long as almost to reach her feet while she retained her reclining position. She had the full large eye of her fiery clime, long cut and full of brightness, but shaded with heavy, silken lashes, which lent them a languishing and almost sleepy softness. A smile was continually melting over her full, red lips, and the whole expression of her face was one of mingled softness



It was a princely sight-that long, slender boat-as it flashed out into the broad sunshine-its gilded prow curving gracefully up from the water in the form of a peacock with burnished wings, jewelled crest and neck of scaly gold-the sides swelling gently out at the bows and sloping away to the stern, till they met in two gilded horns of exquisite workmanship, the smaller ends twisted together and forming the extreme point of the boat. The rose colored mouths curved gently outward, from which a hoard of fruit, colored and carved to a perfect semblance of nature, seemed bursting away over the foaming waters as she cut her path graceful through them, leaving a long wreath of foam, curling and flashing in her track. In the broadest part of the deck stood a small pavilion, its dome paved with mother of pearl and studded with precious stones; its pillars of fluted ivory half hidden by a rich drapery of orange and azure silk, fringed and festooned to the fretwork of the dome, with ropes of heavy silk, twisted and tassalled with silver.

Within the pavilion, on a carpet glowing with the rich dies of Persia, half sat, half reclined, an elderly native, robed in all the splendor of an oriental prince, with his eyes half closed and apparently dropping into

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and energy.

Behind her cushions stood a youth of slender, active form, with a high, finely moulded forhead, and eyes kindling with the fire of a proud but restrained spirit. Yet, though his port was almost regal and his bearing princely, he was in the humble costume of a Hindoo slave. The hand which should have been familiar with the sabre hilt, was occupied in waving a fan of gorgeous feathers above the reclining princess. Occasionally, when the fair girl would close her eyes as if lulled to sleep by the musical dipping of the oars, he would fix those expressive eyes upon her, as the devotee dwells upon the form of his idol. The bold menial had dared to look upon the loveliest maiden and the loftiest princess in all Hindostan, with eyes of love. And she, the brightest star of her father's court, the affianced bride of a prince, as proud and as wealthy as her own haughty sire,—had she forgotten her lofty caste to lavish her regard on the person of a slave? Those who had looked upon the expression of those soft eyes, unclosing beneath his passionate gaze, as the starry blossoms open to the sunbeams, might have read an answer which spoke much for the warm-hearted woman, but little for the dignity of regal birth.

The old Rajah, as he reclined, apparently half asleep, marked the mingled glances of the youthful pair, and a wicked, crafty expression stole over his face; a light gleamed out from his half opened eyes, which told how dark and subtle were his secret thoughts, he lay like a serpent nursing its venom for a sudden spring.

The day was becoming sultry, and the train of boats made its way slowly up the shadowy side of the stream. The oarsmen bent wearily over their oars, for the atmosphore, which slumbered about them, had become oppres


side of the river.

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sive, with the perfume which rose in clouds from the || maniac, she fell upon the deck, and with her face buried in oleander thickets, and the thousand budding vines that her hands lay quivering in every limb like a dying creature. flung their garlands over the water, and chained the Peace!" thundered the old Rajah, lifting her form tree-top into ove sea of blossoming vegitation. A short from the deck and flinging it on the cushions, "Peace, distance up, the high bank curved inward, and a little ingrate! What is the dog of a slave to thee? Look up cove lay glittering in the sunlight, hedged in by a slop- and witness his just punishment!" As if nothing could ing hill which was covered with rich herbage and crown- appease his thirst for vengeance, he tore the hands from ed by a thick grove, heavy with ripe bananas and other the shuddering creature's face, and again half lifting her Eastern fruits. On the lower swell of the bank, two from the pile of cushions forced her to look upon the lofty palm trees shot up into the air, branching out at appalling scene. The serpent had coiled itself around the top, in a cloud of thick green foliage, impervious its victim, while yet one part of its huge length was almost, to the hot sunshine, which fell broadly on that twisted about the palms. She gazed with a dizzy brain on the mottled folds as they writhed glistening and The old Rajah fixed his eyes on the stately palms, as swelling eagerly around, their struggling victim. She the boat gradually neared them; while he gazed, the glit-saw the glossy neck, flung upward with a curve that tering branches which had hitherto remained motionless brought the head with its fierce gloating eyes, and its began to tremble and wave to and fro. The leaves forked tongue quivering like a fiery arrow from the open shivered; a low rustling sound was heard, as if a cur- jaws, over the crouching slave. A low smothered cry rent of wind had suddenly burst over them; and then of mortal agony arose from the boat,-then a shout and a the head and half the body of a huge serpent shot up rush of men from the grove. She saw the gleam of from the mass of leaves, swayed itself back and forth their batchets and pikes as they fell upon the monster. in the sunshine for a moment, and then darted back with She saw the horrid folds that begirt her lover relax, and the same rustling sound into his huge nest of leaves. then with a faint gasp she fell back in her father's arms The old Rajuh's eyes kindled with a subtle fire; and he sick and entirely senseless. "Dog!" cried the fierce commanded his attendants to enter a baggage bout and old man, seizing the rescued slave as he ascended the proceed to the banana grove for a supply of fresh fruit. side of the barge pale and haggard as a corpse, yet Moor the boat in the inlet beneath the two palms, bearing the lilies which his mistress had ordered in his and let Jaje remain with her," he commanded, arms-" Dog! crocadile!! Thou hast escaped the serpointing to the handsome slave who stood behind his pent, but who shall save thee from the vengeance of a daughter. The slave made his salam, and was about to disgraced father!" The old man's cimeter flashed upstep into the boat, when the princess called to him: ward as he spoke. The slave drew his fine form proud"Thou shalt not remain idle," she said with a smile, ly to its height and fixed his stern, calm eyes full on the "Rash old man "let thy task be to gather some of those lilies which old Rajah's, he said, "what would spring up from that bed of white sand, just within the you of me? true I have won the love of your daughter, cove, and scatter them over my cushions should I be but if you scek vengeance for the wrong, claim it not of asleep when the boat returns, their perfume will bring Taje, the slave, but of the prince Aiungzebe, her affime pleasant dreams." anced husband, for, by the holy stream which hears us, I am that man!"

