I will not come to-day: Tell them so, Decius. CAL. Say, he is sick. CAS. Shall Cæsar send a lie ? Have I in conquest stretch'd mine arm so far, DEC. Most mighty Cæsar, let me know some cause, Lest I be laugh'd at, when I tell them so. CES. The cause is in my will, I will not come; That is enough to satisfy the senate. But, for your private satisfaction, Because I love you, I will let you know. Calphurnia here, my wife, stays me at home : She dreamt to-night she saw my statue, Which like a fountain, with a hundred spouts, Did run pure blood; and many lusty Romans Came smiling, and did bathe their hands in it. And these does she apply for warnings, and por ténts", And evils imminent; and on her knee 6-my STATUA,] [Old copy, statue.] See vol. iv. p. 119. STEEVENS. 7- warnings, portents,] Old copy, unmetrically" warnings, and portents." STEEVENS. 8 AND evils imminent ;) The late Mr. Edwards was of opinion that we should read : 66 Of evils imminent." STEEVENS. The alteration proposed by Mr. Edwards is needless, and tends to weaken the force of the expressions, which form, as they now stand, a regular climax. HENLEY. Reviving blood; and that great men shall press 2 CES. And this way have you well expounded it. DEC. I have, when you have heard what I can say: And know it now; The senate have concluded When Cæsar's wife shall meet with better dreams3. Pardon me, Cæsar; for my dear, dear love 9 - and that great men shall press For TINCTURES, STAINS, RELICKS, and cognizance.] This speech, which is intentionally pompous, is somewhat confused. There are two allusions; one to coats armorial, to which princes make additions, or give new tinctures, and new marks of cognizance; the other to martyrs, whose reliques are preserved with veneration. The Romans, says Decius, all come to you as to a saint, for reliques, as to a prince, for honours. JOHNSON. I believe tinctures has no relation to heraldry, but means merely handkerchiefs, or other linen, tinged with blood. Bullokar, in his Expositor, 1616, defines it "a dipping, colouring, or staining of a thing." So, in Act III. Sc. II. : " And dip their napkins in his sacred blood." MALONE. I concur in opinion with Mr. Malone. At the execution of several of our ancient nobility, martyrs, &c. we are told that handkerchiefs were tinctured with their blood, and preserved as affectionate or salutary memorials of the deceased. STEEVENS. When Cæsar's wife shall meet with better dreams.] So, in Lord Sterline's Julius Cæsar, 1607: "How can we satisfy the world's conceit, "Whose tongues still in all ears your praise proclaims ? "Or shall we bid them leave to deal in state, "Till that Calphurnia first have better dreams?" MALONE. To your proceeding bids me tell you this; CES. How foolish do your fears seem now, Cal phurnia? I am ashamed I did yield to them. Give me my robe, for I will go : Enter PUBLIUS, BRUTUS, LIGARIUS, METELLUS, CASCA, TREBONIUS, and CINNA. And look where Publius is come to fetch me. PUB. Good morrow, Cæsar. CES. Welcome, Publius. What, Brutus, are you stirr'd so early too? Good-morrow, Casca.-Caius Ligarius, Cæsar was ne'er so much your enemy, As that same ague which hath made you lean. What is't o'clock ? BRU. Cæsar, 'tis strucken eight. CES. I thank you for your pains and courtesy. Enter ANTONY. See! Antony, that revels long o' nights, Is notwithstanding up :-- Good morrow, Antony. ANT. So to most noble Cæsar. CES. Bid them prepare within : I am to blame to be thus waited for. Now, Cinna :-Now, Metellus : -What, Trebonius! I have an hour's talk in store for you; TREB. Cæsar, I will :--and so near will I be, [Aside. That your best friends shall wish I had been further. 2 And reason, &c.] "And reason," or propriety of conduct and language, is subordinate to my love. JOHNSON. CES. Good friends, go in, and taste some wine with me; And we, like friends, will straightway go together. BRU. That every like is not the same, O Cæsar, The heart of Brutus yearns to think upon! [Exeunt. SCENE III. The Same. A Street near the Capitol. Enter ARTEMIDORus, reading a Paper. ART. Cæsar, beware of Brutus; take heed of Cassius; come not near Casca; have an eye to Cinna; trust not Trebonius; mark well Metellus Cimber; Decius Brutus loves thee not; thou hast wronged Caius Ligarius. There is but one mind in all these men, and it is bent against Casar. If thou be'st not immortal, look about you: Security gives way to conspiracy. The mighty gods defend thee ! Thy lover, ARTEMIDORUS. Here will I stand, till Cæsar pass along, Out of the teeth of emulation 4. If thou read this, O Cæsar, thou may'st live; [Exit. If not, the fates with traitors do contrive 5. 4 - emulation,] Here, as on many other occasions, this word is used in an unfavourable sense, somewhat like-factious, envious, or malicious rivalry. So, in Troilus and Cressida : " Whilst emulation in the army crept." STEEVENS. 5 - the fates with traitors do CONTRIVE.] The fates join with traitors in contriving thy destruction. JOHNSON. SCENE IV. The Same. Another Part of the same Street, before the House of BRUTUS. Enter PORTIA and LUCIUS. Por. I pr'ythee, boy, run to the senate-house ; Stay not to answer me, but get thee gone: Why dost thou stay ? Luc. To know my errand, madam. POR. I would have had thee there, and here again, Ere I can tell thee what thou should'st do there. O constancy, be strong upon my side ! Set a huge mountain 'tween my heart and tongue ! Art thou here yet? Luc. Madam, what should I do? Run to the Capitol, and nothing else? And so return to you, and nothing else ? POR. Yes, bring me word, boy, if thy lord look well, For he went sickly forth: And take good note, Hark, boy! what noise is that? Luc. I hear none, madam. Pr'ythee, listen well: I heard a bustling rumour, like a fray, And the wind brings it from the Capitol. Why dost thou stay? &c.] Shakspeare has expressed the perturbation of King Richard the Third's mind by the same incident: : "Why stay'st thou here, and go'st not to the duke?- "What from your grace I shall deliver to him." STEEVENS. |