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diagrams, and the microscope. Three excellent instruments are used in the examination of minute structure.

The indigenous plants as well as those of the grounds, afford ample material for the study of Systematic Botany. In this part of the course the student dissects and examines a suffi cient number of plants to make him acquainted with the more important natural families. The botanical relations of cultivated plants and troublesome weeds receive special attention.

The course in Systematic Botany is followed by a course of lectures on Fossil Botany, and its relations to Geology. A short time is also devoted to a consideration of Geographical and Medical Botany.

Horticulture.—In the course in Botany the relations of that Science to the operations of Horticulture are pointed out, and the student is well prepared to understand the principles concerned in Horticultural operations. The class in Botany and Horticulture is employed in the garden and College grounds, and opportunities occur daily for the application of the instruction received in the class-room. It is intended that every student in this class shall have practice in all the methods of propagating plants from the seeds, or by budding, grafting, layering, &c., as well as in all the other operations of Horticulture.

Every student has placed in his exclusive care the planting, transplanting, and subsequent management of various plants. Besides this practical experience, the students receive theoret ical instruction by means of monthly lectures on Horticulture. The course for the present year embraces the following subjects: I. History of Horticulture. Propagation by artificial heat. II. Influence of culture. Origin of varieties.

III. The small fruits; their culture and economic value. The Strawberry.

IV. The small fruits continued. Raspberry, currant, &c. V. The small fruits, continued. The grape: ancient and modern culture.

VI. Home surroundings. The garden and the yard.

VII. Fall work and winter planning.

A fuller course will be given hereafter.

Zoology and Animal Physiology.-The instruction in this department consists of daily recitations and lectures, extending through a year and a half of the College course.

The course is fully illustrated by a collection of native and foreign animals, anatomical preparations, diagrams, and models representing the peculiarities and comparative structure of each branch of the animal kingdom.

Dissections of animals are made, to render the student familiar with the appearance, situation, and relations of the organs of the animal system in a state of health, and the changes produced by the action of diseases.

Opportunities will be given for the study of the minute structure of the various tissues by means of the microscope.

First Year.-Instruction is given in the principles of breeding, rearing, and management of domestic animals, the characteristics and peculiarities of different breeds, and their value for particular purposes, during the first year of the College


The course in Entomology is illustrated by a valuable collection of native and exotic insects.

Particular attention is given to the study of species injurious to vegetation; and the best methods of checking their ravages are thoroughly discussed. Students, by collecting and preserving specimens of our native species, become familiar with their several stages of development.

Third Year.-Anatomy and Physiology of the organs of locomotion, digestion, circulation, respiration, and reproduction. Principles of the classification of animals, as founded on their structure and embryonic development.

Descriptive Zoology, comprising the systematic arrangement of animals in accordance with their natural affinities, in classes, orders, families, &c.: habits and geographical distribution of animals.

Mathematics and Civil Engineering.-The Preparatory Class spend some time in a review of Arithmetic. The following branches of Mathematics and their application follow: Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Conic Sections, Surveying. Leveling, Topographical Surveying, Plotting, Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Arches, Framing, Bridge and Road Building, ludustrial Drawing.

Students have the use of Chain, Compass, Level and other instruments for practice; and receive instruction in the field as well as in the lecture room, each student being required to take charge of field surveys, and to become practically acquainted with the use of the Level.

Geology and Mineralogy -A course of daily recitations in Geology and Mineralogy, during the second half of the freshman year, is fully illustrated by maps, diagrams, specimens, &c., and accompanied by familiar lectures on the relations of the science to Agriculture.

English Literature.-Instruction in this department is given by means of Text Books and Lectures.


History of English Literature.

Rhetoric-Arguments, Conviction, Persuasion, Fallacies in


Select portions of English Classics receive critical examinations in a course of Reading prescribed for each class. This course may vary somewhat from year to year. With a late class it was as follows:

Freshman Class-Selections in prose and verse.

Sophomore Class-Portions of Chaucer committed to memory; Milton's Lycidas in a course of six lectures; two books of Paradise Lost.

Junior Class-Shakspeare's Julius Cesar; Shakspeare's Merchant of Venice.

Senior Class-Webster's reply to Hayne.

Declamations every six weeks.

Compositions every two weeks, by each student. Time is

especially set apart for the preparation of compositions; and the classes have regular and systematic instruction in the art of the selection, arrangement and expression of the matter related to the assigned or chosen topics.

Military-Although no Military Professorships have, as yet, been filled, instruction has already been given in various branches of the military profession, Field Operations, Field Fortifications, Military Hygiene, and Drill, have received attention the present year. Students will drill twice a week. The course will be materially extended another season.

Preparatory.-A preparatory course is found to be a necessity. While it is especially designed as a review of the ordinary branches of a common school education, to the end that the student may enter the College course prepared to appreciate his studies, it has another object of much importance. It aims to prepare the student for teaching during the winter months. By means of this employment many of the students defray a large portion of their expenses; and both their own needs and the interests of the common schools of the State demand that attention be paid to the subject of direct preparation for it.


Each student, not exempt for physical disability, is required to labor three hours a day on the farm or in the gardens. The number of hours may be increased to four, or diminished to two and a half.

Some compensation (see means of defraying expenses) is allowed; but the labor is regarded as an essential part of the educational system of the College, and is performed with special reference to illustrating and applying the instruction of the lecture room. Students are not employed in those kinds of work only in which they may be most proficient, but as the work is classified, each is made acquainted with all the operations of farming, successively.

The Sophomore Class work the entire year in the various gardens with the Professor of Horticulture.

The Juniors spend the year under the direction of the Superintendent of the Farm. The other classes alternate between the farm and the gardens.


The Farm.-The College Farm contains 676 acres, about 275 of which are now under cultivation. It has been newly laid out into regular fields.

The Farm is not only an important, but an indispensableelement in the educational facilities of an Agricultural College.

By the system of manual labor here adopted, the student becomes practically familiar with the use of the various agricultural implements, the different modes of cultivation, and the general principles of farm economy.

Students are required to assist in the prosecution of experiments for testing modes of culture, properties of fertilizers, value of products, &c., they being made acquainted with the methods of procedure, and with the results. In this way they learn how to conduct experiments for furthering the science of agriculture.

Stock-The College possesses Devon and Short Horn cattle of the choicest pedigrees; also Essex and Suffolk swine, and has thus begun furnishing to students an opportunity for the study and comparison of different breeds of domestic animals, and to benefit the farming community by the introduction of superior stock. It is intended to extend this department as rapidly as possible until it includes cattle, sheep, swine, and other domestic animals of all the improved breeds.

The Kitchen Garden.-Several acres are devoted to the raising of vegetables for the table of the Boarding Hall. Not only the necessary articles are cultivated, but the rare culinary plants are represented.

All the processes of this branch of horticulture are amply illustrated here, and it is intended that this shall be one of the prominent features of the Institution.

Botanical Garden.-The College grounds, though but recently

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