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The Rajah's eye quailed beneath that stern glance and the cimeter fell to the deck with a ringing sound. The youth calmly put away the hand which the fierce old man had fixed on his arm, and taking a sealed parchment from the folds of his turban gave it to him. The Rajah took it with a shaking hand-glanced at the sig nature and then opened his arms to receive his son inlaw. The youth leaned for a moment on his bosom and then they went into the pavilion together. When the princess awoke from her swoon, her father was sit

The slave bent his turbaned head and sprang into the boat. The princess half rose from her cushions and watched the party as they drew towards the shore. The slave, Taje, moored the boat and brought an armful of the beautiful white lilies she had desired, and laid them carefully in the prow, where he scated himself to wait for his companions. Her eyes were fixed with a kind of dreamy abstractedness on the cove, when she saw the tops of the palm trees in commotion; the heavy leaves began to shiver again and the slender branches crashed, as with the force of a hurricane. As she looked, that huge serpont began to coil itself like the stem of a great vine,ting on his carpet smoking his hocku, as quietly as if downward, around the palm; his neck glistening, his nothing had happened. The scent of freshly gathered head thurst out a little from the trunk and his hungry eyes lilies hung about her cushions, and her rescued lover fixed on the slave who had dropped asleep in the boat. was bending over her. "Oh I have had a terrible The princess sprung to her feet with a cry of horror, and dream" she said passing her slender hand over her eyes, then stood motionless, and white as death; her fingers "a-but you are very pale, was it real?" She started up locked and her pale lips moving, but speechless. She and looked toward the cove. The two palm trees was striving to cry out, but her voice was choked in her stood towering in the sunshine, the bark here and there throat. She saw the monster thurst his head far out from torn from their trunks, and the thick branches broken the trunk of the palm, and then the horrid glitter of his and dangling in the air, like rent banners streaming back us he unfolded coil after coil, and flung half his over a battle field, the heavy grass was trampled and length into the bout, gleamed before her distended eyes. soiled with blood, and a huge boa-constrictor lay stretch With a cry, that rung over the waters like the shriek of aed upon the white sand mutilated and dead.

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Ricaredo, particularly his parents, for he was their only son, and noted for virtue, valor and intelligence. The physicians who were assembled around Ricaredo could not discover the nature of his ailment, and instead of benefiting, they rendered him much worse.

At length, being one day alone with Isabella, he reAFTER a battle between the Spanish and English, solved to declare his love. "Beautiful Isabella!" he which terminated in the capture of the city of Cadiz by said; "thy virtue, thy grace and loveliness, have been the latter, a great quantity of booty was carried off by the cause of this disorder which is reducing me to the the victors to their ships. Among other things, Clotal-grave. If thou would'st save my life, consent to be do, the captain of an English ship, took with him to mine. I dare not ask thee of my parents, fearing their London a pretty girl of about seven years old. This displeasure; but if thou wilt pledge thy faith to me, I was against the will and knowledge of their commander, will give thee mine. Although this must be in secret, it the Earl of Essex, before whom the parents of the lost will bring healing and calm to my sorrowing heart.child appeared, and besought him to command her Hope will give me strength to wait in patience until restoration, saying their wealth they had resigned wil- that happy day when the holy church-with my parents' lingly, for even in poverty they could be happy if not leave-will make thee wholly mine." deprived of the light of their eyes-the prettiest creature in all Cadiz.

