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ous as introductions to her new friends. rited and noble; passionate in the Miss Brunton's reception was there--passionate scenes, and tender in the

*fore flattering, and her performance interesting; though we think comedy and cheerfulness far more suited to her abilities than tragedy and trouble. Her name, and the recollections it must excite, will then be still more strongly in her favour; and she will, we hope, consider us neither unfriendly, nor, what is perhaps much worse, ungallant, in recommending her immediate exchange of tears for trifling. Macready's Romeo was spi


more gentle: but Romeo is not a character at all adapted either to elevate, or to fix Mr. Macready's fame. Romeo is the spirit of a lighter sphere, and fondness, and luxury, and love, must yield the mastery to the sterner pas sions of fearless ambition, enthusiastic daring, and desperate villiany. Jones's sudden indisposition gave the part of Mercutio to Abbott, who sustained it very creditably on the spur of the moment.


Dec. 26. Virginius-Harlequin and Mother Bunch.


27. Two Gentlemen of Verona-Ditto,
28. Exile-Ditto.

29. Two Gentlemen of Verona-Ditto.
31. Exile-Ditto.

Jan. 1. Rob Roy Macgregor-Ditto.

2. Two Gentlemen of Verona-Ditto.

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On the evening of the 26th of December last commenced the winter season of this Theatre, with three highly successful new pieces, which were, however, very speedily superseded by the production of a Melodrame founded on the novel of the Pirate. Mr. T. Dibdin's fame for rapid dramatic adaptations of this nature, rests upon a much surer basis than even our praise, and we may therefore spare our eulogy. As an analysis of the work, it is certainly far preferable to the Drury-lane version, as embracing more of the characters and incidents of the original; and being less tedious in it's scenes of recapitulation, and story-telling. By commencing it's narrative earlier, also, more of interest is thrown around the principal personages, and a clearer insight given into the succeeding details. The introduction of Triptolemus, Babie, and Swertha, affords a comic relief to the more dolorous part of the proceedings; and though we will not deny our ability to suggest several improvements, it certainly,

taken as a whole, is a highly interesting performance. Most of the characters are well sustained, and as a strong reinforcement of the company. Mrs. Glover, late of Drury-lane, made her debût here as the wild and wondrous Norna. This is a part, however, which, like all the other similar creations of it's gifted author, is far more effective in the closet than on the stage. The almost unearthly awe and mystery which cast their spells around her while we read, are in a great degree dissipated in the theatre, however powerfully supported in the representation, and whatever talents may be enlisted to embody the design. Mrs. Glover was throughout most energetic and impressive, and though rather too enbonpoint to

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ride the whirlwind," she looked and spake as if well able to "direct the storm." Another new Melodramatic Burletta, entitled, “Sir Arthur; or, the Irish Chief," has since been equally successful; and much more attractive novelty is in active preparation.






AT the Court of Aldermen held this day at Guildhall, was heard and determined the appeals of persons elected to serve the offices of Inquestment and Convable, and the Lord Mayor was requested to issue precepts for Wardmotes to be holden for the election of others in lieu of those discharged. The presentinents of the Inquests of nuisances, encroachments, and non-freemen, were laid before the Court, and the Aldermen of the respective Wards were requested to enquire into them, and the Chamberlain directed to sammon and prosecute such as refused to take up their freedom.

The petition against the return of Mr. Thomas Wiltshire, a Common Councilman for the Ward of Langbourn, was adjourned to the next Court; and the election of Mr. Cattley, as a Common Councilman for the Ward of Queenhithe, declared void on account of his not being a freeman, the Lord Mayor being requested to issue his precept for a Wardmote to be holden for the election of another in his room.

The usual orders for payment of salaries and bills due at Christmas were made. Commissioners for the Court of Requests for February and March were appointed; and the Court fixed the 2d of March next for Licensing the several Victuallers.


At the Court of Aldermen held this day, petitions were presented from the Coal Meters' Men, for their wages being continued as heretofore; also from sundry Fellowship Porters, praying to be employed in the delivery of coal ships in preference of non-freemen, which were referred to the Committee for General Purposes.