The Earl sent a proclamation through the squadron, commanding the child to be restored under pain of death to the offender. Clotaldo, however, was not to be moved by either threats or rewards, for he had taken a fancy to the girl; he therefore kept her concealed until his arrival in England. The unhappy parents were obliged to remain without their child, who had been given to Clotaldo's wife, to be reared as her daughter. Clotaldo possessed but one child, Ricuredo, who, with his parents were Catholics in secret; but in public attended the worship of their Protestant queen. Catalina, the wife of Clotaldo, loved the young captive as if she were her own child. She caused her to be taught all useful and ornamental branches, and in fact educated her as if she were the daughter of noble parents, hoping thus to make her contented with them. Isabella, however, (for this was her name) often sighed for her former home, and expressed a determination never to forget her native language. To please her, Clotaldo often brought Spaniards secretly to his house that they might converse with her in her own tongue. Isabella grew up beautiful and accomplished, and possessed one of the most enchanting voices in the country. All these graces combined with her loveliness and sweet temper, so wore upon Ricaredo, that he became deeply attached to her. At first he looked upon her as a sister, and gazed into her beauteous face and watched her strengthening virtues; but as she grew up, his passion increased, and at last he determined to possess himself of so charming a creature. Many times he determined to impart his wish to marry Isabella to his parents, but feared their disapprobation, as he was betrothed to a noble Scotch lady, also a Catholic, and he could scarcely hope to be permitted to break with her to marry a slave, as Isabella was in fact. Pensive and perplexed Ricaredo passed his days, and in anxiety to render his life happy, almost lost it. He roused himself at length from his despondency, thinking it but a coward's part to suffer and die in secret, without making any effort to ameliorate his fate-he resolved to open his heart to Isabella. Anxiety of mind brought on a fit of sickness, which afflicted all the house, as they were much attached to

While Ricaredo spoke, Isabella listened with downcast eyes. Her modesty and dignity equalled her beauty, and after he had ceased she replied: "Since the rigor or clemency of Heaven-I cannot determine which has deprived me of my parents, and delivered me to the care of yours, Señor Ricaredo-grateful for the many benefits and kindnesses they have showered upon me, I have determined never to oppose my will to theirs. However pleased I might be at the honor you intend me, I could not by word or look do aught against their knowledge. Should you be so fortunate as to obtain your parents consent, then, Señor, my faith should and unswerving." yours-pure


The lovely and discreet Isabella now ceased, and her words so charmed Ricaredo that he revived from that moment. His parents were rejoiced at his rapid recovery, which to them appeared miraculous, until he confided to his mother the cause of his illness. After a long explanation of his feelings and views, he ended by saying, to deny him Isabella was to sentence him to death. He so set forth the virtues and goodness of Isabella, that he at last brought his mother to think it would be much to his advantage to obtain this peerless creature, and even if any one married beneath their desert it would be the Spanish maiden. She gave her son hopes of gaining over his father and induce him to consent to his wishes. So well did the Lady Catalina fulfil her promise that she never ceased entreating her hus band until at last he agreed to send excuses to the Scotch girl, to whom his son was affianced, and permit him to wed the lovely captive. At that time Isabella was fourteen, and Ricaredo twenty, and, although in the green and flowery years of youth, they possessed the prudence and discretion of age,


Time flew on, and now only four days were to be passed ere the parents of Ricaredo were to present him with a bride, who, poor and a captive as she was, they gladly preferred to the Scotch maiden, with all her boundless wealth. The relations and guests were all invited, the wedding feast was prepared and nothing remained but the Queen's consent to the marriagewithout which no one of noble blood were permitted to

wed; but secure of her ready acquiescence, Clotaldo | Arrived at the palace, they were ushered into the had neglected until now to ask it.

He had arranged to go on the following day, when that evening their happy family circle was agitated by the arrival of a messenger from the Queen, who brought the Queen's command that Cataldo should the next morning bring before her majesty the Spanish girl whom he had captured at Cadiz. Striving to appear calm, Clotaldo replied, “ He would willingly comply with the || Queen's request;" and the messenger departed, leaving their bosoms filled with alarm and surprise.

"Ah me," said the Lady Catalina; "if the Queen should discover I had brought up Isabella a Catholic, she would then suspect we were all of that persuasion, || and we should be ruined! If the Queen question you regarding the manner in which you have been educated during the eight years you have been with us, be careful, child, not to say any thing which might condemn us.' "Give yourself no uneasiness, my lady," said Isabella. "I rely on heaven, and believe, through Divine mercy, words will there be given me which will bring you no harm, but rather redound to your honor."

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Ricarede trembled, as if he already foresaw the evils which would ensue. His father endeavored to relieve. his fears, and bade him rely upon the prudence and discretion of Isabella, whom he knew would come back soon to them safe from harm. Again he implored Isabella to conceal from the Queen their religion. "For," he added-"if the spirit is willing to suffer martyrdom, to the flesh it would be bitter."

Isabella renewed her protestation of prudence, for, although she know not what questions would be asked her, she trusted in help from on high. The night passed in these discourses, and hope and fear alternately prevailed. At length Clotaldo consoled them with the hope that the Queen merely wished to see one who had been so much lauded for beauty. He trusted to excuse himself for not bringing her to court before, by saying, he wished to educate her as the wife of his son, Ricaredo.

It was agreed by all, Isabella should not appear in the humble garb of a prisoner, but as the bride of a nobleman, and a Spanish lady; accordingly a rich Spanish dress was soon arranged, in which Isabella was attired. She wore a Saya, or trained gown of green satin, slashed and bordered with cloth of gold. The skirt of the dress was richly embroidered with pearls, while chains of the same encircled each slash. A costly collar of diamonds lay upon her white neck, and a cinture of the same bound her delicate waist; while her luxuriant hair was twisted and secured with diamonds. In this splendid dress, and glowing with youth and loveliness, Isabella passed through the streets of London, seated beside Ricaredo and his parents, in a handsome carriage. All eyes were riveted upon this beauteous vision as she passed, drawing the gazer's soul to follow her. Behind them rode a gallant train of relations and friends; Clotaldo desiring them to show her this honor that the Queen and all the court might see she was considered as the bride of his son, and be thus intimidated from offering her any harm..



grand saloon, where the Queen sat surrounded by her A rare and noble picture would that scene have When Clotaldo and his train of gay cavaliers had advanced a few paces in that spacious and gorgeous apartment, they remained motionless, while Isabella moved alone towards the Queen. So dazzling was her beauty, and so brilliant her attire, that she seemed like eve's early star which sails alone through the summer sky-or midnight exhalation floating in the peaceful night-or the sun's first ray bursting through some crevice on the mountain's top, and falling in one bright streak upon the plain below. As a fiery comet prognosticates a drowning or burning world, so did the appearance of this miraculous beauty foretell the conflagration of many a soul around. With easy dignity and graceful humility, Isabella approached the Queen, and, kneeling before her, addressed her in the English tongue.

"Will your majesty permit your humble slave to kiss your royal hand !" she said. "No longer lowly slave, but lady proud, since the high honor has been mine to view your greatness."

The Queen gazed in silence upon the kneeling girl, unable to speak, so much was she struck by the bright vision before her. "She seemed to be gazing upon starry sky," she said to her Camarera, or lady of the bed-chamber; the pearls and diamonds which covered Isabella flashing like stars, her lovely face and eyes the sun and moon, while the whole was a marvel of brilliancy and beauty. The ladies who surrounded the Queen were loud in her praise; some lauding her lustrous eyes, others her fine skin, or perfect form, or sweet voice, while those who sought through envy to find some fault, could only say," The Spanish girl is pretty enough, but I do not admire her dress."

The Queen raised Isabella, saying-" Speak to me in Spanish, damsel, for I understand that language, and love it well." Then calling Clotaldo, she said, "You have done me a wrong, Clotaldo, in keeping this treasure so many years from me; but in truth there is enough here to move any one's avarice. You must give her up to me as she is mine by right."

"Your majesty speaks truth," replied Clotaldo. "My fault has been great, if it is one, to have kept this jewel that I might polish it to its utmost perfection, ere I presented it before your majesty. To-day I should have come to ask your royal license to wed her to my son, Ricaredo; and in giving them both to you, I should have laid at your gracious feet my most costly gifts."

"'Tis well," said the Queen; "but I desire no other name for her than Isabella, the Spanish girl. Clotaldo, how comes it you promised her to your son without my permission ?"

"I was to blame, my royal mistress, but I hoped the services myself and ancestors have rendened to this kingdom, might obtain for me a greater boon than license to marry my son. My son is not wedded yet, lady."

"Nor shall be !" said the Queen, "until he merits her. Not for the services of his father nor forefathers,

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