A Petition, signed by fifteen inhabitants of Langbourn Ward, against the

election of Thomas Wiltshire as one of the Common Council of that Ward, was read, stating that by an Order of Common Council, passed in the year 1716, inhabitant householders only were declared eligible for that office; that the said Thomas Wiltshire was not an inhabitant,



householder according to the meaning of the said Act, inasmuch as he resided wholly in the Ward of Cornhill, and merely occupied premises in Langbourn Ward, as a manufactory only, and had procured himself to be relieved from the payment of certain rates, upon the ground that those premises were not used as a dwelling-house. The petition then prayed that his election should be declared void, and that Robert Haswell, the candidate next upon the poll, should be declared duly elected in his stead, or that the Court would make such order thereon as they might see fit.

A counter petition from Mr. Wiltshire denied that any such Act existed, as that stated by the petitioners; that he had been thirty years a citizen and inhabitant of Langbourn Ward, and a Common Councilman for that Ward since the year 1810, without any objection being taken to his eligibility; that although he was an inhabitant in Cornhill, yet he was also a householder in Langbourn Ward, and was ready and willing to pay all assess-. ments legally made upon him.

A petition from certain inhabitants was also read in support of Mr. Wiltshire's return, affirming that he had faithfully served all ward offices, and satisfactorily represented the Ward in Common Council for eleven years.

After some observations from Mr. Norton, on the part of Mr. Wiltshire, and from Mr. Bolland, for the petitioners, a discussion took place, during which strangers were excluded. The arguments of Counsel on either side were subsequently continued until a late hour, when the Court adjourned to Friday, January 25th, on which day the discussion was resumed, and when the Court declared the election of Mr. Wiltshire to be void, and the Lord Mayor's precept was ordered for a new election.


This day a Court of Common Council was held for the despatch of business; when

Mr. Savage brought forward a question of privilege, relative to a deposit of money for procuring the office of sea-coalmeter; during which discussion strangers were excluded for nearly two hours, until it was agreed to refer the business to a Committee.

The Report of the Committee for conveying to the Postmaster-General the grounds intended for the new Post-Office, was read, recommending that the Seal of the City should be affixed to the said conveyance, as provided by Act of Parliament, which was ordered.

The Court appointed Mr. Edward Eyton, of Cornhill Ward, a Governor of Christ's Hospital; and Mr. John Forster, of Dow gate Ward, a Governor of Bartholomew's Hospital, in the room of Messrs. Vandercom and Pearson, not now in Common Council.

The Bill for the better regulations of Fellowship Porters was read a third time; and passed into a law as an Act for

the Court.

The Gaol Expences Committee made a

Report for raising the remainder of the monies for the completion of the present engagements, by reason of the Improvement at St. Martin's-le-grand; which was agreed to.

The Improvement Committce delivered in a Report for the immediate proceeding with the Court of Requests and Courts of Justice, which the Court agreed to, and empowered the Committee to carry the same into effect.

The Coal and Corn Committee made a Report on the subject of Tithes claimed for the Corn-office in Tower-street, which was referred to the Special Committee, relative to Tithes in London, to consider and report; and the same Committee also presented a Report, on the Petition of the Coal-whippers, relative to the impositions practised on them, which was ordered to be printed, and a copy sent to each Member.


TUESDAY, DEC. 25, 1821.

This Gazette notified his Majesty's permission to Lieutenant-colonel Michael M'Creagh, to wear the insignia of the Portuguese order of the Tower and Sword.


morial distinctions are set forth in the painting annexed to the royal warrant; provided the same be first duly exemplified according to the laws of arms, and recorded in the Herald's Office, otherwise his Majesty's said licence and especial mark of his royal favour to be void and of none effect.

And also to command, that the said royal concession and declaration be registered in his Majesty's College of Arms.

The King has been pleased, by warrant under his royal signet and sign manual, bearing date the 17th day of December instant, to grant unto John Arthur Douglas Bloomfield, Esq. eldest son and heir apparent of Major-General the Right EMIGRATION TO ENGLISH CO

Honourable Sir Benjamin Bloomfield, Private Secretary to his Majesty, Keeper of the Privy Purse, and Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order, his royal licence and authority, that, in order to perpetuate the remembrance of his having been graciously appointed by his Majesty to receive from his royal hands the falcons, presented by his Grace the Duke of Atholl, as Lord of the Isle of Man, to his Majesty, at the banquet in Westminster Hall, upon the memorable occasion of the august solemnity of his Royal Coronation upon the 19th day of July last, he, the said John Arthur Douglas Bloomfield, Esq. and his descendants, may henceforth bear to his and their armorial ensigns, the honourable augmentation following; viz. "On an escutcheon, in the centre chief point, an arm, vested in the habit of a falconer, supporting a falcon imperially crowned"; and for a crest of honourable augmentation, "A like arm, supporting a falcon, also imperially crowned"; as the said ar



Colonial Department, London,
January, 1822.

Enquiries and applications having been addressed to the Colonial Department, respecting emigration to his Majesty's foreign possessions, it has been deemed convenient, with a view to the information and guidance of individuals interested in this subject, to state, that,

Istly. Persons are not provided with passages, at the public expense, to any of his Majesty's settlements.


2dly. Persons proceeding at their own expense to North America and the Cape of Good Hope, and desirous of settling there, require no previous authority from his Majesty's Secretary of State to enable them to obtain grants of lands, the Governors of those settlements being fully empowered to assign lands to applicants, proportioned to the means which they ac-... tually possess for bringing them into a state of cultivation. The extent of those grants must depend upon their quality, position, and other circumstances, which can only be ascertained in the colony.

adiy. Persons desirous of settling in New South Wales or Van Diemen's Land, must be provided with the sanction of his Majesty's Secretary of State; and this can only be obtained upon written application, accompanied by references to two or more respectable persons, as to the character of the applicant, and the extent of his capital, which must amount to five hundred pounds at the least.

TUESDAY, JAN. 1, 1822.


The Marquis Wellesley, who embarked at Holyhead, at ten o'clock A.M. the 28th instant, arrived in the harbour of Howth at five o'clock the same evening; and this day his Lordship, upon entering Dublin, was received by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriff, and Commons of the City of Dublin.

His Lordship, attended by a squadren of dragoons, proceeded to the Castle, and, the Council having assembled at two o'clock, was introduced in form to his Excellency Earl Talbot, who received him sitting under the canopy of state in the Presence Chamber, from whence a procession was made in the usual state to the Council Chamber. The Council sitting, his Lordship's commission being read, and the oaths administered to him, his Lordship was invested with the collar of the most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, and received the sword of state from the Fari Talbot.

His Excellency afterwards repaired to the Presence Chamber, and received the compliments of the Nobility and other persons of distinction, upon his safe arrival, and taking upon him the Government of Ireland.


The King has been pleased to appoint Thomas Fonblanque, Esq. to be his Majesty's Consul at Konigsberg, Memel, and Pillan, and all other ports and places in the province of East Prussia.

The King has also been pleased to appoint Samuel Gregory Marshall, Esq. to be his Majesty's Consul at Calais, and all other ports and places in the departments of the North, the Straits of Calais, and the Somme.

The King has also been pleased to appoint Langford Heyland, Esq. to be his Majesty's Consul at Ostend.

The King has been pleased to approve of Don Antonio Salinas to be Consul at Maita for the King of the Spains. Eur. Mag. Vol. 81. Jan. 1822.


The King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, for granting the dignities of a Marquess and Duke of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Richard Marquess of Buckingham, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, and the heirs males body lawfully begotten, by the names, stiles, and titles of Marquess of Chandos and Duke of Buckingham and Chandos.


The King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of that part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called Ireland, granting to George Thomas John Earl of Westmeath, and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, the dignity of a Marquess of that part of the said United Kingdom called Ireland, by the name, stile, and title of Marquess of Westmeath.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of that part of the said United Kingdom called Ireland, granting to Francis Viscount Killmorey, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, the dignities of a Viscount and Earl of that part of the said United Kingdom called Ireland, by the names, stiles, and titles of Viscount of Newry and Morne, in the county of Down, and Earl of Killmorey, in the Queen's County.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of that part of the said United Kingdom called Ireland, granting to Henry Stanley Viscount Monck, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, the dignity of an Earl of that part of the said United Kingdom called Ireland, by the name, stile, and title of Earl of Rathdown.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of that part of the said United Kingdom called Ireland, granting to William Viscount Ennismore, and the heirs male of his body, lawfully begotten, the dignity of an Earl of that part of the said United Kingdom called Ireland, by the name, stile, and title of Earl Listowel, of Listowel, in the county of Kerry.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of that part of the said United Kingdom, called Ireland, granting to Richard Viscount Mount Earl, and the heirs male of his body, lawfully begotten, the dignities of a Viscount and Earl of that part of the said United Kingdom


called Ireland, by the names, stiles, and titles of Viscount Adare and Earl of Dunraven and Mount Earl.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of that part of the said United

Kingdom called Ireland, granting to Wm. Lord Castlemaine, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, the dignity ofa Viscount of that part of the said United Kingdom called Ireland, by the name, stile, and title of Viscount Castlemaine.


THE Secretary to the SOCIETY of GUARDIANS for the PROTECTION of TRADE, by a Circular has informed the Members thereof, that a Person calling himself by the different names of

WILLIAM SALMON, JOHN SMITH, and THOMAS NEWTON, has been recently negotiating, in the neighbourhood of Wandsworth and Mitcham, checques so signed upon Messrs. Henry Hoare and Co. and upon Messrs. Smith, Payne, and Smith, bankers, London; neither of which houses have any account with the drawer. He has also passed some forged Bank of England notes.

The Secretary is also desired to state, that

ANDREW THOMSON, (so frequently mentioned) now carries on the business of a Commission Agent, in Philpot-lane; and


RICHARD HOLT, of No. 2, Broken Wharf, Upper Thames-street, has lately taken a Wharf, No. 19, Paddington: and the Members are particularly requested not to confound the above person with Mr. Holt, of the respectable firm of Holts and Kenworthy, who have for many years been Wharfingers at the Wharf, No. 1, Paddington.

Also, that the following persons; viz. WILLIAM LODING and Co. H. LEVING and Co. Liverpool, and THOMAS BERRY, No. 2, Park Street, Grosvenor Square, are connected with

JAMES EVANS, No. 4, Staining Lane; J. SALMON and Co. of the same place; J. GRAY; and with RICHARD COSTER, of No. 3, Bridgewater Square, Barbican, and of the above No. 4, Staining Lane; all frequently mentioned: and that their Names appear upon a Bill made payable at a Banker's, who knows nothing of the Acceptor.

And that a person, calling himself JOHN NIXON, Esq. and representing himself to be an half-pay Officer, and living in the county of Wicklow in Ireland, lately obtained a sum of money from a Member of the Society, by pretending that he had received a letter of introduction from a friend in Dublin, but that he had lost it when the ship was wrecked in his passage from Ireland; for which money he gave a bill on a Dublin Banker, who, as well as the friend in that city, is found to know no such person. He is now lodging at the Ship, Charing Cross.

CONSECRATION OF THE ROYAL CHAPEL, BRIGHTON. This Chapel, founded by his Majesty, was consecrated on Tuesday, January 1st, by the Bishop of Chichester. It's exterior is simple and elegant, and the Chapel is fitted up in a style of suitable magnificence. The pulpit and reading-desk were richly covered with crimson velvet, and the communiontable decorated with similar costliness. The gallery is chastely and beautifully painted, and was occupied by the gentlemen and choristers of his Majesty's Chapel Royal, St. James's.

At the opposite extremity, and separate from the aisle, is the space assigned to the Sovereign and his suite, into which his Majesty entered at about half-past eleven o'clock. The curtains placed before that portion of the Chapel were then thrown aside, and in the centre discovered the King, dressed in a rich blue uniform. His Majesty, we are gratified to say, appeared in excellent health, and was most unremitting in his attention to the service which followed.

The Bishop, his Chaplains, the Preacher, the officiating Minister, and other Clergy, then passed through the middle aisle to the communion-table, repeating, alternately, the six first verses of the 24th psalm, the remaining verses by the choir.

After which the Bishop and his Chaplains went within the rails; the officiating Minister to the desk, and the preacher near to the pulpit. The Bishop, sitting in his chair, received the King's mandate for the consecration of the Chapel, which he placed on the communion-table, and the usual prayers at the Consecration of a Chapel then followed, after which, the act of Consecration was read by the Chancellor, and signed by the Bishop, and ordered to be registered, and laid on the table.


The Minister then read the service, except where it was otherwise directed. The 84th, 122d, and 132d Psalms being chaunted by the Choir.

The Lessons and Collects followed, and the officiating Minister then passed on to the General Thanksgiving. The prayer for the King, as the founder, being said, the officiating Minister concluded with the prayer of St. Chrysostom, and the Blessing. The Communion Service having been read, the Epistle and Gospel fol

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